MTL - Help! The Seductive Villain Chases Me Everyday to Expose My Other Identities!-Chapter 95 Exclusive dressing room for her

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  Chapter 95 prepared an exclusive dressing room for her

   "Producer Wang." Wen Yufei called out and walked forward.

  Producer Wang noticed her and immediately greeted her, "Yufei."

   "Is this setting up a dressing room?" she asked.

   "Yes, the second female lead." Producer Wang was calm.

   "Only the lead actor has always had an exclusive lounge. What's the origin of this female number two?" Although Xiao Qi tried her best to restrain herself, she couldn't help but sound a little weird.

  Seeing that Wang Zhijian looked unhappy.

  Wen Yufei began to find love, "Xiaoqi also wants to know the identity of the other party, so pay more attention in the future, and don't offend her."

  When Producer Wang heard this, his mood really improved a lot.

  He put on a smiley face, "You really need to pay attention, our investor ordered her to play the second female role, and I didn't expect her to be so special."

   "Investor? Is it my father?" Wen Yufei frowned.

  Father pointed out?

  This is not like my father's style.

   "No." The producer rubbed his nose in embarrassment, "A new investor has been added, and the investment amount has exceeded Mr. Wen, and now he is the first investor."

  Hearing this, Wen Yufei's eyes darkened.

   There is a vague premonition in my heart.

  But soon she strongly denied it.

Will not.

   It is absolutely impossible to belong to Jin Chen.

  She hesitated and opened her mouth, "Who is that actress...?"

  As long as it's not Shiran!

   At this moment, the voice of jumping came from around the corner.

   "There is an exclusive lounge this time, it's really great, Miss Ran!"

  Sister Ran?

   Is it Shiran? !

  Wen Yufei froze in place, her eyes fixed on the corner.

  First is the shadow cast on the ground.

   Then there are white sneakers.

  She looked up, and when she saw that familiar face, she took a step back uncontrollably.

   "Sister Yufei!" Xiao Qi hurriedly supported Wen Yufei.

   "How could it be... her?" She was in a trance, watching Shiran walking step by step.

   Shiran was followed by Ji Wenfeng, with a serious expression, like a guardian.

   "Sister Yufei." Xiao Qi called again worriedly.

  Of course they also noticed this side.

   After thinking about it, Ji Wenfeng still came over with the same expression as usual, "What's wrong? Are you sick?"

  Wen Yufei raised her head, she shook her head and smiled, "I'm fine, I'm just a little surprised, what's going on?"

   "The investor's decision." Ji Wenfeng answered concisely.

  Wen Yufei also recovered, she smiled softly, "It's great to be back, I was still regretting it just now, after all, she is really a capable actor."

   "Yes." Ji Wenfeng just responded lightly.

   "Who is the investor? They are very discerning, maybe they are Shiran's fans." Wen Yufei said tentatively.

   "Perhaps." Ji Wenfeng answered ambiguously.

  He stared at Wen Yufei, his eyes fixed.

  Yufei is pretending to be happy again, and is inquiring about investors. What does she want to know?

   Ji Wenfeng was suspicious, but he didn't ask.

   After exchanging a few pleasantries, he returned to Shiran's personal lounge.

  As soon as the door closed, Fang Tongtong's cheers were heard.

   "Not only did we come back with full blood this time, but even the treatment has been raised several times, an exclusive dressing room, which is the treatment of the leading actor."

  Fang Tongtong looked left and touched, his eyes were shining brightly.

   "Who is the investor?" Shi Ran looked directly into Ji Wenfeng's eyes and asked.

  She doesn't have a representative work, and she doesn't know any big shots.

  She didn't think that anyone would spend a lot of money for her, and even asked the crew to give her such special treatment.

  Ji Wenfeng looked away a little guilty, and said vaguely, "He's just an investor."

   "I can find out myself."

   "That's right, sister Ran is a hacker." Fang Tongtong echoed.

  Ji Wenfeng had no choice but to help his forehead, but finally told the truth.


  Wen Yufei returned to the dressing room.

  She was fidgeting, "Xiao Qi, you said Shi Ran came back, is it because of Jin Chen..."

   "Sister Yufei no way!" Xiaoqi vowed, "It can't be the third young master, it must be some kind of benefactor who Shiran got close to."

   "You also know that the entertainment industry is not all about those things. She must not be reconciled to being removed by President Wen. She may have climbed into the bed of any man overnight."

   "And think about it, for so many years, San Shao has always respected Mr. Wen, how could he openly confront Mr. Wen for such a woman?"

  Wen Yufei's suspended heart finally settled down after Xiao Qi's words.

   Seeing this, Xiao Qi continued, "You are the only fiancée recognized by the Chu family, Sister Yufei, you must have confidence in yourself!"

   "It's just a matter of time, the Shi family and the Wen family are simply vulnerable, not to mention that she is just an adopted pheasant."

   "Third Young Master is not stupid, don't want the real Phoenix, but for a pheasant and Mr. Wen, is there still Mr. Chu in the fight?"

   "You're right." Wen Yufei was always relieved now.

  She grabbed Xiao Qi's hand, "Xiao Qi, it's lucky to have you. When I saw Shi Ran just now, I really panicked."

   "Sister Yufei, don't be afraid." Xiaoqi shook her hand in reassurance, "Since you are so worried, I'll ask someone to find out who the investor is."

   "Okay." Wen Yufei nodded.

   "It would be fun if he was an old man, and then he could make a fuss about it. If this man still has a wife and children, his stardom will be ruined."

   Xiaoqi took out his mobile phone while talking, edited a message and sent it out.

   "With Shiran's face and figure, it is not difficult to find a big brother." Wen Yufei said inexplicably.

   "Isn't that better." Xiao Qi smiled treacherously, "Sister Yufei, shouldn't you be more at ease, how could Third Young Master like such a dirty person."

   "I know it's impossible for Jin Chen to marry her, but even if Jin Chen is just playing with her, I can't accept it." Her hands slowly clenched into fists, her expression gradually darkened.

  Jin Chen can only belong to her alone! No one can take him away!


  The phone will beep.

  Wen Yufei's heart also tugged.

  Although she told herself that it couldn't be Jinchen, she still couldn't be completely relieved before confirming the investor.

  Xiaoqi turned on the phone, and after looking at it, she waved her hand happily, "Don't worry, Sister Yufei, it's not San Shao."

   Now she is really relieved.

   "It's just a role in a play, but Shiran sacrificed so much." Wen Yufei said contemptuously.

   "People who have no strength can only rely on their bodies. I don't think she is safe. I'm going to find out who the person in charge of this company is!"

  Xiaoqi was in high spirits, and opened the mobile browser.

  Seeing her like this, Wen Yufei couldn't help laughing, and her tone became much lighter, "Why don't you tell me, maybe I know?"

   "That's right!" Xiao Qi suddenly realized, "Look at my memory."

   "You." She smiled helplessly.

  Xiaoqi stuck out her tongue in embarrassment, and turned on her phone, "They said it was called Shengyi Company, sister Yufei, have you heard of it? It doesn't feel like a famous company."

   "What did you call it?!" The smile on Wen Yufei's face faded, and panic surged in her heart.

  Xiaoqi didn’t understand, so, “The meaning of grandeur, the blooming blooming, the meaning of meaning.”

   "Good intentions..." Wen Yufei slumped on a chair.

   After a long time, she smiled wryly.


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  (end of this chapter)