MTL - Heartwarming Kiss-Chapter 278 envious

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   Yu Wenci: [Don't worry, I'll wait for you at the airport, drive carefully]

  Su Yunxiu smiled sweetly and replied: [OK]

   Not long after she turned off her phone, she fell asleep with her eyes closed, and she felt bored again.

   Picked up the phone and saw Song Jiayin's news.

  Song Jiaying: [I will say yes! You fans of Weibo Chaohua have already started to bet! Duck! 】

  【Are you coming to the airport soon? Be careful of being surrounded by fans]

  Su Yunxiu: [Not yet, we have to meet for a while]

  Song Jiaying: [Baby, you underestimated the CP fans you and Mr. Yu are in the circle, I look forward to your face-slap moment]

  Su Yunxiu: [Don't worry, you won't slap your face]

   The car drove slowly to the destination. The first thing Su Yunxiu did when she got off the car was to stretch her arms and legs. After sitting for a long time, she felt uncomfortable.

   "Wan Wan, do you want to come in with me?"

   Lin Qingwan shook her head: "I won't go in. You two are so loving, it's not very good for me to go in and make a light bulb."

   "Well, then I'll go first".


  Lin Qingwan smiled, her impatient look made her want to laugh inexplicably.

   As her tone fell, she ran out impatiently with her phone in hand.

  Lin Qingwan inexplicably thought of a sentence, she must run when she sees the person she likes, because her heart is already elated and bright, and it's too late to walk.

  Yu Wenci stood beside the suitcase. It wasn't that there were no people who wanted to come up to chat with him. He just gave up the idea when he noticed the position of the ring on his finger.

   They all thought regretfully that now the good-looking little brother actually already has a girlfriend.

  The man didn't know that Weibo Chaohua was as lively as the Chinese New Year at the moment. Fans who couldn't go to the scene asked the artist's sister to take a photo with the same frame, even if it was a fan, they felt satisfied.

   As long as you are in the same frame, you can slap those yin and yang black fans.

  It’s a pity that the main owner has never given out candy, and even if fans want to refute, they don’t have enough candy to support.

   The station sister, who was just about to evacuate, received a private message inexplicably. At first, she didn't know what was going on. After a bit of understanding, she realized that they had just photographed the big guys in the dubbing industry.

  Sister Zhan is a loyal fan of the new Xiaosheng, so she doesn't take photos of other people easily, but when she saw Yu Wenci's photo, she changed direction almost without hesitation.

Put aside the    principle and so on first, no one can stop her from taking pictures of handsome guys.

  Su Yunxiu saw Yu Wenci from a long distance, the pace of the trot continued to increase, and the car stopped in time when he was near him.

   "Brother Wen Ci".

   The little girl's crisp voice successfully attracted Yu Wenci's attention.

   looked up, the moment he saw her, there was a smile in his eyes, he let go of the hand holding the suitcase, and opened his arms: "Can't you come and hug?"

  Su Yunxiu didn't have any concerns. Anyway, he was his righteous boyfriend, so it wouldn't be too much to hug him.

   Thinking so, she also opened her hands and hugged her.

  The surroundings are wrapped in woody agarwood, and an indescribable peace of mind surrounds me.

"do you miss me?"

   Yu Wenci's hand fell on her back and patted her gently.

   "Of course I do! I ran all the way just now and almost hit someone."

   Yu Wenci: "You don't have to run so fast, I can't walk here, how can I be willing to leave without waiting for my little girl."

   I went to France, and it was so numb to speak.

   "What did you do in France this time? I don't think you brought He Xu and the others, it's definitely not a dubbing task". Su Yunxiu asked.

  "It's my company's business, so I need to deal with it." He babbled calmly: "I visited a master by the way."

  Su Yunxiu became even more curious.

   What does a person who can be called a master look like.

   Aware of the inquiry in the little girl's eyes, Yu Wenci didn't say much, and took her hand: "Let's go, go home."

"it is good".

   At the moment when the two turned around, a divine picture was quietly born under the camera of the station sister.

  In the airport where people come and go, the man turned his head to look at the little girl beside him, and the girl beside him also looked at him with gentle eyes, walking with their fingers clasped together.

   Sister Zhan kept her distance and followed, and saw the picture that made her want to shout "envy" loudly.

  The girl seemed tired from walking. The man put his hands through her armpits and lifted it up easily. It was okay to lift it up. He also turned around and put the man on the suitcase and pushed him away.

   After the identification, this little brother's arm strength is completely OK.

  Su Yunxiu sat sideways on the suitcase, holding the levers on both sides with both hands, her eyes wandering around.

   Finally, his eyes were fixed on a figure behind Yu Wenci.

   tilted his head and was a little curious, why did this person follow them with a camera?

  Recalling what Song Jiaying said in the message, she was a little unsure in her heart. Wouldn't she really meet Yu Wenci's fans by such a coincidence?

  Su Yunxiu looked at the woman secretly, the other party seemed to notice something, looked over and peeked at the bag being captured, she subconsciously felt guilty for a while, and quickly retracted her gaze.

   Before the station sister picked up the camera, this little cutie had already turned around. It was a pity in my heart, but I have already taken a few photos, so it is not a loss.

   It can be said that tonight was a great harvest.

   went back to his residence non-stop, fiddled with the photos, and posted them on Weibo.

Fans of   Yu Wenci didn't expect her to actually take a photo. After thanking her, they came to eat candy. Her Weibo comment area was unprecedentedly lively.

  【Ahhhh! I love this body shape, I'm pushing it with a hug and a suitcase, I have material for my dream tonight]

  【Thanks to my sister for the photo, it was well taken, it feels like a Korean drama]

  【To be honest, it’s a pity that this face doesn’t enter the entertainment circle, but the little brother is still shining in the dubbing circle. Sure enough, excellent people are excellent everywhere】

  【Isn't this just sugar? Can those black fans shut up, our teacher Yu and the little fairy Xiuxiu are just relatively low-key]

   [I heard that there is a relatively large performance behind the little fairy, does that mean that the two of them can still be seen in the same frame? 】

  【The fans broke the defense? next show? The ghost knows when the next performance will be, the world is impermanent, what if the next performance breaks up? 】

   Of course, this comment was immediately occupied by fans of Yu Wenci and Su Yunxiu.

  As a group of high-quality fans, they managed to swear without a single swear word, and directly called the black fan offline.

   Live a good life, but I have to come over and scold me.