MTL - Heavens: Be a New Man-Chapter 1097 Games start

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Hou Ju's mind was running fast, but he was not considering whether to play this game, but analyzing He Xie's intention to do so.

But in the end, he got nothing, and he couldn't guess what He Xie wanted to do.

"Sorry, Mr. He." He shook his head, "I don't have time to play any games with you, and I'm not interested in it. It's unnecessary. I think it's necessary for me to remind Mr. He of the situation you're facing now."

dong dong dong!

Hou Ju knocked on the table and his face became serious.

He looked at He Xie and said word by word, "Let's not mention these illegal acts of stealing other people's information illegally as a private investigator. Now there is evidence that you are suspected of illegally invading other people's houses, threatening the safety of others' lives, and talking with this afternoon. It is related to the six murders that happened in the Shanghai stock market at 5:00. Mr. He, don’t you want to defend yourself? Once all your illegal acts are proven, you should be very clear about the outcome that awaits you.”

He Xie smiled: "Juju Hou, sometimes many things don't make sense because everyone has different perceptions. A lizard running in the Taklimakan Desert will never understand a white-collar elite living in a bustling city. What the **** are you thinking. And a sheep on a farm will never understand why it was born to be eaten."

"The first thing I want you to do is that I authorize you to complete the investigation commission between me and Ms. Hu Lijing. I will give you an hour." He Xie looked at Hou Ju deeply, "Hou Ju, the game begins. already."

"I won't play any **** games with you!" Hou Ju stared at He Xie and said word by word, "He Xie, don't think that you are doing it perfectly! I hope that when I see you next time, you will put yourself in a good position. , want to understand their situation.”

After Hou Bureau finished speaking, he turned around and left.

Assistant Xiao Lu closed the interrogation record, glared at He Xie before leaving, "Don't be arrogant, don't think we can't do anything about you!"

He Xie smiled without saying a word.

In his field of vision, at the moment when he initiated the game proposal, a chain of cause and effect that was originally wrapped around him suddenly extended from his body and took root on Hou Ju's body.

The causal relationship between him and Hou Ju was thus concluded.

He is looking forward to what this cause and effect will develop in the end.

After leaving the interrogation room, Bureau Hou explained to the police officer who was standing in front of the monitor: "Observe his every move carefully, don't let go of any details! I'll be back in an hour, when he moves his arms a few times, I need to know!"

"Yes, Hou Ju."

"It's hard work." Hou Ju patted the police officer on the shoulder and walked away quickly.

Xiao Lu quickly caught up with Hou Ju: "Boss, there must be something wrong with this He Xie, I think he has an anti-social personality."

"I know there's something wrong with him," said Hou Ju, "We've been following the big tiger case for a long time, and when we saw the closing of the net, all the main suspects suddenly died! Based on this alone, I have enough reasons to investigate Clear his motives and purpose, otherwise I am an anti-corruption bureau, why should I bite a murder suspect to death?"

"Then what do we do now? Oh, by the way, you asked Wang Bureau to invite testing experts. Shall we go to Li Chenggong's house now?" Xiao Lu asked.

"No, it's you!" Hou Ju stopped and turned around, "I have to extract the information about Li Chenggong's derailment from our previous case and sort it out."

"Ah?" Xiao Lu was astonished, "Boss, do you really want to play a mess with him? He's just talking nonsense! He's delaying time!"

"What if it's true?" Hou Ju said solemnly, "I think this He Xie has accomplices, and I also want to find out the purpose of his actions, this He Xie is really evil, we can't help but fight. Take your time to deal with him properly, otherwise it will be bad if the boat capsizes in the gutter."

"Okay, what else do you want to explain?" Xiao Lu asked with a shrug.

"Take pictures on the spot. I want details. Besides, I need experts to inspect carefully, and the sculpture can be damaged to a certain extent!" Hou Ju thought about it again, and said, "In addition, you can arrange for someone to transfer the staff near Li Chenggong's house. All monitoring, I want to know where He Xie came from and how he got in."

"Yes!" Xiao Lu led the way.

Hou Ju also came to the temporary office arranged for him by the Rongcheng police, turned on the computer, and sorted out the information about Li Chenggong's derailment.

Of course Hou Ju at this time did not realize the seriousness of the matter, he simply regarded this game as a psychological game.

In order to take the lead, he decided to follow the rules set by He Xie, complete the first part of the game content first, and obtain the so-called "wish reward" for the first time.

Then, he can probably grasp some of He Xie's heart tracks.

When investigating the case of Zhao's criminal group, everything about Li Chenggong, a key member, was naturally the top priority, including their previous Hou Ju actually grasped it.

Li Chenggong and his secretary were unclear. Hou Ju knew more. The secretary he cheated on was actually sent by Mr. Zhao to Li Chenggong to monitor him.

Soon, Bureau Hou compiled a more detailed derailment information than what He Xie had originally compiled.

He asked Hu Lijing to be taken to the interrogation room alone, and then put the document in front of her, and said with a smile, "Ms. Hu, Mr. He asked me to hand it over to you, saying it was about your previous entrustment agreement."

"He's really dedicated." Hu Lijing was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but sarcastically said, "You caught him? Why did he break into our house? What did he want to do?"

"What did you do to get He Xie to come to the door, doesn't Ms. Hu know?" Hou Ju deliberately asked back, hoping to get some words out.

Hu Lijing's face changed, and a trace of panic flashed in her eyes.

"How do I know?" She forced her composure, "Yes, I entrusted him to investigate my husband, but I made an appointment with him and he didn't go, instead he went to my house, and he didn't visit through legitimate channels, but Sneaking in, I don't even know why!"

Hou Juruo smiled meaningfully, pointed to the files on the table, and said, "Ms. Hu should look at these materials first, how can I say that this is also Mr. He's hard work, he is very contractual, if Ms. Hu is right If these materials are still satisfactory, please complete the entrustment agreement with Mr. He as soon as possible."

Hu Lijing opened the information and read it silently.

Fifty minutes after Hou Ju left He Xie's interrogation room, he returned there.

This time, Xiao Lu was still busy at Li Chenggong's house. The Hou Bureau only brought a captain of the criminal police team surnamed Yan to participate in the interrogation of He Xie.


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