MTL - Help! The General’s Gone Mad With Pampering Me-Chapter 620 Episode 151 Leaving Without Saying Goodbye

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  Chapter 620 Fanwai 151 Leaving without saying goodbye

   Gu Sheng saw that it was his mother who opened the door, and immediately swallowed his prepared remarks.

  He pushed the door and entered, wondering.

   "Why are you here?"

  In the house, several nannies are cleaning.

  Wipe the table, mop the floor, change the four-piece bed suit, like every time a guest leaves.

  There is no trace of Zhong Ning's life in the room.

  An ominous premonition rose in Gu Sheng's heart, and he turned around and asked Zhou Hui.

   "What about her?"

  Zhou Hui said with a blank face.

   "Let's go."

  Gu Sheng's complexion was a little pale.

   "You drove away?"

  Zhou Hui immediately refuted.

"Don't talk nonsense, am I that kind of wicked mother-in-law? Didn't I hear the housekeeper say that she didn't accompany you to the hospital today? I was thinking about coming back to see what happened to you two, and then she said that she happened to be planning to leave too. Tickets are all bought."

   Having said that, Zhou Hui raised her chin to the table beside her, motioning for him.

   "No, I left you a letter."

  Gu Sheng opened the letter with a dark face.

  【Gu Sheng, I have already left when you see this letter.

  When I came here with you, it was indeed a little luck, thinking that you would think of me.

  Unfortunately, this possibility seems extremely remote.

  When I saw you looking at me like a stranger, I realized that I was not as strong as I thought.

  Thank you for taking care of me in the past few years, that's it, I'm gone, and you are fine too. 】

  Zhong Ning didn't even mention what to do if Gu Sheng regained his memory. After all, no one knows whether it will be one year, ten years, or forever for such uncertain things.

  Even if he regained his memory, would there be a future between the two of them so far apart?

  Zhong Ning was sitting on the plane, looking out the window and weeping.

  She felt that she was so cowardly that she didn't even dare to say goodbye in person.

  She was afraid that she would be reluctant, and even more afraid that Gu Sheng would show an indifferent expression.

   So be it, let the memory stay at the best time.


   After learning that Zhong Ning had left, Gu Sheng was silent for a long time.

  Zhou Hui saw that his expression was wrong, so she couldn't help but say.

   "Son, are you okay?"

  Gu Sheng sneered and left the letter on the table.

   "If I have anything to do, just go."

  In fact, Gu Sheng was far less calm than he appeared. After returning to the room, he was restless. After a while, he began to rummage through the box, looking for the salute he brought when he came back. After searching for a long time, he finally found the phone.

   This is what he used in those years, and there must be Zhong Ning's phone number in it.

  He looked through the address book, but he didn't find Zhong Ning's name, but he found a mobile phone number with the note [wife].

  He cleared his throat and called, only to hear.

   "Sorry, the number you are calling is off, please..."

   Gu Sheng wondered if Zhong Ning hadn't gotten off the plane yet, so he was flicking his phone to pass the time.

  He clicked into QQ, and found that he still had a space for couples, and there were many photos and videos in it.

  From the point of view, they are basically taken by Zhong Ning. There are photos of him repairing the car, cooking, and sleeping.

  Gu Sheng clicked into a video, in which he was painting the railings. Zhong Ning showed half of his face, and touched his head with a smile on his face. Immediately afterwards, he leaned forward and kissed her.

  After the video was played, Gu Sheng clicked to replay, originally wanting to watch it again.

  But suddenly, a prompt popped up on the screen.

  【Zhong Ning broke up the relationship with you】

   Immediately afterwards, the photos in the album disappeared one by one, and he was forcibly logged out of the system.

  After Gu Sheng came to his senses, his first reaction was to call Zhong Ning.

   But the voice on the phone is still: "I'm sorry, the phone you dialed has been turned off, please..."

  Gu Sheng put his phone on the bed and cursed.


  (end of this chapter)