MTL - Honey, It’s Time To Take Your Medicine!-Chapter 541 Sea of ​​Desire (4,000 words)

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  Chapter 541 The Sea of ​​Desire (4,000 words)

  Who knew?

   Still just an ambiguous response.

  However, this is the first time that Goddess of Fate has publicly displayed her existence and voice.

From the very beginning, this battle was not a battle between the most powerful human beings, big and small, and the Lord of Pleasure. Way.

  The words of the Lord of Pleasure, as well as the mysterious voice just now, let these humans know that the Goddess of Destiny really exists.

  Perhaps, the goddess of fate is also an existence worthy of vigilance.

  But at least now this goddess is a teammate on her side.

  There is a godly teammate, and these people who are almost desperate finally glimpse a little hope.

  The Lord of Pleasure sneered at the answer of the goddess of fate:

   "Pretending to be a ghost!"

  The Lord of Pleasure seems a bit wrong to say it. After all, that guy Moilai is really a real goddess, and he really can't talk about playing tricks.

   "Who is the fate that you have spied entangled?"

  The Lord of Pleasure raised his eyebrows, and looked away from the people around him.

   "It shouldn't be these people..." His eyes fell on Qin Chu who was still tightly wrapped by the Mother Goddess of the Earth again: "Could it be this person?"

   "You actually pin your hopes on outsiders, your gods in the Sky Continent are really depraved and ridiculous."

   "If I kill this person, what will happen to the fate you see? Does this prove that the so-called Goddess of Fate is just a fake, and you can't control fate at all?"

  As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked.

  Sha Ye, An Diya, Adelina, Ireta and others subconsciously moved closer to where Qin Chu was.

"You can try."

  The voice of the goddess of fate disappeared in the void, and even the two golden eyes in the sky gradually disappeared.

   That insidious woman was once again lurking in a crevice where it was difficult for others to peek.

  The first round of confrontation between the two sides was over. Many human masters tried their best to attack, but they did not cause any damage to the Lord of Pleasure.

  There seems to be no doubt about the result of continuing to fight, but the Lord of Pleasure can feel that some irritability has gradually emerged from the depths of his heart.

  After all, the longer the time continues to delay, the more unfavorable it will be to yourself.

  His strength has been depleting, just because his strength is strong enough, so this depletion does not seem obvious, but this fact cannot be changed.

   What makes the Lord of Pleasure even more disturbing is why there is no news from the other companions in the void until now?

  The fate weavers should be able to notice the changes here. They should tear the sky that blocks the world as soon as possible, instead of not doing anything until now.

  Suddenly, a very bad premonition emerged in the heart of the Lord of Pleasure. Could it be that something happened to the Void?

   Could it be that this is Moilei's real plan?

  Although the tone of the Lord of Pleasure was full of mockery of Moilei, he actually attached great importance to this opponent, the Lord of Pleasure.

  These existences that can spy and even control to a certain extent, and modify fate are very weird and terrifying. You don’t know when they will carefully create a bad trap for you.

  The time has really been delayed for too long.

   Without hesitating any longer, the Lord of Joy turned to Qin Chu.

  When he looked at the past again, the Lord of Joy realized that something was obviously wrong with Qin Chu's situation.

   The red moonlight that had been scouring and eroding Onebeina's defense had long since been dispelled, and a figure appeared in front of Onebeina, which was Cynthia occupying Angelika's body.

  Cynthia did not participate in the conflict just now.

  The situation of Cynthia is different from that of the Ice Goddess. The Ice Goddess has completely fallen, and there is not even a remnant soul left. Only the authority of the Ice still inherits the obsession of the Ice Goddess.

  Antasya is only under the influence of the Ice Goddess's obsession, using the remaining energy of the Ice Goddess and the Ice Witch to fight against the Lord of Pleasure.

  However, Cynthia still has a remnant soul, and this goddess of the moon still has the ability to think.

Cynthia also didn't know what Moilai's real plan was, but after seeing that Onibena would rather her already broken body and soul suffer erosion and damage from the Lord of Pleasure, she still wanted to protect Qin Chu Cynthia already understood that Qin Chu was definitely the most important link in Goddess of Fate's plan.

   Just this point is enough to determine the importance of Qin Chu.

  So Cynthia did not fight against the Lord of Joy, but took advantage of the time when the big and small Sayas were entangled with the Lord of Joy, to purify and clean up the red moonlight.

   Completely release Onebena from the oppression of the Lord of Pleasure.

   Qin Chu, who has been well protected by Onibeina, has obviously reached the critical moment of breakthrough.

  Bursts of powerful fluctuations continued to escape from the trunk. The ground where the World Tree originally took root has become mid-air, and the surrounding ice and frozen soil below have all been shattered by the energy diffused from the World Tree.

  At this moment, the incarnation of Onebena, the World Tree is in an extremely strange state.

  In the tree trunk, Qin Chu's power spread, but these powers formed two completely different types.

  One side is full of darkness.

  It's heart-palpitating, and the soul is about to go crazy and broken.

  The darkness is like tumbling dark clouds, and it is also like a large piece of rotten meat that exudes a strong stench, but is still wriggling.

  A large amount of mucus continued to flow down the darkness, and fell to the ground deep below. Immediately, there was a sound of squeaking, and the thick white mist was churning.

  Even when the Lord of Pleasure peeped into the dense darkness, he could feel the indescribable throbbing deep in his heart, as well as fear, and indescribable ravings seemed to echo in his ears.

   It seemed like a hoarse roar, and it seemed like a weird and twisted neigh.

  The lips of the Lord of Pleasure are constantly moving.

  He knew very well that what was hidden in the tree trunk was Qin Chu, the means left behind by the goddess of fate, Moilei.

  But at this moment, He still felt as if he had glimpsed that tall, magnificent and terrifying figure again... Even though a thousand years have passed, the fear left by God the Father is like a brand, which will remain in His soul forever.

  His body was even trembling. At this moment, the Lord of Joy even had a very strange, even horrifying thought. Could it be that... Father God wanted to use Qin Chu's body to resurrect him?

  At this moment, the desire to kill Qin Chu in the heart of the Lord of Joy reached an unprecedented limit.

  In any case, the rebirth of God the Father must be prevented.

   On the other side of Qin Chu, there is a holiness that is completely opposite to darkness.

  The milky white luster spreads lightly, and wherever it goes, one can feel the tranquil warmth.

   There is no confusion, no roaring, no roaring, no weird raving, just a gentle and quiet voice like a lullaby.

   This is derived from the power of the Goddess of Holy Light.

  Two diametrically opposite forces are staging the most intense collision in Qin Chu's body.

  For Qin Chu, it was not difficult to break through the shackles and become a demigod.

  In the previous life, Qin Chu had already successfully stepped into the realm of demigods, so he already had experience.

   This life should have been easier, but Qin Chu spent a long enough time and still couldn't take that step, and the reason for this was precisely because of the irreconcilable contradiction between the Goddess of Holy Light and the strongest evil god.

  At this moment, Qin Chu is obviously doing his best to try to integrate these two forces together.

But the difficulty of this is unimaginable. Whenever Qin Chu manipulates two completely different forces to collide, there will be fierce repulsion immediately, and every collision will release terrifying energy. The body of the World Tree was almost unable to withstand the damage of this force, and large cracks appeared on the trunk.


   The collision is still going on, and the energy is still spreading.

  Every roar, like a heavy hammer, slammed into the heart of the Lord of Joy.

   Two different energies, one black and one white, are reflected in the depths of the eyes of the Lord of Pleasure. He is unwilling to admit it, but he understands that he has indescribable fear because of this weird picture.

  He is unwilling to continue to wait for the entanglement... Although in his current physical state, forcing the most powerful force will cause some damage to himself.

  But, at this moment, I don't care so much.

  The Lord of Pleasure who made the decision no longer hesitated, and suddenly took a step forward.

  The moment the soles of the feet fell, a purple-pink light followed the soles of the feet to the ground, and spread rapidly towards the front. Wherever it went, everything left on the ground instantly turned into a thick fog full of desire.

  Everything on the ground, even hard rocks, directly turned into flowing liquid.

  However, it is fundamentally different from magma and the like. It is like a deep ocean, in which countless figures wriggle in it. There are males and females, and they are entangled together.

  The rough roar of the male and the charming voice of the female spread around like music.

   Sea of ​​Desire.

   The Lord of Pleasure has a very powerful ability. Once swallowed by the sea of ​​desire, no creature can break free.

  He is eroding Qin Chu in this way. Once Qin Chu's will is affected by the sea of ​​desire, the process of advancing is bound to be broken.

   At that time, Qin Chu would be completely torn apart by the two diametrically opposed energies that were completely out of control, and there would not even be a single bit of residue left in his soul.

  The sea of ​​desire was choppy, heading straight for Qin Chu, Onebena, and Cynthia.

  Big Saya, Little Saya, Antia, Antasia, Athena, Adelina, Ireta and others were not directly affected by the Sea of ​​Desire.

   But even if you only peek into the sea of ​​desire out of the corner of your eye, erosion will follow.

  The beautiful cheeks flushed instantly.

  The already beautiful face became more and more charming at this moment.

  Juemei's graceful body trembled slightly, biting her lips with her white teeth, trying to control herself not to make a bad sound.

   Reason is struggling with desire.

   This is because of Moilei's arrangement, the Lord of Pleasure is temporarily unable to use the power of a real god. Otherwise, once the sea of ​​desire comes out, these girls will have no room to struggle and will fall instantly.

   In terms of desire, the Lord of Pleasure is absolutely domineering.


   A chill spread.

  A large piece of white ice blocks in front of the Sea of ​​Desire.

  A slender girl and the tall goddess behind her opened their arms at the same time.

   is Antasia.

  The energy of the ice condensed into a huge iceberg in front of him, trying to stop the spread of the sea of ​​desire.

  Although the body and even the soul have been eroded by the sea of ​​desire, Antasya has never forgotten from the beginning to the end that her most important lover is right behind her.

  No matter what, she will not let her lover get hurt, absolutely not.

   This obsession surpasses everything else.

  Antasia is not stingy in the slightest. She is using an almost self-harming method to stimulate the energy contained in the power of ice, even though her body is almost shattered by this terrifying energy flow.

   The iceberg is spreading and expanding rapidly.

  In a short period of time, it has expanded to a huge iceberg about several kilometers long, hundreds of meters high, and more than ten meters thick.

   Soon, on top of this iceberg, a hazy and cool luster bloomed.

  Angelika's figure also appeared beside Antasya, and her little hand fell on the iceberg. The power of the moon goddess Cynthia was also being released, and the iceberg became stronger.

   Right on both sides of Angelika and Antasya, the big and small Saya also appeared. The coffin of darkness was erected in front of the iceberg in another way, becoming another barrier against the sea of ​​desire.

  In the sky, on An Diya's body, countless metal chains danced like poisonous snakes. The spear with a broken flag hanging in his hand seemed to tear the night sky like a shooting star, and stabbed straight in the direction of the Lord of Pleasure.

  Natia swung her hands down, and two meteors also fell from the void at the same time.

  Athena, Adelina, and Iretta's magic also appeared from different directions.

  These girls all acted at this time.

  The methods they used were different, but their purpose was surprisingly the same, that is to prevent the Lord of Joy from eroding Qin Chu.

   Only this, absolutely not allowed.

   There was even an angry roar in the air.

   Wadsworth, who had lost his head and heart, actually climbed up from the ground again. On the torn neck, countless strips were twisted together, barely forming the shape of a human head.

  The strength of the whole body was condensed on the right arm, and the right arm with only white bones was almost unable to carry this energy, and layers of cracks appeared on the bones.

  Honkai three punches, fourth punch... annihilation!

   This is the will of all.

   This is the counterattack of the weak against the gods.

   Even Saint Inas, who had already lost her strength and lay panting on the ground, struggled to get up from the ground again, with an exaggerated, distorted, and rebellious smile on her face.

  This proud **** probably doesn't understand why these weak humans, knowing that they are not opponents, are still fighting back again and again, right?

   He does not understand.

   It is because of this that he is a human being.

  Man is greater because of his smallness.

  Let's fight!

   "Let me go!"

   A woman's growl.

  The already broken limbs seemed to completely ignore the pain caused by broken bones and muscle spasms, and even the fingers that could no longer curl up freely grasped the broken shield tightly, and turned into a streamer of light and roared towards the front.

   The four thousand words of the first chapter are here.



  (end of this chapter)