MTL - Host, I’m Here To Accompany You To Pretend-Chapter 257

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At this time, the artillery battalion on Godwin's side had already set up the cannon, and he raised the pear blossom axe in his hand and swung it down.


boom! boom! boom!

The explosion sounded, and a round of artillery shells flew straight towards Chen Mo. When it was about to hit him, the two soldiers beside him stood up and summoned an energy barrier in front of him to block the bombardment of the shells.

Seeing this scene, Godwin frowned, and then called a soldier beside him.

"General, what are your orders?" the scholar asked.

Godwin looked at Shi Shi coldly and said coldly, "Borrow your head!"

Shi suddenly turned pale in shock: "Why did the general kill me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Godwin struck two peaches from his hand.

"I used two peaches from my hand and sacrificed a warrior from my own faction, so I got the conditions for killing three warriors with two peaches!"

As his voice fell, the two peaches turned into two peaches, and Godwin's taxi and Chen Mo's taxi ran to the two peaches uncontrollably to fight each other, and then perished together.

Xuenai and the ancient fairy dragon were completely dumbfounded. Originally, Chen Mo's operation was outrageous enough, but who would have thought that Godwin would make an even more outrageous operation now!

What the **** is two peaches killing three scholars!

Seeing that his two soldiers were killed, Chen Mo's expression became solemn. He didn't expect Godwin to be able to play the fission of the world so smoothly after he completely released himself! That being the case, he will no longer pretend!

"I dispatched my plane to bombard your ground!"

Hearing this, Godwin was stunned, and then his face changed drastically!

"All down!!"

With his roar, Chen Mo's plane flew over the battlefield and launched an indiscriminate bombing of his camp!

Seeing this scene, Xuenai finally stopped in Bengbu!

"Hurry up and stop! This is not a duel at all!!"

Chapter 461 Although I am dead today, I am still...

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

The bombing sound of the plane dropping bombs drowned out Xueni's voice, and her roar seemed so pale on this mixed battlefield.

Seeing this devastated battlefield, Xuenai looked sad.

The horrific sight has made her unable to bear to see it! The artillery fire, especially made her hard to hear! She finally understood how rare a fair and just duel was.

Now that the two sides have completely deviated from the original intention of the duel, as a true duelist, can she continue to remain silent now?


Silence, silence, not erupting in silence, dying in silence!

She would never admit to such a duel!

"Ancient Fairy Dragon, we must stop this duel... No! It's war! Real duelists should speak with the cards in their hands, not like them doing Mortal Kombat like this!"


The ancient fairy dragon did not reply to Xuenai, but just turned his eyes and stared at her without saying a word.

This straight gaze made Xuenai feel a little uncomfortable. She shook her shoulders and said, "Ancient Fairy Dragon, why are you looking at me like this? Just say something!"

Hearing Xuenai's urging, the ancient fairy dragon said helplessly: "Xue Nai give up, we can't get involved in this battle."

"Why!" Xuenai said urgently.

"Their duel is reasonable and legal, and nothing went wrong. How can we intervene?"

"Are you sure this is reasonable and legal?!" Xuenai asked, pointing to the plane that was carpet-bombing the ground.

The ancient fairy dragon raised his head and glanced at the chaotic battlefield, and was speechless for a while. To be honest, it also thought that this duel was outrageous, but outrageous and legal or not are two different things!

"Xue Nai, I know what you're thinking, but it's not up to us to decide whether this duel is reasonable or not, but to be decided by the duel rules. Don't forget that they are fighting a dark duel!"

Hearing the reminder of the ancient fairy dragon, Xuenuo was stunned.

Dark duels and ordinary duels are common. In the dark duels, all actions are bound by the duel rules, and any violation of the rules will be punished by the duel rules!

In other words, since Godwin and Seahorse Seto have not yet been sanctioned by the duel rules, it means that all their actions so far are official actions recognized by the duel rules!

So now the question is coming, what is the duel rule that understands the duel better? Or does she know more about dueling?

Needless to say! Who in this world knows more about dueling than the rules of dueling!

A duel recognized by the duel rules must be a legitimate duel! That is to say...

Is the problem actually with her? !

Xue Nai was instantly confused, and she was now thinking about a problem in her mind.

What exactly is a duel? !

Looking at Yukino who was in a troubled mind, the ancient fairy dragon sighed deeply.

"Xue Nai, don't think too much. In the ancient times, when the duel cards were not created, the battle between us and the Earthbound God took the lead as it is now, and now they are just reproducing the ancient It's just a duel."

After listening to the explanation of the ancient fairy dragon, Yukino's body trembled, and then she slapped her hand hard as if suddenly realized.

"So it is! They are fighting an ancient duel, that's all right!"

Seeing Xuenuo's deceitful appearance, the ancient fairy dragon couldn't help shaking his head.

How could a good child be forced into such a situation!

After an indiscriminate bombardment by the plane, more than half of the soldiers on Godwin Field were killed or injured instantly.

Looking at the remaining group of defeated soldiers, Godwin slowly got up from the smoke and said to Chen Mo gnashing his teeth: "Despicable villain! You have thought of this since the time you blew up my airport just now!"

Hearing this, Chen Mo felt that he was wronged. At first, Godwin was the one who used the fission of the world. Later, he couldn't think of Mortal Kombat. Godwin was also the one who provoked everything by himself. Why is he now blaming him!

Chen Mo felt that he must not be used to him!

"You will kill yourself if you do too much injustice! It's all your fault!"

"My fault? I just want to create a better world! What's wrong with me!"

Godwin roared, and then raised the pear blossom axe again.

"Soldiers, we have no way out! Think about your comrades, think about your comrades! They didn't even have a fair chance to fight and died under the bombardment of the enemy. Can you tolerate such unreasonable atrocities? !"

"No!!" The rest of Godwin's soldiers roared in unison.

"Very good! The enemy's taxi has been killed by my tactics. Now the enemy's main formation is empty, and the soldiers will follow me to kill the enemy's head!"

After a loud conspiracy, Godwin got on his horse again and charged with the rest of his army in a cone-shaped camp, wanting to carry out a beheading operation.

Under this momentum of breaking the boat, Godwin led his troops to charge all the way to break through layer after layer of obstacles, and came straight to Chen Mo.

Seeing this scene, Chen Mo decisively activated his master skills to lock the character Qu Yi!

"White horse? I'm going to tell him to come and go!"

With the sound of a sound, the horse under Godwin's crotch fell straight down after a twitch, and Godwin also fell off the horse and rolled on the ground several times.

A sharp pain came from all over his body, and he could even clearly feel that several of his ribs were broken at that moment, but so what!

He resisted the pain in his body, stood up from the ground again, and slashed left and right with the pear blossom axe, and marched unswervingly towards Chen Mo, with a kind of momentum that would never break Loulan and never return!

Seeing Godwin's strong will, Chen Mo felt that if he kept his hands again, he would be very sorry for him. Such an enemy deserves his all-out efforts!

So Chen Mo no longer hesitated, and took two cards from his hand and slapped them on the duel plate.

"Wang Bang!"

boom! ! !

A missile fell from the sky! With a loud bang, a huge mushroom cloud rose above the altar, and when the smoke cleared everything was settled.

Godwin turned his head and looked behind him, the soldiers, the Earthbound God, and the chessboard were all gone!

He was the only one left on the field.


A crisp sound came out, and the pear blossom axe fell to the ground.

Looking at Godwin who had become a loner, Shen Chen Mo sighed and said, "Is there anything else you want to say?"

Godwin closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then straightened his body and opened his eyes to look at Chen Mo.

"Today! Although I am dead! I am still... the ultimate god!"

"The round is over!"

Chapter 462 My unicorn arm is aching

Hearing the end of the round, a dazed look flashed across Xuenai's face, as if the previous duel had returned.

But before she could remember her, the planes, cannons, soldiers, and monsters in front of her brought her back to reality. Sure enough, the duel in the past will not come back.

On the other side of the sea, the king of the underworld saw that the duel on the altar was coming to an end, and the whole person was in a state of sluggishness. This was the most outrageous duel he had ever seen in thousands of years!

The outrageous level is unprecedented, and there will never be any comers in the future!

After being silent for a long time, it opened a huge door to the underworld behind it and then slowly turned around and walked in.

What destroys the world, dominates human beings, it has long been left behind, and now it just wants to be quiet!

As for who Jingjing is, it doesn't care!

I miss what you have to do with you!

The King of the Underworld is so huge, and its every move naturally cannot escape the eyes of everyone on the altar. Seeing him betray him and leave alone, Godwin has a self-deprecating smile on his face.

Yesterday I ignored your love, but today you let me down...

"When I was useful, you and the Red Dragon tried their best to win me over, but now that I lost, did you choose to abandon me decisively, huh! Duel Elf!"

The super-galactic eye photon dragon, which was secretly shot by this wave of map cannons, jumped and cast an unhappy gaze at Godwin.

What do you mean, boy! Look down on our dueling elves, right?


It let out a growl at Godwin, venting its dissatisfaction, to which Godwin didn't respond, not because of how brave he was, but because the dead pig was not afraid of boiling water!

Both labor and capital are going to die! Who are you fooling around here!

Seeing his attitude, the Super Galaxy Eye Photon Dragon was even more angry, turned around and started a consultation with Chen Mo, revealing a meaning inside and outside the words.

Let me clean up this old boy! Today I'm going to let him know what real cruelty is!

This made Chen Mo feel quite helpless, but he still did not agree to let the Super Galaxy Eye Photon Dragon start, after all, Godwin is not Allen!

"Godwin is really the last! My turn!"

Chen Mo shouted loudly and slapped his hand on the ground! I saw a ray of light lit up, and the slate pattern of the giant soldier appeared on the ground!

"Draw a card!!"

The voice fell, Chen Mo slammed upwards, and the light gathered between his fingers to form a card. After the light dissipated, the front of the card appeared, the pattern of the giant soldier!

"I offer the three soldiers of Changshan as sacrifices, come down! Obelisk's giant soldiers!"

The three soldiers on the field turned into chess pieces and flew to the sky, and a huge blue lightning bolt that penetrated the sky and the earth suddenly slashed down in the rolling dark clouds, and a blue giant no bigger than the earth-bound **** WIRAQOCHARASCA appeared behind the altar!

The giant warrior has arrived!

Obelisk's Giants

Rating: ten stars

Attack Power: 4000

Defense 4000

So far, it doesn't really make any difference whether or not to summon giant soldiers, but what a duelist is about is a sense of ritual!

Since he is playing Seahorse Seto, how can he not perform a floor-drawing card!

If it were to see Chen Mo's floor draw card, Godwin would definitely be shocked, but now his heart is not fluctuating.

Compared with the epic duel just now, the mere floor card draw is nothing!

Xuenai, on the other hand, was someone who had already watched the full set of Yu-Gi-Oh! TV and theatrical version. She was even more indifferent to Seto Kaima's floor card drawing. The people present did not respond to Chen Mo's on-the-spot card printing. Instead, she was just called out. The giant **** soldier complained.