MTL - His Transmigrated Cannon Fodder Fiancé-Chapter 154 prepare for

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Biquge, the latest chapter of the East Bed will be updated as soon as possible!

If it wasn't for Zhou's determination that Shen Ziyi would marry Qi Yi, she would be the elder sister of Qi Family. In the future, Mrs. Hou will make all the women in Beijing envied. Expectation and longing.

But when she was full of longing, a marriage gift shattered all her extravagant hopes.

Not only did she not make people envy her, but she made fun of her in the back, and even the subordinates in the family looked at her eyes full of ridicule, no matter how calm Shen Zizhuang pretends, her heart is bitter, watching Shen Ziqiao's shy and happy With a smile, she felt more jealous.

Qi Qi really asked her queen to marry Shen Ziqiao?

Shen Zizhen remembered what Luo Zhao huā said on that day, and he did not want to believe that it was true.

Qi Yan was a fool before. How did Shen Ziqiao and him know each other? And all these years he has been in the northwest, but Shen Ziqiao is in East Vietnam. The two are so far south and north, where is there a relationship? Luo Zhao must have cheated her.

She didn't believe Qi Yan would like Shen Ziqiao!

"Qiao Jiao, how does your old lady treat you?" After returning from Shen Ziqiao, the oldest aunt who didn't seem to see enough about Shen Ziqiao took Zhou Zi away after Zhou's departure, and asked in a low voice.

Shen Ziqiao knows that their aunts are most concerned about this issue. It does n’t matter what kind of problem they marry. The most important thing is the attitude of the elders and husbands towards themselves. Qi ’s attitude does n’t need to be asked at all. The two aunts can see it. What about the elders at home?

"The old lady treats me well, and makes her the same as her own family. She also gave me the heirloom of the Qi family ..." Shen Ziqiao said in a fifteen to ten, she knew that her aunt asked her these, but in fact Instead of asking her grandmother, she would surely tell them all when she returned to East Vietnam.

She wants her grandfather and grandmother to rest assured that she is really doing well.

Grandma listened with satisfaction. She didn't ask Xiao Gu's how she was to Shen Ziqiao. It must not be good, but what's the matter? The Qi family still has an old lady. As long as the old lady Qi really protects Jiao Jiao and helps Jiao Jiao to establish prestige and a stable position in the Qi family, how can Xiao Gu's dislike it?

By that time, Jiao Jiao had the ability to compete with Xiao Gu's. Maybe by then, Jiao Jiao was in charge of the feed. What about Xiao Gu's?

"How are you looking at Grandpa Grandma?" Grandma asked in a low voice.

How to ask this? Shen Ziqiao was a little puzzled, but still answered, "The grandfather of the state is very valued."

Grandma's mother smiled even more happily. "The grandfather of that generation is Qi Qi. That little Gu family relied on her own son to be better than Qi Qi. She never expected that Qi Qi was not only stupid, but also made military achievements. Li Zhi is still a Li Chang, and his son is still in this position. "

Shen Ziqiao understood the meaning of the auntie, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed, Qi Qi was not at all interested in the position of the world son.

"Mother-in-law, you also said that Qi Jiu has military merits, it doesn't matter whether he is a son or not." Shen Ziqiao did not say that Qi Ji did not want a son, but only said vaguely.

"This will irritate those who **** it," said Aunt Grandma with a hint.

Shen Ziqiao laughed twice, remembering that there was another very important thing to say to my aunt today: "Auntie, have you ever seen my grandmother in the past two days?"

Grandma's mother looked slightly condensed and whispered, "I only went to see it yesterday. Your grandmother was afraid that it won't last long. I'm also trying to tell you about this. The matter of Kaigeer and the girl Zhu must be rushed. Settle down. "

"Yes, this is what I worry about the most. If I drag on, I don't know what has changed." What Shen Ziqiao is most worried about is that if Shen Zikai's marriage changes that she can't control, her previous efforts will be wasted. . "There is no elder in the family who can appear for the elder brother. After all, my father is a man, my second wife ... I still don't expect it, my aunt, my brother's relationship, I'm afraid you have to come forward."

"I will go to your third aunt today to discuss it with your father, and then tell your father that the Pan family is a family with us. I immediately asked someone to write to Mrs. Zhu and ask her what she meant." Grandma said .

Shen Ziqiao was relieved.

However, although there was an aunt, the elder brother had to talk about it.

He returned to the house with his auntie, and Shen Ziqiao excused Gong to ask Hongyu to find Shen Zikai who was talking to Qi Yan in the study.

Seeing Shen Ziqiao's mysterious look, Shen Ziyi was curious and couldn't help keeping up.

After a while, Shen Zikai came and saw Shen Ziqiao sitting in the gazebo in the yard waiting for him, and said with a smile, "Is that Qi Qi that guy is not good for you, you have to sue to the big brother secretly?"

"If he is not good for me, do I still need to sue?" Shen Ziqiao said with a smile. "I have something to tell my brother."

What's so mysterious? Shen Zikai sat down. "You say."

"Brother, I went to see my grandmother today. I'm afraid it is ... you have to take care of your family affairs, or you have to wait another three years." of."

Shen Zikai's handsome face flashed a dark red, rare embarrassment, and couldn't help whispering, "How can a sister care about my brother's affairs."

"I just care, brother, the Zhu family girl is gentle and courteous, you will love it." Shen Ziqiao said with a smile.

"How do you know?" Shen Zikai looked at her suspiciously.

Naturally, she had been asked about it, and she smiled "I think so."

Shen Ziqiao laughed softly, and the matter was so settled.

The brother and sister walked down the gazebo, and Shen Ziqiao seemed to be unmarried, playing with Shen Zikai's arm in one hand, and laughing softly, "Brother, I heard that His Royal Highness is about to re-elect the Crown Prince. Is this settled?"

"It's almost there, it's time to get married this month." Shen Zikai said, "The queen will let the girls of the marriageable age in the family all go to the plum banquet. At that time ... the princess and two Liangzhu will probably be selected."

His Royal Highness The Crown Prince is more than twenty, but there is only one son of the young emperor, and there are not many children. It is normal for the queen mother to marry more wives for him.

Shen Ziqiao only worried that a woman with a golden finger would be chosen against the sky.

"Not all marriageable women in Beijing have a chance?" Shen Ziqiao asked anxiously.

"That's impossible." Shen Zikai chuckled. "Where any girl can be a daughter-in-law of the heavenly family, this time to visit Mei Yan is a famous girl."

Then Sheng Peiyin didn't dare to appear, she is still a wanted criminal.

Shen Ziqiao's voice briskly, and jokingly followed Shen Zikai away.

His Royal Highness chooses his concubine ...

Shen Zizhen stood quietly from the corner, because what she had just heard, her heart fluttered, as if something hot was coming out of her heart.

The crown prince ... will be able to overwhelm Shen Ziqiao.

Shen Zixi laughed, turned and hurriedly walked towards Zhou's yard.



Before the evening, Qi Zheng took Shen Ziqiao back to Qi's house.

The eaves on the side of the road dangled with ice, the roof of the entire street was plain white, and the ice was shining brightly in the sun.

Shen Ziqiao looked at the outside scenery through the curtains. She was also a southerner before and never saw snow, so she has an inexplicable fondness for snow. I always feel that there is a pure romance in the snow and ice.

"You said you want to take me to enjoy the snow, and now the snow has stopped." Shen Ziqiao grumbled his mouth and complained.

Qi Yan stretched out her long arms and took her back to her arms, frowning at her red-faced face. "There is wind in the window, don't always lie there. This is the first snow this year. You want to see snow more often The thing is, it's your little body, freezing in the cold, and thinking about snowball fights, your courage is too fat. "

"I am very strong." Shen Ziqiao glared at him displeasedly. "I last year ... I have played snowballs before."

Last year she was in Dongyue and the previous year was also in Dongyue. When she appeared here in the first year, although she had a chance to see the snow, she was trembling and shocked at that time, so how dare you let go of it.

Qi Yanhan said with a smile, "Tonight you know how strong you are."

Shen Ziqiao's cheeks were slowly stained with red. Apart from the wedding night, although Qi Yan always liked to kiss her to tease her, she always put up with it at the last moment, for fear of hurting her again.

Looking at her who suddenly became quiet, even her ears turned red, Qi Qi's lips were raised high.

Back to Qi's house, the two went to Mrs. Qi to greet them.

Mrs. Qi was very pleased to meet them. She held Shen Ziqiao's hand and kept asking. When she asked Mrs. Shen's body, she showed a sad look, as if there was a sad loss of a rabbit and a dead fox. There is something wrong. "

Shen Ziqiao was busy counseling her, "You are still young."

"Just you can talk." Mrs. Qi said with a smile.

"Of course she can talk, otherwise how can I coax her brother to die for her." A sharp voice sounded outside, and then Gu Gu's tall and thin voice appeared by the door.

Mrs. Qi's face was slightly heavy. "Don't you say you're busy?"

Just now she was asked to ask Xiao Gu's to come and ask a few words, but Xiao Gu's made a reply, saying that she was busy with the wife-in-law, but came over again.

Shen Ziqiao's eyes fell on the person behind Shen Ziqiao.

What a pretty girl! This is almost the most beautiful girl she has ever seen.

The woman behind Xiao Gu's is naturally Gu Daiqin. She has a beautiful face with a childish innocence, and is looking at Shen Ziqiao with her head tilted and blinking.

Shen Ziqiao then realized that the girl's eyes were a little strange and pure.

"What's the matter, thought that I don't have to salute me when I see the old lady here?" Xiao Gu's seeing that Shen Ziqiao was standing still, could not help raising his voice to taunt.

"Mother, the younger sister who was brought by my mother is too beautiful. I looked at it for a while, and forgot to greet you." Shen Ziqiao confessed wrongly. The beauty can't blame her for being lost.

Xiao Gu's snorted coldly, but his eyes narrowed at the side of Qi.

