MTL - Heart of Empire-Chapter 577 The Dilemma of the Holy Empire (2)

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In this case, even if the Holy See was unhappy with Hindler, he still had to hold his nose to ask.

Schindler was unwilling to send troops, even after several consecutive times, the lower and lower the posture of the Holy See of the Holy See failed to move Verina or Her Majesty Dyne.

Without real benefits, why should Hendler be sent?

The Holy Empire has always been domineering. It has always been that they make demands and conditions on others. On the contrary, when they are taken, they are rare.

This can be seen from the practical benefits they proposed to be divided into Hindler.

In the beginning, they hoped to persuade Hindrell to send troops in the name of righteousness and be rejected decisively;

Then, they proposed to recognize the status of the Kingdom of Schindler, the status of the Bull Hou Kingdom, recognize the Principality of Florence and the Bull Hou Country as a subsidiary of Schindler, and they could also admit Schindler to enter Sacred Alliance as a condition, in exchange for Her Majesty Dyne's willingness to send troops.

Isn't this a curse? When did Schindler need the Holy Empire to recognize it, and when did he expect to join the Holy Alliance?

Moreover, how impolite is it to use what is already a Hindler as a condition in exchange for help?

The arrogance of Promi's newcomer has reached an unreasonable point.

This time, Verina was too lazy to formulate a gentle tone, and in the presence of the messenger, he gave the Emperor of the Holy Empire, the great Pope, a shot.

"Ignorant and arrogant Pope, even the current situation is unclear, Bai has a pair of eyes. The arrogant attitude, the so-called wisdom, is worse than the stupidest pig."

The messenger was gone with anger.

But after a few days, he returned.

It is said that this time, Promi's newcomer barely gave some conditions with some sincerity.

He was beaten repeatedly, but he still had to lick his face to ask for help. This represented the recent situation of the Holy Empire, which had deteriorated to a certain extent.

This is indeed true. According to the latest information from the Black Hand College, military friction has begun between the western and northern borders of the Holy Empire and the other two countries, namely the Everest Federation and the Northern Alliance.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of robbery, Evert, the enemy of the Holy Empire, will not let go. At the same time, a few years ago, the Holy Empire invaded the Northern Alliance once in the name of jihad, and began revenge.

This made the pressure on the Holy Empire huge. If they could, they were completely reluctant to continue consuming with the undead in the east.

In other words, they are the countries most desperate to end this war.

However, according to Dane, the Holy Empire could still hang them for a while.


This airing hurried the Holy Empire.

In the beginning, after realizing the insatiable greed of the Hindrells, they did think about it, giving up seeking help, and trying to solve the problem by themselves.

So, in all three directions of the Holy Empire, they all took a very active posture in an instant.

In the north, the frontier troops that took the initiative to repel the sentry forces of the forest elves, and were not attacked by the counterattack, but left the border line, marching towards the forests and mountains in the north a certain distance, giving the other side deterrence.

At the same time, the army of the lawbreakers stationed in the west also voluntarily launched counterattacks against the Confederate Army of Everett, suppressing their momentum.

The holy empire began to show his muscles in such a way that he opened his teeth and warned his enemies not to think that I am really so bullying now!

However, the more it seemed, the more it seemed to expose the weakness within the Holy Empire.

However, in any case, the situation has finally stopped. As a result, the army of the Lord Lord Albertin of Changlu County, at the border of Pudri and the Holy Empire, attacked the undead before him.

This is the will of Her Majesty the Pope.

The holy empire's army is still strong enough. Especially when the Lord Lord of Albert, the head of the Knights Templar, Richard the Paladin, and the chief justice of the Holy See, Saint John the Inquisitor, three legends spared no effort to participate in the frontal battlefield The undead army could not withstand such a fierce attack.

Of course, among the undead army, there is also the existence of the legendary death dragon, Cleostraz, who is the second seat of the cursed church, and the death knight Thurfield is subject to him. The legendary bone dragon may be only slightly weaker than the demigod Kegel.

At least, none of the three legends of the Holy Empire was his opponent.

But what about it? Just like Kegel couldn't beat the four legends together, Cleostraz, who is weaker, cannot challenge the three legends at the same time.

In this case, of course, Cleostraz would not be crazy, and jumped out to die by himself.

He hid in the army of the undead, and did not take the lead anyway, and let the army of the Holy Church attack aggressively.

However, the number of undead is here. The three legendary powers of the empire are, of course, very heavy weights on the battlefield, but it is impossible to replace the role of the army.

Even with the high morale and will to fight of the church army, as well as the outstanding ability of individual soldiers, the Holy See ’s army has eliminated a large number of undead, but its own losses are by no means a minority.

After a month of war, Lord Lord's Legion advanced under the city of the Silver and White.

From Changlu County to the Silver and White Capital, the army of the Holy Empire almost used the lives of soldiers to bleed out a **** path. The undead army was on this way, attacking the human army frantically, with almost no rest time.

During this month's war, the army of the Holy Empire destroyed 150,000 undead and paid the price of 30,000 casualties.

At this moment, under the silver and white capitals, the legendary powers of the three holy empires, namely, Josephine, Saint John, and Richard, were at war with each other at

The reason for the dispute is simple. There are at least 200,000 dead in the silver and white capital.

How can I fight this?

From Changlu County all the way, they have already lost nearly half their manpower and killed 150,000 undead, which is still in the plains.

The silver and white city defense facilities are not bad, and there are so many undead in the city. Can the Holy Empire win?

What's more, even if it is won, how much will it cost to recapture the silver and white capital? I'm afraid the entire army will be exhausted!

But even that doesn't mean they won the war.

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