MTL - Hollywood Lover-Chapter 528 rock and roll

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  Although he was full of reluctance, Camille had no choice but to sigh secretly and put the matter aside.

She was still on the side of Zhang Dongcheng in her heart. After all, the singing that night made her unable to extricate herself, but faced with this seemingly ironclad evidence, Camille could do nothing but pray for Zhang Dongcheng to God, what miracle could happen to make him Turned over.

  Two girls left the school holding hands and merged into the turbulent flow of people on the street. On both sides of the street, there were already countless music lovers playing and singing. Countless French people were drinking champagne on this day, letting the music satisfy the whole heart.

  Park La Villette will arrive soon, tens of thousands of people gather here, and on the huge open-air stage, rock bands have already begun to perform.

I looked at the time, it was still early, generally speaking, the more heavyweight rock bands would be the finale, and they would not perform on stage at night, Camille and Marilyn pushed forward with all their strength, borrowing the girls' talent advantage, slowly squeezed to the place closest to the stage.

   Seeing that there were only two or three rows of people in front, and they were at the front, Marilyn pulled Camille forward and accidentally kicked a middle-aged man's black box with her sandal-wearing feet.

   "Ah yo..." The black box didn't know what was in it, it was so hard that Marilyn screamed in pain, tears almost flowed out.

   "Miss, are you alright?" The middle-aged man noticed and asked Marilyn quickly, while pulling the black box towards him.

   "It's okay, I kicked your box. What's in your box, why is it so hard?" Marilyn touched her feet, and the pain finally eased, she asked curiously while holding the box.

   "Oh... it's a trombone inside, hehe, it's made of copper, so it hurts to kick it up." The middle-aged man said strangely that there was a trombone inside...

Generally speaking, people who come to rock concerts are young people in their twenties, but the middle-aged man in front of him looks to be in his forties, but he unexpectedly didn't listen to some classical music or anything else , came to the rock concert with a trombone, which made Marilyn feel very strange.

  However, this middle-aged man in his forties looks gentle and gentle, he is a kind of person who has been influenced by music and has a typical gentleman's demeanor, which makes people feel angry with him.

   "Okay, I'm fine, let's move forward." Marilyn pulled Camille and continued to move forward.

"Marilyn, do you think that man just now is strange? Look, there are many men like him!" Camille looked around, but found that there were many people around who were dressed like that middle-aged man, or even more so. Older, or a little younger, all of them are carrying or pushing a black box in their hands.

"It's a little strange, but what can we do? Let's listen to the music..." Marilyn finally came to the front, and she didn't bother to think about what was special about these men. The band screamed non-stop.

At this time, Zhang Dongcheng was sitting behind the stage, and beside him were Laticia and Zhong Zhiguo, who was wrapped in a lot of bandages. When other bands were happily chatting and even meeting friends through singing, they were deserted. sitting.

   Before it was time to take the stage, the hater came again.

"Aha, my little friends, what's the matter? There are only two of you? Could it be that I gave you a week to find someone out of kindness, but you didn't find any?" Steve, with a smile on his face, took a A large group of people stood beside Zhang Dongcheng, with a huge cigar in their mouths, and kept puffing.

   "Damn Steve, do you still dare to come?" Zhong Zhiguo limped to his feet regardless of his injuries, and waved his fists, wanting to give this annoying Steve a few more punches.

   "NONONO, there are a lot of people here, can you be more civilized?" Steve wagged his fingers and smiled disdainfully.

   "Zhiguo, don't be so impulsive, be careful to fall into this guy's trap again, our purpose is to perform well today, not to argue with this kind of garbage!" Zhang Dongcheng quickly grabbed Zhong Zhiguo who was about to rush forward, and motioned him to calm down.

  Being held back by Zhang Dongcheng, Zhong Zhiguo could only hold back his breath. He glared at Steve, wishing he could rush up and bite Steve off.

  Insidious and cunning, not only poached Bernard and Bushaming away, but also snatched Zhang Dongcheng's NUMB, which made Zhong Zhiguo want to steal Steve's skin!

  Although Zhang Dongcheng has been mysteriously saying that it doesn't matter, he will find a way, but what else can he do? Zhong Zhiguo couldn't think of it at all.

"Do you still want to perform? Haha, although you have been given three songs to perform, the longer it is, the more burden it will be for you! What can a two-person rock band perform? Let us see you today How can you two make a fool of yourself on stage! Haha, I hope you can persevere, instead of asking the organizing committee to ask you to withdraw!" Steve laughed wildly, put his arms around a girl's waist, and led a large group of people away majestically and triumphantly. , leaving only Zhong Zhiguo and Zhang Dongcheng with veins popping out of their foreheads.

   "What kind of rock music are you still playing? Do you have that talent? Go back and read your book!"

   "A two-person rock band still wants to perform? Haha, I laughed so hard."

   "No Chinese can play rock music well. This is music that belongs to us Westerners. You two, don't be ashamed!"

All kinds of slanderous words kept popping up, Steve and his group dropped these angry words, turned and left, only these voices that seemed to echo in the heart floated into the ears of Zhang Dongcheng and Zhong Zhiguo inside.

   "Brother Zhang, are you sure we still have the ability to turn the tables? We can't lose face on the stage. Doing that would embarrass us who love rock and roll in China!" Zhong Zhiguo gritted his teeth, turned his head and asked Zhang Dongcheng.

After all, the current situation seems to be completely unsolvable. Zhong Zhiguo is an ordinary foreign student, let alone has any power in France. Now there are people with money and music on Steve’s side, and nothing on his side. How can this be a fight? What about them?

  Zhong Zhiguo was very anxious, but there was nothing he could do.

Turning his head to look at Zhang Dongcheng, although he still had hope, Zhong Zhiguo felt that hope was very slim. Zhang Dongcheng looked like himself, just an ordinary Chinese, there must be no way to make this deadlocked Come back.

Zhang Dongcheng listened, but just smiled. He didn't tell Zhong Zhiguo about his arrangement in advance because he was worried about leaking, and he also had the idea of ​​surprising him, so he just patted him on the shoulder at the moment, his eyes full of A fortitude that no one can resist.

"Don't worry, today I will let these guys who are as proud as a rooster bow their heads, and let them know what will happen if they offend me!" Zhang Dongcheng said confidently, pointing to the history of walking away. Looking at Tiff's back, he smiled lightly: "Don't look at them being arrogant now, I promise, after we take the stage, they will never laugh again!"

"Brother Zhang, do you have a solution?" Seeing Zhang Dongcheng's affirmative expression, although Zhong Zhiguo still had some doubts in his heart, he still believed that it was impossible for Zhang Dongcheng to tell such an important matter as a joke. He said yes, then he must Can!

"The secret must not be leaked, anyway, today, show your strongest strength! Rock, although it is just a love, but this little love is not something that the French can slander and despise. Our ridiculed dream is more realized value!" Zhang Dongcheng took a deep breath and said firmly.

  The wild cries of the audience outside began to resound through the sky, and more and more people gathered here. Looking forward from behind the stage, there were at least tens of thousands of people here, densely covering the entire open space.

There were hundreds of reporters scattered all over the venue. Some of them stood in the front row, pointing cameras and cameras at the crazy rock singers on the stage, and some stood in the fan group, feasting their ears on those who came in. Fans conducted interviews, and some reporters even secretly took pictures of other journalists into their own photos, so that they could shoot at 360 degrees without any dead ends on this day.

Not far from Marilyn and Camille, Clara, a female reporter from Le Figaro, was interviewing fans who came to watch, and when she handed the microphone to a middle-aged man wearing a top hat and a neat suit , can't help being very strange and puzzled.

"Hi sir, may I ask why you are dressed so solemnly at the rock music festival? Look around, everyone is dressed casually!" Holding the microphone, Clara pointed at the middle-aged man. Young man, hope to get an answer.

   "Excuse me, can you speak English?" Although he could understand Clara's French, it seemed that the middle-aged man was not very good at French, so he explained politely: "Sorry, I'm British."

"Oh, you're British? Welcome to France! How about it? How's the atmosphere of the rock music festival? It's not common for you to come from afar to attend rock music festivals at your age!" Clara made a welcoming gesture , and out of the sensitivity of his profession, he quickly asked his own questions.

"Uh... how should I put it, I actually prefer classical music, and I don't have too much love for rock music, but this time is different. This time I came with a mission." The middle-aged man said with a smile, and then patted himself Behind the huge black box.

   "Oh, God, you must be tired carrying this in here, right? What's in it?" Clara patted the black box and asked strangely.

   "Cello, hehe, this is the guy I eat." The smile on the middle-aged man's face became more and more difficult to hide, and there was always a look of complacency and pride in it.