MTL - Host, I’m Here To Accompany You To Pretend-Chapter 17

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Moreover, the scale of the autograph session was also small. When the police arrived, the autograph session was nearing its end.

She is on her way home now.

"Miss Shiyu of Xiazhiqiu, please wait a moment." With a voice, a man in a black suit and black sunglasses walked in front of her.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was stunned, how did this person dress like a special agent, and he sounded like he was very familiar with him, but he had never seen such a person before.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu is very confident in his memory, and the first grade in the age is not something that people with poor memory can get.

People in suits also know that if they don't explain their identity, they can't talk about it. In order to facilitate the next exchange, he took out a small black notebook from his arms and showed it to Shiyu Xiazhiqiu, and then said. Take the small book back.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was speechless, because the person in front of him might really be an agent, no wonder he would be very familiar with him, it seems that he has already checked her information.

"Excuse me, do you have anything to do with me?" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu went straight to the topic, and it was obviously not a wise move to quarrel with such a person with an official status.

The man in black smiled. Before he came, he had read the information about Shiyu of the Hill of Xia, and understood what kind of character she was. Since the other party wanted to go straight to the subject, he naturally wouldn't talk nonsense.

"Ms. Kasumigaoka Shiyu, you seem to have met the actor who played Jotaro Kujo in the third live-action version of JOJO at the autograph meeting of "Metronome" yesterday, but this movie is still being filmed, it is inconvenient for ordinary people The audience revealed too much, can you please keep this a secret."

The man in black perfectly demonstrated what it means to talk nonsense with eyes open. Although Shiyu of Xiazhiqiu was a little speechless, he also understood the purpose of the other party. He came to seal it up!

"Well, it's true that I met the actor of Jotaro Kujo. Since the filming party has requested it, of course I'm willing to keep it a secret." She didn't plan to be a thorn.

Next, the two of us were silent for a while, and we riddles each other for a long time.

The man in black nodded in satisfaction.

He likes to talk to smart people, save trouble!

"Miss Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, thank you very much for your cooperation. I have read the novel "Love Metronome" that you wrote. It is very interesting. I believe it will be officially recommended soon."


Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu didn't know what to reply, so could it be possible to say thank you?

After all, the man in black is a professional, so he can clearly see the embarrassment of Shiyu of Xiazhiqiu. He said no more, greeted Shiyu of Xiazhiqiu, and left with a smile.

After the man in black left from Shiyu of Kasumigaoka, he came to a black car, opened the door and sat on it.

"How is it?" It was a sturdy man in black sitting in the driver's seat.

Hearing his colleague's question, the man in black nodded and said, "It's settled, the other party is very cooperative."

"That's good, let's go to An Yilun's side next."


The man in black took out a roster and turned over the page of Shiyu Kasumigaoka, revealing the page of Yilun An.

One of these two is an author and the other is a well-known blogger. They spread the news much faster than others, so they are naturally the objects to be dealt with first.

"I hope this little brother can cooperate like this."

The man in black pushed his sunglasses, Kasumigaoka Shiyu guessed right, he was indeed an agent of the Neon Intelligence Bureau, codenamed Gin, and the man in black driving next to him was his colleague Vodka.

Because the people in their bureau like to use wine as a code name, this bureau is also known as a winery.

Chapter 36 The gears of fate begin to turn

Back home, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu sighed, what happened in the past two days was too illusory, which made her have a strong sense of unreality.

First, Jotaro Kujo traveled into reality, and then people from the country came to seal it up, which made Shiyu Kasumigaoka feel like he had lived a fake life for so many years. When did this world become like this!

She lay on the sofa and took out her mobile phone to find news about JOJO on the Internet.

After entering keywords in the search engine, the first thing that appeared was not the fight between Jotaro Kujo and DIO in the street a few days ago, but some other fan videos and articles.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu frowned, but she was not sweet enough to think that the heat had dropped.

Now that you already know that Kotaro Kujo is not an actor but a real deity, the situation on the search engine is worth scrutinizing. There was a lot of uproar a few days ago. How could it have disappeared completely so quickly? Nine is the official current limit.

And comparing their own situation, in addition to online actions, they probably have also found a lot of people offline.

Although he couldn't find the information he wanted right away, Shiyu of Kasumigaoka was not worried. There are policies on the top and countermeasures on the bottom. Even if these things are restricted, they can't be completely deleted for a while, and even if the neon I can't find it here, and I can also find it on foreign websites. She remembered that the cloud disk of Chongguo next door was very useful, and everything could be found on it!

However, Shiyu of Xiazhiqiu still didn't make the step over the wall. After searching through various mysterious websites, he quickly found the video, and there were still many comments in the comment area of ​​the video.

She glanced at it roughly, and it was basically a message like some special effects or ecstasy of chef JO, and couldn't see any information.

Speaking of which, why do you have to go to the mysterious website to read this kind of comment? How boring is this? Shiyu of Kasumigaoka is quite speechless.

Switching the video to full-screen mode, Kasumigaoka Shiyu turned on the 0.5x speed and watched it. Although she didn't want to study frame by frame, she didn't want to miss some detailed pictures.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu watched this video with all his attention, and his concentration was completely different from when he watched it a few days ago. After all, the situation was different.

When the screen reached the part where DIO and Jotaro Kujo took off in place, even if the speed was adjusted to 0.5 times, the air burst was still quite fast, covering the entire screen in an instant, and it was impossible to see with the naked eye.

The fight between DIO and Kujo Jotaro was quick, and the video screen was half over in a while, and she knew the rest without watching, and then came the appearance of the road roller.

As expected, it was too naive to try to research something based on a video, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu sighed and was about to turn off the video screen when suddenly a blue shadow flashed across his line of sight, reaching the next screen, the road roller. appeared.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was stunned for a moment, thinking that she had read it wrong, she dragged the video back and played it again. This time, a yellow shadow flashed in her eyes. She played this and that clip repeatedly, the yellow shadow and blue The shadow also became more and more clear from intermittent.

When she saw it for the tenth time, the yellow and blue shadows in the video finally fully appeared. It was [World] and [Platinum Star]. What she saw just now was their high-speed bombardment fists.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu stared blankly at the video, her head blank.

Did she see the double? !

Before she had time to think about what happened, an abnormality appeared in her body first, and a fiery burning sensation spread throughout her body.

"So hot!"

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu no longer has the energy to think, this scorching heat is like throwing a person into a furnace!

She struggled to tear off her clothes and rushed into the bathroom. She turned the water to cold and started to rush.

Feeling the cold water drenching her body, Kasumigaoka Shiyu's cheeks blushed as she leaned against the wall and kept breathing.

Although the cold water in the bathroom temporarily relieved the scorching heat of the body, it was only a temporary solution, and Shiyu of Kasumigaoka's body temperature was still rising.

As the body temperature rose, the place where the arrow stabbed also began to send out bursts of severe stinging pain. She clutched the place where she was stabbed by the arrow and gritted her teeth and tried her best to endure.

But as the tingling and body temperature continued to intensify, she couldn't help it.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"

In an instant, her spirit was in a trance, and when she was about to faint, the insurance of [Platinum Star Beyond Heaven] took effect, and a clear stream rushed to Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's brain, making her wake up instantly. Then a yellow double appeared behind her.

At the same time, Xia Chuan Zhenliang has just returned home. She has undergone various physical examinations in the hospital these days, but nothing has been found, and the blood in her body is also normal. It is not because of the loss of Kujo Jotaro After a period of testing, it was determined that she only had her own blood in her body, just like Kouji Jotaro had never transfused blood at all.

In the end, the hospital could only call out the medical miracle and let Xia Chuan really cool to be discharged.

Xia Chuan, who had just returned home, sighed really coolly. The inspections these days are too troublesome.

Just as she was about to sit down and rest for a while, an unspeakable scorching heat came from her body, the blood in her body was boiling, and her back shoulder hurt as if being scorched by an iron. It didn't take long before a star appeared. imprint.

At the same time, her brain also ached. She covered her head and made a painful sound. At the same time, she felt that something seemed to be calling her from a distance, and she couldn't help but look up.

Just as she looked up, a blue double appeared beside her. Xia Chuan's really cool eyes seemed to pass through countless obstacles at this moment and saw a smooth and rounded back.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's body trembled, feeling a strong sense of being watched, and subconsciously raised his head and said, "You are looking at me, right!"

As soon as Shiyu's voice fell, Xia Chuan Zhenliang's vision returned to normal, and the scorching heat in his body completely subsided. Looking at the familiar surroundings, Xia Chuan Zhenliang's face was full of shock.

"What was that just now, was it an illusion?"

"No! How could there be such a real hallucination!"

Xia Chuan swallowed her saliva. The dual effects of her body and mind made her mouth dry and she reached out to grab the water cup on the table, but at this time, a hand quickly grabbed the cup and handed it to her. .

Looking at the thick blue arm in front of him, Xia Chuan was really stunned, then turned to look behind him.

A blue avatar was standing there. She had seen the image of this avatar countless times in manga and anime, and she was all too familiar with it.

"Platinum Star!"

Chapter 37 Wuhu!

Chen Mo is playing LOL at home, he is playing the mid laner Yasuo, and the opposite is a robbery.

He is very good, but the opposite is not much better. Everyone is bronze and who looks down on others.

This wave, this wave is Tuoersuo vs. Children's Robbery, the one who meets in a narrow way wins, the evenly matched opponent!

Chen Mo E went up and used Q to make up for a pawn. At this moment, the opposite Jie did not know where he saw the opportunity, and suddenly a big one came over, so scared that Chen Mo hurriedly pressed the E button, and kept going back and forth between the pawns. The process highlighted an unclear meaning. After Zed's big move ended, all kinds of skills were directly thrown away. The opposite side was probably panicked when they saw this situation. Following Chen Mo, a wave of random operations and skills were thrown around.

Now both of them are of relatively low level. After a meal of chickens pecking at each other, they all lost blood soon, and they tacitly threw them and ran away together.

At this time, both of them had a light on them. When they were about to die together, Chen Mo's Yasuo Sword Intent was full, which allowed Chen Mo to escape, but the other side was not so lucky, and it was doomed on the spot.

After the kill notification sounded, Chen Mo's mouth crooked.

What is three points depends on hard work, seven points are destined.

With my hand on the keyboard, I entered a Wuhu on the public channel.

"take off!"

"take off!"

"take off!"

"take off!"

"take off!"

"take off!"

"take off!"

"take off!"

Seeing this row taking off, Chen Mo was stunned on the spot, ALT+TAB exited the game interface and repeatedly confirmed it several times, and then looked at the computer screen with a confused expression.

I'm playing the Japanese suit, that's right!

"Sorry, I was switching the input method just now, take off!"

Good guy, with a word from Wuhu, eight people took off, and one was entering. I was playing the Japanese server, and the results were all Chinese!

Chen Mo was speechless.

After a game, his whole person is not good. Everyone who understands the current situation in the bronze district understands the current situation of the bronze district. The whole team is more than a Chinese. It is simply a dream to return to Zaan!

In the whole game, you are not pushing towers, but typing and fast, otherwise you will not be able to protect your family.

Chen Mo sighed quite a bit, the day server played like the national server, and he had no game experience at all, and with the full screen of Baga and Yoxi, he didn't know what to say.

The full language proficiency given by Transmigration is actually useless, and it is too naive to pretend to be a neon text, but let him speak human words on the opposite side.

"Host, you don't seem to be in a good mood. When you're in a bad mood, you must vent and don't hold back. It's not good for your health. Do you want to do something good for your physical and mental health with me."

The sound of the system's riotous waves was a little lewd, as if he was soliciting customers.

Hearing the system's words, Chen Mo's attention shifted from the game, and said in surprise: "System, you are finally going to install an entity?"

The system paused, and seemed a little puzzled by Chen Mo's words.

"Why do you ask that, host?"

"Isn't this nonsense? The most healthy thing I can do with you is that you must have a physical body to do it."

Could it be that the host has become interested in the Japanese system?

"My host, what you said made me a little excited, it really is an LSP."

"Hehe, it's not wrong to say that, I really want to see how you feel."

"...Host, isn't your old wording a bit wrong?"

"Is there? I think it's quite accurate."

The system was silent for a while and then sent out a prompt tone. Evasion is shameful but useful!

"Detected that the monster in the mirror world is coming."

Chen Mo is not surprised by this. After all, rectification is the system's own job. If the system does not rectify one day, then it will be Ye Qingjie.

But there are too many anime and movies that can be applied to the setting of Mirror World.

"That mirror world?"

"Does the host have other mirror worlds besides the dragon rider!"

The system is really inflated, as if to say, host, if you have the ability, give me an example to slap me in the face,

Chen Mo is quite calm about this. He is an old two-dimensional. Just for example, can this still stumped him?