MTL - Hold His Hand-Chapter 201 Wealthy Old Man (4)

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Xie Chengze actually rarely dyes his hair.

As the ruler of the Xie family, he appears more mature and stable, which is better than looking young.

However, he prepared hair dye at home, and occasionally, he also dyed his own hair.

Seeing Lu Yanzhou's eyes now, Xie Chengze decided to dye his hair every day starting from today.

"Brother Xie, you are so handsome." Lu Yanzhou praised.

"I'm older, how can I compare to you young people..."

"Brother Xie, don't always say that you are old, you are obviously very young, only in your thirties." Lu Yanzhou said.

When Xie Chengze heard the words, he secretly smiled bitterly.

He is really not that old, and the successful people he usually contacts are still struggling in their forties.

But he is not in good health, and his life has entered the twilight years.

"Brother Xie, I made breakfast, come and have some." Lu Yanzhou greeted Xie Chengze.

"Why not let the nanny do it?" Xie Chengze asked.

"I want to make it for you to eat." Lu Yanzhou looked at Xie Chengze intently.

The nanny also said, "Mr. Xie, Mr. Lu is very skilled. He wakes up early in the morning just to cook for you."

Xie Chengze sat down at the table happily, and noticed that the breakfast on the table was all he liked.

He tasted it, and the breakfast tasted very good, even better than the nanny he paid a lot of money to make.

I didn't expect Lu Yanzhou to have such a skill!

"Xiao Lu, your craft is very good, did you often cook before?" Xie Chengze asked.

"Yes." Lu Yanzhou said that his skills were acquired little by little in his long life.

Xie Chengze has slightly different tastes in different worlds, but he believes that the food he cooks will definitely suit Xie Chengze's appetite.

Xie Chengze praised a few more words, feeling a little distressed for Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou's cooking is so good, he must have done it before.

Is it because he has no parents and is an orphan?

If Lu Yanzhou had parents, how could he have no money to go to university? If Lu Yanzhou had parents, why would he need to rely on others? If Lu Yanzhou had parents, how could he be proficient in cooking?

"Brother Xie, it's great that you like the food I make! Brother Xie, I have prepared lunch for you, do you want to take it to the company to eat?" Lu Yanzhou asked, and looked embarrassed again: "I'm just average. , If Brother Xie, you have already ordered, then forget it."

Xie Chengze did order a meal, but he smiled gently: "I didn't order a meal, and I dealt with it casually at noon. It would be great to be able to bring meals there."

Lu Yanzhou smiled: "Brother Xie, then I will do it for you every day from now on."

"Will it trouble you?"

"No trouble." Lu Yanzhou said.

The nanny was silently listening to their conversation. Mr. Xie always ate lunch specially made for him by high-end restaurants at noon. She had told Lu Yanzhou about this before when Lu Yanzhou was cooking.

As a result, both of them now pretend they don't know about it...

Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze went to the company together.

Xie Chengze went to the top floor, while he went to his own department, officially joined the job, and worked with a project manager.

An employee who suddenly came to the company like this can easily be ostracized by his colleagues, but if he has real material, it is another matter.

Lu Yanzhou had been busy all morning, and after helping his colleagues to finish the work that his colleagues had worked overtime for several days, a group of men with thinning hair looked at him with admiration and touching eyes, making him goosebumps.

Ignoring these people, Lu Yanzhou took out his own lunch and harassed Xie Chengze with his mobile phone while eating.

"Brother Lu, you still bring a boxed lunch, it's really enviable." Someone around couldn't help but say.

"Is it enviable to bring a boxed lunch?" Lu Yanzhou really didn't know about this.

"If you cook this meal, it means you go to bed early, get up early, live a healthy life, and have a good accommodation environment. If someone else cooks it for you, it means that you have a significant other who loves you very much. There are still many single people here. Dog." The man sighed.

"I see."

"Brother Lu, so you did it yourself, or did someone else do it for you?"

Lu Yanzhou said vaguely, "I don't live alone anyway."

"We knew that with your looks and talent, Brother Lu, you must have no shortage of girlfriends." Tears of jealousy flowed from the corners of their mouths when everyone watched Lu Yanzhou's just-heated sumptuous and tempting lunch.

Now they all feel that Lu Yanzhou is the boss dug from above, and they are very respectful to Lu Yanzhou, even if they are older than Lu Yanzhou, they all sincerely call "Brother Lu".

Lu Yanzhou said, "That's really not true. I don't have a girlfriend. The one from my family is a man."

Everyone was shocked, but Lu Yanzhou's sexuality had nothing to do with them, so they all accepted it quickly, and said, "The boss is indeed a boss, he is different."

Lu Yanzhou smiled and continued to send Xie Chengze a message.

He won't disturb Xie Chengze during working hours, but during rest time... he wants to occupy Xie Chengze's time.

"Brother Lu, are you texting your boyfriend?"

"Yes, I didn't have time to talk to him in the morning, so I'll make it up now." Lu Yanzhou said.

Although their sexual orientations were different, everyone still envied Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou's boyfriend should be a cute and clingy little guy who is good at cooking, right?

Xie Chengze was also having lunch at this time.

His appetite has never been very good, and his meals are not on time, but today Lu Yanzhou specially prepared lunch for him, and he must eat it well.

Being able to chat with Lu Yanzhou while eating makes me even happier!

Xie Chengze faintly felt that Lu Yanzhou had a good impression of him, and some of Lu Yanzhou's actions were more like chasing him.

But he wasn't sure.

Chatted with Lu Yanzhou for a noon, and made an appointment to go back together after get off work... Xie Chengze asked his assistant to say hello to Manager Zhang, and asked Manager Zhang to stop his subordinates from working overtime.

He remembered that the software R&D department was always working overtime.

The assistant told Manager Zhang about this, and Manager Zhang turned his head and said to the person under his opponent: "Lu Yanzhou was specially invited by President Xie, just to make us work less overtime. Today, everyone should stop working overtime, go back early!"

Don't have to work overtime? This is really good!

They looked at Lu Yanzhou again, moved to tears.

Lu Yanzhou, who secretly sent a message to Xie Chengze while the work was done: "..." Please don't look at him with such eyes!

The nanny cooked dinner. After eating, Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze went for a walk together. They chatted a lot, chatted and talked about the company.

Lu Yanzhou had managed the company, and he made some comments incidentally, which surprised Xie Chengze—Lu Yanzhou knew more than he thought.

This is a very talented young man with a really good eye.

In the following days, Lu Yanzhou cooked for Xie Chengze every day, cared about all aspects of Xie Chengze's life, teased Xie Chengze from time to time, and earnestly implemented his pursuit plan.

On the other side, Jiang Mi and Tan Shaojun quarreled again.

A few days ago, Tan Shaojun exposed the fact that Lu Yanzhou liked Jiang Mi in front of Jiang Mi.

Jiang Mi swore at that time that he regarded Lu Yanzhou as his elder brother and asked Lu Yanzhou to leave, but when Lu Yanzhou left, he was a little dazed, and Tan Shaojun was jealous because of this, and said that Jiang Mi was hanging Lu Yanzhou to raise a spare tire.

Jiang Mi felt that Tan Shaojun had wronged him, and the two quarreled.

Jiang Mi used to go to Lu Yanzhou to talk to him every time he encountered difficulties, but now in this situation, he can't go to Lu Yanzhou, so he can only endure it.

He felt that Lu Yanzhou would definitely take the initiative to find him, but Lu Yanzhou never contacted him... Jiang Mi couldn't bear it anymore. One day, he took a taxi to the place where Lu Yanzhou rented.

He always forgot to bring his keys, so Lu Yanzhou specially changed the fingerprint lock for the rental house for his convenience.

After arriving at the place, Jiang Mi wanted to open the door and go in, but after trying his fingerprint and password, he couldn't get in.

Lu Yanzhou is angry? Deleted his fingerprint information?

Or is this lock broken?

Jiang Mi was a little flustered, so he could only send a message to Lu Yanzhou: "Brother Lu, I came back to get my clothes, but the door can't be opened..."

Jiang Mi came to Lu Yanzhou this time, using the excuse of "getting clothes".

Lu Yanzhou has rented this house for many years. When he was in college, he would come to live here during the holidays. Most of his clothes were kept here. The place where he and Tan Shaojun lived together didn't have much.

After the message was sent, Jiang Mi saw a red exclamation mark.

Lu Yanzhou deleted him?

Jiang Mi is really panicked now.

He couldn't get through on the phone with Lu Yanzhou. He asked someone to borrow a mobile phone to call Lu Yanzhou, but it also showed that the phone was turned off... Jiang Mi had no choice but to wait at the door.

He regarded Lu Yanzhou as his brother, but Lu Yanzhou actually had such feelings for him... A few days ago, he had been very unhappy in his heart, waiting for Lu Yanzhou to apologize to him.

This time, when he came to Lu Yanzhou, it was also an excuse to get clothes and give Lu Yanzhou a step down.

As a result, Lu Yanzhou blocked him, and he couldn't even contact Lu Yanzhou.

The more Jiang Mi waited, the more frightened he became. When he waited for a stranger to open the door and enter the house, he even went up and asked, "Who are you? How can you open the door?"

The person who had just rented the house looked inexplicable.

Jiang Mi was entangled with the new tenant, and only when he called the landlord did he know that Lu Yanzhou had left the lease and moved out for several days.

"He moved? What about my things? What about the things I put here?!" Jiang Mi was dumbfounded.

The Tan family has always disagreed with him and Tan Shaojun, and the two are still separate and combined. In order to show that he loves Tan Shaojun, not Tan Shaojun's money, he resolutely does not let Tan Shaojun Give him money.

Now that the season is about to change, his clothes at Tan Shaojun's place only belong to this season. If he loses Lu Yanzhou's clothes, what will he wear next season?

"I remember that before Xiao Lu left, he threw a lot of things." The landlord said. At that time, Lu Yanzhou threw a lot of clothes and shoes in a large bag and a small bag, and the old lady in their community went to rummage.

Jiang Mi: "..." Lu Yanzhou threw all his clothes and shoes away?

Lu Yanzhou is so heartless?

This is impossible!

Jiang Mi went downstairs in despair, and then saw an old man in the community wearing a sports suit that he was very familiar with.

That set of sportswear is a niche fashion brand. It looks fashionable. It is not the old man who will buy it, but he, he has bought it.

This old man is wearing his clothes!

Jiang Mi was disgusted and very aggrieved. After going home for a few days, he finally couldn't bear it anymore and called everywhere to find out about Lu Yanzhou.

Jiang Mi was looking for his own business, and Lu Yanzhou knew it from the original owner's friend.

Lu Yanzhou blocked Jiang Mi. To be safe, he also changed his mobile phone number, and his new mobile phone number was only told to a few good friends of the original owner.

Between the original owner and Jiang Mi, the one with the original owner will definitely be chosen.

The one who told Lu Yanzhou about Jiang Mi was a friend Lu Yanzhou and Jiang Mi knew in the orphanage, called Zhou Hongxing: "Lu Yanzhou, since you are sober, don't talk to Jiang Mi anymore, he is not worthy of your liking. "

Lu Yanzhou said: "I won't talk to him anymore, don't talk nonsense, I don't like him."

"Lu Yanzhou, are you still stubborn now? If you don't like him, you will raise him as a young master?" Zhou Hongxing didn't believe Lu Yanzhou's words.

Lu Yanzhou said, "I really don't like him."

The original owner never told anyone that he liked Jiang Mi, for fear that this matter would bring trouble to Jiang Mi, and that Jiang Mi would be unhappy when he found out—he tried Jiang Mi, and Jiang Mi kept saying that he was his own brother.

Because of this, at the beginning, everyone didn't know that the original owner liked Jiang Mi, and a straight man like Zhou Hongxing only felt that the original owner was a little too good for Jiang Mi.

But when Jiang Mi and Tan Shaojun got together, they guessed that the original owner liked Jiang Mi.

After guessing, they felt unworthy for the original owner.

The original owner helped Jiang Mi so much, and Jiang Mi went to college at the expense of the original owner. As a result, as soon as he graduated, Jiang Mi climbed Gaozhi and left. In their opinion, it was a bit unkind.

Lu Yanzhou also felt that Jiang Mi was not kind. The original owner's love for Jiang Mi was obvious. If Jiang Mi didn't like men, he might not have noticed, but Jiang Mi liked men.

How could he not find out!

What's more, although the original owner didn't confess, he actually tried Jiang Mi...

Jiang Mi made it clear that he used the original owner as a spare tire.

It’s okay to use the original owner as a spare tire. Jiang Mi spent so much money on the original owner, and he didn’t even think about paying it back.

Zhou Hongxing only knew that the original owner paid Jiang Mi, but he didn't know how much the original owner spent, but Lu Yanzhou knew very well.

As far as Jiang Mi's expenses are concerned... they have surpassed some of the second generation of the rich!

But now, Lu Yanzhou decided to deny the matter: "Old Zhou, my feelings for Jiang Mi are not love."

"What is that? Do you really think of him as a younger brother? Which older brother treats his younger brother so well?" Zhou Hongxing didn't believe it.

Lu Yanzhou said: "I actually... regard him as a son."

Zhou Hongxing: "..." What did Lu Yanzhou say? Did he hear it right? !

Lu Yanzhou said again: "Old Zhou, I am still very active, I really want to like him, as for so many years of doing nothing? I really don't like him, I just keep it and be a son. Raised!"

"Just two years younger than you... son?"

"I'm mentally old, can't I?"

"Lu Yanzhou, do you still lack a son? The kind that can cook in college?" Zhou Hongxing was full of "fuck".

"There is no shortage! I have raised a white-eyed wolf, and I will never raise children again!"

"Lu Yanzhou, is what you said true or false? I'm not laughing at you, and you don't need to lie to me..."

"It's absolutely true! Lao Zhou, I really raised him as a son, and I already have someone I like. Don't talk nonsense in the future. If the person I like is jealous, I won't be able to eat and walk away!" Lu Yanzhou road.

"Do you have someone you like? Who?"

Lu Yanzhou sent the candid photo of Xie Chengze: "It's him, I haven't caught up yet, but it should be soon!"

"This man is very handsome! He looks quite old, in his thirties? He's not the same type as Jiang Mi at all... Do you really like him?" Zhou Hongxing was a little surprised when he saw Xie Chengze's photo.

Jiang Mi has a baby face and looks innocent and not aggressive.

But the person in the photo in front of him looks very mature and stable, and his appearance is very handsome. Although his eyes are gentle, he always gives people a feeling of being uneasy.

"Of course I like it. I have always liked mature people. As I said, I am mentally old." Lu Yanzhou said.

He planned to brainwash the people around the original owner to make them believe that he didn't like Jiang Mi.

In this way, even if Xie Chengze knows about him and Jiang Mi in the future, he can make a quibble... Well, explain.

Zhou Hongxing was a little dazed. After thinking about it, he couldn't help but ask, "Lu Yanzhou, do you really lack a son?"


Zhou Hongxing sighed, very sorry.

Lu Yanzhou is a generous person. When he was short of money before, he lent him money.

What about **** rice? He doesn't know much about Lu Yanzhou and Jiang Mi, but Jiang Mi's circle of friends eats, drinks, and has fun all day long. Lu Yanzhou spent hundreds of thousands on Jiang Mi?

He is also an orphan, and I really want to have such a father!

But Lu Yanzhou doesn't like Jiang Mi, this is a big happy event! Zhou Hongxing immediately told this to his mutual friend with Lu Yanzhou.

Xie Shi, Lu Yanzhou and Zhou Hongxing finished chatting, and saw someone waiting for him with a smile.

"Have you encountered a problem?" Lu Yanzhou asked.

"Yes, yes, there is a problem." The man said immediately.

"I'll take a look." Lu Yanzhou looked at it immediately and helped solve the problem.

He has been very comfortable in Xie's recently.

As a related household and skilled, no one cares about what he wants to do.

Even after getting to know the people in the company, he knew some ways to make extra money.

It won't be long before he can pay off the debt owed by the original owner, and then, he still needs a lot of money to save merits for Xie Chengze's treatment.

Lu Yanzhou plans to engage in artificial intelligence.

He did a lot of research on all kinds of robots in the last world, and he knew very well about artificial intelligence.

He remembered that in the memory of the original owner, there was a company that had mastered a lot of new technologies. When Xie was sniped by Tan, he bought shares from Xie Chengze at a high price and collected some of Xie's subsidiaries, which can be regarded as helping Xie. Shi and Xie Chengze.

The original owner, who did not know the company's management, was not very clear about the specific situation, but the original owner learned from Jiang Mi that Tan Shaojun was very unhappy for not being able to completely annex the Xie family.

As for what happened in the future...the original owner died, so he didn't know.

That technology company is also a big group called Yaoshi Group. They started out producing glass fiber. They were on the verge of bankruptcy seven or eight years ago, but they were acquired by another group, and then they made money. They also started to enter other industries and developed some cutting-edge technologies.

In the past two years, they also began to study artificial intelligence.

Lu Yanzhou planned to contact them secretly and sell some technology to make money.

He also recently learned that although Xie Chengze is the person in charge of the Xie family, he does not own much shares in the Xie family.

Xie Chengze is not short of money, but it is certainly not enough to be squandered casually, and the Xie family is still facing a crisis...

He should make his own money. If he earns enough, he might be able to help Xie Chengze.

Before the off-duty time, Lu Yanzhou packed his things in advance, and after the off-duty time, he was the first to leave.

Everyone looked at him enviously.

The big guy dug is different! They were embarrassed to be like Lu Yanzhou, who rushed out after work, fearing that the leader would be unhappy when they saw it.

Lu Yanzhou is different. He is definitely not afraid of leadership. After all, with his ability, it takes minutes to find a good job.

"Brother Lu walked so fast..."

"He's going home to accompany his boyfriend, can you be happy?"

"Brother Lu is really a winner in life! Double harvest in career and love!"

Lu Yanzhou, who was envied by them, was the first to go to the underground garage and find Xie Chengze's car and get into it.

He and Xie Chengze are still relatively low-key, and will hide from people when they are in the company.

After waiting in the car for a while, Lu Yanzhou waited for Xie Chengze.

During this period of time, Xie Chengze dyed his hair every day, and he didn't know if he was watching him. He ate all three meals well, and his complexion was much better. He looked several years younger.

Seeing Lu Yanzhou in the car, the corner of Xie Chengze's mouth couldn't restrain himself from twitching. He just saw Lu Yanzhou and felt happy.

"Brother Xie, you are so slow." Lu Yanzhou said.

"There are some things that have not been completed." Xie Chengze said, he used to work overtime from time to time, but recently it is not easy to get off work on time every day.

"Brother Xie, you're really tired from working so much," Lu Yanzhou adjusted and moved his chair to Xie Chengze's side, "You can give your work to others in the future and rest more by yourself."

"Okay." Xie Chengze glanced at Lu Yanzhou and agreed.

He also had the same idea, he wanted to accompany Lu Yanzhou more.

In the first few days, Xie Chengze was still not sure, but now that ten days have passed, Xie Chengze has confirmed one thing - Lu Yanzhou likes him.

He didn't know whether Lu Yanzhou liked him or his money, but it didn't really matter.

Lu Yanzhou liked him, and he was already satisfied.

"Brother Xie, you have become more and more handsome recently. Today I heard people in the company talking about you. Everyone is curious about who will win the fifth diamond king like you in the end." Lu Yanzhou took it naturally. Pick up Xie Chengze's hand and rub Xie Chengze's wrist - Xie Chengze's wrist is uncomfortable these days.

"What do you think?" Xie Chengze asked suddenly. It is not the first time that Lu Yanzhou has done such ambiguous words and actions.

At first he thought he was going to be wrong, but now... maybe he wasn't wrong?

Lu Yanzhou gave Xie Chengze a big smile: "I think I have great hopes."

Xie Chengze felt that his heart was hit by Lu Yanzhou's smile.

At this moment, he didn't have time to think about many things. Looking at his hand held by Lu Yanzhou, he said, "Didn't I already hold you?"

Lu Yanzhou's smile became even brighter. He took Xie Chengze's hand and kissed it: "Aze, you are so cute!"

Xie Chengze: "..." Aze? This guy doesn't even call him brother?