MTL - Heavenly Lord of the Myriad Realms-Chapter 7 Bachelor with two positions (2)

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Among the men who were forced to kneel on the ground, three of them were covered in muscles and knots, and the palms had thick scorpions, which were clearly the slapsticks used by the swords in the weekdays. They grinned and looked at the heavily armed big men around them, and there was constant cold sweat on their foreheads.

The other four people are gorgeous in clothes and full of body. The palms are clean and white, and there is no wear at all. The belts are also hung with various golden jade ornaments. Obviously, they are rich and rich, not ordinary people.

They are mixed with these singers and gathered in the middle of the night for a feast. It’s a bit strange, the identity of both sides is not matched at all!

The remaining man is nearly nine feet tall. His skin is dark like coal. The muscles behind his shoulders are extremely developed. Just like the two pairs of wings curled up behind the shoulder blades, it is the four leading schools in the state of Zhangzhou. Wang Hao, who is known as 'wearing the cloud tiger'.

Although the arms and legs are wrapped around the chain, and seven or eight big men with their long swords around their necks, there are at least 30 bows on the high-rise buildings to lock themselves. Wang Hao is still struggling, and his body struggles from time to time.

"How about Tingyi House?" Wang Hao has never done anything illegal. How do you have the authority to take me?" Wang Hao looked at the red robe man and shouted loudly: "Zhou Liuyun, I know you, you are the Shushan Academy. The new bachelor of the Superintendent, how are you born to the people of Tingfu?"

The red robe man Zhou Liuyun 'hehe' laughed a few times, he sat in a chair and looked at Wang Wei, who was kneeling in front of him: "What's so strange? I am in charge of the judicial prison in Dajin, monitoring the world. , Wenwu Baiguan, Limin, I am a bachelor of the Shushan Academy."

Wang Hao bit his teeth and looked at a tooth card hanging on the belt.

This is the number plate of the guardian of the Dajin Tingfu government. It is also the same as the group of killing embryos in the Tingzhou government. The identity of Zhou Liuyun is certainly not fake.

"My Wang Hao, obedience to the law!" Wang Hao was full of cold sweat on his forehead, said dryly.

"Well?" Zhou Liuyun pointed to the three embarrassed men and four rich people who were squatting behind Wang Hao.

Wang Hao’s teeth bite and he’s squeaking. After a long while, he just bit his teeth: “While there are some nirvanas, it’s just doing some money on the money, using the heavy fleet of the state’s army to transport the treasurers. Some goods are exempt from some taxes. This is not a big crime."

Taking a deep breath, Wang Hao’s eyes turned around, and he racked his brains to recall the regulations on taxation in the Dajin Law. After a long while, he laughed and said to Zhou Liuyun: “The most, squatting for three years, Hit the 30th stick and pay the tax owed by the state bank!"

Severely vomited, Wang Hao said: "This is not a big sin, where do you want to send someone to the court? It’s scary!"

'嘿嘿' smiled a few times, and Wang Hao suddenly became cocky and lived up: "I remembered, even if I want to pursue the matter of privately calling the heavy fleet, he-mother-, this is also the thing of the capital of Perak. It’s not your turn to intervene!”

Zhou Liuyun’s mouth moved. He smiled and looked at Wang Hao, who suddenly had a sigh of relief. He smiled lightly: “Single smuggling some goods and stealing some taxes, it’s really not my turn to find you. I am coming to you, It is not for these little things!"

Wang Hao suddenly grinned, and the three aunts and four rich people behind him laughed together.

Wang Xiongxiong raised his head and grinned: "Then, the bachelor of the Superintendent, Zhou Xueshi, hey, no, the supervisor, Zhou Daren, still not let go of the official? Today you privately squatting the official residence, killing the official From the heart and the belly, this thing, the capital of the capital will be said to be good with your Tingfu government!"

Zhou Liuyun smiled and waved his hand: "Oh!"

Wang Hao’s spirited spirits fought a cold war, and the three monks behind him suddenly struggled.

However, these people in Tingyi House are all good players. They both killed the men in a group of two, and another one pulled out the sword and drew a sword. ‘咚咚咚’ seven sounds, the blood spewed from the neck sprinkled Wang Hao’s back, and the seven guests who had been banqueting in the middle of the night were beheaded behind him.

"You!" Wang Hao was frightened and angry and looked at Zhou Liuyun: "If you don't teach, you are cool, you have to tell you!"

"If you don't teach, you are really cool. But as long as I have enough reasons to kill a few people?" Zhou Liuyun slowly stood up and looked down at the red-faced Wang Hao, coldly shouting: "I only ask You said, 18 years ago, you took the soldiers to destroy the enemies of the abandoned people, and there was a volume of "The Dragon's Shelling Picture", which was hidden by you?"

"No!" Wang Hao snorted without hesitation: "What "Canglong Shelling", I have never heard of it!"

"Hey, he is a mother!" Zhou Liuyun sighed lightly, and there were two old sorrows in the yard. Wang Hao’s face suddenly became pale.

"Where is the "Dragon's Shelling", or where have you cultivated?" Zhou Liuyun stared at Wang Hao's eyes.

"No, I haven't heard of it!" Wang Hao's body swayed, and blood was flowing down his mouth.

"Oh, his wife!" Zhou Liuyun smiled slightly, and waved a brief gong.

A dozen or so screams of tragedy came, Wang Hao’s body swayed violently, and his eyes were about to jump out of his eyes.

"No, really, there is no such thing." The legend of the "Canglong Shelling" is the secret of the survivors of the abandoned land. How can I get a handful of the school in one district?" Wang Hao is in the body, and the roots of the skin are constantly convex. Out.

"Going to a few people, Wang has seven daughters, and I have a round!" Zhou Liuyun grinned and looked at Wang Xiao with a smile: "Leave the youngest one, the official later personally!" ”

More than a dozen strong han ‘hehe’ smiled, and put down the iron spear in his hand and walked to the side yard.

"Chouliuyun! You can't die!" Wang Hao's eyes became red, and he screamed and his mouth continued to bleed.

"Scared, don't worry, just say nothing, I didn't expect the official to have become the son-in-law of Ling's. I recognized you as a cheap father-in-law!" Zhou Liuyun laughed and smacked Wang Hao's cheek with a gong, and said softly. "Right, you have seven daughters, but only one son. Or, I sent my cheap scorpion to the palace to do Xiao Huangmen? This year is a good day for the palace!"

Wang Hao’s silver teeth bite badly. He jerked his head up and shouted: “The Canglong Shelling Picture is in the house under the rockery and in the secret room outside Ximen. Zhou Liuyun, let go of my children, otherwise……"

Zhou Liuyun grabbed the bronze gongs and smashed Wang Hao’s head.

The backhand slammed out, and always stood behind the Zhouyunyun, and the imperial court of the state of Tingzhou, wearing a armor, was caught off guard and was also killed.

The arrows on the high-rise buildings are like rain, and in the yard, all of them belong to the court of Tingzhou, and they are all killed by the strong bow.

Coldly smiled, Zhou Liuyun looked up at the sky and smiled softly: "Right, there are ten golden scales and big squid! It is a blessing!"