MTL - Heavens: Be a New Man-Chapter 1120 Return to Infernal Affairs

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In the end, He Xie did not cut off the last link with the previous world, and kept all the memories and traces of his childhood.

In fact, he didn't intend to take the path of proving the path of reducing and seeking emptiness, but he wanted to experience each path of proving the path once, and then find the one that suits him the most.

Just when He Xie's No. 1 clone was active in the previous world, He Xie's No. 2 clone came to the first world that he had visited - the world of "Infernal Affairs".

This time, he does not intend to graft karma, but wants to use this world as a test field, try to seal karma, and replace the origin of the world with karma.

He plans to use a completely different way to deal with the cause and effect of the past every time he returns to a world in the future, until he finally finds a path that suits him.

In order to avoid accidents, he first put the entire Infernal Dao world into the sword world of Dao Jian, so that the Ten Directions Territory and Forbidden Heaven Origin Realm completely isolate the cause and effect of this world from the outside world.

That is to say, although the previous cause and effect of this world cannot and cannot be blocked, as long as a new cause and effect is born, it will be locked in the absolute world of the ten directions and cannot be escaped.

The last time he came to this world, He Xie turned into Yang Jinrong, cleaned up the moths in the police force, wiped out the Han Chen Group, the largest black and trash organization on Hong Kong Island, left a police legend on Hong Kong Island, and then retired.

And the price he paid was an indelible cause and effect.

If He Xie appears again as Yang Jinrong, is active in this world, and does some amazing things, there is no doubt that he will continue the previous cause and effect and make those cause and effect even more unbreakable.

But what He Xie wants to do is to create new causal lines, and let these new causal lines entangle the causal lines he has forged, and finally pull back the previous causal lines, and seal all the causal lines in this world.

Therefore, he must find an identity that is opposed to Yang Jingrong to re-establish cause and effect.

This time, he chose Liu Jianming.

He Xie's No. 2 clone soon replaced Liu Jianming, but Liu Jianming's bad state at the moment made He Xie speechless.

Liu Jianming was sentenced to life imprisonment, deprived of all public positions, and confiscated all his family property for betraying police secrets and was charged with murder, participating in organized crime, and participating in independent trafficking.

Since the police force hates Liu Jianming the most, and the inmates in the prison are also very disgusted by his former police identity, so Liu Jianming's days in prison can be imagined.

In just a few years, he has been bullied to the point of insane, and because of long-term beatings and confinement, Liu Jianming suffered from a serious respiratory disease, which eventually led to cancer.

When He Xie saw Liu Jianming, although this person had not yet reached the end of his life, he had completely lost all thoughts of the world.

He stole a needle accidentally left by a nurse, and planned to use this little thing to cut his own artery and end his tragic life.

The biggest characteristic of a person who wants to die is that he is not curious about everything.

So when He Xie suddenly appeared in front of Liu Jianming, the latter just glanced at He Xie indifferently, and continued to cut his wrist with the needle.

The blood was dripping down.

"If you were given a chance to start over, what would you like to be like now?" He Xie asked suddenly.

This question made Liu Jianming's movements stagnate, and his cloudy eyes were slightly confused.

He was stunned for a long time, then continued his actions and continued to commit suicide.

Although he did not speak, He Xie read Liu Jianming's inner thoughts.

"I will control my own destiny, and I will no longer let anyone or anything influence my decisions..."

Liu Jianming's thoughts surprised He Xie.

He originally thought that Liu Jianming might repent or lament the injustice of fate, hoping that he would never be Han Chen's.

Unexpectedly, what Liu Jianming really regretted was not being able to learn more from Han Chen, let alone launching his own revenge. What he regrets is his former sense of justice and the police's sense of mission, which made him suffer and eventually ruined everything for himself. What he regrets most is that his heart is not hard enough and black enough.

It turned out to be so...

"Satisfy you, I will fulfill your dream, and accept your cause and effect!"

He Xie smiled and pointed out, completely ending Liu Jianming's life.

Then he went back in time and space, directly back to when Liu Jianming was young.

The wind is light and the clouds are light, and the tall Buddha stands tall.

Sandalwood curls, and Zen sings.

A short and fat man put a stick of incense on the Buddha reverently, turned his head, and a sinister smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

This short, fat man was Han Chen.

He is the biggest boss on Hong Kong Island in a few years, and now, he is still Ni Kun's subordinate, the most loyal lackey of the Ni family.

"Five years ago, the parking stall of the Imperial Palace Restaurant in Tunmen Daxing Village, opened for good! "He spoke slowly in a hoarse voice, slowly paced with his hands behind his back, and finally stopped in front of He Xie.

He Xie at this moment is his original face and his original identity.

He has completely replaced Liu Jianming's cause and effect. From then on, there is only A Xie, a local young man born on Hong Kong Island, in this world, without the former Liu Jianming.

"My brothers and I have great ambitions. Who knows that it has not been opened for half a month. On average, we will be raided 1.3 times a Within a year, six brothers died!" Han Chen looked at He Xie deeply. , looks a little chilling.

He Xie was expressionless.

Han Chen suddenly smiled and looked away from He Xie.

"Bless the Buddha!" ​​He smiled and stretched out a finger. "The fortune teller said that I will be a success, but I don't agree! I think it's up to you to decide whether to live or die."

His eyes swept across the faces of the group of people in front of him one by one: "You have the shortest days with me, the cleanest foundation, how to go, I let you choose by yourself."

He deliberately paused for a while, but no one spoke.

Han Chen smiled happily.


He slapped twice, and suddenly one of his hands brought a tray with several glasses of wine that had been poured a long time ago.

A row of young people picked up a glass of wine, and He Xie was no exception.

"Okay, I wish you all the best of luck in the police department! Cheers, officers!" Han Chen raised his glass in high spirits.

Everyone took their glasses and drank them all.


Then, all the cups were slammed to the ground.


Han Chen laughed loudly, turned and walked into the Buddhist hall.

A triangular eye walked in front of everyone and said lightly: "Everyone, Brother Chen wants you to take a video with me. It's very simple, just say a few words. After the video is recorded, you will have to pay for your family, and then go to the sauna. Brother Chen treats you."