MTL - Heavenly Curse-Chapter 871 Fighting the Blood Beast Emperor

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Mu Yi passed through the entrance of Qiongxue Valley. In a few short breaths, he has already traveled thousands of miles to the deepest part of Qiuxue Valley. Last time, he tore the small world there and angered the blood beast emperor. .

Today, there is still no difference here, and it seems to be empty, but Yi Muyi's realm at the moment can clearly feel that the small world is right in front of her.

Without any hesitation, Mu Yi raised his hand, and the years passed through a mysterious arc, and then fell to a certain point in the void.

Suddenly, as the sky was falling apart, the void was shattered directly, and powerful waves oscillated, razing Fangyuan Baili to the ground, and all the blood beasts died.

Such a powerful attack almost completely destroyed the Blood Valley, but in fact, most of the power of Mu Yi's attack penetrated from the void into the small world where the Blood Beast Emperor was located.

This is the first time that Mu Yi has shot without fear since becoming a quasi-empire, and the power of the quasi-empire has also poured forth in a mighty manner, but Mu Yi has felt the repression of the underworld, and with With his outbreak, that repulsive force is also increasing rapidly.

If this is the case, Mu Yi estimates that he can persist for a few dozen minutes at most, and then has to leave the underworld and only enter the void, even the chaos and darkness.

It is for this reason that very few wars of the semi-perfect class can be seen in Hades. Unless their strength can already compete with the forces of Hades, they are destined to be excluded.

And this is also a kind of protection of the will of the heavens and the earth. After all, the existence of the quasi-perfect emperor level can cause huge damage, even let Mu Yi do his best, covering thousands of miles of the blood valley, at most ten A few breaths can be completely razed to the ground.

Not only that, the power of the Jundi level is also very strong for the destruction of the space. Every time the space is crushed and the underworld is automatically repaired, it also needs to waste some force, especially the Jundi, the damage to the **** is greater.

Because of this, the will of the heavens and the earth can only exclude the power of the quasi-empire level, which means that you can fight any way outside, but you can't destroy it in the hell, otherwise you will be suppressed by the will of heaven and earth.

Facing the will of heaven and earth in the underworld, Zhundi did not have much resistance to escape the fate of being suppressed. So as long as Zhundi is not stupid, he knows how to choose.

Mu Yi's attack spread and immediately caused an uproar outside the Blood Valley, but at this time, the Blood Beast Emperor was also awakened, the small world of the Fang quickly opened, and the violent power was under a huge front hoof. Suppression, at the same time, a roar came out of it.

This roar, with a strong sense of tyranny, even the void under the roar, is also cracked. At this time, even if the top giants come, they will only be shaken into a powder by the aftermath.

However, when this wave was close to Mu Yi, it felt like a breeze blowing, not even the clothes corner shaking.

Subsequently, the Blood Beast Emperor left the small world and finally revealed his true colors.

The true body of the Blood Beast Emperor is full of thousands of feet, giving a shocking feeling. The power of the quasi-perfect emperor, vast and unbridled, erupted, and suddenly awakened the existence of many horrors in the underworld, especially those in the ghost clan Emperor, even one after another, wanted to see who had provoked the Blood Beast Emperor. Isn't he afraid of death?

At this time, the repulsive force of the underworld had not yet reached the highest, but Mu Yi had given up to resist, and allowed the will of the underworld to send him into the void, and then the huge body of the Blood Beast Emperor also appeared together.

Compared to the underworld, Mu Yi can now clearly see the Blood Beast Emperor, with hoofs like mammoths and heads like a horn, and a unicorn obliquely soaring into the sky. Both eyes exude extremely cold eyes. Mu Yi locks.

"Blood Beast Emperor, the previous rod was also the gift of your holy day, and today I will take a good look at your skills." Tens of miles apart, Mu Yi stood calmly in the void, and the flow under her feet fell to the bottleneck. Around it, it looks like a pure land.

Just with a roar, Mu Yi has realized that the Blood Beast Emperor in front of him is not easy to deal with. If he has just broken through Zhundi, he may come, but I am not an opponent, but I have to know how to fight it now.

"It's you again, **** it." The brutality on the Blood Beast Emperor was more intense, and at the same time, a huge voice rang loudly, and as soon as the voice fell, the Blood Beast Emperor slammed into Mu Yi.

The original blood beast emperor, which is huge, will show a completely different flexibility. Just a collision makes Mu Yi feel as if a small world is crushing towards him, and he even gives birth to a kind of nowhere to dodge, only A hard-to-stop feeling.

"Come here."

Mu Yi did not shy away, the golden light of his eyes flickered, and the years of bamboo in his hands were also retracted at the same time, then he raised his fist and punched out with a straight punch.

Before Mu Yi used the years bamboo, it also meant to help Niannuer digest the inheritance as soon as possible. After all, as the quasi emperor, he combed himself, greatly speeding up the absorption of Niannuer, but when he really fought with the blood beast emperor, It seems a bit inadequate, so Mu Yi put it away to avoid damage.

What's more, Mu Yi's strongest right now is his fist, especially as his understanding of that fist deepens, the power he can exert becomes stronger and stronger, otherwise he won't need to specifically seek the Blood Beast Emperor to test himself Strength.

The collision of the Blood Beast Emperor also allowed Mu Yi to flash a light in his heart, because Mu Yi saw the shadow of the small world in it. Although the other's small world was not as big as his, it was indeed a certain emperor. Under the small world, not the kind of defective products.

When the blood beast emperor just got this small world, the small world was also badly hit. Later, the blood beast emperor gave up most of it, slowly condensed and refined, and fortified it for his own use, but the will of heaven and earth had already disappeared, so The Blood Beast Emperor can't use the power of the small world to the extreme.

However, the other party ’s way of integrating the small world gave Mu Yi inspiration. After this battle, as long as he was given a little time to explore, I believe it can reach the level of the blood beast emperor. Blessing your strength with yourself, exerting more powerful power.

At this moment, the strength shown by the Blood Beast Emperor has at least doubled, and Mu Yi's face has become dignified. Even his eyes are a little excited, but there is no fear.

After all, in the view of Mu Yi, this battle is too rare, and the stronger the Blood Beast Emperor, the better.
