MTL - House Witch-Chapter 583 582. Watch it, Senior Sister Hat uses it like this

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  Chapter 583 582. Check it out, this is how the hat-senpai uses it

   "I know you're watching, but I'm back, and I'll be back again."

In the Mowang video, six black and six white twelve-winged angels stare straight ahead, those burning golden pupils seem to be able to transcend dimensions, making people watching this video feel like she is looking at themselves Afterwards, I couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

   "Wow, good guy, I thought Wenbao was going to disappear this time, but it's all right, and it's really a big news."

   "It's amazing, my Wenbao, please teach me how to escape from the Grand Inquisitor. I have a bold idea recently."

"Put away your bold thoughts, you can't learn how to operate Wenbao, after all, you don't really think that Wenbao, who can become the president of the top ten clubs in the college, came from an ordinary family? Ordinary people don't With this ability, the official channel of "Witch Daily" personally forwarded and recommended this video."

   "What's wrong, I look down on my sister Christina, the original witch is still a mortal, why don't you still be the president?"

"I said, is there no one who cares about the president? She was killed by the people of the trial court? I can't accept it. Why can the trial court not go to trial for no reason for such a good person as the president? Just do it?"

   "Hey, friend, listen to my advice, the magic net is not a place outside the law, be careful, you also heard that clown say that it is an angel's order."

"As a veteran big witch, I advise everyone to pay attention. The water of angel witches is very deep. Don't mess around if you have nothing to do. Just stay away from those guys. Anyway, they will end sooner or later. Wait for a few thousand years. You should be able to kill yourself."

"Hehe, I have a showdown. I'm an old guy, so I know some secrets, but it's inconvenient to say too much. I can only say that I understand everything. Now there will be a good show. Don't worry, everyone. There should be big secrets in a while." melon."

"Well, it turns out that living a long time is indeed a good thing, and I can see more fun. Back then, I thought I could eat big melons, but I didn't expect it to be a thing of the past. Now I almost forget it. The result is that There's a sequel, yes, I want to see blood flow."

   "What kind of riddlers are you? Come on, you old **** will explode my equipment sooner or later."

   Monet, which was not very peaceful at first, suddenly exploded because of a video.

  That video was originally released by the "Little Witch Daily" channel operated by the Moyu News Agency of Witch Academy. At the beginning, it was only spread on the Witch Academy campus network, and the scope of influence was limited.

But as "Witch Daily", half of the official media with influence throughout the Western Universe, also published this video and recommended this video to a particularly eye-catching recommendation spot, soon, this thing was on the magic list. Hot searches on the Internet, and the popularity remains high.

  The world of witches lacks everything, except for those entertainers who just do nothing and watch the fun on the Monet every day.

Although the magic net is a new thing that has only become popular in the last 20,000 years, not only the new generation of witches love surfing the Internet, but many ancient witches who are tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years old are also very trendy, and some of them even play spend more than young people.

Well, anyway, the annual financial reports of the major Monet games show that the main force of krypton gold is all those ancient witches. It's a game for free, and besides, they are busy with various papers every day, and they don't have much time to play games every day.

   At this time, in the Moyu News Agency, the girl with six black wings looked at the background data in front of her, and looked at the playback volume of the long series of numbers, and she was slightly relieved.

   "Isn't this going to be big enough?"

  Wen Wen had some uncertain thoughts.

  As a third generation with ideals and abilities, Wen Wen has always thought of becoming a talent on her own in the past. If it is not necessary, she does not want to borrow the influence of the family, but this time, she has no choice.

  But she doesn't hate it that much. After all, she didn't borrow the power of the family before just to exercise her own ability, not to break off with the family.

Besides, Wen Wen is also very picky about the news. In the past, she just didn't encounter the kind of big news that was worthy of her family relationship and was eligible to appear on the "Witch Daily", but this time what happened in the God King Cathedral Obviously she is qualified, even if the eldest lady didn't ask her, Wen Wen would beg the eldest lady to let her contribute.

  This is a big event that is expected to become a hot spot of the year.

   "But the heat can still be raised. Where is my Black Feather Legion, it's time to go."

Seeing the broadcast volume of one more number in the backstage every few minutes, the future gossip king smiled happily, but she was not satisfied with it, but began to command the magic net navy under her command to continue to hype and break the news .

   "Didn't any of you realize that the weapon that stabbed the president to death is special?"

"I know that. Not long ago, I saw the young lady used a similar weapon, and I went to check it out. It seems to be called Fang Tian's painting halberd. It is a strange weapon in the Eastern Universe. Zhongna is not common, it is a powerful weapon that only some peerless generals can control."

   "Tsk tsk tsk, what kind of lady is similar, that thing is clearly the same, and the sun pattern on it can't be faked."

   "Um, what do you mean, you want to say that the eldest lady is the clown judge? Is this impossible?"

   "I didn't say that. I also think it's impossible. The difference in strength between the two is too great, but suddenly there are two identical weapons within the Witch Academy. Isn't this normal?"

   "I think there must be some relationship between the eldest lady and the clown judge."

   "Listening to what you have to say is like listening to what you have to say."

   "Eh, I didn't understand what you said for a long time, who is the eldest lady?"

  ‘I’ll go, this kid is so vigorous, he has the potential to become a king. '

With the strength of the crow navy, suddenly, a new wave of enthusiasm on the magic net took off again, and then the keyword "who is the eldest lady?" also became a hot search, those who did not pay much attention to the affairs of Witch Academy on weekdays The adult witches were suddenly surprised to find that there was such a newcomer in the academy.

   And a certain crow leader looked at the data that skyrocketed again in the background, and smiled like a mouse that fell into a rice bowl.

But on the other hand, a certain house witch who has become synonymous with the traffic of the new generation no longer has the mind to pay attention to these things. At this time, Dorothy has brought the corpse of her roommate back to the headquarters of the Trial Court with the power of the concept gate .

   "Hi, Mr. Clown, are you back alive again?"

   "Master Clown is amazing, this year's annual performance king must be your team."

   "Take a break, don't roll, I really can't move, why are you all big cases, why can't I encounter them."

   "Damn it, Supreme Angel Order, this thing has too many points, you posted it, clown, please treat me."

  As soon as she saw her leading the team back, all the judges in the mission hall immediately looked at her and the corpse she was holding.

  And some judges or big judges who are more familiar with Dorothy, such as a certain "Four Hawkers", teased her cheerfully.

   "Yeah, sure next time, sure next time, I'll hand in a task first."

  Dorothy also responded to these ridicules with a smile, and then went straight to the quest counter, wanting to hand in a quest.

   "Congratulations, Mr. Clown, for completing the task of apprehending the Supreme Angel Order. This is your task reward. There are a total of 50 million points. Please take care of it. Please leave this corpse to us for safekeeping."

As soon as she saw the house witch approaching, a counter receptionist who seemed to have been waiting for a long time greeted her. She first handed over a point card respectfully, and then wanted to reach out to take the Sophie in Dorothy's hand. Ya's body.

  Dorothy also looked at the receptionist witch, okay, there is no surprise at all, this is an angel witch.

  The otaku witch blinked, first took the point card unceremoniously, and then swiped it on her trial order. After confirming that the amount was correct, she nodded as if she didn't care.

   Well, in fact, her heart trembled a little at this moment, who was worthless.

   Alright, we are finally rich this time around.

  Dorothy was very happy, but she still had to hold back her laughter. After all, the Grand Inquisitor couldn't lose her compulsion, even though she never seemed to have a compulsion.

  As for the nonsensical corpse-toucher who received the young lady, he was beaten aside by the house witch.

   "Master Clown, what is this?"

Miss Angel Witch, who failed to pick up the corpse, was taken aback for a moment, then frowned slightly. Although she couldn't see the expression because of the mask of a smiling face on her face, one could tell from the other party's eyes that the reception lady was in a good mood. Some are not so wonderful.

"This is my trophy, why should I give it to you? I don't have any other hobbies, I just like to collect beautiful girls. I want this. Anyway, the angel did not say that the corpses should be handed over. According to the rules of the court, Such trophies are privately owned."

  Dorothy leisurely took out the trial order, and then looked at the content of the angel order.

  【Angel's order: Attention all the judges in the Witch Academy, immediately control the student council president Sophilia, and **** her back to the headquarters of the trial court to stand by. 】

  Well, look, this is really not written. I have indeed controlled Sophilia and brought her back to the headquarters of the Tribunal. The mission requirements have been fulfilled, and there is nothing wrong with the points earned just now.

   It can only be said that the angel chief judge who issued the task did not expect that someone would be so ruthless and let her control people, but ended up directly and permanently controlling them.

   "My lord, you really love to joke. Angel Token is not something you can joke about. Please be careful."

  Although the reception lady couldn't hold back anymore, she still forced a smile and said this, but there was no smile in the eyes of the other party under the mask.

   Regarding this, the nerd witch also squinted at the reception lady who didn't know if she was really there.

   "Well, the Angel Order is really not something you can joke about, so is the spoils of me, the Grand Inquisitor, something that can be taken casually? Miss Angel Witch, are you teaching me how to do things? Or are you threatening me?"

  At this time, Dorothy is still in the state of acting as the goblin king, so can she be cowardly? Naturally, it is impossible, and the Fairy King is not the cowardly body, and the word cowardly does not exist in her dictionary.

  Hehe, the chief judge is oppressing people, why, which chief judge will have no one behind him these days?

   And compared to the stable relationship with the backer, I don't look down on everyone here, I just think that you are all rubbish, nothing to compare with.

Different from the hypocritical main body who insisted on directly playing some equivalent exchange with the mother, the Fairy King knew that a child with a mother is a treasure, and a child who can act like a baby has a reason to eat sweets. She stopped pretending, she had a showdown, she really has a backer .

   Tsk tsk tsk, at this moment, she is really sure that there is really a problem with this court, the enemy is inside, there are bad people inside the court.

   "Why, miss, do you think I need to give face to your chief judge? Is she also red-haired?"

"Besides, since when did this kind of bureaucracy still exist in the Tribunal? The reason why we become judges is that we are willing to serve in this Tribunal. It is because I heard that the judges of the Tribunal are directly under the Three Kings, and they can kill first and then play. , as long as you follow the rules, you don't have to give anyone face, as long as you are loyal to the Three Kings and the Witch World."

   "I just can't kneel down outside, and I don't want to act according to people's faces. What, miss, you mean now that I want you to kowtow to your chief judge first?"

  'Well, as long as you nod, I can't make an exception and give her a knock, as long as she can bear it. '

   The clown grand judge said slowly.

Her tone was not serious, even very frivolous, it sounded like she was joking, and she even straightened the mask that the senior sister's tentacles turned into on her face, and adjusted the emperor's senior senior hat on her head, Get ready to give the other party a knock.

   Well, do you know what is the gold content of the Witch World Edition Nailhead Book of Seven Arrows? In the future, the fourth king will give you one. I hope that the destiny of the angelic judge who has never seen it before is strong enough to survive.

  Hiss, it turns out that this is the correct usage of the senior hat. This is the equipment effect of the senior hat.

  The house witch suddenly realized.


   Then she was covered in tentacles by Senior Fanny, who vaguely felt that she was offended through the familiar contract.

  Little tentacles punch your head.jpg.

  It's a pity that, as the witch of the dragon, Dorothy's face is protected by the magic power of dragon scales.

On the other side, the reception lady who was so **** off by Dorothy immediately didn't dare to speak. After all, it's not fun to really nod. After all, there are several other judges watching, especially in the corner over there. The four great fun-loving people are more ruthless than the other, and they are all at the top level, or at the sage candidate level.

  If she dares to nod now, let alone her, even the chief judge behind her will be a little embarrassed.

  So, the reception lady only needs to take out her trial order and prepare to ask the leader what to do.

  She really didn't expect that this rookie clown, who was obviously just a newcomer, would dare to be so stubborn, without giving any face to his seniors.

  The house witch also glanced at the trial order of the reception lady.

   Tsk tsk tsk, welcome a ghost, silver angel card.

"Yo, I'm sorry, it turns out that you are also a colleague of the Grand Inquisitor, blame me, blame me, I thought that except for myself, the hip-pull who came in to dawdle through my relationship, the other Grand Inquisitors were all top-notch, really I'm sorry, I didn't recognize you, but I spoke too loudly just now, senior, please don't take it to heart."

  The house witch said with a look of remorse, but she could correct her mistakes.

  Reception lady: "."

  Hard, fist hard, this junior is really bullying too much, what does she mean by that, think I'm too weak?

  The reception lady really couldn't hold back anymore. As the secretary of the great angel judge, the proud angel witch has never been so wronged before.

   However, she looked at the clown on the mask in front of her with a wider and wider smile, and the strange colleague whose pattern on the corner of the mouth had already grinned to the ears, so she decided to endure it.

   After all, although she is arrogant, she is not stupid. The other party's more arrogant attitude than her has made her understand that there must be someone behind him, so it is better not to be impulsive.

   It is better to ask the opinions of adults first.

  The angel is asking for instructions.

  (end of this chapter)