MTL - Hello, Heir-Chapter 2580 Finale-Concubine Concubine (1)

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That night, a group of people gathered in front of the obstetrics and gynecology department.

The spa of Zhuang Nina and others were half done, and hurried over.

Lin Muxi stood outside the door, listening to the cry of Princess Fei from inside, and frowned, holding Si Mubei's hand very hard, as if the person who hurt was her.

With her head on her side, she couldn't help but say, "Brother Mubei, why not have a caesarean section?"

Lin Xier answered the question next to him, "What do you know? A child who has a childbirth passes through the birth canal squeeze, the immunity can be stronger! And childbirth recovers faster than a caesarean."

"But ..." Lin Muxi drew his lips, "It hurts!"

Seeing her pale face, Si Mubei couldn't help but smiled and shook her head, helped her to walk to the chair next to him, "Don't be afraid, if you are afraid of pain, we will not have children in the future."

In a word, Zhuang Nina widened her eyes and couldn't help but glance at Si Zhengting.

Nima, the man of the family, his wife is more powerful than one!

Lin Xi'er laughed, but he was worried that Si Mubei would be bad for Lin Muxi, but now it seems that such words can be said, what else is bad?

In the ward.

Ye Feifei's sore face became red, sweat beads on her forehead.

Xiao Munan guarded her by the side, holding her hand, "Wife, you are awesome! Wife, come on, come on!"

Listening to this encouraging voice, Princess Fei couldn't help saying: "Can't you say something meaningful?"

Xiao Munan: "Say what?"

The person who has always been calm and wicked at the moment is like a dazed child, except for these two sentences, he can't say anything else.

Princess Fei scolded him, "You said, what gifts did you prepare for the two children?"


"Ah, what? Are you prepared?"

"I didn't prepare it for the child, but I prepared it for the child's mother."

Princess Fei struck again and again, so much that she bit her lip. When the pain passed, she looked at Xiao Munan, "What have you prepared for me?"

"A big red envelope!"

Princess Fei: ...! !!

Sure enough, she knew that Master was full of money!

This fortune fan is simply speechless!

There was a moment of anger, accompanied by a burst of rage, roaring: "Xiao Munan! Can you pursue something else!"

"Wow wow ~"

A cry came out, making Ye Feifei and Xiao Munan both feel a stun, and bowed their heads suddenly, and saw the nurse dragging it out with a dirty child.

Princess Fei immediately stopped talking and looked at the children quietly. Xiao Munan couldn't help but say, "Boys and girls ?!"

Before the nurse spoke, the doctor interrupted the words: "Don't relax, there is one more, hard, hard, come on!"

In a word, Princess Fei bit her lip again and began to scream with pain.

Five minutes later, the second baby was born smoothly.

Princess Fei looked at the bandaged two children, a boy and a girl, and her eyes narrowed suddenly. But having two children was too exhausting, so I hugged the children and fell asleep first.

Princess Fei was pushed out with her two children.

Zhuang Nina and Si Zhengting immediately moved forward. After seeing the wrinkled baby just born, she immediately smiled and lost her eyes. Then, she heard Zhuang Nina say, "Is it my brother, my sister or my brother?"