MTL - Hold His Hand-Chapter 269 Small influencers and big bosses (1)

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H city is a famous internet celebrity city. Here, I don’t know how many internet celebrity brokerage companies and these internet celebrity economic companies have made their popularity.

When Lu Yanzhou opened his eyes, he realized that he had become an internet celebrity, a small internet celebrity who became popular with short videos.

The original owner of his body, still called Lu Yanzhou, was a miserable scumbag.

Said he was miserable because of his family.

The original owner is twenty years old this year, a post-zero.

Most people of his age were doted on by their parents since childhood, but he was different.

The original owner's parents were born in the countryside near the county town, and depended on working in the county town to make a living. The life is not good, but they have no worries about food and clothing. In principle, the original owner will grow up safely and become an ordinary person like other peers around him. .

The original owner is smart and looks good, maybe he can have a good future.

However, when the original owner was still in his mother's womb, he adopted the son of the original owner's uncle.

The original owner's uncle and aunt died in a car accident, leaving only a little baby to be fed. The original owner's parents saw the child as pitiful and adopted him. There is nothing wrong with this.

But they live in the countryside, and the uncle of the original owner is very popular in the village. When the villagers see the parents of the original owner, they will always ask a few words.

The original owner's parents were honest people, and they were very concerned about their reputation. After listening to this, they were very kind to their nephew.

Even in order not to let others talk, it is better to treat the nephew than the son!

The original owner was more than a year younger than his cousin. When he was born, his cousin could already leave. Once, the original owner's mother held him and asked his cousin to follow him. His cousin got angry and sat on the ground and refused to leave. … After seeing the good people in the village, they said a few words to the original owner's mother, and felt that the original owner's mother only cared about her own son and not her nephew. From then on, the original owner's mother only hugged the original owner's cousin, not the original owner!

Ask Lu Yanzhou how he knew... This is what the original owner's grandmother told the original owner.

In a word, the parents of the original owner are better to the nephew than to the original owner, and over time, they are used to doing this!

The original owner obviously had a father and a mother, but he lived as if he had no father and no mother!

When I bought delicious food at home, it was my brother who picked it first, and when there were toys at home, it was my brother who played first. Even the original owner's clothes were all his brother's old clothes, not a new one of his own.

When the villagers saw this situation, they kept praising the original owner's parents as good people. The original owner's parents were greatly satisfied spiritually, and they treated the two more differently.

When it was time to study, my nephew signed up for a cram school and an interest class, and when I came to my son, there was nothing left.

Even the school... They wanted to send their nephew to study in the county town, but their own son instead studied in the village.

The original owner was naturally aggrieved, but his parents kept telling him that his elder brother was very pitiful without his biological parents, so he let his elder brother go. Over time, the original owner would get used to it.

The original owner’s cousin went to elementary and junior high school in the county town, and he was only a few minutes away from the high school entrance examination. The original owner’s parents spent tens of thousands of yuan to buy it for him. Parents even pay for the tuition without saying a word.

What about the original owner? The original owner went to elementary and junior high school in the countryside, and finally took the most common high school entrance exam. He only took a junior college entrance exam... The original owner's parents told him not to study, so he just went to work early.

In recent years, the university has been expanding enrollment, and junior college students can go to college as long as they have money. Some people in their village have graduated from college, that is, they have gone to work that a junior high school student can do.

They felt that their son did not need to go to college, he would just find a job in the county seat.

At this time, the original owner finally felt wronged and went outside to work.

It just so happened that short videos developed rapidly this year. Many people made short videos or live broadcasts became popular. Some small companies were looking for people everywhere on the street. When they saw people who looked good, they signed them.

There is almost no salary, but there are quite a few tasks to be arranged. If you want to terminate the contract, you will have to pay liquidated damages...

The original owner worked in a supermarket for several months unloading goods, and was signed by such a small company.

This company is basically a scam. Most of the anchors signed by the company did not find any waves, but the original owner was lucky, and it was inexplicably popular.

In fact, it is not inexplicable, after all, the original owner looks good.

At that time, their company searched for those short videos of traffic on the Internet, and let the original owner take pictures, and then the original owner's video could be more popular than others' original.

The original owner just became an internet celebrity and has two million fans on the short video platform.

The original owner can be considered to have turned over. At this time, his family came to the door.

It turned out that the original owner's cousin was lured into an online loan in college and owed a lot of money!

Of course, the original owner's parents didn't dare to tell the original owner about this. They only said that they wanted to build the family's house, and they also said that the house in the family would be given to the original owner in the future, and the original owner would give the money.

The original owner had been neglected by his parents before, but now he suddenly got the attention of his parents, he was ecstatic and gave all his money to his parents.

After that, the original owner's parents had to leave 300,000 yuan in succession with the original owner for decoration and other reasons.

The original owner did make some money for the live broadcast, bringing goods and receiving advertisements, and even if he posted a lot of video clicks, he could get money, but the money had to be shared with the company, and the company still took the bulk of it.

The original owner, who has only been a small internet celebrity for a year, can't make so much money at all. Of the 300,000 miles, 100,000 was borrowed by the original owner and the company.

The original owner's company is not a good thing, so he encouraged the original owner to contact the rich woman, and even brought the original owner to an Internet celebrity party, hoping to find a generous sponsor for Lu Yanzhou.

It was at that banquet that the original owner met Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze is a big boss.

Xie Chengze's father started mining coal. After he had a lot of money, he bought some houses and invested in a few real estate projects, earning a lot of money.

He had money in his hand, so others asked him for investment, and he entered the entertainment industry inexplicably... Father Xie knew nothing about filming, so he had people tell him stories, and if he thought the stories were good enough to make him feel good, he would invest and pay back if he invested the money. He is not involved in filming and is the favorite investor of directors.

Father Xie's vision is good, and the TV dramas he invested in are not to mention other, the stories are good, so there is no loss, some are still popular, and he made a lot of money...

Later, he simply opened an entertainment company, and because of his low educational level, he really couldn't manage the company, so he gave the company to his son Xie Chengze, who had just graduated.

Xie Chengze really managed the company well.

The entertainment industry has been sluggish in recent years, but his company only shoots TV series with good stories, and he has no loss of money.

Xie Chengze wants to continue like this, but other people in the company are jealous of the speed at which some internet celebrities are making money, so they want him to sign a few internet celebrities and make short videos... He came here and gathered a group of internet celebrities banquet.

It was at this banquet that Xie Chengze met the original owner.

He somehow felt that the original owner closed his eyes.

The original owner was still stunned, the original owner's agent posted it directly, and then took the original owner to Xie Chengze's company.

Xie Chengze's company intends to cultivate Internet celebrities, but it has some regulations. The original owner has a basic salary in Xie Chengze's company. The company also invited people to teach him lessons and write short video scripts for him.

But because of the long-term planning, the original owner did not intend to make quick money. The original owner's income was less, but his parents asked for more and more money. After the original owner went back, he realized that the money was taken by his parents and given to his cousin. Now, he was so angry that he learned that his parents owed a lot of money to others in order to repay his cousin's debt...

The original owner can't do it regardless of his parents.

At this time, the original owner's agent encouraged the original owner to seduce Xie Chengze, saying that Xie Chengze liked the original owner.

The original owner was a straight man, he didn't think about it at all, he was shocked when he learned about this, and was very disgusted with Xie Chengze, but for money, he "had to" approach Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze had more contact with the original owner.

At this time, the original owner and Xie Chengze were photographed eating together.

The photo taken was borrowed, as if the original owner was kissing Xie Chengze, the photo was distributed everywhere, and the marketing account also said that the original owner was gay.

For a time, many people scolded people under the original owner's account. They also dug up the original owner's previous sales of low-quality products and other black materials, and made the original owner's words useless.

How could the original owner bear this? Coupled with inexperience, he subconsciously retorted, quarreled with people, and said that he was not gay, but Xie Chengze was.

After he said this, Xie Chengze's enemies targeted him, saying that as long as he was willing to discredit Xie Chengze, he would sign him to a new company and give him a large sum of money.

The original owner felt that he could no longer stay in Xie Chengze's company, so he really spared no effort to discredit Xie Chengze.

Of course, the original owner didn't think it was a smear. Xie Chengze liked men, and he thought it was disgusting...

Xie Chengze is a good owner of an entertainment company. He didn't want to be involved in such a thing. Naturally, he was not happy, so he found someone to sue the original owner. After all, he really wanted to talk to the original owner, and it had nothing to do with the original owner. No evidence.

Such behavior by the original owner is a breach of contract, and he also needs to pay huge liquidated damages.

The original owner was taken aback and approached Xie Chengze to beg for mercy, and wanted to take the initiative to dedicate himself to Xie Chengze to forgive himself, but Xie Chengze was of course unwilling.

The original owner at this time was actually in a very poor mental state.

His parents didn't like him, the company that said they wanted to poach him lied to him, and his account on the short video platform for two years was also blocked.

The original owner was excited for a while and accidentally killed Xie Chengze.

Lu Yanzhou: "..."

Xie Chengze in this world is really embarrassed to die.

But what shocked Lu Yanzhou the most was not the original plot, but the current plot.

The current plot development is not the same as the original plot.

In the original plot, Xie Chengze was only very interested in the original owner, so he signed the original owner to his own company. After that, although he was good to the original owner, he was not so enthusiastic. The interaction between the two was all posted by the original owner on his own initiative.

But now... firstly, Xie Chengze's company is much bigger than in the original plot, and secondly... Xie Chengze treats the original owner better than in the original plot.

What exactly is going on?

Did Xuanwu move his hands and feet?

But all of this seems to be going in a good direction...

Lu Yanzhou wore it until the original owner was signed by Xie Chengze's company for two months.

At this time, the original owner's agent had begun to encourage the original owner to seduce Xie Chengze, and the original owner had already hated Xie Chengze very much, but the original owner had never done anything to hurt Xie Chengze.

But... The original owner's acting skills are obviously very poor, and the means to please Xie Chengze are even more speechless. Why does Xie Chengze seem to be very useful and treat the original owner in various ways?

Lu Yanzhou was a little confused.

Xie Chengze's IQ decreased?

But it shouldn't... Xie Chengze made more money than the original plot!

As for Xie Chengze, it may be pretending... Xie Chengze doesn't need to pretend to like the original owner.

Lu Yanzhou was a little confused, and his agent began to persuade him to hook up with Xie Chengze: "Mr. Xie likes you, so you can just do it, what a great opportunity! If Mr. Xie liked me, I would have long ago. Wash and climb onto his bed!"

The original owner bothered the most, but Lu Yanzhou said, "I will try my best."

Lu Yanzhou hated this broker very much.

The original owner ran into this agent as soon as he graduated from high school. In fact, he was often tricked by this agent. One of the original owner's later black materials was that he asked fans for money. But in fact, it is not the original owner but the agent who asks fans for money.

Lu Yanzhou has already decided that he must get rid of this agent, but before that, he still needs to perfunctory for a few days.

Now... he wants to meet Xie Chengze.

Although Xie Chengze makes more money than the original plot, his company is not very big - their company only shoots one or two dramas a year, and there is not much business.

And because Lu Yanzhou is now a celebrity in the company... Lu Yanzhou went directly to Xie Chengze's office to find Xie Chengze, but no one stopped him.

Xie Chengze is working in the office.

He didn't have much work originally, but recently, he planned to train Lu Yanzhou, so he increased the workload.

Xie Chengze likes Lu Yanzhou very much.

For no other reason, just because Lu Yanzhou likes him.

Xie Chengze has been able to sense the emotions of the people around him since he was a child, and he can feel the likes and dislikes of the people around him even more clearly.

His parents are full of love for him, people around him... Some people like him, some people hate him, some people are jealous of him, and different people feel different about him.

These people are sometimes happy and sometimes sad, and they will have different emotions in the face of different things.

And this kind of feeling has never been wrong, because Xie Chengze can sense the emotions of others, when he is doing business, he is almost always at a disadvantage.

When he first saw Lu Yanzhou, he liked Lu Yanzhou's face, and he could feel that Lu Yanzhou also had a faint favorable impression of him.

Waiting for Lu Yanzhou to come to his company... Although the expression on his face is very uncomfortable, Lu Yanzhou loves him more than a day.

This made Xie Chengze very willing to stay with him.

Hearing that Lu Yanzhou was coming, Xie Chengze laughed: "Let him come in."

After speaking, Xie Chengze heard the door open, and immediately followed, he saw Lu Yanzhou.

At the same time, he felt a strong disgust and rejection from Lu Yanzhou.