MTL - Hot Farmer’s Wife: Buying a Husband for the Farm-Chapter 382 382 How to eat potatoes

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   Chapter 382 382 How to Eat Potatoes

   "Then, when the potatoes of the next season come out, we will follow up with four cents per pound. By then, I should be able to supply unlimited quantities."

   Princess Anyang has already calculated in her heart, how much is 100,000 jin for 5 cents per pound.

   After some mental arithmetic, when she realized that 100,000 catties of potatoes could be sold for 500 taels of silver, the ripples in Princess Anyang's heart quickly calmed down.

   I thought to myself, five hundred taels of silver is nothing for a hundred thousand catties of potatoes.

   But when he saw his younger brother, his face was a little gray.

Can    not be defeated? He asked people to inquire about the news that the production capacity of potatoes per mu in Lin Dong's village reached 3,000 to 5,000 catties.

   Even if it is calculated according to four cents per pound, the income of one mu of land can reach at least one or two cents of silver.

   Even if you only plant two crops of potatoes a year, leave the land empty for the rest of the year. The income of one mu of land can also be at least two or four coins.

  This money is too good to earn.

   However, despite having these thoughts in his heart, Liang Yu did not show it.

   "It's done! Just follow what Lin Dongjia said!" And he answered happily.

   Five cents a pound of food is indeed expensive.

   But the good thing is, apart from their Liang family, there is no other restaurant and restaurant that serves such dishes.

  Things are rare and expensive, and potatoes are really delicious.

   Their Ruyi Building can guarantee enough profits for themselves.

   Thinking of something, Liang Yu looked at Lin Xiaoyue again.

   "Liang's side has no objection to the price that Dong's family said. But Dong's family--" Liang Yu suddenly stopped talking and stopped.

   Lin Xiaoyue smiled and looked at Liang Yu.

   "Young Master Liang may wish to speak directly."

  Liang Yu's face became more serious now, and she said, "We Liang's side do not interfere with Dong Lin's sales of potatoes, but we have a request."

   Lin Xiaoyue nodded and motioned for Liang Yu to continue.

   "We hope that if Lin Dongjia sells potatoes, the price will be at least twice as high as ours." Only in this way can potatoes be more precious.

  Lin Xiaoyue was taken aback.

   nodded immediately.


   She planted potatoes just to give the snack bar an extra snack, and to solve the food problem of the Chiwu Army.

   Unexpectedly, this potato has brought her such a big business opportunity.

   Follow-up, if she sells potatoes to the Liang family for four cents a pound, it will be a huge profit. Provided, of course, that so many people come to buy her potatoes.

  Thinking of something, Lin Xiaoyue felt another vigilance in her heart.

   It seems that Manager Fang has to ask the brothers.

   In the future, in the villages, except for the pepper workshop, outsiders are not allowed to walk around and inquire about news.

   Fortunately, the way of planting potatoes is rather peculiar. Otherwise, if someone from the Liang family learns it, what will happen to her later?

   Not only the method of planting potatoes, but also the method of planting sweet potatoes must be kept secret.

  Liang Yu was satisfied, and raised a teacup to Lin Xiaoyue with a smile.

  Lin Xiaoyue picked up the teacup and had a drink with Liang Yu in the air.

   Princess Anyang didn't know much about it, but she confirmed one situation, that is, her younger brother was very concerned about potatoes.

   Thinking of the deliciousness of wolf tooth potatoes, Princess Anyang couldn't help but feel greedy on the tip of her tongue.

   "Can this potato be used for cooking?" Princess Anyang suddenly asked.

   She didn't think that her younger brother bought potatoes in order to sell wolf-tooth potatoes in restaurants and restaurants.

   "Of course I can." Lin Xiaoyue looked at Princess Anyang with a smile.

   Suddenly his eyes moved, and he said, "Why not, Princess and Liang Gongzi, stay in Liu Mansion for dinner later. Just let the kitchen cook some potato-related dishes for the two of you to taste."

   Liang Yu's eyes brightened.

   Princess Anyang also showed joy.

   "It's so good. Heck, I can't wait to hear what you guys just talked about."

   All three of them had smiles on their faces.

   After a few more gossips, we talked about the franchise chain store.

   "Now, the fast-moving signboard has been established. And so far, the response is not bad."

   "The brand value that is rising fast today is far from comparable before. The franchise fee will naturally follow." Lin Xiaoyue smiled and said.

   "Moreover, if you have enough confidence in the new chain store, it will reduce the profit in the later period compared to recruiting franchise stores. In the long run, it is actually more cost-effective to build your own branches."

   Princess Anyang and Liang Yu looked a little dignified, but nodded, agreeing with Lin Xiaoyue's statement.

   "So, this time we raised the threshold of the franchise fee, in fact, we are also consciously reducing the number of franchisees."

  Lin Xiaoyue looked at the two of them.

   "Now more than 70% of the chain stores that have opened up quickly are franchise stores. The proportion of directly-operated stores is too low."

   "Next, Mr. Li's planning goal is to at least increase the proportion of our directly-operated stores to more than 60%, and will continue to raise it in the future, and eventually reach more than 80% or 70%."

   "As a result, we will further reduce the speed of recruiting franchise stores, and even refuse to recruit franchise stores in the later stage."

   As soon as these words came out, Princess Anyang and Liang Yu were both shocked.

   "This...then we still want to join some franchise stores..." A trace of panic flashed on Princess Anyang's face, and she said to Lin Xiaoyue.

  The business of the chain store is so good, she has just tasted the sweetness, and she still wants to join some chain stores to generate income for the palace.

   It’s okay to increase the franchise fee, and there may be no franchise stores in the future? How did this happen?

  Liang Yu also frowned, but after a while, his brows stretched again.

   He is a businessman and can understand the ideas and arrangements of Lin Dongjia.

   Since he is fast and he is not going to continue to expand rapidly, he will give up and continue to join.

   In addition to joining the snack bar, he can do a lot of business.

   For example, the resort business…

  Lin Xiaoyue smiled at Princess Anyang, "Although the snack bar has a good business, it is still a small business. A store can't make much money all year round."

   said, Lin Xiaoyue looked at Liang Yu again.

   "Mr. Liang is well-informed, and Liang's firm has many industries under the name. There must be many projects that he can do."

   "If the princess is really interested in doing business, you might as well ask Young Master Liang."

   As soon as these words came out, Princess Anyang looked at Liang Yu.

   made Liang Yu look startled.

   "This... Sister, if you are interested in doing business..." said embarrassedly.

   Princess Anyang looked a little bad when she saw her brother's embarrassed look on her face.

   "Okay. Who wants to do business with you?" said to Liang Yu displeased.

   "I have self-knowledge, I know my talent."

"It's just that my sister's franchise store doesn't need to worry about it. I can almost sit and get money. I dare to do it. Let's forget about your business..." Speaking of which, Princess Anyang's face showed a look of loss again. .

   Immediately, he suddenly looked up at Lin Xiaoyue again.

   "Sister, in fact, I don't care about paying more for the franchise fee, I just hope that I can get some money every month."

   "After thinking about it, your franchise store is more suitable for me."

   "Why don't you give me ten more, oh no, twenty franchise stores? In the future, I won't care if you continue to ask for a place." Princess Anyang said.

  The money in the palace is now in her charge.

   If you put the money in the bank, you will have to pay a storage fee to the bank.

   But someone had suggested to her that she should release the printed money through the bank.

   It is very risky to put money in print, and if something is revealed, it will also affect the reputation of the palace.

  Thinking about it, it's better to invest in her sister's chain store.

   Liang Yu glanced at her elder sister, but did not speak.

   In the case of her elder sister, investing in the chain stores of Lin Dong's family is indeed better than doing anything else, and at any rate, you can get some income every month.

   If you really want to do something else, it will not be worth it if you lose.

   His elder sister is somewhat self-aware.

   As for letting A-jie cooperate with the Liang family, forget it.

  The Liang family can contribute money for the prince, but in business matters, it is better to let the palace less involved.

  Lin Xiaoyue looked at Princess Anyang with some interest.

   After listening to her words, I found that Princess Anyang did meet the standard of the prospective franchisee of the company.

   is the kind of investor who does not pursue high profits and returns, but only seeks relatively stable returns.

   But despite this, Lin Xiaoyue also showed a look of embarrassment.

   Immediately, under the pleading gaze of Princess Anyang, she nodded to Princess Anyang.

   Princess Anyang's face was immediately ecstatic.

   "The joining fee of 20,000 taels of silver, I will arrange for someone to send it to you immediately when I go back!" said excitedly.

   Lin Xiaoyue waved her hand.

   "No hurry." He smiled.

   "We will go to Qingquanzhuang in two days, and it will not be too late for us to make a contract on Qingquanzhuang."

   Princess Anyang nodded again and again in agreement.

   "Also——" Lin Xiaoyue said again with a look of embarrassment on her face again.

   "Sister has something to say, it's okay to say it straight!" Princess Anyang said quickly.

"Well...this is the situation now...Going fast and now busy building self-operated stores. Mr. Li and the others are all thinking about increasing the proportion of self-operated stores. In order to complete the goal as soon as possible, self-operated stores will account for more than 60%. , I'm afraid the franchise store on your side is temporary—"

   Princess Anyang was stunned for a moment, and then the smile on her face subsided.

   After thinking about it, he said, "It's okay to be later. But can my sister explain to them that I will concentrate my franchise stores and make them as close to Nan'an County as possible?"

  The chain store business, although she doesn't need to be too concerned about it. But the property of the palace still has to be inspected regularly.

   There are also reconciliation and collection of money and the like. The store is closer and more concentrated, which can save some effort.

   "It's no problem." Lin Xiaoyue readily responded.

After the    business spread, her chain stores were all over the place.

   And the delivery reconciliation collection and the like, themselves have to run around.

  In the case of enough stores, the influence of the farther and nearer is not big.

   Princess Anyang looked happy.

   "Thank you so much sister!" Quickly thank you.

   "Hehe, the princess is polite."

   The three chatted happily, and it was noon soon.

   Under Lin Xiaoyue's order in advance, the kitchen really made a lot of dishes using potatoes as raw materials.

  What green pepper shredded potatoes, roast beef with potatoes, dry shredded potatoes, dry fried potato strips, dry pot potato chips...

  Liang Yu was shocked when she saw so many dishes made of potatoes.

   Some of these dishes, he has tasted. But some he had never seen before.

  Such as dry shredded potatoes, dry fried potato strips and dry pot potato chips.

  Princess Anyang is also very greedy, especially the dry fried potato strips, because it looks like a potato that sells fast, and she likes it the most.

   "Let's start, everyone, give it a try, our Liufu chef's craftsmanship." Lin Xiaoyue greeted with a smile.

  The chef of Liufu, Sun Tao, was a chef of the Chiwu Army in the past, and his cooking skills are not bad.

   After coming to Liu Mansion, in order to satisfy her appetite, she taught him some 21st century cooking techniques.

   Not to mention, Sun Tao's current craftsmanship is better than what she ate in some high-end restaurants before the end of the 21st century.

   "Okay!" Princess Anyang responded and quickly moved her chopsticks.

   Li Xiao, Henry Zhang and Liang Yu who came back to eat also moved their chopsticks.

   Especially Henry Zhang, the chopsticks moved the fastest.

   "Princess, Young Master Liang, you can focus on tasting the ants on the tree and the dried potato chips, the taste is amazing!" Henry Zhang stretched out his chopsticks to the dried potato shreds, and said to the two of them at the same time.

   "Sister-in-law, didn't you ask the kitchen to cook more of these two dishes today? It's not enough for me to eat alone!" After taking the dishes, Henry Zhang looked at Lin Xiaoyue with some resentment.

   attracted everyone to look at Lin Xiaoyue.

   "This dish is called ants climbing a tree? The name is really image." Princess Anyang suddenly said.

  The slender shredded potatoes should have been fried, like tree branches. And the above seasonings really look like ants on a branch.

   Speaking, Princess Anyang has changed the direction of the chopsticks, and changed the first dish of the clip from dry fried potato strips to dry fried potato shreds.

  When the dish was entered, the unique taste immediately exploded on the taste buds of Princess Anyang.

   "This - turned out to be made of potatoes?" With some disbelief, Princess Anyang asked Lin Xiaoyue.

   At the same time, he stretched out his chopsticks to grab the second clip.

  Liang Yu's expression changed when he saw this, and he also washed and boiled shredded potatoes and stretched out his chopsticks.

  Lin Xiaoyue smiled.

   "Naturally, potatoes are made. Potatoes can not only be used for cooking, but also snacks."

   "Slice potatoes, cut them thin enough, and fry them in hot oil to make delicious potato chips."

   Potato chips, one of the most popular snacks before the end of the 21st century.

   "This dish of ants on a tree is also fried. Although it is not a potato chip, it already tastes like a potato chip."

   After finishing speaking, Lin Xiaoyue ignored everyone's curiosity and looked at Henry Zhang instead.

   "I know you like to eat. Master Sun just sent someone to send a message, saying that he will send some more later."

   Henry Zhang’s face was overjoyed immediately.

   "Thank you cousin!"

   Immediately, seeing Princess Anyang and Liang Yu, they began to dry and stir shredded potatoes one after another, and quickly stretched out their chopsticks again.

   Princess Anyang and Liang Yu were indeed fascinated by the taste of dried shredded potatoes.

   But after seeing Henry Zhang's performance, he was embarrassed and continued to fight Henry Zhang.

   Then, went to try other dishes.

   Then, the two discovered that dry fried potato chips are also delicious, followed by dry pot potato chips.

   In short, this meal surprised Princess Anyang and surprised Liang Yu.

   When the kitchen came back with dried shredded potatoes and dried fried potato strips, the two of them couldn't bear it anymore, and kept throwing chopsticks at these two dishes.

   When it was time to put the chopsticks down, both Princess Anyang and Liang Yu found that they had eaten a bit too much.

   (end of this chapter)