MTL - House Witch-Chapter 20 Sisterhood

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  Chapter 20 20. Sisterhood

   "The girl Alice is on the top again, it's cold."

  In the auditorium, Dorothy watched the battle and couldn't help covering her face, feeling a little speechless about her sister's violent temper.

  The reason why there are combat environment settings in the arena is because the environment has a considerable influence on the witch's battle.

   For example, witches who are good at water magic will naturally gain a great advantage if they are near a lake or at sea, while places such as volcanic deserts will make them uncomfortable, and it is much more difficult to cast spells.

Of course, if it's those peak witches, the impact of this kind of environment is very limited. After all, it is not difficult for those big bosses to move mountains and destroy the world. They don't need to adapt to the environment, but the environment needs Adapt to them, and their very existence may permanently change the surrounding environment.

   But obviously, Alice and Isabella, two witch students who haven't even finished their compulsory education, are still a little too far away from that realm, and the battle environment between them still has a great influence.

   Just like Alice gave Isabella the nickname "Fat Salted Fish", they all said that there is no wrong nickname. Nicknames often reflect certain characteristics of the owner to a certain extent.

  The fat in the fat salted fish refers to Isabella's beautiful figure that is obviously the same age as Alice, but has already grown into a bumpy body, while the salted fish refers to Isabella's evolutionary template.

Isabella's mother, the sea moon witch is a witch who is extremely good at sea battles and water magic. In order to strengthen her ability in this area, the evolution template she chose is naturally the overlord race in the sea. , The sea moon witch finally chose the mermaid family.

Mermaids, also known as mermaids, sharks, and daughters of the sea, are a supernatural race with beautiful women on the upper body and fish tails on the lower body. They can manipulate sea tides, summon storms, and drive sea beasts. Of course, there is the most famous The song of the mermaid, the sailors who heard the song of the mermaid at sea will be charmed by them, and then dragged into the sea to complete reproduction, and then they will be eaten as nutrients.

   In short, it has always been a very strong race.

  Witches have ranked the strength of the different races they have come into contact with over the years. From low to high, they are divided into four levels: black iron, bronze, silver, and gold.

  Among them, the mermaid family is classified as the silver race, a powerful alien species second only to the three golden-rank natural disaster races of angels, demons, and dragons.

  As the daughter of the Sea Moon Witch, Isabella inherited part of the mermaid talent evolved from her mother when she was born, and she was born with a very high talent in water-type evocation magic.

  The blue-haired lady has used wide-area reconnaissance magic to scout this place before. Generally, the arena on the jungle map will have some lakes besides the forest, and these lakes are her main venue.

It's just that this time Isabella was actually quite unlucky, because the lake was refreshed closer to Alice, and this is why Isabella didn't directly open the distance to perform her best long-range bombardment when she went out. Instead, she flew directly to the center of the field and entangled with Alice. She just wanted to get as close to the lake as possible so that she could get the blessing of the location.

   Now her plan is undoubtedly successful, and the law of victory has been laid.

On the other hand, my stupid younger sister who was dazed by anger probably really got on top, and she was only thinking about beating her up, so she didn't notice the old opponent's plan at the first time. This is sane and normal A mistake that should never be made.

Of course, this does not mean that Alice is doomed. After all, although she fell into a trap, the distance between the two has indeed been drawn very close. If Alice can still catch If there is an opportunity to surprise and get close, then there is still some chance of victory.

Under the influence of Isabella's magic power, the calm lake set off huge waves. Alice, who couldn't stop the car for a while, crashed into the huge waves, and then the waves subsided, but a waterspout directly turned into a water prison, imprisoned Alice lived.

  The water flow was invisible, and the trapped little witch stretched her teeth and claws to break free, but even her natural supernatural power was powerless in the face of the flowing water, and she seemed unable to break free in a short time.

   On the other side, Isabella, who had seized the opportunity, would naturally not waste the opponent's controlled output time. She raised her hand and chanted a complicated spell at high speed.

  The blue-haired lady obviously used high-end spell-casting skills such as high-speed divine words and even multi-singing. At this time, the mermaid-like voices were superimposed and became a bit sharp and piercing.

The super-long spell that would have to be chanted for at least three minutes under normal speaking speed was compressed to just 6 seconds by such high-end skills, and then the huge magic power burst out, once again causing waves in the lake below, just calm Not long after coming down, a huge vortex appeared on the surface of the lake, and in that vortex, something dangerous seemed to be about to move.


Accompanied by a thick and majestic dragon roar, a huge, slender, snake-like figure soared into the sky from the vortex. On the body surface made entirely of water, there were distinct scales, and the sharp claws on the short and thick limbs gleamed coldly. , the ferocious dragon head's wide eyes stared at the target in the water prison.

  Six-ring water system evocation magic, sea dragon cannon.

The magic in the witch world is divided into thirteen rings according to the difficulty and power. Among them, ring 0 belongs to tricks used by apprentices to enlighten magic, and then 12 rings are divided into four levels according to every 3 rings, that is, rings 1-3 are low-level. Rings 4-6 are intermediate, rings 7-9 are high-level, and rings 10-12 are called forbidden spells.

Generally speaking, high-level magic and above can destroy a city, and forbidden spells are said to have terrifying power enough to destroy a world. Even in a witch society with high-level spellcasters per capita, witches who can master high-level magic They are also middle-aged elites who have been working abroad for hundreds of years.

   And Isabella, who is only thirteen years old, can already cast the strongest middle-level magic of level 6 so easily, which is really worthy of the name of genius.

   "This is a real sister, the shot is so ruthless, this is to kill directly."

  In the auditorium, Dorothy twitched her mouth as she watched the huge sea dragon hundreds of meters long formed in the field below that had almost drained the water from the entire lake.

The shelling witches are always like this. They always like to do their best when they shoot, so there are often scenes where anti-aircraft guns hit mosquitoes. It is obvious that Alice is the target now, and it would be fine to use a single-target high-damage magic, but as a A qualified cannonball witch, Isabella still chose to open the map cannon.

   "Go to end this battle and destroy everything, Hai Long."

  The blue-haired lady with the winning ticket in her hand reached out and flicked her curly ponytail lightly, and then pointed the trident wand at Alice, who was still struggling in the water prison, with a winner's smile on her lips.

Following her will, the huge sea dragon beside her began to fly, and the huge dragon body directly hit the water prison with the momentum of overwhelming everything, and then impacted the jungle behind without changing its momentum, smashing everything in front of it. They were all ruthlessly crushed.

   "Oh **** ho **** ho. Alice, how is my shelling, are you happy?"

Isabella, who had consumed a lot of magic power, was panting slightly. Her expression was a little tired, but she was in a good mood. She covered her lips with one hand, and laughed with a very elegant, but actually extraordinarily loud and rampant laugh. Laughing at old rivals.

   "Well, it's really big and strong enough, how about you try my bullets too?"

  When the blue-haired young lady was enjoying herself, her face suddenly froze. Behind her, a short but hard thing pressed against her, and then such a malicious voice came from her ear.

   bang bang

  Two clear gunshots sounded, and Isabella stared blankly at her exploded chest. There were only two huge holes left in this part of her that had always been her pride.

  Afterwards, the bright red blood sprayed out like a fountain, and the girl's consciousness fell into a blur. Finally, what her fallen body saw was the scarlet full moon in the sky that hung up at an unknown time.

   The duel is over, Alice has 999 blood vs Isabella 0 blood, and Alice wins.

  (end of this chapter)