MTL - Heavens: Be a New Man-Chapter 1 I am professional

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PS: The setting of this book is similar to that of The Injustice, with some changes. The background of the protagonist is still the same. It is equivalent to writing the second copy of the Injustice. I apologize to the book friends who have followed the Injustice.

The following text:

"Investigation Incident: Marital Infidelity Case No. 20190720

Client: Ms. Chen Sili (ID number: 510107XXXXXXXX1962)

Contract amount: 32,000 yuan (30,000 two thousand yuan), paid in full

Investigation time: July 20, 2019 - July 31, 2019

Investigation location: Rongcheng, Miancheng

Investigators: Li Chenggong (the client's husband), Hu Lijing (Li Chenggong's secretary)

Obtain evidence:

1. 46 public surveillance videos (974 minutes in length)

2. 22 videos taken by the investigator (479 minutes in length, note: 3 minutes of key audio)

3. 107 records of hotel room opening records

4. 5 witnesses (Ms. Qin, owner of No. 1703, Building 9, Mokazhu Community, Xin Moumou, caddie of Huanggang Golf Course, Zhang Moumou, front desk of Miancheng Xilaiquan Hotel, Wang Moumou, room attendant, Li Chenggong’s friend Han Moumou a) Note: All witnesses have promised to testify and signed relevant agreements.

5. Ms. Hu Lijing’s prestige, Momo and Koukou and other social software chat records 1869, 379 call records, 79 photos of the respondents together “Note: 32 indecent photos are included,”

6. Relevant financial investigation reports

Investigation conclusion: Under the condition that the client Ms. Chen Sili and the investigation object Mr. Li Chenggong were in a normal marriage, Mr. Li Chenggong and Ms. Hu Lijing maintained an improper relationship between men and women for 18 months, Li Chenggong cheated in marriage, transferred property during marriage, etc. The factual evidence is sufficient, the investigation evidence is objective, legal and relevant, and the investigation is commissioned.

Investigation company: Harmony Civil and Commercial Affairs Investigation Center

Investigator: He Xie

Date: July 31, 2019"

After typing the last word of the investigation report, He Xie took a big mouthful of the cold tea, and while chewing the tea in his mouth, he stood up and reached out to turn on the printer.

The burning feeling in his stomach reminded him that it was time for lunch. He Xie opened the drawer, took a bite of the half of the bread left over three days ago, and before swallowing it, he started to open the box to sort out all the things he had obtained in the past three days. relevant evidence.

He didn't have time to eat, because he had made an appointment to meet the client at one o'clock, and it was half past twelve.

Punctuality is the most basic respect for work. He Xie has always hated being late, whether it is someone else being late or being late.

The old printer made a noise like a tractor when it was started, and it vibrated desperately. He Xie had to hold it down with one hand and control the mouse with one hand to print, otherwise the printer could easily "walk" to the table by itself Go below.

"After paying the rent, do you want to get a new printer?" He Xie thought.

The phone rang suddenly, and the number was not marked—as a professional investigator, he never saved the client's number.

He Xie started to print the investigation report while connecting and pressing the speakerphone.

"Hello, Ms. Chen."

"Mr. He, I entrusted you to investigate my husband and he found out!"

Hearing the anxious voice on the phone, the movements of He Xie's hands suddenly stopped.

He cursed silently, trying to keep his tone as calm as possible, and asked, "You mean, does he know you're investigating him, or does he already know me?"

"He knows you," the voice on the other end of the phone was a little flimsy. "He assured me that he would completely break up with that vixen. When my heart softened, I told him everything... Mr. He, I'm sorry..."

He Xie wanted to scold people very much, but he was a professional and professional investigator and would not scold customers.

So he just took a deep breath and continued to ask, "Then what do you mean by calling me?"

"I mean, let's just forget about it."

"Do you want to terminate the commission?"

"Uh... yes!"

"If you are sure to cancel the entrustment, then the agreement we signed before is very clear that the investigation entrustment agreement is not terminated due to the client's personal reasons, and the agreement money will not be refunded." He Xie spoke slowly, "and The evidence obtained during the investigation will be completely destroyed by our company and will not be handed over to the client. I will confirm with you again. Are you sure you want to terminate the entrustment agreement for the investigation of your husband's infidelity incident signed with our company? "

"I'm sure! Mr. He, but that's not what I'm talking about! I just wanted to tell you that my husband was very angry when I found out that I asked someone to investigate him. He asked me for your address, and he has already gone to you to settle the account. !"

"Fuck!" He Xie's face suddenly darkened.

"What did you say, Mr. He?"

I'm talking shit! What the hell! What the hell!

He Xie repeatedly persuaded himself to calm down and told himself that he was a professional investigator. He squeezed a smile and asked, "Then, may I ask, when did your husband leave you to find me?"

"He left at 11:40, it's been 50 minutes. Um... Calculate the time, he should have arrived, by the way, he is really angry, he may hit you, do you want to hide first? "

How do you know he might hit me?

He Xie roared in his heart.

"I'm a professional, I'm a professional, I'm a professional..."

He took a deep breath again and again, but the effect of UU reading was not good. He almost gritted his teeth and asked, "Your husband came to me in fifty minutes, why did you only call me now? Ms. Chen, you Don't you think you're a little late on the phone?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. He, I've been putting on a mask before, and I can't talk on the phone. You know, I wear a mask to talk, oh yo, there will be little wrinkles!"


He Xie hung up the phone directly, then resonated in his chest and spat out the word "Cao" from his throat fiercely!

He scratched his hair vigorously, grabbed the key on the table with one hand, put the bag on the bag with the other hand, and hurried out.

After three years of investigation, he has not encountered such a client who betrayed him to the subject of the investigation, but it was the first time that he betrayed him so fresh and refined. He really wanted to swear at the client.

Too bad he's a professional.

Click, click...

He Xie was almost at the door, and the printer behind him started printing the previous report.

"I'll change you when I come back!" He Xie's mentality exploded. Now the investigation is too difficult to do, and he's constantly on the edge of 404. He is worried, all kinds of industry taboos, and he has to face all kinds of strange clients. It is said to be an investigator, but in fact, all three religions and nine streams must know people, otherwise the work cannot be carried out at all.

There are enough difficulties at work, and now even a printer delays printing, who is provoking who?

He Xie opened the door while cursing wildly in his heart, and then he was stunned and stiff.

After a brief awkward silence, He Xie squeezed out a smile as bright as possible: "A few of you are also here to ask for the bill? This boss took the money and ran away with his sister-in-law. This boss bastard, he is not a human being!"