MTL - Her Majesty’s Modern Harem-v2 Chapter 10 】

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Su Junli stood up, feeling that the meridians all over her body were unblocked, and her body was much lighter than before, as if her flesh and blood had no weight. love

"Mom, your eyes!"

Azai looked into Su Junli's eyes and cried out with a look of horror.

Su Junli reached out and touched her eyes, and asked puzzled, "What's wrong?"

"Your eyes are like mine."

Azai yelled, "It's also turned into one red and one green!"

Su Junli stood in front of the mirror suspiciously, looking at herself in the mirror.

Sure enough, on that delicate face, the pair of black eyes turned into one red and one green, like a ruby ​​and an emerald, emitting a soft and comfortable light.

This kind of light is much more beautiful than that of the Dayong period.

The pupils of his eyes in the Dayong period looked a little weird.

But now, it is soft and comfortable, like a gemstone, and it doesn't look scary.

"Mom, your pupils are so beautiful, much better than mine."

Azai took off her colored contact lenses, and blinked her own pupils in the mirror.

Su Junli touched her cheek in a daze, looked at Leng Qingfeng, who was also very surprised, and asked: "Why is this happening? Could it be that my soul changed the color of my eyes?"

Leng Qingfeng thought for a while and asked, "What do Xiao Mi's eyes look like?"

"One red and one green." Su Junli said.

"It may be because it gave you vitality, which caused your pupils to change color." Leng Qingfeng said after a while.

Looking at her pupils, Su Junli thought that the pupils of the white cat were exactly like this.

She dialed Su Hanxiao's cell phone.

"Little Junli, what's the matter? Grandma, I'm taking a walk to raise my baby right now." Su Hanxiao's tone was filled with incomparable ease and happiness, which showed that she was really happy after her newly-married life.

"Grandma, the Xiaomi you left in the Zhou family's underground palace saved me."

Su Junli told her what happened before.

Su Hanxiao's tone was somewhat sad, "Xiaomi, like me, has lived for about five hundred years. I don't understand why it has such a long life, maybe it is because of the vitality in its body. Now It gives you vitality, and it will be wiped out, and you may be like me, immortal and immortal."


This realm has been the tireless pursuit of people since ancient times!

A hundred years of life is too short, and youth is too short.

It would be great if we could see everything in the world without aging or dying.

Su Junli suddenly thought of the priest who couldn't be killed.

Judging from his tone, he also seems to be immortal, but he seems to be tired of this state and wishes to die!

That day he was smashed to pieces by himself on the ground, and then miraculously put together again, was it really his own hallucination?

Why doesn't Ye have such hallucinations?

"Mom, what should we do with that Zhou Ziyu?" When Azai mentioned Zhou Ziyu, a strong murderous look filled his eyes!

"She's not dead yet?"

In Su Junli's impression before he fell into a coma, Zhou Ziyu seemed to have been bitten by a small artery in his neck.

"She's not dead, dad temporarily saved her dog's life." Azai gritted his teeth and said ruthlessly.

"Where is she now?"

"Stay in the shrine."

Su Junli is now in the dormitory of the underground palace. It was Leng Qingfeng who carried her in the coma to lie down, trying to make her feel a little better.

As for Zhou Ziyu outside, Leng Qingfeng didn't bother to deal with her anymore, and just wanted to wait for Su Junli to wake up before dealing with her.

Su Junli walked out with Leng Qingfeng and Azai, only to find that there was no trace of Zhou Ziyu in the ancestral hall except for a few puddles of congealed blood.

A look of surprise appeared on Leng Qingfeng's face, "Her carotid artery has been bitten, her life is in danger, it is impossible to escape, and I also tapped her acupuncture point, Azai even tied her up. At the foot of the table."

There is a loose rope beside the sacrificial table, and there are no bloodstains winding around it.

Where did Zhou Ziyu go?

"By the way, Azai, I also tapped Zhou Ziyu's sleeping and moving acupoints. Why were you still stabbed by her? Besides, with your skill, it is impossible to be stabbed by Zhou Ziyu who has no internal skills at all." Is it near?"

Su Junli turned around and asked Azai suspiciously.

"I don't know. At that time, I saw her moaning in pain, so I went closer to see what was wrong with her. You said before that she is a descendant of the sun, and she is also related to us. Now, I thought that I couldn’t just ignore death, but who knew, when I looked down at her, she suddenly gave me a knife that was completely defenseless—"

Azai gritted her teeth and said, "Seeing that I've been tricked, she sat up with a sneer, and her gaze didn't look like that of a crazy person at all. Mom, we've been deceived by her all the time, she's just pretending to be crazy."

Su Junli's eyes sank.

She thought that it was impossible for a proud person like Zhou Ziyu to pretend to be crazy, but in the end, she really did so in order to kill herself.

This woman's mind is really terrifying.

Putting this aside, I obviously tapped her acupuncture points, why is she fine?

She threw this question to Leng Qingfeng.

"Jun Li, there are only two possibilities. One is that someone else helped her to untie the acupuncture points, and the other is that her acupuncture points are not in the positions we are familiar with, so we all missed them. I once read the book of the Eight Meridians, and said In this world, there will be a small number of people whose meridians are different from everyone's, and they are slightly off. Zhou Ziyu should be such a person." Leng Qingfeng said.

"Mom, there is indeed a possibility. It's like the human heart. Most people grow on the left side, but medicine has also found that some people's hearts grow on the right side." Azai nodded.

"Zhou Ziyu's carotid artery was bitten by Xiaomi. Qingfeng also saw her. She was extremely weak and dying. Even if she didn't get acupuncture and tied up, she couldn't leave by herself. There must be someone else." Su Junli looked around.

The gate of the ancestral hall has been opened by Azai to let in the cold wind, so it is not known who else will come in.

And that bronze box, I don't know who took it away!

"Mom, what should we do now?" Azai looked at Su Junli and asked.

"Qingfeng, how did you handle Zhou Wenyu?"

Su Junli didn't answer Azai, but looked at Leng Qingfeng.

"I bought this place with one billion yuan. After he took the money, he went abroad immediately." Leng Qingfeng took out the land deed real estate transfer certificate and said.

"Did you ask about the family tree and the half jade tablet?"

"I asked, but he doesn't know. If he really knew, he wouldn't reject my two billion deal."

Su Junli nodded.

A person like Zhou Wenyu who has no sense of responsibility and conscience can sell anything as long as he has money, let alone useless genealogy and half a jade plaque.

Will that Zhou Ziyu know?

The disappearance of Zhou Ziyu was like a time bomb hiding in the dark, which made her feel insecure.

Although it was bought here, can she let her people live here?

What if that guy hides in the dark and poisons or something?

"Junli, although we have bought this place, until I find Zhou Ziyu, I suggest not to live here for the time being." Leng Qingfeng said.

"Well, that's exactly what I mean too."

Su Junli closed the entrance of the underground palace and walked out of the ancestral hall.

The sun outside is very good, shining on the body, making every pore of the body very comfortable, and I can't help but have the idea of ​​wanting to lie lazily and bask in the sun.

She often had this kind of thought when she was in Dayong.

After coming to this world, not to mention basking in the sun lazily, it seems that there is less time to look up at the sky.

On the big grass in front of the ancestral hall, a big white swing was hanging, rippling slightly with the wind.

Azai took the first step and jumped on the swing, very happy.

Su Junli glanced sideways at Leng Qingfeng, and found that his eyes were looking at her, and his eyes were full of tenderness.

"Junli, do you still remember the swing I made for you in Dayong?"

Leng Qingfeng asked aloud.

Su Junli nodded, "Of course I remember, that swing is one of my fondest childhood memories."

"Watching you swing is also my best memory!"

Leng Qingfeng put his arms around her slender waist, and kissed her softly on the pink cheek.

"Mom and Dad, come and play on the swing!"

Azai waved at them.

Su Junli jumped up and sat with Azai, while Leng Qingfeng pushed them up high behind, and the laughter of the three filled the floor.

And behind a big banyan tree in the distance, a pair of resentful eyes dodged and looked at them like poisonous snakes.

After returning from Zhou's house, Ye and others saw that the color of Su Junli's pupils had changed, thinking that she was wearing colored contact lenses of different colors like Azai.

Azai vividly described what happened at Zhou's house.

"The hornet's tail is the most poisonous woman's heart. I never thought that woman Zhou Ziyu would pretend to be crazy!" Murong Changkong shouted angrily after hearing this.

"Ye, are the meridians on Zhou Ziyu different from those of others?"

Su Junli looked at Ye Wen who was sitting beside him with a sullen face and silent.

Ye pulled her to his side, touched her face pityingly, "Fortunately, it's okay, otherwise, I would never forgive myself for the rest of my life!"

"Ye, that's what Zhou Ziyu did, it's none of your business, don't blame yourself." Su Junli knew what Ye was thinking, and comforted her softly.

"If you knew that she would hurt you so much, it wasn't just her martial arts that would have been ruined in the cave that day." Ye blamed himself.

"It's okay, it's not too late to deal with her in the future." Su Junli looked at Ye and asked, "You haven't answered my question just now, is Zhou Ziyu's meridians different from others'?"

"When she was my disciple before, I taught her to recognize people's acupuncture points, but I didn't teach her the knowledge of acupuncture points. I didn't point out the acupuncture points on her body either. I don't know if it will be different from others." Ye Shen said.

"Oh, never mind, everyone just pay attention in the future, no matter who sees Zhou Ziyu, don't be deceived by her appearance and take it lightly. Ye, especially you, I am very worried." Su Junli held Ye's hand Karate.

"Zhou Ziyu can't handle me yet." Ye's eyes were indifferent, "It turns out that I still thought about the teacher-student relationship between me and her, and felt pity for her current situation. Now, she is so important to me. , is the one who must be killed!"

Speaking of killing the word, Su Junli vaguely felt Ye's lips twitch slightly, angry and sad!

Su Junli called Chu Qinglian and told him that she had already bought the Zhou family mansion.

"Jun Li, you said you didn't find Mr. Zhou's tablet?"

Chu Qinglian asked.

"Well, I didn't find it in the ancestral hall, and I didn't find it in the room where Mr. Zhou used to live. I wonder if Zhou Wenyu, an unworthy descendant, is too lazy to even put up a memorial tablet." Su Junli nodded.

"No matter how unfilial you are, it shouldn't be like this. Perhaps, Mr. Zhou is not dead, but Zhou Wenyu is lying!" Chu Qinglian said.

A flash of light flashed in Su Junli's mind—

If Mr. Zhou is not dead, then could it be him who is hiding in the dark of the ancestral hall?

She had fought against Mr. Zhou, but she was just an ordinary old man who knew a little about martial arts, and her arms were cut off because of the poison that day, so she shouldn't have that energy!

Behind Mr. Zhou, there may be another person!

In addition, she was worried about the bronze box that disappeared before she could open it in time, so she pestered Ye and asked him to teach her about Guiguzi's mechanisms.

She has also learned some of this mechanism before, but she is not proficient. Now Ye Ye has a little bit of advice, and her current understanding seems to be much stronger than before. No matter how complicated theories and relationships are, she can understand them all at once. understand and unravel.

Naturally, Azai was not far behind, and followed her, listening carefully, keeping everything Ye said in his heart.

Su Junli's cell phone rang, and it was Zhang Qianfan's call.

"Miss Su, our leader is eager to see you. I wonder if you can spare some time?" Zhang Qianfan asked.

Except for Zhou Ziyu's matter, Su Junli really has nothing important to do now, whether it is the secrets in the eye of the sky or the genealogy, it cannot be found in a short time.

"Okay, I also want to see your leader as soon as possible." Su Junli nodded and agreed without hesitation.

"That's great, our leader has already come to the capital, and it's not convenient for him to go to Xinjiang, so please come here to meet him directly, okay?" Zhang Qianfan asked.

"It's better!" At present, everything is still chaotic and clueless, and Su Junli really doesn't want to go so far abroad, and it's best to meet the so-called leader nearby.

"Then we will wait for you tonight!"

Zhang Qianfan was very excited, "Qin Long will wait for you at the gate of the Jade Market in Kyoto!"

"it is good!"

The Stone Gambling Conference has passed, and the Kyoto Jade Market is no longer as lively as it used to be. There are only a few sporadic guests coming and going.

Qin Long was wearing a cyan robe today, with a somewhat handsome bookish look.

Seeing Su Junli, he nodded slightly in greeting.

"Mr. Qin, stay safe!"

Su Junli greeted him proactively.

"Miss Su, you are safe and well!" Qin Long replied lightly, but his eyes fell on Su Junli's pupils and paused, "Miss Su, your pupils..."

"Hehe, learn to be fashionable and wear colored contact lenses for fun!" Su Junli sneered.

In order to hide the red and green pupils, Su Junli also put on colored contact lenses like Azai did to cover up the original color, but unexpectedly, Qin Long saw it at a glance.

"It's a pity, I still think Miss Su's original black pupils are more attractive." Qin Long said.

"I'm afraid it's too touching." Su Junli said with a smile.

The corners of Qin Long's lips twitched slightly, he didn't say much, but looked at the person behind Su Junli, and said, "Miss Su, the leader only wants to see you alone, I wonder if you can let them avoid it for a while?"

"They are my man, my daughter, and there are no secrets between us."

"I'm very sorry, our leader is a bit timid and can only see one person, I hope Miss Su can forgive me." Qin Long said.


Hearing this word, Su Junli couldn't help but want to laugh, "The leader is not a child, is he? How can he be timid?"

"Even if you're a child, if you're timid, you can't be your leader." Azai said from the side, "If you don't want to see us, just say so, why beat around the bush like this?"

A look of embarrassment appeared on Qin Long's face, he coughed dryly and said, "Please be considerate, little girl!"

"It's okay to be considerate, is there any benefit?" Azai asked with his eyes rolled.

"I don't know what benefits the little girl wants?" Qin Long asked.

"Well..." Azai looked at his slightly flushed cheeks, deliberately tilted his head and thought for a while, "Let me kiss you!"

Qin Long's entire face immediately turned red as if it was on fire, dripping with blood, full of embarrassment.

"No?" Azai decided to tease him to the end, approached Qin Long, hooked his fingers and said with a smirk, "If you don't, I won't leave my mother either."

Qin Long looked at Su Junli as if asking for help, hoping that she could help him out.

Su Junli smiled, and said to Azai: "Azai, stop teasing Brother Qin Long, take your father and uncle to the jade market! I'll go to see the leader alone."

Su Junli saw that he was determined to only let him see the leader alone, so he didn't force him, and told Azai not to mess around.

"No, I'm going to kiss my brother!" Azai became stubborn, because Qin Long's embarrassing blushing look was so cute that she had the urge to throw herself down.

"Azai, don't you have a crush on him?" Murong Changkong yelled openly from the side. "That's right, I've had a crush on Brother Qin Long, and I want him to be my man!" Azai said in a loud voice without hiding anything.

Qin Long's face was completely red, and even his neck was burning.

He glanced at Azai quickly, then quickly dodged away, looking at the ground.

He was originally a very shrewd person, but he didn't know why, since he saw the girl Azai today, he felt a little bit out of his head.

Azai moved his face closer to Qin Long's, blinking his big eyes at him.

Qin Long felt that his heart was about to stop beating, and his breathing was very difficult, as if he was about to suffocate.

"Brother Qin Long, remember, you are mine!"

After Azai finished speaking, he stood on tiptoe and kissed him **** the cheek.

Qin Long only felt that his mind was blank, like a paste being constantly stirred by a stick, and stared blankly at Azai.

Azai walked back to Su Junli's side, looked at her and said, "Mom, he is the man I like, don't rob me!"

Su Junli laughed, "Azai, do you like him so much?"

"I don't know, I just think he's super cute, and I really want him to be mine." Azai shook his head.

"He is the one and only couple in your mind?" Su Junli asked.

Azai was slightly startled, she looked at Qin Long for a long time, and thought to herself: Is he enough for me in my life?

Ask yourself, that doesn't seem to be the case.

However, my ideal of love is to be a couple for a lifetime, not to love many people at the same time like my mother.

She feels torn.

Qin Long unconsciously touched his cheek, looked at Azai's bewildered and lovely face, and already acquiesced in her words: Well, I will wait for you to grow up and become your man!

Su Junli asked Leng Qingfeng and the others to leave, and walked in with Qin Long, who was in a daze.

"Miss Su—"

Qin Long suddenly looked back at Su Junli and shouted.


"I will wait for your daughter!" Qin Long suddenly said firmly, "I will only recognize her as a woman in my life."


Su Junli was a little surprised, and couldn't help asking: "It was just a whim of hers just now, maybe you don't need to take it to heart. Besides, I have to tell you first, she is my daughter, her temperament It's similar to me, there should be many men in my life."

Qin Long was slightly startled again, then pondered for a while and said: "It's okay, I will still love her wholeheartedly, unless she doesn't want me."

The love doesn't know where it started, and it goes deeper and deeper.

Seeing him like this, Su Junli suddenly thought of this sentence.

The strangest emotion in this world is love, it will happen instantly, and I don't know why it happened.

Some people, together for a lifetime can not produce love.

And some people, with just one glance, fell in love like lightning and flint!

"Miss Su, you won't object to our association, will you?" Qin Long asked a little shyly again.

"Azai is already twelve years old. Whoever she wants to associate with is her freedom, and I can't control it." Su Junli smiled. In Dayong, she also married a concubine at the age of twelve.

What's more, due to his early experience, Azai is much more mature than ordinary girls, both in mind and body.

"Thank you Miss Su!" Qin Long's tone was full of gratitude.

"No thanks, I just hope you can cherish her like me." Su Junli smiled lightly.

"That's natural. After I meet the leader, I will ask the leader to let me follow Azai." Qin Long's eyes were filled with a certain kind of strange happiness.

"He's willing to let you go?" Su Junli was surprised.

"Well, our leader is the most wise and understanding leader in the world. Even if I leave his side, he will still be the person I will respect for the rest of my life." Qin Long said about the leader, his face full of admiration.

"If you had to choose only one between Azai and the leader, what would you do?"

"I will die." Qin Long replied without any hesitation.

-----Off Topic-----

Happy Valentine's Day, I wish all lovers get married!

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