MTL - Heavenly Curse-Chapter 19 Ghost Appears

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Niannuer screamed and fell back into the closet.

"Brother doesn't like slaves anymore?" Nian Slipper, who fell back to the closet, changed back to the original, still the beautiful, cute, innocent little girl.

The killing spree that Mu Yi had in mind could not help but stagnate along with the changes of the slaves.


While Mu Yi was hesitant in his heart, there was another change behind him. A strong wave came out, and at the same time a murmuring hum came. Mu Yi hurriedly turned back, just to see a layer of white light on Su Jinlun. Then a dark shadow quickly reversed.

It was a woman with a long shawl. She looked only about twenty years old. She was dressed in white and looked beautiful, but she was expressionless and dull.

Especially in her eyes, she could only see the darkness, which made people feel cold at the first sight.

Taking advantage of Mu Yi's efforts to turn back, Niannuer has quietly come to the woman's side, clutching the woman's hand, holding her small head full of attachment.

This picture directly ran into Mu Yi's heart, and he could no longer feel any anger towards Niannuer.

This is the most pitiful thing in the world. An infatuated woman ran away with her lover. Although she did n’t know what happened, she returned with her seriously ill daughter a few years later, and tried her best to save her daughter ’s life, but her fate did not care. She was gradually driven crazy by the pain of the bereavement, and finally chose to commit suicide.

And his soul was unable to reincarnate because of his unwillingness, and even if he had fallen, he had to guard his daughter.

Mu Yi still remembers what Su Zhongshan said to him. At the beginning, the slave died and his daughter buried him in the courtyard. Before that, Mu Yi did not find a grave in the courtyard. Now it seems that it should be in the bamboo forest.

Evergreen bamboo forests, but people are no longer.

Today, Mu Yi looks at a woman who has no sense of mind, and reads slaves who do not understand anything. There is a kind of unspeakable concubine in her heart. This pair of mothers and daughters remind Mu Yi of the old way. Although he and the old way are masters and apprentices, But in fact it is a father-son relationship.

When Lao Dao died, Mu Yi's heart was also full of sadness, so he could imagine what kind of mood a woman faced the tragic death of her daughter, and even that kind of sadness was heavier than Mu Yi, because it was also mixed with guilt.

Su Jinlun and Su Yingying were both stunned by the sudden change. At this moment, they finally saw the women follow the slaves and guessed their identities, but the fear in their hearts made them unable to treat the mother. The women got closer, but the fear was stronger.

"Go to reincarnation. If you go on like this, one day or another you will be completely lost in spirit." Mu Yi looked at the woman and said, even if the woman had no sense, she did not understand what he meant.

After hearing Mu Yi's words, the woman tilted her head and looked at Mu Yi. After a while, she looked at Nian Nuer in her hands, and then suddenly became angry and rushed towards Mu Yi.


Mu Yi's eyes narrowed slightly, and his right hand shook slightly, and the demon talisman turned into a white light and hit the woman.

This is Mu Yi's first use of the Demon Spell, but he doesn't see a hint of strangeness, as if he has had countless experiences.

While inspiring the Demon Spell, Mu Yi clearly felt that some of his mental power had been taken away.

Obviously, even Fuyu can not be used without restrictions. Once the mental power is exhausted, even if Fuyi is more than a bunch of Fuyu, it is a pile of waste paper.

White light was as fast as lightning, and the woman was not allowed to dodge and hit her in the chest.

Unlike the amulet that has only defensive power, this demon demon talisman was originally intended for killing. Even if Mu Yi's current practice is not able to draw a powerful rune, but the woman who still hits it and flew out, her There was even a touch of pain on his face.

Although Niannuer did not understand a lot of things, she also knew that the woman was the closest person in her life. When she saw her mother being attacked by Mu Yi, her body flickered again, and she turned into a blue-faced fangs again. Faster.

Mu Yi didn't want to hurt Nian Nuer, so he grabbed a talisman directly in his hand. When the Nian Nuer hit, the amulet was triggered automatically. After a while, Nian Nuer was knocked out, but she was not affected. What hurts.

After returning without power, Nian Nu'er did not continue to attack Mu Yi and instead rushed towards Su Jinlun. Obviously, she regarded Su Jinlun as Mu Yi's associate.


It is impossible for Mu Yi to watch Su Jinlun be injured by Niannuer, but the demon cut charm in his hand is limited, and due to the distance, he can only remind Su Jinlun aloud.

Hearing Mu Yi's voice, Su Jinlun just woke up from his maggot, almost subconsciously, he raised the big knife in his hand and chopped towards Niannuer.

This sword was left by a veteran of hundreds of battles, and the veteran actually went to the battlefield and experienced countless fights, and this sword did not know how many people's blood had been drunk, and it was full of anger.

Usually this kind of sharp-edged sword has strong restraint against ghosts. If you change to that old soldier, even if you just stand there with a knife, the ghosts will not dare to approach.

Although Su Jinlun couldn't compare with that veteran, but the sword itself still made Nian Nuer feel dangerous, so before the sword fell, she avoided it far away, and changed her target again and aimed at Su Yingying.

At this critical moment, Su Yingying's performance was not as good as Su Jinlun. When Nian Nuer rushed at her, she couldn't even subconsciously make an act of resistance, she could only watch Nian Nuer pounce on her. .

Fortunately, she also had a talisman given to her by Mu Yi, and the amulet was automatically excited after she read the slave.

That white light pushed Niannu out again.

This effort was enough for Mu Yi to react. He quickly came to the two of them and raised the copper lamp in his hand.

At the same time, Mu Yi also tried to instill the power of the mind into the copper lamp, and the little yellow flame suddenly slammed suddenly.

The woman who was quietly approaching from the other side was too late to be shot, and was illuminated by the lamp. Her body immediately ignited a black smoke, and withdrew quickly in dismay.

As for the slaves, perhaps because they have tasted the power of copper lamps before, they avoided it early.

"Are you all right?" Mu Yi stared at Niannuer and the woman, asking without looking back.

After hearing Mu Yi's words, Su Yingying woke up like a dream, and said with a trembling voice, "I, I'm fine."

"I'm fine, too." Su Jinlun glanced at her sister with concern, and then said.

In fact, at this time Mu Yi had some regrets and should not bring Su Yingying, but it is obviously too late to talk about these now, and it is urgent to resolve the current situation.