MTL - Heads Up Hollywood-Chapter 972 black widow

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Sony's CEO, Nobuyuki Idei, is a marketing specialist, not a technologist. Under his leadership of Sony, power has been transferred to the marketing department, and the engineering department has less and less say in R&D funding, product development and other issues.

Many people think that Sony has lost the ability to innovate in technology.

You know, from its birth to the 1980s, Sony created more than a dozen innovative and world-changing technologies. But after that, Sony seems to have fallen into stagnation, and the only thing that has changed the industrial structure is the cd.

Of course, Sony will not give up. When TV sets, TV picture tubes, computers, hard drives, mobile phones and other businesses have not made enough breakthroughs, the latest core strategy is to fight for the standard format of high-definition video discs!

At that time, Sony lost the videotape format competition, and also lost the DVD format standard competition.

This time, Sony has invested heavily in the development of the Blu-ray HD format.

Under this general trend, Sony and New Universal completed the signing.

Beginning in March 2006, all films in the new Universal library will be exclusively available in Blu-ray format, ditching past partner hd-dvd.

This is a secret agreement, not made public.

However, when the agreement is signed, it has already taken effect.

Dolby Laboratories, a subsidiary of New Universal, received research and development materials for Blu-ray discs from Sony.

Dolby Laboratories will officially begin to independently develop high-definition video disc players.

Sony is betting on Blu-ray HD video discs, and the new Universal is betting on HD video disc players, and the cooperation is also pleasant.

After completing the signing ceremony, Dunn set off for New York.

After Scarlett finished filming "Match Point", she took another vacation and went to accompany her.

On the plane, Scarlett complained to Dunn: "Director Allen's face is not good at all! I think he may be angry with me."

Tang En pretended not to know, "Ah? Why?"

Scarlett said unhappily: "It's not because of you? "Match Point" is an art film, a low-budget art film. All the actors in the crew are in the battle and perform in person. Only I brought a double and also More than one! All five!"

Tang En plausibly said: "Don't blame me, when you want to take on the show, we'll agree that you can't do bed scenes or **** scenes. If you have to, use a stand-in. Otherwise, I won't agree with you. For Woody Allen movies, the directors of Ou Faner are all old hooligans!"

Scarlett hummed: "That's not true. Director Allen is very kind in the crew. He is very kind to everyone, and everyone respects him very much."

"Baby, you are still too young to understand the industry of directing!" Tang En said disapprovingly.

"What do you mean?" Scarlett opened her eyes.

Tang En shook his head and said, "In the film crew, I work with a mask on, and I know who I am, but I don't know what to do. But the movie is in post-production... Hey, that's interesting. For example, a large-scale **** scene, why are the men and women in the movie? The protagonist, the exposed body part, is far inferior to an adult film, but it is more provocative than an adult film? Sexier?"

Scarlett laughed and said: "How do you compare adult films, you are blaspheming art. That kind of film is shoddy, and it is almost shot once. Our films, ordinary shots, ng seven or eight times is normal. , if it's a bed may take two consecutive days to get the desired effect."

Tang En snapped his fingers, "That's right, that's the truth! If you want to show that beautiful scene in a bed scene in a Hollywood movie, you have to shoot dozens of scenes, and then you can edit the most beautiful scenes. You know in In post-production and editing, is this a job?"

Scarlett blinked her beautiful big eyes, as if she wanted to understand something.

If you want to select and edit all those shots, you have to watch every single bed scene sample over and over again!

This is a **** scene, it's a large-scale **** scene, it's going to show flesh!

Moreover, due to grading restrictions, the final piece should not be exposed too much.

But the samples are different, the picture scale here is bigger!

Moreover, the simultaneous shooting of multiple cameras and different angles will expose every part of the actor's body to the camera without any cover.

Scarlett's face turned pale, "But... even when filming a bed scene, the chest will be exposed, but the bottom can be covered. Either stick it with tape, or put on flesh-colored bottoms, or c-pants..."

Tang En raised the corner of his mouth, "Baby, do you believe what you say?"

Scarlett was stunned, a little speechless.

What he said was just a common practice when filming bed scenes in Hollywood. However, how can the artistry of Hollywood be compared with that of Europe?

Those master directors in Europe care most about the quality of the film, especially under the French long-shot theory, they emphasize the use of objective and documentary methods to calmly show a real image performance.

In other words, European **** scenes are more popular with red fruit!

Is it art?

of course.

From the ancient Greek era, to the Renaissance, to modern times, European art styles have never lacked the masculine beauty of men, as well as the close-up of women's soft and full bodies, such as sculpture, painting, and movies.

Even the birthplace of Naked Bar is Europe.

It's just that the directors shoot the body recklessly and appreciate it as a matter of course. For women, there must be psychological pressure.

Scarlett in the previous life might not care, but in this life she followed Dunn.

Under the influence of ears and eyes, he must be influenced by Tang En's ideas.

Then, Dunn came with the final blow and whispered in Scarlett's ear: "Some directors, including producers, have a hobby of collecting images. Especially the **** videos of female stars, not the public release version of the movie. The kind, is the special edition edited by yourself in the editing room, you should understand what is in it.”

This is an open secret.

For example, Harvey Weinstein, he is a producer, and the director often seldom interferes with the director's shooting concept during the shooting process. The only exception is the **** scene. He especially likes to watch female stars make bed scenes. After each filming, he has to "review" it in person, watch it over and over again, and then discuss it in front of the female stars, and then continue filming.

When it's done, he'll collect a special edition.

Of course Dunn doesn't need it anymore.

He is the boss of New Universal, and all the filming materials in the entire New Universal studio are his. If he wants, he can edit the internal versions of the **** scenes of female stars in Hollywood in the past few decades and collect them. When I have nothing to do, I take the girls at home to appreciate the unparalleled looks of Hollywood female stars in their youth in the past few decades.

"I will never make a literary film again!"

Scarlett put her hands in her blond hair and screamed frantically.

Tang En stretched his arms, put her in his arms, and said with a smile: "It's not so, just listen to me, just don't take large-scale shots."

Scarlett was a little gloomy.

It was not at all what she thought.

She was thinking about film art, but Dunn told her the filth behind the art.

"Okay, in my opinion, your acting skills are already very good, you don't need to use art films to hone them. Next year, Marvel's "Captain America" ​​is about to be prepared, and there is a character in it, which is yours ,only belongs to you!"

"Captain America? You mean the superhero 'Black Widow'?"

Dunn smiled, "Yes."

Scarlett hesitated, "I'm only 20 years old, is it really appropriate?"

Tang En said: "It's appropriate, although you are young, your charming and charming temperament is no worse than those of those in their thirties."

"Pfft! I hate you!"

Scarlett snuggled into Dunn's arms, patted him with a smile, and said softly: "What I'm worried about is... If I stepped into the commercial film market so early, will it affect my future awards? If "Captain America" "Failure, but Marvel's movie, it is impossible to fail. I can guarantee that if I starred in "Captain America", the whole world will know that I am 'Black Widow', but few people know that I am Scarlett Johnson."

The Oscars and the commercial market are complementary existences.

If Scarlett is invincible in the commercial market and becomes the most popular female star, then her road to the Oscars will be greatly hindered.

Especially when you are young, it is impossible to win awards.

Oscar will not let a young actor become famous at a very young age and achieve all his goals in life.

This is not creation, this is destruction.

For example, Mel Gibson, who has never even won a nomination; for example, Leonardo DiCaprio, who kept running all the way; for example, Nicole Kidman, who was only received after becoming a box office poison. Oscar's favor...

Dunn in this life has never criticized Oscar.

Because only when you go deep into this circle and enter this system can you truly feel the value of Oscar's existence to Hollywood, which is far from being as simple as a movie award.

The Oscars were originally an auxiliary product created by Hollywood.

Both parties have equal interests.

After Natalie won the Oscar, Scarlett also wanted to win an actress.

However, this is not a problem for Dunn!

Of course, Scarlett played the "Black Widow", which will make her way to the Olympics extremely difficult.

But Dunn has a system!

He has the big trick of "stealing the sky for prizes"!

As long as it is nominated for an Oscar, UU reading www.uukanshu. com, he can "steal" the final prize through the sunglasses system!

"Don't worry, I'm here for everything!" Tang En looked at the white clouds outside the window and swore.

Scarlett looked up at him, "I'll be the Oscar winner too?"

"Of course! No doubt!"

Dunn knew that when Scarlett was at the peak of her career, she won the Oscar-winning statuette again, which would break the rules of the Oscars a bit.

But there is no way, in order to please the woman, he has to do it.

Scarlett is his No. 2 girlfriend, it's enough to be wronged. I want to chat with more like-minded people about "Hollywood", WeChat pays attention to "Youdu Literature", chats about life, and finds confidants~

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