MTL - Heartwarming Kiss-Chapter 344 Extra Story × Daily Life After Marriage

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  Chapter 344 Extra Story × Daily life after marriage

   "Why are you so preoccupied at such a young age? What happened to you recently?"

  Yu Wenci rested his hands casually on the steering wheel, and his voice was clear and cool, making it very warm.

   "Do you think there is something wrong with my body?"

  Yu Wenci's hand holding the steering wheel tightened, and his expression became a little worried: "What's the matter? You haven't been feeling well recently?"

   "No, I just feel a little strange, we have worked so hard, why the baby hasn't come yet, is there something wrong with me?"

  The more she talked, the more worried she became, Su Yunxiu crossed one leg forward, sat sideways and looked at him, frowning tightly.

   "Don't talk nonsense. We are in good health. We have seen the list during the physical examination. You have this problem. As long as you eat on time and work regularly, you will be fine."

   "As for children, we let nature take its course. It is said on the Internet that if you want a baby, you have to keep a happy mood, so you have to be happy too."

  Yu Wenci is more Buddhist to children.

   It doesn't matter if there is one or not, now there is a little girl doting on her, sometimes she is quite delicate and difficult to coax, as for the baby, he doesn't think much about it.

  So I never urged her, nor gave her any pressure.

  He didn't marry his wife to complete the task of carrying on the family line. If she hadn't taken the initiative to talk about this topic, Yu Wenci had no plans to have a baby in the past few years.

   "It seems to make sense, so let's let it go."

   Always come when the time comes.

  Yu Wenci wiped away the anxiety in her heart with a few words.

   Keep a good mood, and the baby will come to see her sooner.

  After putting aside her doubts, Su Yunxiu should eat and drink. During this time, Yu Wenci has taken care of her so well that when she was on the scale one morning, she was shocked when she saw the numbers on it.

  She actually gained five catties this month! A whole five catties!

  There is no change in my stomach, but I always feel that my face is a little fleshier, and my complexion has improved a lot. I have rarely been sick this year.

  So gaining weight is also expected.

  Because of this, Yu Wenci still felt that she was a little too thin. Even if the little girl gained five catties, she only weighed about eighty-six or seventy-six. In his opinion, she was still a little too thin.

  In the past few days, he will be on a business trip for more than a month to be busy with family and company affairs, so before the business trip, he deliberately explained a lot of things, telling her not to eat raw or cold things.

  Su Yunxiu put her arms around his neck and sat on his lap, of course she agreed.

   "Over a month".


   "I haven't seen you for more than a month. It's weird. Remember to call me to check the post. The phone keeps turning on for you. Be active and know?"

   "Understood, I must call you."

   I don't know why, but he is so keen on the matter of checking posts.

  It's not that men haven't socialized before, but she rarely calls, thinking that if an important topic is being discussed, wouldn't she interrupt them with a phone call? Based on this idea, she rarely calls.

   Unless it's been too long and he hasn't come home after ten o'clock, Su Yunxiu will call to remind him not to go home too late.

   It’s really hard to say that it’s positive.


  Yu Wenci looked at her cute appearance, and when his eyes met, he couldn't help but kiss her on the red lips.

   It seemed that he was not satisfied with a simple kiss, so he couldn't help but moved closer.

  Su Yunxiu's only remaining rationality told her that someone should be prevented from doing this, because she was still in the study at the moment, which was her office.

   Don't mess around!

  Yu Wenci endured so much hard work. In order to have a good rest, he hadn't touched her for the past two days. Now that he touches her, he can't help but want to get more.

   When he woke up the next day, there was no one next to him, and he didn't know what time he left.

  She hasn't looked at her phone yet, and the curtains are still drawn, so she thinks it's still early.

   Just blinked in disbelief when he saw the time on the screen.

   It's already twelve o'clock! It will be one o'clock in a while, and she has slept for so long.

  After silently accepting this fact, Su Yunxiu unlocked it, and saw the message Yu Wenci sent to him, which was a few hours ago.

  Yu Wenci: [I'm leaving, remember to take care of yourself, breakfast is warm in the restaurant, wake up hungry and eat first]

   This also confirmed from the side that she slept so deeply that she didn't feel anything at all.

  Su Yunxiu cut and cut and cut and cut. On the surface, he didn't want to talk to this unrestrained person, but in fact he couldn't be cruel in his heart.

  Final reply: [Understood, have you got off the plane yet? 】

  Yu Wenci: [Well, it’s not long since I just got off, and I’m going to the hotel]

  Su Yunxiu: [Okay, you also remember to take care of yourself, don’t attract others]

  Yu Wenci: [It is enough to have your little ancestor serve you, what else is there to recruit]

  Su Yunxiu hummed lightly, feeling pretty good.

  Crawled out of the bed, feeling a little hungry, so Su Yunxiu didn't have any left over the breakfast he prepared, and ate it all.

   This is the first time the two have been separated for such a long time after marriage. Su Yunxiu was not used to it for a while, but she was not used to it when sitting on the sofa and the house suddenly became quiet.

   Maybe I don’t think so when I’m busy, but today is a rest day.

  In the past year, her career has been booming, and she rarely rests even on weekends. She really doesn't know what to do when she is suddenly free.

  He took out his mobile phone and simply picked a movie with a relatively high emotional score, and started to watch movies.

  When Yu Wenci was here, she had a regular schedule, but now that she is on a business trip, her true nature is exposed.

  Only when I am hungry, I will order a takeaway to eat. If I am not hungry, I am too lazy to cook.

  In the first half of this month, she was free, but when she got busy in the second half of the month, she didn't even eat a good meal, and the little meat raised by Yu Wenci quickly lost three catties.

   Someone was curious and asked, "Why do I think you have lost weight recently? Your appetite is still a little bit bad. It seems that you didn't eat much at noon. Are you feeling unwell?"

  Compare Song Jiaying, who is in love at the moment, with a happy face, often staring at the phone and giggling, and looking at her state, something is not quite right.

"fine". She waved her hands uninterestedly, and gathered her clothes together: "Maybe the weather has been getting colder recently, so I don't have much appetite."

  The other party stared at her suspiciously.

For many people, this is the time when the appetite is strong and they always want to eat something warm. On the contrary, she has not been interested in anything these days. After all, they are working together, so I can't help but pay attention , I am concerned about one sentence today.

  But the person concerned said that there is no problem, so it is not easy for her to ask more questions.

  (end of this chapter)