MTL - Heads Up Hollywood-Chapter 963 goddess of fear

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The current "X-Men" franchise, produced by Twentieth Century Fox, has released two films and has done well at the box office. Currently, preliminary preparations for "X-Men 3" are underway.

The person in charge of the "X-Men" project is the Hollywood gold medal producer Donald and his wife. Among them, husband Richard Donner is a freelance producer. His wife, Lauren Shuler Donner, works at Twentieth Century Fox, is a direct descendant of president Jim Garnopoulos, and is the head of the "X-Men" series.

In a previous life, Kevin Feige was also an assistant producer of the "X-Men" series and was an assistant to Lauren Downer. Kevin Feige is a diehard Marvel fan and has countless whimsical ideas. He advised Lauren Downer not to insist on shooting the "X-Men" hero assembly, but to separate each superhero and shoot them The origin and growth history of the film, and then filming Heroes Assemble, which will have more market.

However, such a proposal was rejected by Lauren Downer.

Later, Kevin Feige jumped to Marvel Studios and became the president of Marvel Studios. First, he succeeded in the origin of "Iron Man", and then successfully created the "Avengers" series that caused a sensation in the world. . Later came to the top and crushed the "X-Men" series.

Under this momentum, Lauren Downer had to resume the advice Kevin Feige gave her back then, and also started the individual hero shooting of "X-Men". But the good show didn’t last long. Before the individual hero movies of “X-Men” were officially promoted, 20th Century Fox was acquired by Disney at a sky-high price.

"X-Men" officially returns to Marvel!

Producer Lauren Downer also naturally became Kevin Feige's subordinate.

Dunn couldn't wait that long.

He talked to Twentieth Century Fox about the possibility of bringing the X-Men home. But the answer given by 20th Century Fox is "never possible"!

The X-Men is a super huge series with hundreds of superheroes, it's a big treasure. Once successfully developed, it will become a long-term meal ticket for Twentieth Century Fox.

It's impossible to get started.

However, Dunn never gave up his determination to bring "X-Men" home.

Twentieth Century Fox will not let go of the film adaptation rights of "X-Men", that's fine... Dunn will buy 20th Century Fox as a whole!

Mergers and acquisitions are very difficult.

But Dunn is confident, he has foresight, and has a lot of grace and power to get Murdoch's means. As long as the new global listing, the subprime mortgage crisis arrives, the impossible can be turned into a possibility.

However, time cannot be delayed for too long.

Now, with the success of Spider-Man, Ant-Man, Daredevil, and Ghost Rider, Twentieth Century Fox must have realized the market for superhero origin movies.

It is conceivable that when the filming of "X-Men 3" is over and the production of the trilogy is over, Lauren Downer will definitely start the production of individual superhero movies, such as "Wolverine".

This is not good news for Marvel Studios and the "Marvel" brand.

According to the judgment of Marvel Studios on the market, the number of Marvel-themed movies released every year is preferably between 2-3, and no more than 4. For example, this year there will be "Ghost Rider" and "Spider-Man 3", next year there will be "Iron Man" and "Ant-Man 2", and the next year will have "Thor", "Daredevil 2" and "Avengers" "Three.

Too many are boring, and it is likely to arouse the disgust of movie fans. It is the practice of drinking poison to quench thirst.

Marvel Studios can restrict production, but Twentieth Century Fox has no control. Once 20th Century Fox really broke out and started mass production of "X-Men" movies, it would be a big blow to New Universal and Marvel.

Therefore, Dunn has made up his mind to win 20th Century Fox before "Wolverine" comes into existence!

At this time, Dunn was participating in the discussion of the script creation of "Ghost Rider 2" in the conference room of Marvel Studios.

It was a very important memory, with all the heads of Marvel Studios present, as well as two of the main screenwriters in charge of the script, Deacon Whistler and Jonathan Nolan.

This is a dark Marvel theme, different from the popcorn of the "Avengers" series, which values ​​darkness, depth, aftertaste and a majestic epic sense.

Dunn has read the outline ideas of the script, and it is very good.

The big villain is Scaty, the messenger of fear. In the confrontation with Ghost Rider, she expressed a point of view: people eat sheep and sheep eat grass, which is the law of nature. In the same way, God eating people is also a rule of the universe. Humans can feed on cattle, sheep and pigs, but why can’t God feed on humans? They are all living beings in the universe. Is the existence of human beings higher than that of cattle and sheep?

If the existence of human beings is higher than that of cattle and sheep, does that also mean that the existence of gods is higher than that of human beings? This further reflects the rationality of God’s cannibalism. Since it is reasonable, why stop her from collecting human souls?

Ghost Rider's Johnny Blazer is human, and he can't be blamed for protecting the interests of the human community. However, Johnny Blazer, who has come with demons and has been blessed with energy, has jumped out of the category of human beings and has become a god. He needs to look at the truth from a higher perspective and guard the balance of the universe, not the small human being. Small ant-like colony.

Of course, according to normal movie logic, these theories can only shake Ghost Rider's heart for a short period of time, and after a series of events, he still cheers up, fights Scady the Dreadbringer, and drives her off the planet .

Now it's just a script outline, no story details.

However, from a purely conceptual point of view, the question to be expressed in "Ghost Rider 2" is profound enough and has infinite space for aftertaste. The dialectical philosophical relationship expresses even more profound and complex themes than Daredevil 2.

"This idea is very good." Dunn first expressed his approval for everyone's work. This kind of idea is very positive, much better than the two versions of "Ghost Rider" released by Sony Pictures in the previous life.

However, there are some problems.

"How will Ghost Rider defeat Skadi? She is an omnipotent **** of fear. She is coming to Asgard, and all the gods in Asgard must retreat and avoid its edge. From the perspective of ability Say, Ghost Rider is no match for her at all."

"The "Avengers" series, the main style is witty and humorous, the ultimate villain's ability... It doesn't really matter, as long as the protagonists are in the process of punishing evil and promoting good, they are interesting enough and bring enough to the audience. The joy is enough. But the dark Marvel series is different, which is more serious."

"During the fight between Ghost Rider and Skadi, the plot design must be rigorous and serious enough, and there must be a positive logic of strong and weak relationships, rather than gags or luck. Only by defeating the other party in an upright manner, will there be more integrity. It's an overwhelming feeling."

Dunn's rhetoric is not very clever, this is what Nina Jacobson reported to him. He came to participate in this meeting today, mainly to discuss with everyone and solve this problem.

Ghost Rider 2 is scheduled for the summer of 2007.

Now that it is the end of 2004, it is time to finalize the script content as soon as possible.

Director Zach Snyder has no right to speak. To solve this problem, he needs to know enough about Marvel Comics and be familiar with the overall structure of Marvel Studios' future comics.

Kevin Feige raised his hand, gestured to Dunn, and then said slowly: "I thought about it all night yesterday. On the basis of not adding any element of coincidence, let the Ghost Rider defeat the fear messenger Skadi. It's unreasonable. If you want to defeat it with dignity, you must increase the power of the Ghost Rider."

Dunn nodded, "continue."

Kevin Feige said: "The ability of the Ghost Rider is also growing. The early Ghost Rider only has several skills such as Hellfire, Eye of Judgment, Chain Technique, and Ghost Motorcycle. In the later comics, the skills More and more, the abilities of immortality and dimensional teleportation appear again. Might as well show the ability of immortality in the second movie."

Nina Jacobson pondered: "This design should not be too complicated, otherwise it will make some non-comic fans incomprehensible. However, even then, Ghost Rider will not be Skadi's opponent. Skadi It is the goddess of fear, she can shatter the psychological defenses and physiological mechanisms of all opponents, making the enemy feel fearful, thereby reducing the ability to enter a state of numbness. According to normal logic, Ghost Rider does not even have the ability to hurt Skadi, and more Don't say drive her away."

Zach Snyder tentatively said: "How about a weaker villain? Such as Lengbat, Cannibal Spider Banshee or Snake..."

Nina Jacobson shook her head and said, "No, we're going to shoot a PG-13 popular Those villains are too scary and difficult to handle in terms of grading. And logically speaking, The theme of the film is also more in line with Scotty’s point of view.”

Zach Snyder was a little embarrassed.

He can also make movies, especially his control of the visual effects of the scenes, which is second to none in Hollywood. However, the screenwriting ability is very immature, which is probably a common problem for directors from the MV industry.

Tang En waved his hand and said with a smile, "Kevin, you've been thinking about it all night, and that's all you have in mind?"

Kevin Feige said sternly: "In short, if you want to defeat Skadi, you must enhance the ability of the Ghost Rider. Personal ability is not enough, then... add a helper to him!"


Everyone was surprised and thoughtful.

This is an independent movie of superheroes. As the protagonist of the movie, according to normal Hollywood thinking, the protagonist will definitely break through the difficulties and defeat the opponent with his personal ability.

Another helper... It would seem a bit of a failure, or in other words, not cool enough.

The plot design of "Daredevil 2" is that "Daredevil" alone, through his own ability and will, defeats his opponent from beginning to end.

Zach Snyder's eyes were shining and he said excitedly: "I agree! One more helper will certainly not feel very happy. However, if this helper is attractive enough, it will make people's eyes shine and full of expectations. , it might be impossible to turn passive into active. This will be an Easter egg in disguise!"

"Easter eggs?"

Dunn blinked, thinking of something.

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