MTL - Hold His Hand-Chapter 252 Interstellar Live (14)

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When Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze kept going to the toilet, everyone in the live broadcast room breathed a sigh of relief: "They shouldn't die, that's great!"

"That fruit shouldn't be very poisonous, thank God."

"It really scared me to death before, but fortunately they are all fine!"

"By the way, do you think that Lu Yanzhou's reaction is a bit strange? He is very close to Xie Chengze most of the time, but sometimes he is very indifferent, changing his face faster than flipping a book."

"Everyone, there is something wrong with his brain! If his behavior is particularly normal, it is abnormal."


"Speaking of this a...tasteful live broadcast?"

Everyone was silent.

It's really a tasteful live broadcast, and the screen is always black.

So why do they keep watching and watching? !

At this time, someone became worried: "Now Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze are not dead, but they are so serious... will they die of dehydration?"

"Yes! In their case, if they don't receive treatment, they should be dehydrated!"

"The poison of this fruit may make people pull to death!"

"How can this be done?"

Everyone was worried, and in fact Lu Yanzhou was also a little worried.

He was dying of starvation and was still very thirsty, and Xie Chengze should be the same.

So when it was dawn, Lu Yanzhou, who finally finished pulling, looked at Xie Chengze: "Aze, let's find a place to drink some water and see if we can find something to eat."

Xie Chengze nodded.

He has been to this place before, and he is familiar with the terrain, but there is no water source nearby, as for the food...

Xie Chengze is also very hungry now, but he feels that he is unable to hunt.

In this case…

Xie Chengze, whose legs were weak, took Lu Yanzhou forward with difficulty. He remembered that the place where he dug the potatoes for Lu Yanzhou yesterday was not far away.

He can't hunt, but he can dig potatoes to eat.

Xie Chengze felt that the place was not far, but in fact, because of their poor condition, they finally walked for three hours.

When they set out from the town before, they were full of energy, and sometimes it was Xie Chengze who carried Lu Yanzhou on his back, so they walked so fast.

But now neither of them can move.

Fortunately, after three hours, they arrived in the valley with a large piece of potato, and there was a small stream flowing down from the mountain and slowly flowing into the distance.

The two drank water immediately, went to dig potatoes, picked up firewood and roasted potatoes to eat.

Xie Chengze couldn't speak, and Lu Yanzhou spoke very little because he thought he might be being monitored, but their eyes met... Lu Yanzhou would hug Xie Chengze for a few kisses, while Xie Chengze would wag his tail and lick Lu Yanzhou.

The two are very close, the closeness is silent but full of warmth.

People watching the live show want to cry.

"Although Xie Chengze looks like a fallen beast... I really think that Lu Yanzhou likes him."

"Xie Chengze also undoubtedly likes Lu Yanzhou, especially the kind."

"Definitely, Lu Yanzhou fed him poison, and Xie Chengze ate it without hesitation. Afterwards, he didn't blame Lu Yanzhou at all."

"But they love each other again... Lu Yanzhou still regards Xie Chengze as his enemy, right?"

"Lu Yanzhou is so good to Xie Chengze now, is he planning to gain Xie Chengze's trust so he can continue?"

"Woooooo, it's too cruel."

In fact, at this time, the live broadcasts of several other people were also on the right track.

In the first few people's live broadcast room, the most people watched it was Yang Xiaobai's live broadcast room.

Yang Xiaobai and the others also encountered fallen beasts, and throughout the process, Yang Xiaobai was very friendly to those fallen beasts.

During this period, Wu Yan was very wary of fallen beasts, and Yang Xiaobai also told Wu Yan that fallen beasts were also human.

This made Yang Xiaobai's live broadcast room so popular that some people couldn't see the tragedy of Lu Yanzhou, so they went to Yang Xiaobai's live broadcast room to watch Yang Xiaobai help those fallen beasts.

It's just... Although Yang Xiaobai is very friendly to fallen beasts, everyone keeps saying the same thing, but when Yang Xiaobai and Wu Yan are talking in private, they say that the war is too cruel, and thinks it is best to solve the problem in a peaceful way.

Yang Xiaobai said so, many people would agree before it was put aside, after all, many people in Capital Star thought so at that time.

But the trend on the Internet has changed drastically in the past few days, and everyone has an opinion on Yang Xiaobai when they hear this.

But considering that Yang Xiaobai doesn't know what's going on outside, everyone doesn't criticize him too much, but Wu Yan...

Wu Yan was wary of those fallen beasts, but he was a veteran.

He was very dissatisfied with what Yang Xiaobai said, and ignored Yang Xiaobai directly.

Yang Xiaobai is a lot more popular than Wu Yanhong, and of course he has his own temper, but considering the live broadcast, he can only suppress his temper and continue to work hard to show himself.

It's just... He was actually a little afraid of those fallen beasts, and he didn't know much about survival in the wild, so he didn't show much.

Even those fallen beasts prefer Wu Yan.

Yang Xiaobai's sympathy for them made them very uncomfortable, and they could still feel Yang Xiaobai's fear of them, so naturally they didn't like to contact Yang Xiaobai.

On the contrary, it was Wu Yan. He was a soldier. After confirming that the fallen beasts were friendly, he talked to them.

Wu Yan, who has always been very taciturn, told the fallen beasts about his relatives, his past experiences, etc. He also promised to help these fallen beasts send letters to their family members, and went hunting with these fallen beasts... In the end, he circled a wave. pink.

As for the other side, the two female stars had very little to get along with the fallen beast. They stayed by themselves most of the time, and then chatted and chatted together... They started talking about gossip in the entertainment industry.

One after another, the big news was exposed from their mouths like this.

While the two were chatting, the hacked female star also washed herself white.

The number of people watching their live broadcasts has also increased.

Now the audience of these four live broadcast rooms is about the same, and they add up to a fraction of Lu Yanzhou's live broadcast room.

Lu Yanzhou was roasting the potatoes.

When he came out, he brought the Interstellar version of the lighter. These days it is sunny and he can pick up a lot of firewood... He has already roasted the potato.

He used a stick to pull a few ground potatoes out of the fire, and said to Xie Chengze, "Aze, let's let it cool for a while, and then eat it."

After speaking, Lu Yanzhou put a few more potatoes into the fire.

He and Xie Chengze are in urgent need of replenishing energy and should be able to eat a lot.

Xie Chengze was lying on the ground, looking at Lu Yanzhou, who was roasting potatoes, intently.

Lu Yanzhou's focus on doing things is really attractive, making him want to lick Lu Yanzhou.

It's not a good idea for him.

But thinking about Lu Yanzhou agreeing, and thinking about how long he can live...

Even if he survives this time, maybe Lu Yanzhou wants to kill him next time.

Xie Chengze approached Lu Yanzhou and stuck out his tongue to lick him.

Lu Yanzhou hugged the big golden retriever's head and rubbed it: "Aze, don't lick my neck, it's itchy!"

After speaking, he couldn't help laughing and reached out to scratch Xie Chengze's neck.

Xie Chengze closed his eyes and let Lu Yanzhou scratch himself.

He doesn't ask for anything else now, he just wants to spend a few more days with Lu Yanzhou.

In this way, even if he died, he would not be too unwilling.

Thinking so, he stuck out his tongue and licked Lu Yanzhou's hand again.

Lu Yanzhou kissed Xie Chengze and hugged Xie Chengze's head in his arms.

He is in a good mood at the moment. Although Xie Chengze suffered a serious crime, his body has recovered. As for him...

After coming to this valley, Lu Yanzhou discovered that there are spiritual veins here.

Cultivation here will be much faster than in other places. When he and Xie Chengze are in a better state, they can go around and see if they can find a better spiritual plant.

After waiting for a while, Lu Yanzhou began to peel the potatoes, and then fed them to Xie Chengze after blowing them to cool.

In the end, Xie Chengze didn't taste good, but kept licking his hand.

Lu Yanzhou: "..." How much Xie Chengze likes him!

People watching the live broadcast: "..." Major General Xie likes Lu Yanzhou so much!

"These two are really boring."

"It looks sweet, but I can't help but feel sad."

"The feeling they gave me was a crazy couple who seized the last moments of their lives."

"Especially Major General Xie... Sigh!"

Not to mention the military personnel: "Is this golden retriever really Major General Xie?"

"I can't come back to my senses."

"I didn't expect Major General Xie to be like this."

"Wait, Major General Xie is taking advantage of Lu Yanzhou, right?"

"That's right…"

Marshal Lu looked at the big golden retriever who kept licking Lu Yanzhou's hand and face, and his heart was stuffy.

Based on what he knew about Xie Chengze, Xie Chengze did this, apart from liking Lu Yanzhou very, very much, there should be another reason - Xie Chengze felt that he was about to die.

The golden retriever was still having diarrhea, trembling all over, and looked pitiful.

And if you have too much diarrhea, you will die.

Not only Xie Chengze will die, that Lu Yanzhou... Lu Yanzhou can't even wake up, his physical fitness must be very poor, but after so long, he may also die.

People watching the live broadcast were reluctant to think deeply about it, but in his heart, Marshal Lu had already prepared for the worst.

At this time, someone suddenly came to Marshal Lu: "Marshal, the future is coming!"

"Why is she here?" Marshal Lu was startled and quickly stood up.

Admiral An is his wife, but although she is an admiral, she is actually a civilian and usually does scientific research work.

Marshal Lu got married very late. He had been fighting wars in his early years, and he didn't care about marriage, nor did he meet someone suitable for marriage.

Until seventy years ago, Admiral An, who originally lived in the capital star, couldn't stand being targeted by the royal family, so he brought a lot of technology and her team to join him.

The technologies that Admiral An brought were too important to Marshal Lu. Marshal Lu regarded Admiral An as a treasure and greeted Admiral An with warm greetings for ten years.

No matter how busy or tired he was, he would never forget to greet Admiral An, for fear that Admiral An would feel that he was being treated badly and ran away.

Then one day, Admiral Ann told him that he had agreed to his pursuit.

After Marshal Lu was sluggish, he was ecstatic—he did fall in love with General An during the condolences.

After the two got married, it took many years before they gave birth to a child. At the age of the two of them, if they got married, they would be grandparents, even grandparents!

Older people always love and attach more importance to the cub, and they love that child to the core.

Too bad the kid was lost.

Not only was it lost, but according to the information found by Marshal Lu... the child was probably already dead.

After the child died, Admiral An became obsessed with scientific research and ignored Marshal Lu very much. In the middle, Marshal Lu sent Xie Chengze to be raised by her, and the relationship between the two became better.

But then... Xie Chengze went to the battlefield at the age of 18, and General An couldn't stop him, so he devoted himself to scientific research!

The two years of war had ended, and General An ignored Marshal Lu very much.

Now that she came over suddenly, Marshal Lu was both excited and scared.

His wife will come to him, it should be for Xie Chengze. His wife has raised Xie Chengze for several years and has deep feelings for Xie Chengze.

But he can't contact Xie Chengze now!

With an uneasy mood, Marshal Lu saw his wife: "Xie Chengze he..."

Admiral An interrupted him: "Lu Yanzhou should be our son!"

Marshal Lu, who has been watching the live broadcast for the past few days without taking a rest, and his mood is still up and down, stumbled and sat on the ground, almost fainting: "What did you say?"

"I said... Lu Yanzhou may be our son." Admiral An was expressionless.

"Why... why?"

"He looks very much like my father when he was young." Admiral An said.

Marshal Lu was burly and had a square face. His appearance was completely different from Lu Yanzhou, and she didn't look much like Lu Yanzhou either.

Even her father's appearance after awakening was different from Lu Yanzhou.

But Lu Yanzhou looked very much like her father had not awakened.

Admiral An was doing an experiment, and accidentally saw the people around her watching the live broadcast, so she watched it, and when she saw Lu Yanzhou's face, she felt inexplicably familiar.

At this moment, she heard Lu Yanzhou say that someone has been monitoring him, and someone has poisoned him...

At that time, Admiral An's mind was buzzing.

She knew the situation of the mother star, and also knew that it was useless to be anxious, so she asked people to investigate Lu Yanzhou's situation, and also looked at the situation of Lu Yanzhou that Marshal Lu had investigated - she had this authority.

Admiral An came from the Capital Star. He knew a lot of people in the Capital Star, and many of those people were technical... They found some information.

Lu Yanzhou... is indeed being watched all the time!

If Lu Yanzhou was just a star, how could he be watched like this?

So there is a high probability that Lu Yanzhou is not only a star, but if he is not a star, who is he? Is it worth the effort someone has to spend watching him?

Lu Yanzhou's registered age was not the same as her child's age, but General An still felt that it was her child.

Marshal Lu got up from the ground, trembling all over: "This makes sense... I said that Xie Chengze has degenerated into a fallen beast, why did the **** spend so much effort to harm him... It turns out that Xie Chengze is not the only one who is hurting! "

Admiral An was rather calm: "What are you going to do?"

Marshal Lu gave a wry smile: "I have already ordered to force the royal family to step down, and now I will speed up."

Admiral An said again: "You prepare a spaceship for me, I'm going to the mother planet!"

Marshal Lu opened his mouth and finally said, "I'll go too."

Just watching Xie Chengze die is enough to make him suffer, and now he has to add the son he finally found...

Marshal Lu felt a little unbearable.

But his character has always been the more unbearable, the more he can be stimulated to his potential.

Marshal Lu had calmed down at this time, and his whole body was full of fighting intent.

It's just that no matter how strong the fighting spirit is... When watching the live broadcast, he felt extremely uncomfortable.

His son and Xie Chengze undoubtedly like each other.

If the child hadn't been stolen, the two might have grown up together as childhood sweethearts.

But now... his son regards Xie Chengze as an enemy who kills his father and kills his mother.

If the two of them really perish together, then it will really be pain for the relatives and happiness for the enemies.

Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze had diarrhea while eating.

Xie Chengze had always been weak, but Lu Yanzhou felt better the next day and said he wanted to go out for a walk.

He and Xie Chengze had found a shallow cave to settle in. There was a ferocious beast living in this valley, but it was killed by Xie Chengze long ago. Now it is safe here.

Xie Chengze couldn't speak or type, he just stood up, followed behind Lu Yanzhou, and licked the back of Lu Yanzhou's neck gently.

"Forget it... if you want to follow, just follow." Lu Yanzhou said.

He checked Xie Chengze's body. Xie Chengze looks weak and feels weak now, but it's not a big problem.

The spiritual power contained in the fruit is still nourishing his body, that is, during the whole process, Xie Chengze will be completely powerless because of too much consumption.

Lu Yanzhou took Xie Chengze and walked forward slowly.

Below this valley is the spiritual veins. There are naturally spiritual plants in the valley, but there is no natural treasure that can make Lu Yanzhou's strength triple jump.

He turned around and collected some messy spiritual grasses, many of which contained spiritual power, similar to the spiritual rice he ate in his previous life.

In the realm of self-cultivation, people at the foundation-building stage have already despised the energy in Lingmi. Even if Lingmi tastes good, he doesn't eat it, but now he needs to eat grass in order to improve his strength.

Or no matter what type and taste of grass, you have to eat.

Lu Yanzhou eats while picking, and sometimes feeds Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze didn't care what Lu Yanzhou fed him, he ate it without saying a word.

The person watching the live broadcast: "What's wrong with Lu Yanzhou, he has been eating grass..."

"What else could be wrong, mental illness..."

"He always feeds Xie Chengze, does he want to poison Xie Chengze?"

"It should be that I want to die with Xie Chengze..."

"It's really uncomfortable to see them like this..."

When Marshal Lu and General An looked at this, it was even more uncomfortable.

Admiral An said, "Lu Yanzhou doesn't necessarily have persecution paranoia, but his spirit... I'm afraid it's really not normal."

Marshal Lu didn't speak.

Having read Lu Yanzhou's investigation report, he naturally knew what happened to Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou eats indiscriminately, probably because the pressure is too great to be relieved, so as to relieve the pressure.

As for him giving Xie Chengze something to eat... His feelings for Xie Chengze should be very complicated, and this is most likely to retaliate against Xie Chengze.

I don't know what Xie Chengze is thinking now...

Xie Chengze doesn't actually think about anything now, he just stares at Lu Yanzhou blankly.

He tried several times to stop Lu Yanzhou from eating indiscriminately, but his legs were sore and he could not move.

Stopping and stopping, he found something was wrong.

Lu Yanzhou's movements are very dexterous and his strength is much stronger.

He felt it carefully and could feel Lu Yanzhou's strong heartbeat.

Although he ate a lot of grass, there was no problem with Lu Yanzhou's body. Lu Yanzhou should have really studied plants and didn't eat indiscriminately.

Even the grass that Lu Yanzhou fed him, he didn't feel bad after eating it.

Seeing that Xie Chengze has been unwilling to eat grass by himself, Lu Yanzhou can only say: "Aze, there is no harm in eating these grass, you can eat it at ease... I made a mistake about the fruit before, I thought it was just a little unpalatable."

People in the comprehension world didn't respond when they ate the Spirit Fruit, so he really made a mistake before.

And now he has diarrhea, not because of eating Lingguo, but because he has eaten too much of the messy Lingzhi.

Xie Chengze nodded when he heard Lu Yanzhou's words.

He felt that Lu Yanzhou did this because he wanted to regain his trust.

That being the case, he should trust Lu Yanzhou.

No matter what Lu Yanzhou wants to do to him, he can just suffer.

Xie Chengze licked Lu Yanzhou again.

Lu Yanzhou: "..." Xie Chengze is really not afraid of getting dirty.

In the evening, Lu Yanzhou specially boiled water, gave Xie Chengze a bath, and ripped off a lot of hair.

Of course, he washed himself, and after washing, the two huddled together in the shallow cave to sleep.

Eating Lingzhi every day to practice, and by the way, diarrhea... After a few days, Lu Yanzhou completely eliminated the toxins in his body.

This speed is much faster than he thought at the beginning, and of course there are drawbacks, not to mention other... He has almost collapsed these days.

On the contrary, Xie Chengze stopped pulling, just lost a circle.

People who don't know how to see Xie Chengze now will feel that he looks a little shabby - Xie Chengze has not only lost a lot of weight, but also started to lose hair!

But Lu Yanzhou knew that it was a good thing for him to be like this!

Xie Chengze is about to change his hair after repairing the dark wound in his body.

So in the eyes of outsiders... Xie Chengze is now a bald and thin golden retriever.

People watching the live broadcast felt distressed when they saw Xie Chengze's appearance: "Major General Xie has suffered a serious crime these days!"

"Will Master Xie become bald?"

"Major General Xie is like this, yet he still doesn't give up on Lu Yanzhou."

"I cried, Lu Yanzhou pulled the hair off the ground when he was bathing Major General Xie. He was still laughing and said that Major General Xie was cute."

"How on earth did Lu Yanzhou get close to Major General Xie while tossing Major General Xie?"

"You don't need to do this specially, he's mentally abnormal!"

"Isn't it normal for mentally ill people to be moody?"

Really, it's not surprising that people with mental disorders do anything!

Lu Yanzhou is doing things that others see very abnormal.

Xie Chengze has been losing hair a lot these days and is a little ugly. He was afraid that Xie Chengze would be uncomfortable, so he kissed Xie Chengze and praised: "Aze, you look so mighty! In my eyes, you are the most handsome!"

Xie Chengze licked Lu Yanzhou's face silently.

He knew that he was ugly, and he didn't want to see his appearance... But Lu Yanzhou said so, so he believed it and pretended that he looked mighty.

Lu Yanzhou said again at this time: "Aze, let's go back."

Lu Yanzhou was eager to stay outside and grow up secretly.

But he couldn't worry about the people in the town, and he was also afraid that he and Xie Chengze had been outside, and suddenly, just like what happened to the original owner, they were surrounded and killed by a group of beasts.