MTL - History’s Strongest Senior Brother-~ 1772. The gambling lost

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In a word, it doesn't matter, it makes it difficult for others to understand the meaning of Yan Zhaoge.

But in the crystal plate, Nie Jingshen's body shook a little.

Just as everyone talked, the Twelve Heavenly Gods and Great Devils continued to operate and became more powerful.

Blood rushes to the sea and forcibly pushes the celestial array to withdraw from the abyss.

And that bloody, at this time, took the opportunity to rush out of the nine secluded magic sea.

The whole nine secluded blood, in this moment with the blood and light, making the entire nine secluded as if drowned in the blood.

The tyrannical blood light, so that the presence of a large number of Da Luo level strong, feels unable to withstand.

Even if the peacock Daming King spreads his five-colored light, he is constantly engulfed by blood.

The **** wave began to expand beyond the nine.

The horror atmosphere of the end of the day has covered the entire universe.

The western bliss is pure land, and there is no Amitabha Buddha sitting in the town.

The light of the Buddha of joy and peace faded, and the blossoming green lotus seemed to be stained with blood.

In the Chenshan Xinghai of the Yaozu, the sun is low and the whole universe looks cold.

In the middle of Taisu, the hibiscus tree, which is like the sunrise, is also a scene of ruin.

The outer roads of Xianting and Bailian Pure Land are also shrouded in blood.

Believers are terrified by the sights they have never seen before.

The tranquility that can be obtained in the past prayers, the delay in coming today, makes the atmosphere even more tense.

The Taoist Heavens are no exception, and all sentient beings are restless.

Regardless of the gates of the heavens, or the pure land of the Buddhist monks, the world of the demon family, or the place where the two sides are outside, at this moment they are facing the erosion of the nine secluded.

In some of the world, time and space are even cracking, and gaps are emerging. The nine secluded, the magic is stirring.

In the nine secluded seas, the twelve pillars are constantly getting higher, and eventually rise with the blood and sea, and come to the abyss.

Yuan Shi Tian Mou and the Big Self-Devils are indifferent to look at the eyes of the immortal array with Yan Zhao and others.

In addition to the twelve gods and gods still sitting in the town, the other nine sinister demons, then also rushed out of the abyss!

Under the **** light, all demons and powers are skyrocketing!

Under the glory of blood, no matter whether Yang Lan, Su Mingming, etc., or the peacock Da Ming Wang, the ancient Buddha on the lamp, the land pressure on the king, they were greatly suppressed.

One skill, 10% is ninety-nine, to be used to withstand the threat of the 12th Heavenly Gods.

And it is a growing threat.

Gradually unable to continue to persist in the threat.

At this moment, when the tiger falls to Pingyang, the dragon swims in shallow water.

In the past, anyone can swipe on the spot, but now the nine sinister demons in front of him have become the enemy of life and death, and may crush the last straw of the camel at any time.

Twelve Heavenly Gods and Devils will shroud the group, and they will not be able to do so.

Between the heavens and the earth, the group of devils danced.

The shadow of death is shrouded in everyone's heart.

What is even more desperate is that the attention of Yuanshitian Devil and the Big Devil at this moment is still in other places, and there is no real need to clean up the crowd.

The top of the big devils, seriously manipulate the twelve heavens gods magic array.

Their gaze, at this moment, looks at the pillar that symbolizes the end of the heavens.

On that pillar, Jane's appearance, the light and shadow that enveloped her, began to gradually fit.

The light and shadow, more and more concise, more and more real, almost has to be turned into actual existence.

The violent silence of the world is getting richer and thicker, as if to come to an end and come to the end.

After the demolition of the Yuanshitian demon, the end of the demon is also about to be born!

At that time, the three great ancestors lived at the same time, that is, Amitabha Buddha, Donghuang Taiyi and others re-entered the nine secluded, and could not turn the situation.

Feng Yun's face is pale as paper at the moment.

But she gradually stabilized her situation.

After calming her mind, she was much more comfortable than Yang Lan, Su Mingming, and Kong Xuan under the **** light.

The attack of the nine secluded demons relied mainly on her interception.

At the moment, the big self-defense turned his head and looked at it calmly. He said, "Come back."

One of his eight arms, pointed to the volley of Fengyun.

Feng Yunyu was hit hard, and Luo Yuan, the head of his head, almost disappeared. His body shape was even more involuntary, and he voted for the big self-defense.

She gritted her teeth and her body flashed, directly plunging into the chaotic abyss above, and the whole disappeared.

Chaos dissipated under the scour of blood, but the figure of Feng Yunyu appeared on the other side.

The big self-defeating demon did not care, and there was no change in his expression. He continued to move toward Fengyun and his fingers were a little farther away.

But halfway through the action, he suddenly stopped.

Next to the Yuan Shi Tian Mo, then turned around and looked at the other direction.

There, there was a burst of purple in the sky.

Everyone at the scene met and looked different.

Yan Zhao’s song looks calm and the sound is not urgent.

"Nine gambles lost."

As if the footnote of this sentence, that touch of purple, from far and near, came to the crowd.

Far from seeing it, but when it is close, it becomes majestic, and the vast purple is hundreds of miles.

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Spread to the Yuanshitian magic with the big self in front of the demon.

There, there was a Taoist old man sitting on the back of a big green cow.

"Daoyou is still here." Yuan Shitian's eyes are not shocked, calmly watching the old man on the back of the green cow.

"Yeah." The old man replied faintly.

The big self-defense also looks at the old man in front of him: "The people who secretly contacted Gengjin in the past were really friends."

"It's me." The old man nodded.

Next to the Ebony's face is ugly, blurted out: "Since the old man has been detached, why bother to deal with this world? When the year was shattered, the car was not shot?"

In the place where there are people in the door, the look is different, but at the moment they are all polite to the old man in the purple air.

Others, such as the peacock Daming King, the ancient lamp of the burning lamp, the land pressure, and other strong, are no exception.

This old man sitting on the back of the green cow is a master of the palace, too old!

Taiqing moral celestial respect is not only a form of creation, but also a boulevard, with the same life, and coexistence with the world.

Because of this particularity, moral celestial sects will still leave a projection in this world even if they are detached, that is, they are too old to be in the palace, and the equivalent of Taiqing still exists in this world.

However, before the old Laojun was rarely involved in the world.

In addition to the first time in the Middle Ages, Tai Shang Laojun did not appear in front of the world.

Today, however, this Taiqing Daozu, re-emerged!

For the evil spirit of Ekimu, Laojun did not think that he was still embarrassed, and he said, "I want to come today, I will come."

He nodded at the Ebony, and then turned to look at the Yuanshi Tianmo and the Big Self-Devil: "You, stop and stop."