MTL - Her Majesty’s Modern Harem-Chapter 59 】

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Perhaps because he was unwilling to pick up the leak, the cutter in the stone betting king's hand continued to dissect the stone, but there were still useless stones inside, and there was no trace of green, which was the biggest irony for him.

"It seems that small is small. It still doesn't have the demeanor of the stone gambling king back then. I was lucky enough to see the stone gambling king solve the stone that day. Nine out of ten pieces came out green, and the pieces were top-quality. It is really a feast for the eyes."

An old man of a certain age stroked his beard and said.

Others also responded one after another.

The Little Gambling Stone King's expression showed unwillingness, he threw the half-unsolved stone aside, and picked up another piece of wool to be solved.

The thrown half of wool just rolled to Su Junli's feet.

Su Junli reached out and touched it habitually.

Now her skill has been greatly improved by several levels compared to that day, and the touch of her hands is more sensitive. There is no need to feel it carefully with her eyes closed like before.

When her palm touched the woolen material, a coolness unique to jade was transmitted through the stone.

There is still jade hidden in this discarded wool!

She was overjoyed, and pretended not to care, kicked the half piece of waste wool and asked the little gambling stone king, "Sir, do you still want this piece of waste wool?"

Her voice was warm and pleasant, and the little gambling stone king raised his eyes from the woolen material in his hand, looked at her, and was attracted by her beautiful face.

The others also looked at Su Junli, secretly amazed that there is such a charming woman in the world, and the few men around her are also extraordinary, like dragons and phoenixes among men.

"A piece of scrap, the lady can take it away if she wants it." Little Gambling Stone King didn't understand why Su Junli wanted him to keep that scrap, and waved his hand generously.

"It's not good. I never like to take advantage of others, so you can make a price." Su Junli said. In fact, it's not that she's being kind, but that she's worried about giving away something for nothing. After the jade is unearthed, people will regret it.

"Since Miss is so persistent, then give me ten yuan at will." The little betting stone king said.

"Chu Xian, give me the money." Satisfied, Su Junli stepped on the piece of wool that was about the size of a chopping board, and said to Chu Xian.

Chu Xian took out ten yuan and handed it to the little gambling stone king.

He signaled the people around him to accept it, and then concentrated on untying the piece of wool under his hand.

"It's green!"

I saw that the little betting stone king cut it three times, revealing a touch of light green, and pouring clean water on it, revealing its own bright green, which is a kind of hibiscus.

"It won't be skin green this time, right?"

Someone muttered softly.

"No one can say for sure if the knife didn't cut through." Others said.

"Two hundred thousand, will you sell it?" A jade merchant weighed it up and made a half-gamble bid.

"I offer 210,000 yuan."

Another one is not to be outdone.

"Two hundred and thirty thousand!"

"I'm sorry, I'm not a half-gambler on this jade." The little gambling stone king regained his original confidence, and said lightly, "After I unlock everything, you can bid again."

Hearing what he said, the two merchants stopped bidding.

Although this jade is of the hibiscus species, if it is large in size, good in color and without any flaws, then the price will be much higher than the 230,000 yuan. As before, it relies on skin green.

The Little Betting Stone King wanted to earn back face because he solved the last piece of skin green, so he would never half-gamble and let others doubt his strength.

The cutter cut it carefully, and the more surprises there were, a hibiscus jadeite as large as a newborn baby was unearthed, and it was in excellent shape, suitable for making many things, which made the audience excited and envious.

"one million!"

The merchant bids again.

"1.1 million!" The other one showed no sign of weakness. This emerald was just suitable for carving a birthday star. If it could be finished, the price would be worth at least three million.


"Two million!"

"Two and a half million!"

The merchant who was the first to make an offer yelled angrily, if there were more, it would be too much.

"Miss Su, I want to take a picture, what do you think?" Murong Feng who was on the side asked Su Junli.

"No need, I'll give you a better one later." Su Junli smiled lightly, "Although this hibiscus seed is good in size and shape, the water seed is still not good. It's not the best product, so why buy it? ?”

"You seem to be very confident that you got a good bet?" Murong Feng looked at her and asked.

"I've always been very lucky." Su Junli kicked the half piece of wool on the ground, "I'll give you a meeting gift later."

"You don't think you can dig treasures out of other people's discarded waste, do you?" Murong Feng said with disapproval, "I don't have much interest in stones."

"I'm not interested in stones either." Su Junli smiled faintly.

While they were talking, the hibiscus stone had been bought by a jade merchant for 2.6 million yuan.

The little gambling stone king's betting has soared this time, and his principal and interest have increased tenfold. His already confident face has a bright look, and he looks at Su Junli very differently.

Su Junli didn't look at him, but was talking to Murong Feng.

"Damn it, betting on rocks is really profitable." Mo Jin couldn't help but shouted, then turned to Su Junli and said, "President Su, why don't you hurry up and untie that broken rock you bought for ten yuan? I really want to see if your luck is particularly good!"

"I will satisfy your curiosity." Su Junli looked at the little betting stone king, "Sir, can you lend me the stone-dissolving machine?"

"This is the stall owner's rock-dissolving machine. I've already used it up, so use it casually." The little betting stone king looked at Su Junli with some doubts, "Are you really going to solve this stone?"

"Well, I'm a novice, and I want to practice diagnosing stones." Su Junli said lightly.

"Miss, you are delicate and expensive. Uncovering stones is heavy work. Why do you have to do it yourself? Any stall here will be accompanied by Master Jieshi." Xiaogai Shiwang said.

"I just want to play and satisfy my curiosity." Su Junli grinned and asked Ye to put the wool on the stone breaker and position it.

No one believed that she could turn decay into magic and extract emerald from a piece of discarded semi-waste. However, none of the onlookers dispersed, wanting to see what this beauty was doing.

What's more, it is extremely pleasing to see a beautiful woman relieving stones, let alone a rare and top-quality beauty.

According to the touch of her fingers, Su Junli found the approximate location of the jadeite, and began to cut the knife.

As for cutting stones, she is really familiar with the road, and she should be faster and more accurate than the little stone gambling king, but she doesn't want to show it now, so as not to be too ostentatious, causing herself to pick wool later and be taken for a ride. .

So, she pretended to be clumsy and slowly cut and cut on the stone. The incision was very ugly, like a dog biting. The master Jieshi who was beside her couldn't see it. She stepped forward and said, "Miss, Let me do this kind of heavy work, and you rest to avoid hurting your hands."

"Thanks, I'll do it myself. Hehe, it's really interesting." Su Junli smiled innocently and said, "It's really fun, much better than cutting tofu."

Everyone was covered in black lines.

Murong Changkong watched Su Junli explain the stone, and knew that she was faking it, so he covered his mouth and smiled secretly. But his father had never seen it before. Seeing this scene, he couldn't help asking, "Would she know it?"

"Never mind her, she can play however she likes, just wait for the surprise." Murong Changkong said to Murong Feng, "That's a gift for you, I guess it won't be rude."

Murong Feng slandered thousands of times in his heart, but on the surface he still put on a calm face and stopped talking.

Suddenly, under Su Junli's knife, a touch of bright yellow appeared, which was particularly conspicuous against the gray stone.

"This is?"

Someone took a deep breath and looked at the little gambling stone king with suspicion.

Seeing the bright yellow, the little gambling stone king was stunned, and splashed clean water to wash off the dust on the surface.

The bright yellow became more shiny, yellow, moist, and shiny, really dazzling.

"What breed is this?"

"Ice Chicken Oil Yellow!" Little Gambler Stone Touched the yellow part with a half-section exposed with his fingers, "It's the rare Huang Fei."

There was a bit of regret in his tone.

"My God, isn't that the best?" Someone screamed, "How much is it worth!"

"Miss, two million, can you sell it?" A jade merchant asked.

"Wow!" When everyone heard the price, they screamed again, looking at Su Junli with jealousy and envy. She just bought the half piece of wool with ten yuan, but she solved the top-quality yellow jade worth two million. This luck is simply against the sky.

"I'm sorry, I want to fully understand what my real luck is." Su Junli smiled lightly.

"Two million dollars, if I change it, I'll buy it right away, otherwise I'll get rid of the skin green later, but it won't work every day." One person said.

"That's right, this stone has a history of being in contact with skin green."

Su Junli didn't care what everyone said, and continued to explain with his head down and pretended to be clumsy.

Seeing her knives slicing back and forth on the Huang Fei, many people were sweating for the Huang Fei, worried that if she was not careful, the knife would cut the wrong side and ruin the top-quality Huang Fei. up.

Especially that Master Jieshi, who was grinding his fists aside, wished to kick the clumsy Su Junli away and let him untie it himself.

As a stone-diagnosing master, it is also a lifelong dream and luck to be able to unravel a piece of top-quality emerald with his own hands.

Su Junli completely ignored everyone's anxiety, and continued to move the knife "clumsily".

As the gray-black stone fell piece by piece, the volume revealed by the bright yellow became larger and more attractive.