MTL - Hollywood Lover-Chapter 571 Hot show!

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  Next Monday, my new book "Jian Yu Xinghe" will be uploaded, please support me a lot, thank you!


  This means that as long as you have a ticket, the sooner you enter the venue, the better you can get the best seat, instead of being seated according to the number. Therefore, after the vicious ticket grabbing war, the seat grabbing war started again.

  Salt Lake City, Eastern High School.

Before the movie High School Musical was released, the principal and the board of directors unanimously decided to change the name of Salt Lake City East High School on the second day after Zhang Dongcheng won the 14 statuettes. It's called East High!

  Because in the eyes of everyone, as soon as this movie is released, there will be no other Eastern High School in the United States. The only Eastern High School is in Salt Lake City, right here!

Even for the release of the movie tonight, the entire Eastern High School dismissed a get out of class earlier so that the students could go home early and then go to the cinema to watch the movie shot in their school. Parents, rest assured, this is a movie for all ages, and no adults are required!

Thomas returned home early, and rarely went home without playing. He just finished his homework quickly, and then helped his mother do some housework. While eating dinner, he kept looking at the time, This kind of action made my father and mother finally find out.

   "Thomas, do you have something on your mind? Why are you out of your mind?" Dad asked strangely, touching his head.

"He was a little weird today. He finished his homework as soon as he got home and helped me with a lot of homework. Haha, Thomas, what do you want to do to be so proactive?" Mom smiled and wrapped a piece Buttered bread was on the plate of Thomas' brother, twelve-year-old Tom.

"Brother wants to go to the movies today! It's Mr. Smith's movie! He has two tickets, but he doesn't want to take me!" Angrily, Tom took a sip of milk and defecated despite his brother's raised fist and threatening expression. Yelling, wanting his parents to support him.

Mom and Dad looked at each other, and Dad asked a little puzzled: "Smith Zhang's movie? Oh, I know, it's the hot High School Musical that was fired, right? I saw the trailer for that movie, very nice."

  After listening to what my father said, my mother asked even more strangely: "Thomas, Tom is your brother. Why don't you take him to see the movie with you if you have a movie ticket?"


Thomas really couldn't say it. He was lucky at the Oscars. He got two free tickets from Dongcheng Films. He could see Zhang Dongcheng's latest movie "High School Musical" for the first time, but he was not He wanted to take his underage brother to see it. What he wanted was to take his sister who he was about to get acquainted with, Mitchell, who was pursued by many people in school!

   "My friend also wants to see it! I made an appointment with him. My brother is so young, so I don't know what he's talking about." Thomas said to his brother with a look of disgust, and quickly made an excuse for himself.

  When Tom heard the words, he immediately put his knife and fork away: "I understand! I like Smith's movies very much, and I must understand!"

  While speaking, Tom, who had been bullied by his brother, felt sad and couldn't help crying.

"But Tom is your younger brother! Who do you have an appointment with? I'll go talk to him and see if he can let him go." When the mother saw Tom crying, she quickly coaxed him, and made a move. It cut off Thomas' retreat.

   "Okay, okay! I'll take him!" Rolling his eyes, Thomas was speechless to the extreme.

  After dinner, Thomas rode his bicycle and took his younger brother to the cinema. He thought to himself that he would buy another ticket for his younger brother, and at most three people would go in and watch it together.

   But the simple Thomas never expected that the movie theater would become so popular!

Thomas, who got the free tickets, never thought of going to the movie theater to buy tickets. He didn't know that when the school bell rang that day, countless students picked up their schoolbags and rode their bicycles as fast as they were fighting. I even took a taxi to the nearest movie theater and snapped up the tickets for the premiere of "High School Musical". Although it was only three or four o'clock in the afternoon, the students refused to leave when they came, and insisted on waiting until eight o'clock in the evening At that time, grab a good seat.

  Students who were lucky enough to buy a ticket are fine, but those who want to buy another ticket like Thomas are not so lucky. They were surprised to find that the ticket has become a super hot item without knowing it!

"Oh FUCK! There are so many people!" Thomas looked in horror at the hundreds of students in front of him, and saw that they were wearing the same school uniform as himself, or other school uniforms, and there were few adults here. All students!

   "Please keep order, don't crowd, don't crowd!" The big-shouldered security guard shouted with a loudspeaker, but was crowded by countless people until his hat almost fell off.

   Something bad happened, Thomas suddenly lost his mind, how can he buy a ticket for his younger brother Tom in such a scene, looking at this look, it is enough to buy a ticket in the early hours of this evening!

  And Tom just held Thomas tightly by the corner of his clothes. The turbulent crowd made him follow his brother closely, not daring to leave a step.

  When Thomas was at a loss, another voice sounded from the side: "Hey, Thomas, I've been waiting for you for a long time! There are too many people here, I was squeezed out twice!"

   Turning around, I saw that it was the beautiful Mitchell whom I had invited. I originally wanted to hold her little hand while watching a movie, and then ask for another Gubai KISS when I sent her home, and then...

   Well, with this ghostly look now, it seems that there is no future.

   "Mitchell, I finally found you. My brother and I were almost trampled to death by these guys!" Although he was uneasy, Thomas still greeted him with a playful smile.

"What? You brought your younger brother? I thought you were dating me alone!" Mitchell was a straightforward little girl, and when she saw Thomas' buttocks followed by a little boy who was holding him tightly, Immediately he laughed.

   "My parents insisted that I bring him here, and he insisted on coming!" Thomas looked at the scene in front of him with a headache and didn't know what to do.

Mitchell smiled, just smoothed his long hair, and asked: "You have two tickets, but now there are three people here, what are you going to do? Should we go and see and leave the poor brother behind, or should I Go to see it with your brother, and you sit here and wait? Or you two go to see it, and I will go home angrily?"

   "This, this..." Thomas smiled awkwardly, but suddenly thrust his brother into Mitchell's hand: "Look at him for me, I'll buy a ticket!"

   Mitchell was startled. Before she could speak, a little boy squeezed into her arms, and Thomas squeezed and rushed to the ground in the crowd before disappearing.

   "Oh FUCK! You won't be the only one going in to watch, let me help you watch your brother!" Mitchell said angrily.

   "Sister, you smell so good..." Tom raised his face and smiled at Mitchell...

It can be regarded as Thomas’s lucky star today. The manager of the movie theater saw so many people buying tickets, so he temporarily opened two additional ticket windows. When the ticket seller was still sorting things out on the seat, the sharp-eyed Thomas noticed the situation. He quickly squeezed over and successfully grabbed the first few seats.

"I, I want a movie ticket!" Thomas, who was almost squeezed into a photo, raised the dollar in his hand and shouted at the conductor. At this time, he was sweating profusely, and even his hair was covered with sweat Soggy and messy.

  For the student party, the whole world is the same, that is, they can be desperate for their own purposes.

   "Oh, I'm so sorry, the tickets for the last two shows are sold out, and now there are only tickets for the one at midnight, do you want it?" the ticket sales lady said with a smile, which made the whole team a little dumbfounded.

   "Oh SHIT! Only early morning tickets?" Someone couldn't help but roll their eyes.

   "FUCK, FUCK! If I go back after watching the movie, my dad will definitely spank my ass!" someone sighed.

"Come on guys, you have to find out whose movie this is! This is Smith Zhang's movie! It's not bad to have tickets for you, I'm still thinking about it here! If you don't buy it, go away, I will buy it! Otherwise I have to buy tickets for tomorrow!" Someone was unhappy and urged the people in front to hurry up.

  After hearing this, everyone fell silent, and Thomas also made up his mind to buy a ticket for the early morning broadcast.

   Squeezed out of the crowd, Thomas came to Mitchell's side with difficulty: "Mitchell, it doesn't matter if you go home late today?"

"As long as I can see Smith's movies, even if my father wants to beat me up, I will watch them!" Mitchell seemed to be a fanatical believer of director Smith Zhang, and immediately followed Thomas' words with a serious expression on his face. firm.

"OK, I exchanged tickets with the two people in the early morning show, so that the three of us can watch the movie together!" Thomas said happily, and inadvertently allowed himself to spend more time alone with Mitchell A few hours, of course, is also a happy thing.

   "God! Brother, are you crazy? We watched the movie in the early morning, and we will be beaten by my father when we go home!" Tom said to the excited Thomas without vision, and his brother immediately gagged his mouth with popcorn.

  At this time, there were more and more people in the cinema, Thomas and the three had to hide aside, and the lucky audience of the first scene soon entered.

I watched enviously those people rushed into the movie theater happily as if they were rushing to the front line, and the ticket hall of the whole movie theater was not lonely. Students wearing school uniforms or obviously very young students occupied the whole place, some of them were holding poker Playing cards, some people wailed and sang songs, and some black students danced mechanically under the explosive music. It was as lively as a party.

Soon, the movie officially started, and there were huge cheers and applause in the movie theater, which made the people waiting outside even more anxious. However, these wild cheers did not gradually decrease as the movie progressed, but became more and more intense. Big, and at the back, the sound waves that almost toppled the ceiling of the cinema are neat and eye-catching!

   "What team!"


   "What team!"


  Thomas was guarding the door, and they had to wait for three or four hours to enter, but the cheers and screams from the movie screening hall were getting louder and louder, which was really itchy.

  Everyone is looking forward to it, hoping that time can pass faster, so that I can sit on the sofa, put this movie that I have wanted to see for a long time in my heart, and have a good time watching it.

Screams, screams, applause and whistles, and the neat chorus at the end, no one knows what kind of picture is played in the movie theater, but everyone knows that it is Zhang Dongcheng's movie, and it must be a different movie .

  Finally, the first premiere was over, and the cheering audience came out, humming the songs in the movie loudly, and the easy-to-remember lyrics made them roughly memorize them after only listening to them a few times.

  The students who walked out of the auditorium were full of excitement, and when they sang that song, everyone fell in love with it.

  We are now together

  We found our home

  Know yourself

  We are all stars

   It goes without saying

  We are now together

  Look at it

when we

   stand together hand in hand

  We will make dreams come true

   Feral cats around the world

   Raise your hand and shake it


   let it go

   It's time for the world to know us


   let it go

   Come on, everyone!

Seeing the students pouring out like a tide singing this song neatly, watching them dancing to the appropriate dance, the people waiting outside couldn't help clapping their hands with them, asking excitedly Said, "Hey man, is this a song from High School Musical?"

"YES, you guessed it right! High School Musical is amazing, Eastern High School, I must take the Eastern High School next year, I think there must be my Gabriela there!" A little boy who looked no more than fifteen or sixteen years old loudly Singing a song, suddenly replied, his face was full of excitement and longing.

"Troy is so handsome! He is so handsome!" Several little girls came out together, someone suddenly screamed, and then the few little girls looked at each other, and wow, their eyes were full of little stars. : "It's true, Troy is so handsome!"

"This movie is so cool, oh my God! This movie is literally a dance party, okay? We couldn't stop dancing in it! I can't believe I can dance too! Aha, thanks to Smith for making it I have found a new me again, I think I will sign up for the school's dance club when school starts next Monday!" Someone said excitedly, twisting his waist non-stop.

"The songs of High School Musical are so good, who knows if this movie will release the original soundtrack? I have to buy a collection, this is my youth! Those songs have been flying in my mind! It's so good! It's so good! "Someone grabbed the classmate on the side and kept chanting.

"When we start school, how about asking the classmates at work to watch it again? Our class can also sing and dance as we want, just like in the movie!" Someone excitedly announced his new idea and got a piece of respond.

   "HOHO, that's a cool idea! We're going to have our Wildcats too!"

   "Needless to say, Smith's movie must be very good!" Someone looked at the students who walked out of the movie theater singing with emotion, and murmured.

"Do you need to say? Which Smith movie is not good? But I want to tell you that High School Musical is the best school movie I have ever seen. There is no preaching, no what you should do, only dreams and only youth! I am so glad that I am Students from Eastern High School!"

   Someone heard what the man said, and immediately retorted, mentioning this High School Musical as one of the best movies to watch.

Well, when everyone walked out of the screening room excitedly and excitedly talking about the leading actors, dances and songs of High School Musical, another group of audiences had already prepared and rushed into the screening room in a hurry. It reminded Thomas of the infinite envy, jealousy and hatred in the hearts of those who had to wait until the third game to watch.

The second scene is still the same, or it may be that this group of audiences is more enthusiastic than the first group, or to steal the limelight from the first group of audiences, the screams and whistles seem to never stop, and the stormy applause One after another, this made the people waiting outside even more annoying.

"Hi everyone, this is ZDC TV, and I'm your favorite host Kevin! Where are we now? We're not in a party center, this is a movie theater!" The location host of ZDC TV broadcast the news solemnly, and immediately Replied his funny B true color: "Aha, please don't ask me why I came here, because the movie of our biggest boss is officially released today!"

Facing the camera, behind Kevin stood a large group of young people who wanted to show their faces on TV. They made funny faces, laughed, and some people screamed: "Mom, if you are watching, I will If you want to go home late, please rest assured that I am not going to the bar, I am just waiting to watch a movie at the cinema!"

Haha, well, Kevin and a large group of people were also amused by this funny guy, and Kevin said to the camera with a smile on his face: "It's about ten o'clock in the evening, and the movie theater is still lively like It's a party! I don't think there's any reason for it, the only reason is boss, your movie is **** blockbuster again!"

Then the funny B host said with a stern face: "Don't say I'm flattering, I can't even shoot Smith Zhang's ass! What? You said he will definitely watch this episode? Oh okay, Boss, our dearest Mr. Smith, give me your **** to pat!"

   After being amused for a long time, Kevin pointed the microphone at an excited boy who kept jumping up and down, and said to him: "Sir, why did you come to the cinema today?"

Before the little boy could speak, Kevin lowered his voice, but deliberately let the camera and microphone record his words clearly: "Remember to tell me to watch High School Musical, or I won't buy you a lollipop later! "

The boy grinned and said, "Of course I came to the cinema to watch High School Musical! I've been looking forward to this movie directed by Smith Zhang Da for more than half a year! You must know that this movie was filmed in our school! Dongfang High School, I'm a student at Eastern High School!"