MTL - Honkai Q&A, Starting with Kiana-Chapter 15

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Ji Zi wanted to persuade her, but the narration made her words pale and powerless.

The video has been broadcast, and there is still room for concealment.

Holding the idea that the leader could not be killed first, Fu Hua straightened his voice and opened his mouth to persuade.

"Headmaster, it was about thirty years ago. Your popularity at that time spanned the Eurasian continent and crossed the international superstar idol."

It's okay if Fu Hua doesn't speak, but everyone's eyes are wrong when he speaks.

She sat down directly to the facts, plus the broadcast in the chat area, Teresa's club died two times in a row.


Theresa rolls.jpg

Regardless of the mental thoughts of the deceased, the picture continues.

"Until one day, the chance to realize the dream... came."

A poster with the title of Honkai Impact appeared.

On the poster, the words TOBECOMEANIDOL fill up most of the poster.

On the side is a female figure with a dark body and a question mark on her cheek...

I don't know if it's an illusion?

Everyone in Saint Freya turned their attention to Kiana.

It feels like Sombra and Kiana are very similar.

Kiana: ? ? ?

The poster disappeared, and the picture changed from static to dynamic.

In the video, Luosalia and Lilia appear on the snowy field where the sky is full of snow.

In front of them was Cocolia in a green military coat, with dozens of Titan mechs behind her.

"After hearing about our dreams, my mother was very excited..."

Before she could finish what Luosalia said innocently, she was interrupted by Cocolia.

"No, I don't agree." Cocolia crossed her arms: "The darkness of the idol industry is simply beyond the imagination of children."

"A casting event like this is full of insider trading."

no? who are you? ! Where did you get Cocolia!

Einstein: …

Tesla: …

Raven: …


"So, in the reluctance of mother's farewell, we decided to bravely embark on the road of chasing our dreams!"

The Arlene sisters ignored Cocolia's advice and left on their own.

"Luosalia, Lilia, come back to me!"

Behind, Cocolia roared in exasperation, and issued an order to arrest the Titan mecha.

"Huh... Mom is really! We are all adults, she is still worried about our safety, and sent so many mechas to **** us..."

Luosalia snorted softly, puffing out her chest with a look of resentment.

"Luosalia, mother is actually angry."

Compared to her stupid older sister, Lilia is much more rational.

"Huh? Then let's go quickly, don't be taken back by mother."

Lusalia trusted her sister's words very much, and her tone suddenly became anxious. She raised her big sword and rushed directly to the Titan mecha blocking the road. Lilia couldn't stop it, so she reluctantly picked up her weapon and went up together.

At the end of the video, the two sisters clean up the Titan mech.

As for Cocolia, she was **** off.

The screen turned and came to the trial site.

On the empty stage, Otto and Walter Young sat on both sides of the stage, with sponsor advertisements for [Destiny Chaebol] and [Anti Entropy Entertainment] erected beside them.

On the stage, a bald host wearing a black suit with a MUHOYO blue stripe on his chest spoke loudly with a loudspeaker.

"Welcome to the selection of the heroine of the large-scale sci-fi action suspense idol drama "Honkai III"."

"Thank you to all the contestants for their active participation. We will fully consider whether you are suitable for the main role through the recitation of lines, emotional drama, action drama audition and other links."

"Of course, in order to ensure fairness, as the producer, I will not interfere in the selection."

"The review of this event will be handed over to our sponsors, Otto Apokalis, president of the Destiny Foundation, and Walter Young, CEO of Anti-Entropy Entertainment!"

"Thank you two rich dads for their support, you can choose whatever you want!"

After the bald-headed host clearly spoke the insider lines, he gave up the scene to the sponsor.

Otto walked to the center of the stage, put one hand behind his back, and said with the other lightly raised.

"Thank you for the trust of the producer. In fact, I already have a suitable candidate in my mind..."

"...But! We will still conduct reviews in a fair, impartial, and open manner."

Walter Young stepped forward to interrupt Otto.

It was obvious that he had a problem with Otto.

(Hmph, Otto, no matter what conspiracy you have, don't try to succeed.)

"Lilia, this competition is so grand~"

"It was the first time I saw such a crowded place, and I was a little scared..."

Compared with her sister's carelessness, Lilia felt uncomfortable instinctively: "And this time the contestants seem to be very talented. Can we really win?"

"Don't be afraid, no one can compare to us in terms of cuteness." Luosalia put her hands on her hips: "Winning is a matter of course!"


"If you're worried, why don't you go and find out about other players!"

Chapter 25 Contestants

The two signed up for the competition and slipped backstage with their player passes.

The first to get close to a beautiful girl with a purple long straight and eldest aura.

"This confident expression... This perfect character design, this is completely the heroine, right? No, can't give up! Come on, Rosalia!"

Just looking at it for a moment, the expressions of Luosaria and Lilia changed.

Forcibly cheer up, don't give up, believe in yourself.

Then, they heard each other's whispers.

"Father, please bless me in prison. If I can become the heroine, I will definitely be able to revive the reputation of Raiden's family!"

"Mistake, miscalculation! Playing the eldest lady of a famous family, this opponent is absolutely impossible to win..."

The mood of the two sisters suddenly dropped a step.

Off the screen, Leiden Mei twitched the corners of her mouth.

"No, we can't give up, let's go see other players!"

In order to save the overwhelmed self-confidence, Luosalia pulled Lilia away from Thunder and Lightning Meiyi and came to the corner, suddenly stunned.

"This woman looks about the same age as Cocolia's mother... Is this age really allowed to participate in the competition?"

Luosalia dragged her sister to hide behind the curtain, pointed at the immeasurable Tajizi and complained, and then looked at Fu Hua.

"Eh? Lilia, isn't this the place to choose the heroine? Why would a boy come to the competition?"

"Rosalia, I remember this person is the chief male servant of the St. Freya Opera Troupe."

Fu Hua and Immeasurable Tajizi's expressions changed.

The former touched his chest, couldn't he really see that he was a woman?

The latter touched his cheek, do I really look old?

The video continues.

Lusalia and Lilia poured out their confidence and ran towards the other people's positions, not hearing the next conversation between the two.

"Ah, the weather is so hot, I really want to have a drink. I heard that this game has already been decided by default. Fu Hua, does it really make sense for the two of us to suffer here?"

Ji Zi pulled open the collar, fanned the wind and sighed helplessly, so tired.

"It is said that the contestants of this casting event have a high chance of being selected for other roles. Isn't Mr. Jizi always wanting to get rid of the boring teaching career? Now is the time..."

"Look, the guy with the tousled hair over there and the red double ponytail looks like a nerd who lacks exercise."

"...Why do I feel as if I have seen these two people in the history books, am I wrong?"

Off-screen, the words of the Arlene sisters made Einstein and Tesla a fire of nowhere.

"Cocolia's daughter?"

"Children need education..."

Unfortunately, no matter how angry the two are, the video continues.

"I actually listened to Walter's persuasion and came to participate in such a boring activity"

Einstein lifted the bangs on his forehead, annoyed at himself who had promised the leader in the past.

"Jiwotou, if I become the heroine, I will definitely persuade the investors to change to the dual-protagonist mode!"

With his hands on his hips, Tesla is very sure of winning, which can be regarded as a self-confidence.

"….the title changed to "Mad Scientist Einkenstein and Her Monsters"?"

Einstein shrugged, still finding it more fun to experiment than to be an actress.

"!! Idiot, it's the "Scientific Special Search Team"!"

Tesla sprayed.

Sister Arlene, who was hiding behind the curtain, was dripping with sweat on her forehead.

The boost in self-confidence came to an abrupt end.

Lilia's face was pale: "Red with blue, vitality with Sanwu... These two guys overlap with us too much!"

Lilia, who is determined to become an idol, is very clear about the importance of character independence.

"Don't worry, in terms of age, they are not opponents at all."

However, Luosaria quickly found the black spot, covered her mouth and whispered to her sister's ear.

Lilia cheered herself up, and the gray figure suddenly dangled from the corner of her eyes. She looked closely, her eyes widened, and she pointed to Bronya in front of her and called out in a low voice.

"Luosalia... Sister Bronya is here too!"

"This bad guy even ran out to participate in the competition secretly from his mother!"

Luosaria followed the direction of Lilia's fingers and found the other party.

However, she is still full of confidence, even if she is taking care of her sister.

"How can she choose the heroine because she has three attributes like her."

Probably seeing an acquaintance, the voices of the two involuntarily increased, and Bronya quickly found their traces.

"Ah, Lusalia and Lilia, could it be... Mother Cocolia found that Bronya ran out?"

"...Is this... a tongue twister newly learned by Sister Bronya?"

"Hey, I didn't bring the reloaded rabbit. Hehe, I removed the label of the mecha girl. It seems that our odds of winning are higher."

Luosalia stuck out her little tongue, dragged her sister and slipped away, leaving Bronya's mysterious back.

She was dragged and ran until Lilia noticed the unbelievable sound, her footsteps stopped suddenly, Luosaria didn't notice for a while, and fell directly, almost crying.

"Luosaria, the trouble is big, the world's most adorable idol TeRiRi is here too!"