MTL - Heaven’s Shadow-Chapter 609 Grace

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The hall of the Star Hall is very large and empty. Now there are only three of them. Of course, it cannot be much lively, so the sound of crushing the tea cup sounds particularly loud and clear, even outside the hall door in the distance. A guard who closed the door was taken aback, and looked back in this direction.

In the hall, Guangbo Zhenjun's face was a bit ugly. The spilled tea stained his hands and dripped slowly, and he didn't even bother; while the other two people sitting next to him, it seemed that suddenly He was deaf and didn't hear anything. He took the tea cup calmly and took a sip of tea. As for the remaining Gu Yuezhen, he had a bitter smile on his face and sighed.

Although there is a certain decision in his heart, and although he had anticipated this situation in advance, it is true that at this time, he is directly facing the wrath of a true God, even if he is not weaker than the other God. Jun, but the pressure is still very heavy.

No one in this world knows the horrors and horrors of a great monk who has cultivated to this level better than the God himself. Only when Gu Yuezhen really thought of this helplessly, he suddenly felt a sudden shock in his heart, but at this moment there was a moment of loss of mind.

For many, many years, no master monk who has cultivated into the realm of transfiguration has been killed.

Huajin Zhenjun is recognized as extremely difficult to kill, even the old and weak Huajin Zhenjun cannot be taken lightly, so for many years, almost no one has thought of killing Huajin Zhenjun, let alone pay All actions.

In this case, when is that person in Tianlan's mind thinking similar to this?

Gu Yuezhen suddenly thought of Bai Kunzhen, a Kunlun faction who died suddenly a few years ago. For the thousand-year-old famous school of Kunlun faction, some things are destined to be sealed forever, and outsiders can never know the truth.

However, Gu Yuezhen quickly thought of the scene at that time, and he remembered very clearly that at that time, Tianlan Zhenjun left Zhenxian League early and returned to Kunlun Mountain, including from several news channels afterwards. There were fierce mutations in the depths of Kunlun Mountain, and even one of the four most famous peaks among the most famous heavenly vaults crashed.

That one is the Dongfeng where Bai Chenzhen Jundong House is located.

The many thoughts that came here were just a flash in Gu Yuezhen's mind. He thought about everything that happened then, and then there was a slight chill in his heart. After a while, however, he temporarily suppressed all the thoughts, and smiled again on his face to face the seemingly difficult problem in front of him.

Guangbo Zhenjun looks very angry, very annoyed, and very angry. He seems to be out soon. If that step is reached, then all your previous plans will be empty.

Gu Yue Zhenjun smiled, stood up, walked in front of Guangbo Zhenjun, handed over a soft silk scarf to let Guangbo Zhenjun wipe his hands, and smiled again: "Brother Guangbo, you have always been calm and calm. Too much like your usual appearance? "

Guangbo Zhenjun snorted, but did not immediately turn his face, reached out to take over the silk scarf and began to wipe his hands. The tight atmosphere around him suddenly relaxed a lot.

Gu Yue Zhenjun smiled and took another step forward. At this moment, he was facing away from the iron kettle Zhenjun. The whole man was facing Guangbo and reached out to collect the debris on the table.

Guangbo Zhenjun frowned slightly. Although he was very unhappy now, he certainly did not let another Huajin Zhenjun help him to clean up these things in his presence. No matter what, Gu Yuezheng is not down. Man, that's a serious transformation of God. If he turned a blind eye, he felt a little insulting and contemptuous.

So Guangbo Zhenjun had to let go of his mouth, reached out to stop Gu Yuezhen, and said in a sigh of relief, "What do you take these things for, and let others do it ..."

Only halfway through this, Guangbo Zhenjun suddenly saw Gu Yuezhen's frown on his face, but he quietly winked at him, his eyes seemed to have deep meaning.

When Guangbo Zhenjun moved, Gu Yuezhen was still blocked by his hands. Of course, Gu Yuezhen could not really do these things. He stopped and took a look at the iron kettle Zhenjun, saying: " Brother Tiehu, brother Guangbo, in my opinion, the major events here are settled down. After all, if the major events are done in the future, how to share the benefits, it is not the three of us who have the final say. What will we say when we wait?

Tiehu Zhenjun nodded for the first time and said with a smile: "This is a very good statement, so it's settled." He squinted and looked at Guangbo Zhenjun.

Guangbo Zhenjun looked embarrassed and complex, and seemed to be thinking about it in his heart. In the end, he seemed to have come to a conclusion or reached a conclusion. He sighed and said, "That's it."

The iron kettle Zhenjun laughed and was very proud.


Tianlan Zhenjun and Lu Chen walked to the long street in the glory of the rising sun, watching the cloud guards guarding outside the cloth curtain. Among those people, Lu Chen saw the one he noticed that day Chief Liu Ting.

However, looking at it at this time, Liu Ting should have not noticed the two big men who came over the long street. His expression was ashamed, and he seemed to be a little depressed. It seemed that he had changed someone when he met Lu Chen in front.

Lu Chen felt a little strange in his mind, but then he saw that the guards around Liu Ting didn't seem to have a high morale, and his heart moved, probably guessing the reason.

These guards seemed to be here all night, but Lu Chen clearly remembered their expressions when they came out with Bailian. It is impossible to hide this matter in broad daylight, and it has been so long since then. Needless to say, the upper layer of Fuyun Division, especially the Blood Warbler, must have known it.

Let Bai Lian sneak into the ground, so many people have no one noticed? This must be eaten and hung, but most of them haven't been dealt with yet, but by means of blood warbler, people like Liu Ting must suffer. It is no wonder that Liu Ting is frowning.

While thinking about it, Tianlan Zhenjun has approached the tunnel entrance, and the few guards on the outer side had to warn drastically, and suddenly he was shocked, and his eyes widened inconceivably ~ www.novelbuddy. com ~ After a moment, he jumped up in shock, and saluted one after another.

Liu Ting at the back hadn't responded yet, and he didn't look at it seriously, so an anxious guard pushed him in the past. Liu Ting almost fell to the ground, suddenly furious, and was about to yell at him. Suddenly, Tian Lan and Lu Chen appeared in his eyes.

Liu Ting was struck by a shock, but stammered in his mouth, watching Tianlan Zhenjun standing there as a god-like figure. His body trembled slightly, but he didn't know what to say.

Just then, Lu Chen, who was standing next to Tianlan Zhenjun, smiled and said to Tianlan Zhenjun, "Master, this person is Liu Ting. He is a captain of the guard under the Fuyun Division. It is effective to do things on weekdays. , But the day before yesterday was because of the green cattle.

If Lu Chen only talks about how Liu Ting is capable, Tian Lan Zhenjun probably nodded at most, and he won't be concerned at all, but he suddenly got into Qingniu. Tian Lan Zhenjun was a bit surprised. He looked at Liu Ting more At a glance, he said, "What's going on?"

Lu Chen laughed: "The Qingniu insisted on going down that day, they were hard to guard. You also know that Qingniu had a bad temper, but they had a hard time. Fortunately, I passed by here and came out to take Qingniu down. Otherwise, it will be another toss. "

Tianlan Zhenjun said, "No," he nodded, "Good job." After a pause, he suddenly glanced at Lu Chen, and then said quietly: "Follow the work well, Fuyun Secretary is the most fair and capable person. He will be promoted. "

Liu Ting was overjoyed, and his knees fell as soon as his feet softened. The guards behind him also knelt down, claiming thank in their mouths.

Tianlan Zhenjun didn't say much, and walked directly to him. When Lu Chen followed, he looked at Liu Ting, and saw that Liu Ting's eyes were full of gratitude, and he focused on him.