MTL - Horror Game Escape Guide-Chapter 14 13

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How to do! How to do!

Xin Meng was surrounded by zombies, and his clothes were soaked in cold sweat. His original body strength was not very good, and he was still injured. Only one arm could be used. It is not easy to support this point. This is still Relying on the longer distance of the steel pipe he took, he could not be approached by zombies, but his right arm became more and more sore, and he couldn't hold it for long!

I can only do my best to run to the gate!

The other two were even worse. The girl was okay. The iron folding chair in the supermarket was not easy to damage. The wooden stick in Li Yougen's hand was given by the master. Before, he had been hiding among the people and had no chance to use it. Now I know it as soon as I use it. He was holding only half of the wooden stick, screaming and waving wildly around him, but he was covering his body with insidiousness, but this was not a long-term solution. They were still too far away from the door. Go to the aisle on the side of the high-rise building, you must pass through here to see the gate!

"Go to death! Go to death! You monsters, let me die!"

Li Yougen slaps on the dark fingers of the zombies with a wooden stick. He growls and screams all the way. If Xin Meng has energy and distraction, he will definitely tell Li Yougen to shut up and save strength. Xin Meng didn't have that time, so Li Yougen made a fatal mistake. His yelling consumed a lot of his physical strength, made him breathless, he was out of breath, and even had dark eyes due to lack of oxygen. Soon With weak energy, the wooden stick is waving more and more slowly, and the defense gradually has loopholes. The monster that Xiong Jiabao turned into took the opportunity to step forward, and his rotten fingers quickly approached Li Yougen, and he would soon grab his arm!

Li Yougen's eyes showed extreme fright. At the moment of life and death, as if pressing the slow-motion switch, Xiong Jiabao's movement was slow and clear. Li Yougen just watched that devil's hand reach out to himself, Also pulled into **** ...

Just then, the girl who was originally the last girl caught up and ran past him. Li Yougen's gaze was ruthless, he yelled, twisted his body, grabbed the girl's arm, and dragged her suddenly. Pushed to Xiong Jiabao!

"Ah!" The young girl screamed the only scream so far, and Xiong Jiabao's sharp claws instantly scratched the flesh of her back!

This scene was seen by Xin Meng, who turned her head. Xin Meng was so frightened that she opened the zombies in front of her, and rushed to the girl. They were not far away, and he had a chance to save her!

However, when he rushed to the girl and could pull her immediately, he ignored the zombies surrounding him, and one zomb's hand was almost touching his shoulder.

Xin Meng didn't turn her head, but she saw clearly in the face of his girl. She suddenly broke through the **** of Xiong Jiabao behind her, slammed at Xin Meng and pushed him away, but she was forced to be exposed to the zombie. The flesh of one arm was cut open from top to bottom, and warm blood sprayed everywhere!

"Come on!" Before Xin Meng's reaction came, the girl shoved him sharply and yelled with a husky voice, pushing him out of the only gap in the zombies, and she was completely surrounded by the zombies. Buried, densely packed zombies surrounded an airtight circle, excited by the smell of blood from the middle, and even ignored Xin Meng aside.

It took only a blink of an eye for something to happen, Xin Meng didn't respond. He looked at the countless throbbing human head, smelling the thick **** smell gradually drifting in the air, and chewing and eating in his ears. the sound of……

Even as calm as he was, he couldn't help trembling, his legs were so weak that he couldn't move.

At the same time, the zombies that were left behind by Li Yougen are slowly turning back and walking towards Xin Meng. When Xin Meng returned to God, he found that he was surrounded by zombies again.

Is it going to die here?

Xin Meng didn't have any particular fear of death, which is why he can keep calm, but ... he just couldn't accept that he would be eaten and eaten by zombies!

If it turns out like this, he would rather commit suicide!

"Hey, hey, hey!"

When he was desperate, he suddenly heard a series of gunshots in the volley! The zombies around him couldn't even make a cry, and a bullet hole appeared in his forehead and fell to the ground.

The gunman's marksmanship was accurate and scary, and the zombies around Xin Meng fell to the ground one by one, but only Xin Meng among them remained unharmed.

The gunfire never stopped until no more zombies could stand, and Xin Meng was completely safe.

Who, who saved him?

Somehow, Xin Meng didn't even think about the other two survivors, but instead looked at the direction of the sound of the gun, and saw a strange tall figure through the dim sky.

The man was slowly walking towards him against the light.

Xin Meng's heart suddenly jumped fast.

He couldn't take his eyes off the man, and he could feel that the other person was staring at himself, his legs were no longer soft, but he still couldn't take a step.

Until the man came in front of him, showing a firm and handsome face.

"You, you are ..." Xin Meng murmured, his heart beating, as if telling him something, a strange sense of familiarity came to mind.

He has seen ... this person?

Strangely, he didn't remember this person in his memory.

The other's beautiful and deep brown pupils completely reflected Xin Meng's figure. Xin Meng looked at each other's eyes, and her eyes seemed to be sucked. She couldn't even look away in the slightest. This feeling has never been seen before. , Very inexplicable, Xin Meng shook his head fiercely, trying to get rid of this strange feeling, at this time, he heard the other party said in a low, slightly hoarse voice, "Yu Yi, your teammate."

Xin Meng returned to God, blinking his eyes, he couldn't figure out his own reaction just now, so he didn't notice the accent on the word "your" in the other person's words.

Xin Meng learned his lesson this time, first looked at the opponent ’s arm, and he had a familiar armband hanging on it, then he was relieved that it was indeed his ... that his teammates were right.

Finding the last teammate in this situation really made people wonder whether they should cry or laugh, but now it is not a time of emotion, the threat has not been eliminated. You Yi just killed more than twenty zombies around him. There are also a steady stream of zombies coming here. Even the monsters changed by Xiong Jiabao have not died. When he finishes eating the corpse of the girl, he will definitely come to them!

The man suddenly took Xin Meng's right wrist and ran forward with him. Xin Meng hurriedly raised his leg to keep up and looked back from time to time. Those zombies who were "eating" caused congestion, and they were not wide. The passageway was blocked, but blocked the zombies behind for a short time, and gained valuable escape time for them. However, Xin Meng felt a little blocked.

Although he knew that the girl would survive the next game, he was still very sad. He didn't even think that the other party would make such a move.

The two quickly ran out of the passage and came to the door. There were scattered dead zombies on the ground. They should have been killed by Dong Xiu and Li Yougen. At this moment, they were around the gate and kicked the gate hard. Li Yougen Lying on the door in tears and tears, Dong Xiu was scolding.

"What's going on!" Xin Meng asked.

Li Yougen was crying and could not speak, but Dong Xiu was still calm. He noticed something wrong early and escaped before Xiong Jiabao became a monster, so he did n’t see many things later, nor He knew what was going on. He helped slip the glasses under his nose and watched the man standing behind Xin Meng vigilantly, asking, "Who is he?"

"He is our last teammate," Xin Meng sighed, and said to him, "real teammate."

With Dong Xiu's shrewdness, he instantly understood Xin Meng's meaning, and he took a breath out of disbelief, "Damn, we are being played by this game!"

"The specific situation will be discussed later. Open the door quickly. Those soldiers are going to come out. We will all die here if we don't go out!" Xin Meng did not say that You Yi had a gun. The man carried a large camouflage bag behind him. It should be Putting the gun inside, now with empty hands, it is obviously not willing to let others know, but Xin Meng completely lost trust in these teammates because of the previous series of events, and never thought about telling them about it.

Moreover, compared to these two people who have known each other for two days, but are not friendly, and will push you into **** during the crisis, he trusts the man who saved him, at least he can feel that You Yi is right He has no malicious intentions, which is also his inexplicable intuition.

"Can't open, there is a chain lock on the door!" Dong Xiu's irritable knock on the door, the door shook a few times, and the two sides were separated a little, revealing the large iron chain in the middle. Several people were locked in the yard.

At this time, the zombies in military uniforms came out of the passage, and more and more, they were approaching the four quickly!

"Open the door! Quickly open the door!" Li Yougen crouched on the door and wept, smashing the door with his hands in vain, but the door remained motionless, and the others were nervous. Xin Meng did not know why, but turned around and looked at the call Yi man glanced.

However, he found that the other person's eyes were calm and indifferent, as if he was not facing a crisis of peril, but only a small trouble that could be ridden in a blink of an eye. His calmness actually let Xin Meng's nervous nerves relax unconsciously.

When he was about to say something, you saw You Yi walked straight to the door, lifted his feet, and slammed into a certain part of the door, only to hear a bang, the iron chain with thick fingers broke into After two halves, the door opened!

What a terrifying power! Dong Xiu looked at the man in surprise, the lens passed a hint of unknown light, and Xiao Jiu Ji was struck again in his heart.

However, You Yi seemed to have eyes behind his head, suddenly turned his head, and glanced at Dong Xiu coldly. The look was completely different from that when Xin Meng was seen. It was full of coldness and residue, and there were silent warnings. The sharp eyes As if he could kill someone immediately, Dong Xiu who watched couldn't help but chill from the bottom of his heart, and never dared to look at him!

What a terrible man! Never provoke!

Dong Xiuzhuo, reached such a conclusion in his heart!