MTL - House Witch-Chapter 554 553. Communication

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   Chapter 554 553. Communication

  The perspective returns to the world of witches.

The torrential rain is still pouring, the flood is still raging, and the eyes of the otaku witch in the air are still nervous. A faint red color began to spread in the not-so-clear water.

  That was the blood shed from the various sea descendants and Leviathans who were ruthlessly pierced by the soul suppressing gun just now.

   "woo woo woo"

  Among the storm and thunder, there was the faint and miserable cry of a whale. This sound really sounded so wronged and pitiful, which made Dorothy feel a little soft-hearted for no reason.

   Alas, it is indeed miserable for the mother of the world to have a child like her and Denisa.

  It’s just that sympathy is sympathy, pity is pity, and some things should be done.

After confirming that the final soul-suppressing gun just now had a perfect hit, she could also tell from Leviathan's wailing that the king of disaster beasts had indeed been severely injured. Mingming was dying, and Dorothy breathed a sigh of relief.

   "You guys pay attention to guard me, and help me buy about five minutes."

   She told the judges so.

Although Leviathan is dying, the risk in the sea still exists at this time. Countless sea descendants are circling in the sea at this time. Although they look like all kinds of seafood, no one knows if they have anti-air means. .

   Fortunately, the strongest sea descendants just now were pierced by the soul guns that had served as Leviathan's shields, and the remaining sea descendants were enough to deal with it.

  So, when the new judges who received the order surrounded their superiors and defended them tightly, the house witch also closed her eyes.

She had consumed too much mana just now, so she needed to recover her combat power quickly, and this time the battle didn't mean that everything would be fine after the soul-suppressing gun was fired. The result she wanted was not the death of Leviathan, but the return of the world consciousness. So, the next steps are the key.

  Dorothy's consciousness began to sink, and she began to communicate with the whale-killing halberd still inserted in Leviathan's abdomen, and used it as a springboard to reversely erode the consciousness of the king of disaster beasts.

  Fortunately, this step was unexpectedly smooth, and the consciousness of the house witch soon came to a quiet and peaceful seabed, as beautiful as the mermaid's hometown in fairy tales.

   "Emmmm isn't it, is it really appropriate for you, a world-destroying beast, to have such a beautiful consciousness space?"

  Dorothy's consciousness looked at the scene full of fairy tales around her, and she was really a little powerless to complain.

It's just that this consciousness space is too big, and Leviathan was hurt by her just now, and now he is a little afraid of her instinctively, so the consciousness projection of the house witch just appeared in this harmonious and peaceful seabed like a fairy tale When I was in the kingdom, it was as if some monster invaded. All kinds of mermaids in the sea screamed and fled in a panic. A mermaid lady not far away was so frightened that she dropped her shells and dared not look back to pick them up.

   "Ah, what about it?"

  The otaku witch stretched out Erkang's hand speechlessly, wanting to keep him, but in the end, no one was able to stay.

Naturally, there will be no other living things in a person's consciousness space. The plants, trees, and mermaids in the sea of ​​fairy tales just now are actually part of Leviathan, but not all of them are Leviathan. It can only be regarded as a few strands of Leviathan's countless thoughts.

  Those messy thoughts are naturally not Dorothy's goal. What the house witch is looking for now is Leviathan's main consciousness, more precisely, the world consciousness that constitutes Leviathan's main consciousness.

   "Pandora, are you there? Come out and talk, don't worry, I really won't do anything, I promise."

  While Dorothy wandered around in the undersea kingdom that was empty by her, she swam towards the undersea palace not far away.

   Well, generally speaking, this kind of protagonist lives in a palace.

Moreover, the house witch is not calling the name of Leviathan at this time. After all, this code name is just the code name they gave for the king of disaster beasts. It is not certain whether people will recognize it or not, but she knows the real name of the world consciousness. It is the real name of the witch world, Pandora.

At this time, in the princess room in the underwater palace, a little girl in black is shivering in front of the dressing table. It is worth mentioning that the reflection in the mirror in front of her is a little girl in white. .

The appearance of the two little girls is almost exactly the same, they both have white hair, that is, one in white, one in black, one with golden pupils, and one with blood pupils, and there is a difference in temperament, the girl in white has a gentle and quiet temperament, while the girl in black On the other hand, Yixiao Lolita looked a little bit mischievous.


  Hearing the call from outside, the already pale little loli in black with blood pupils seemed to have been severely injured. Her face suddenly became paler, and she lost all blood. She was trembling like this.

  The little girl in white clothes and golden pupils in the mirror was a little speechless when she saw this. She didn't even want to admit that the shameful guy opposite was herself.

  Why do other people become at least three times stronger after being corroded by death anger and resentment?

   "Well, why don't I take on all of this."

  The little girl in white sighed helplessly.

  The little girl in black was a little bit tangled, she was not very willing to give up control of her body and strength, but seeing the calls and footsteps outside the door getting closer, she finally nodded.

  Thus, the mirror turned around, and the little girl with golden pupils in white came to reality, and the little **** with blood pupils in black became the reflection in the mirror.

   And just as the transition was over, the door of the room was kicked open with a bang, and a tall figure walked over.

   "Master, please don't be afraid, I won't hurt you."

   Obviously he made an act of kicking the door, but this person still said such words that no one would believe without changing his expression. He really didn't look like a good person.

  Anyway, the black-clothed loli in the mirror had already crouched with her head in her arms, while the white-clothed **** the dressing table corrected her sitting posture, and then nodded seriously.

   "Okay, I will try not to be afraid."

   She said so calmly.

  Dorothy: "."

  The house witch looked at the loli in white who was sitting on a chair, her legs couldn't reach the ground, and she was also taken aback. She didn't expect to find the right owner so soon.

  Well, she was sure that the little loli in front of her, who didn't look majestic, was the world consciousness itself. After all, when she saw this little guy, she had the urge to kneel down and call her mother.

This is something neither the dragon mother in reality nor the goddess mother in this dream can do, so there is only one truth, and such abundant motherhood can only be the earth mother who conceives everything. Only the real creator, the world-conscious deity, can have it.

  Although the loli appearance of the mother of the world at this time really makes her play a bit.

  Why is my mother so young?

  Looking at this young girl who was younger than her own sister Alice, the corners of Dorothy's mouth twitched a few times, and she calmed down a little.

   "You seem to be very uncomfortable with my appearance, do you need me to adjust it? Although my strength is running out, this kind of thing can still be done if you work hard."

   Seems to have seen through the distress of the house witch. The young mother's voice was very childish, but her tone was very gentle and mature.

   "No need, my lord, I will be fine soon."

  Dorothy quickly took a few deep breaths, adjusted her state, and then waved her hand, signaling that the newly-accepted mother-in-law did not need to waste her strength.

   "I offended you a lot before, please forgive me."

The house witch glanced at the little black-clothed **** who was trembling with fright in the glasses, and then looked at the white-clothed little girl's mother who looked upright in front of her, but was actually somewhat frightened. She quickly showed a kind smile, and then said: Apologizing.

  It seems that her filial daughter gun just now really scared the mother of the world.

  Responding to this, the little girl quickly shook her head, with a very disappointed and guilty expression on her face.

   "No, it was me who was wrong. My mother was too weak to protect you. Instead, she became a tool used by the enemy to hurt you."

   Then she raised her head and took a serious look at Dorothy in front of her.

  In fact, she could tell the identity of the terrifying "daughter" in front of her at a glance. This was not her own child, but the strange and ominous meteor that caused all the disasters back then.

   It was the meteor that attracted the attention of the Demon God, and the abnormality of the Demon God attracted the arrival of the angels.

It's just that Pandora is not the kind of person who can only regret and vent anger. Since everything has already happened, it is meaningless to pursue responsibility. Besides, all this is not intentional by this child, and the meteor is indeed there. Under the power of the demon god, he became Eve's child, and Eve's child was actually his own child.

  Besides, just now the child did call himself Mr. Mother.

  So how can a mother really hate her child?

  She only hated herself for being too weak, for not being able to properly protect this special child, for not being able to give this destined extraordinary child a better growth environment.

   "Is there anything you need my help with? Although I don't know if I can help, but I will work hard."

  Pandora opened her mouth cautiously, and then assured her so.

  Although she is not good at fighting, and she doesn't have much strength left, but since this special daughter found her, there must be something that needs her to cooperate, and she is very happy to do something for this daughter.

She sensed herself, and found that she was probably really hopeless, and once she died, it would be difficult for the children who depended on her to survive, but the strength of the daughter in front of her was beyond her expectations. If it is this special daughter, there is still a glimmer of life.

"The shot you just shot was very powerful, but after all, it lacked a little lethality. How about I recast that gun for you, so that you can rely on its power to see if you can escape the siege of those angels .”

  The little girl suggested so.

If she used herself as a sacrifice to reforge the edge of the strange spear that had just seriously injured her incarnation of the disaster beast, then she would be able to provide the child with a little help in terms of strength, and this is why she, a useless The mother can give this daughter the last gift.

   If possible, she hopes that this daughter can live on well after her death.

  Dorothy: "."

  Mom, this kind of thing is not good to do, it is not auspicious.

  For the young girl’s mother’s proposal, the nerd witch would naturally not agree. That’s what the big world that created the Final Soul Suppression Gun did. It’s really unlucky to meet the witch when I went out.

  Dorothy suspected that they were condemned by God after committing the crime of killing their mother.

   She might as well not do this kind of filial piety.

   "Don't worry, mother, I do need your help with something, but it's not too difficult. You just need to move a house."

  The otaku witch spoke softly as much as possible to comfort the somewhat pessimistic mother of the young girl. Then, behind her, a dark and gloomy door opened, with three large characters written on it.

   "Gate of Hell"

   "Eh? Is this the Hades?"

  Pandora was taken aback for a moment. She recognized the truth of the world behind the dark gate, and her eyes widened immediately.

Although she didn't know what was going on with her just now, she suddenly upgraded again, from a medium-sized world to a large world, but no matter what, an upgrade is an upgrade, and after she upgraded again, she understood what she was going to do next. For the growth task, she needs to evolve reincarnation.

  But she hasn't even figured out what yin and yang reincarnation is. Suddenly, the new daughter in front of her suddenly threw a complete underworld system in front of her.

  Inexplicably, the mother of the young girl had a weird feeling that she was being taken care of by her daughter.

But in this way, she has a little hope of rescuing her. She hopes that her original strength has almost been drained by the doomsday, but if she can take advantage of this opportunity to reverse the yin and yang after upgrading the big world, she may be resurrected possibility.


   "But what about those angels?"

  Pandora is still a little worried. As long as those angels are still there, even if she is resurrected, it will still be free. The angel who swallowed the sun in one bite is too scary.

   "Don't worry, Mother, I'm here for everything. You just need to sleep well, and when you wake up again, this nightmare will be over."

  Dorothy rubbed the head of the sensible mother of a young girl in front of her, and then promised with a smile.

  Pandora hesitated for a while, but in the end she didn't ask any more questions. Since her daughter had already said so, as a mother, she could only trust her.

  The little girl jumped off the chair, she hugged the mirror, and then walked into the gate of hell.

   However, before entering the door, she still couldn't help raising her head and shouted at the house witch outside the door.

   "Dorothy, you must not lie to me. Bad children who tell lies will be punished by their mother."

  The little girl tried to make a very fierce expression, and said so.

   In this regard, the house witch smiled.

   "Of course, I've always been a good boy."

  Therefore, the gate of **** was closed, and life and death began to reverse.

  Yin and Yang are reversing.

   It’s been seven days, do you know how I spent these seven days? Why is this **** not good? When will I stop coughing? My throat is almost swollen



  (end of this chapter)