MTL - House Dad’s Literary Life-Chapter 1187 Lan Xin (2/3) who was treated "specially"

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Originally, Yang Lan thought that Lan Xin came to the countryside and there will be a period of adaptation. After all, even Wudaokou Village has been beautifully constructed in the past two years. The foundation is not as good as Lanxin’s hometown in Jiangnan, the capital city, the village below. It is also very affluent. Natural houses and roads are clean and tidy. If there are farmland or waterways, it looks like a traditional residential community. There is no rural look at all!

However, Lan Xin did not feel uncomfortable in Wudaokou Village. On the first day she came, she fed the chicken with her. The next day, the two girls went to Yangshuo to go cattle. In addition to shouting hot, Lan Xin did not think it was the meaning of this.

Therefore, Yang Chonggui is very satisfied with this fat little girl who is as sweet as her granddaughter. My father knows that Yang Lan has recognized this dry daughter and also has a look at Lan Xin.

Since Yang Chonggui recognized Lan Xin, that is to say, he regarded Lan Xin as his own person, and the old man began to worry about the health problems of the chubby girl.

"Xiaolan this girl, the five senses is still the embryo of the beauty, but the premise is to slim down! If you don't lose weight, it is not good to marry later and say that it is a bad burden to the body!" When eating the next night, Yang Chonggui Seriously pointed out.


Lan Xin still doesn't quite adapt to this name. She sat at the end of the table and struggled to tear the thigh of the crab. She ate it with gusto, while looking around in confusion: Who is Xiaolan?

曦曦 曦曦 和 不 大 大 大 大 大 , , , , , , , , , 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大What about you!"

Although there are weak words for Lan Xin to say two words, Yang Lan but the father's concern for Lan Xin, Yang Chonggui decided to make a decision tomorrow morning, Lan Xin and Yan together, go to exercise with Grandpa!

At that time, Lan Xin was addicted to eating crabs that were tender and tender, but she agreed with it. She did not realize the seriousness of the matter!

Therefore, in the early morning of the third day of Wudaokou Village, Lan Xin could not continue to sleep in the air. In the early morning, she was screamed by Yang Lan from the bed.

She was used to getting up early. After being awakened by her father, she licked her little buttocks and slowly slid down from the bed. Then she rubbed her eyes, puffed a small mouth with powder, and waited for him. Lanxin.

Lan Xin is uncomfortable, she has not slept yet!

At the beginning, Lan Xin was in a state of falling asleep on the pillow. Yang Lan turned her over, and she continued to sleep, pulling her two small arms up, and the little fat girl looked up. Closed eyes, impatiently like the piglet, "Hmm," squatting, as long as she put her back, Lan Xin immediately curled up, looking for a comfortable posture to continue to sleep peacefully!

During this tossing time, she was already awake on one side. She looked at Lan Xin’s look by her father. It was very funny and she couldn’t help but giggled.

"Look, you are laughing at you, hurry up. Yesterday, you promised Grandpa that you want to get up and exercise!" Yang Lan smirked at the head of Xiaopeng, and the fluffy hair was also scratched by him. The chicken nest.

Lan Xin was really noisy to sleep, and she whipped up her breath, rubbing her legs and cried, "Don't get up..."

Still not crying, crying for a long time, did not see her tears falling.

Finally, it took more than ten minutes for Yang Lan to call Lan Xin and take her and her to wash.

After the cold and comfortable well water moistened the towel, it was rubbed by Yang Dad on the round face. Lan Xin was only excited by the ice and restored the ability to think.

"Comfortable?" Yang Xiao smiled and handed the towel to the little girl who was still holding a small mouth and reluctantly.

I thought my father was talking to her. She wiped her face and rubbed her little arm and giggled and said: "Hey, the water here is so strange! It’s so cool, just like the water in the fridge, super Comfortable! Because I am so hot!"

"Don't touch so much water in the morning!" Yang Hao saw it and quickly stopped the sputum. He smiled. "You can wipe your face and wipe your body. It will be easy to catch cold. Go to the mouth and drink some boiled water. Then go to work with Grandpa."

Lan Xin woke up. She wiped her face and felt the coolness brought by the well water. She muttered unsmilingly: "The people don't want to get up and don't want to exercise."

Yang Xiao smiled and said: "How is this going? You promised Grandpa last night, can't let Grandpa down!"

"But, but..." Lan Xinyi, can't find a rebuttal.

"Work well, sweat, wait for you to be hungry, come back to have breakfast, Yang Dad will give you a delicious fried noodles!" Yang Hao encouraged.

"Okay, okay! Hey, the fried noodles you made are super delicious! Is there an egg?" He said happily.

"Of course, there are shredded pork, mushrooms... stir fry with the noodles, pour in the super delicious sauce, stir it golden golden, and finally sprinkle with a green onion, absolutely you have to put your tongue Eat it!" Yang Xiao smiled.

Looking up at the little head, he smiled sweetly with Dad: "Oh, it won't be, how can you eat your tongue?"

Lan Xin got up a little worried in the morning, but she couldn’t keep up with her thoughts, but now she was told by her sister’s conversation that she was screaming, and she quickly pulled Yang’s hand and yelled. : "Yang Dad, I want to eat, I want to eat!"

"Then you hurry to exercise with your grandfather, the more sweat you have, the more fragrant you will eat!" Yang said slyly.

"That's okay..." Although some are not happy, but thinking of delicious fried noodles, Lan Xin said with a small mouth and whispered.


Yang Chonggui was very kind and kind to the two little girls at home. They were reluctant to be embarrassed, but when they were outside, the old man smirked his hands and raised his face, just like the generals who marched in the army, serious. I walked in front of the mighty, scared the young people who had been trained by him to meet, and all came over and said hello!

In fact, Yang Chonggui just wants to show his prestige in front of his granddaughter! Let the two little girls see how high their grandfather’s prestige in the village is.

But he didn't know that the two little girls were a little scared by him, especially Lan Xin, who thought she was dragging her feet and causing her grandfather to be angry...

Therefore, I saw two young girls, Lan Xin and Yan, who followed behind Yang Chonggui and walked to the village's performance field.


Yang Lan actually got up earlier. Before he called the two little girls to get out of bed, he had already ran two laps and trained to return.

Now he did not accompany him and Lan Xin to exercise, but stay at home, prepare breakfast for the two girls, after all, is a promise!

"Xiner should have not drunk this kind of stone soy milk!"

In the kitchen, I saw Yang Lan took out the soybeans that had been soaked last night, and slowly poured them into the stone grinding mouth. Then, his right hand pushed the grinds without hesitation, and then slowly added water to his left hand. Fast, milky white soy milk slowly flowed out.

There are quite a lot of efforts to make soy milk, and because of the large population of the family, Yang Lan has more grinding and is ready to cook a large pot. Part of it, you can drink it at breakfast. After eating fried noodles, you can get some greasy soy milk. In addition, Yang Lan plans to wait for the cold to cool down, put it in the refrigerator, and make it into ice soy milk. In the morning, the little ones can be used as a summer heat. Drink and drink!

After cooking the soymilk, Yang Lan began to prepare the ingredients for the fried noodles, but at this time, a sweaty little head came in from the kitchen door.