MTL - House Witch-Chapter 604 603. Someone Who Has Sinned Heavily

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  Chapter 604 603. Someone who is guilty

   "No way, if you want to try a knife, try it. Why do you choose me when there are so many people present? Do I look easy to bully?"

Dorothy, who was leisurely eating a piece of tempura fried shrimp, stopped the movement of her mouth at this time, with a little shrimp tail showing at the corner of her mouth, she just looked at the man who was challenging her name. The samurai witch was stunned to understand what the other party was trying to figure out.

She just came here for a meal today, and she didn't provoke anyone. Why does she always feel like she is being targeted? First, Mrs. Ibuki treated her differently, and gave her the most beautiful maid, and now she is jumping again. A samurai wants to challenge her, what is wrong with this?

   Nothing but.

  Why do you want to challenge me? Who do you think you are? I don’t bother to talk to you.

  The otaku witch thought with trembling coldness in her heart, and then continued to move her cheeks, bit by bit eating the shrimp tail from her mouth.

In her previous life, she heard that the ancient warriors in Liben Province were crazy. Some warriors who got their favorite knives were keen to try their knives. A normal knives test is nothing more than cutting a bamboo mat or something extravagant. It’s almost enough to get some pork and beef, but I heard that some of the most extreme warriors will choose to test their knives with people. It seems that there is a saying that if you start with blood, your weapons will be sharper and more spiritual.

  In short, being nervous, Dorothy is now a little suspicious that the warrior witch who jumped out to challenge her is probably trying to use her as a weapon.

  咕咔咻, so scary.

   This frightened the house witch to eat another piece of dragon fish sushi and was shocked.

   However, her ignorance also made the warrior witch who invited the battle a little bit embarrassed. From the warrior's point of view, Dorothy's behavior of not even bothering to look at her was obviously a kind of contempt.

  How can a samurai bear this kind of grievance? After all, the status of the samurai class in Dongying Island is still quite high, and people hold it up wherever they go. When have they been so neglected.

   What's more, Taifu Ibuki is watching on the stage, and there are many familiar colleagues around. If she doesn't get back on the stage, how will she meet people in the future?

Well, Miss Samurai is actually a bit regretful in her heart. If she had known earlier, she shouldn't be the first to jump out. She secretly blamed herself for being quick-tempered, but there was no way. up.

   "Your Excellency, don't you think that I am not worthy to fight with you, and I am not qualified to let you draw your sword? Or do you mean?"

  She tried to use the aggressive method.

Well, besides this, she actually has no other good options. After all, this strangely dressed foreigner is obviously a guest of Mr. Yamen. If it is really too rude, it may cause Mr. Ba dissatisfied.

Thinking of this, the samurai lady couldn't help feeling a little wronged. After all, as a samurai under the command of Tianling, she is actually a person under the command of Master Eight, and this kind of martial arts challenge at the banquet is also a relatively common banquet on Dongying Island. The entertainment is over, it's almost like inviting people to dance at a dance party.

  Although it was a bit rash for her to jump out to challenge this foreigner lady, it was not too rude. After all, the subordinate gang leader greeted the guests and made the atmosphere of the meeting lively. There was nothing wrong with that.

Moreover, if this foreigner lady is willing, then the two sides can discuss each other casually and the host and guest will have a good time. If not, it is good to refuse openly, and she can step down without being too entangled, but you are so direct What's up with the attitude of indifference?

  Ms. Samurai originally thought that since this foreigner was a guest of Mr. Yayoi, it would not be too embarrassing for her, but it turned out to be very embarrassing.

  Well, it was a good flattering behavior, but now it is flattering.

And in the same way, when she just arrived on Dongying Island today, she has no idea about the division of forces on Dongying Island. Dorothy, who knows nothing about the rules, knows the tricks. A little tactful refusal, but the goblin king's violent temper has never been taboo.

Because I think you are troublesome, then I don’t even bother to look at you. If you are upset, then I’m sorry, just hold back. Who made you fool me and offend me? Why should I wrong myself to take care of you? Woolen cloth? Am I your mother?

Dorothy's social fear is because she hates the hypocritical and polite rules when communicating with people. In her opinion, these are a waste of time, and the Fairy King obviously inherited some of these traits, even more extreme After all, the character of this avatar originated from the magic net game trumpet, and who would be used to the other party on the Internet, the house witch was an old player in Zaan for many years.

   "Tsk, it turns out that you are a little self-aware. Since you know your own food, why do you want to show yourself?"

  She directly interrupted the samurai lady's aggressive method, and said with a frown.

  Well, I can only say that the Fairy King deserves to be you, and the first time you open your mouth, you are still at the full level of ridicule.

  Ms. Samurai: "."

   Now Miss Samurai really didn't know how to end it. She stood there at a loss, and then couldn't help but look at her leader.

  My lord, please save me

   It's just that Miss Yaezi is still admiring the crystal sword in her hand at this moment, as if she doesn't know what's going on around her. Of course, the cheerful smile on the corner of the pregnant woman's mouth betrays her.

   "I'm sorry, Erjo, who made you so reckless on weekdays, then help me try my niece's skills. I'm also curious why she can make all the swords so aggressive."

  Feeling the strong fighting spirit from the crystal sword in her hand against her niece, the blond aunt made up her mind.

Yaezi could understand why her somewhat reckless subordinate jumped out to challenge Dorothy in such a hurry. This was not because Erjou had any opinion on her, or picked a soft persimmon or something, it was simply like The two previous invitations to battle said the same.

  My sword tells me you are worth fighting.

  In fact, not only the sword in Erjo's hand, but also the sword in Yaezi's own hand, so presumably, the swords of other people present are also the same.

  It is very strange that this happens, either Taifu Ibuki is deliberately targeting Dorothy, or there is something special about his niece, which makes all the demon sword girls so itchy.

  Anyway, Yae-san is curious too.


   Seeing that she was being despised again, the samurai lady, who was already impatient, was really angry now. In anger, she raised her sword and pointed at the rude outsider.

   "Sure enough, the barbarians are angry with me."

   Miss Samurai cursed so angrily.

   Regarding this, Dorothy frowned again.

  You little Japanese, who are you talking about barbarians?

  The word barbarian has always been used by her to refer to other people in her previous life. She didn’t expect it to be used on her head now. This feeling is a bit complicated, but when you think about it carefully, she is indeed a native of the western universe.

   Tsk, it’s okay, I’m a barbarian too.

   And the barbarians should probably do some barbaric things.

  Dorothy glanced at the senior hat on her head, and she was relieved to see that the senior had entered the melon-eating mode.

  Well, just be happy, good sister, you have to protect me.

   "Chi Ying, go kill her yourself."

  She turned her head and looked at the maid beside her, and then said so.

Although she is not very familiar with her demon sword girl, at least Miss Yaodao has not shown her original form yet, and the progress seems to be behind those other guests who have tamed the demon sword, but this does not prevent the house witch from knowing that she Miss Yaodao is very strong.

After all, as a **** of war and also a **** of swords, the house witch can tell the person's martial arts attainments from the sitting and lying actions of others at a glance, and she just looked around, and everyone present except the chief Oiran, everything else is rubbish.

  Well, including my two unscrupulous elders.

  Aunt Zi and Mr. Spider’s tactics and martial arts can only be said to make a living.

   And Mia-senpai.

   It's just a defeat.

  Audrey is just a mascot, it's almost the same when her sister is here.

  On the real swordsmen present, only me and Hua Kuier.

   And her Demon Sword Fairy can be regarded as half a swordsman.

   Although Miss Chikage's swordsmanship is still a bit behind that of her own and Ibuki Oiran's, it is not an exaggeration to say that under two people, above everyone.

  Her swordsmanship foundation is very solid at first glance, and it cannot be practiced overnight. If it is just an ordinary swordsmanship genius, it will take at least a hundred years of hard work.

   That is really hard training, the kind that is not sloppy at all if one day is missing.

  If it is purely based on basic skills, a kendo ghost like the house witch who has become a sword **** in an instant is also ashamed.

  Although Dorothy doesn't understand very well, you, a demon sword girl, don't want to be a sword and sharpen your edge. What do you want to do by practicing the sword technique yourself? Could it be that you want to command yourself?

  After hearing the order from the house witch, Miss Chiying also stood up directly, and she walked to the open space in the middle hall of the banquet department that should have been used for dancers to perform songs and dances.

  Miss Yaodao looked at Miss Samurai who was still trembling and cold, and there was still no superfluous expression on her puppet-like face.

   Chi Ying then shifted his gaze to the samurai sword in the opponent's hand, and then the long and narrow Danfeng eyes glanced, full of contempt and ridicule.

   "You are also worthy to fight for the sword master with me?"

  Although Yaodao Ji didn't speak, such thoughts were clearly sensed by the other party's demon sword, which had already turned into its original form. Immediately, the sword in the warrior lady's hand rang out, which seemed to be "demon sword swearing".

   Few of the guests present knew that these demon sword girls actually chose their own masters. Master Ibuki did not force them to assign partners, but let them choose their own future destinations.

It's just that when a house witch walks into this mirage, all the demon sword girls can't take their eyes away. They all feel that they have met their true sword master, and they can't wait to post it immediately and take the initiative to vote. Hugs.

  However, there are many demon sword girls, but there is only one beauty. As a matter of course, a war between demon swords has begun.

   Judging from the current situation, it is obvious that Chi Ying is the final winner of the unknown demon sword civil war.

  Well, what do you think she practiced kendo for many years?

  For this moment, not only my knife is sharper than you, but also my swordsmanship can instantly kill you trash.

  So, sisters, what do you use to fight me, and why do you compete with me for the sword master?

  Hmph, beauty can only be possessed by the strong, and I am the strong.

It's just that Chiying didn't expect that this group of little **** had reached such a level and hadn't given up yet. They had already chosen their respective sword masters, and even signed a contract with the sword masters. Don't give up.

   Are you worthy of your sword master? Could it be that the reason for you to recognize the master so simply and neatly is to use the power of the sword master to defeat me?

   Are you choosing the master? You are simply greedy for other people's body and strength, you are lowly.

  Miss Chi Ying was also a little speechless by the resilience and persistence of these sisters.

  Although the guests present didn’t notice this, there was already an uproar in the Yaodao Ji’s unique Jianming communication channel, and Miss Chi Ying, who had won the Yaodao civil war, became the target of public criticism again at this time.

   "Hehe, what are you called the sword master, sister Chiying, haven't you signed the contract yet?"

   "Don't blame my sister for not being a sword, just blame the sword master for being too attractive."

   "Okay, you scroll king, let me tell you why you practiced swordsmanship every day in the past. You planned it in advance."

   "Zhu Chiying, divide the sword master."

   "You old woman is not even a few years younger than Lord Yibuki, how dare you fight us for the sword master."

   "What's cheap or not, I am the sword, the best sword master should be equipped with the cheapest sword. Although my body already has a master, my sword soul will always belong to this lord."

  Red Shadow: "."

  Miss Yaodao Ji also succumbed to this group of burns because she didn't bother to reply, but silently opened her right hand, and then a **** sword blade emerged from her palm, and finally turned into a simple and unpretentious long and narrow samurai sword.

  It can only be said to be a blade, not even a hilt, but Chi Ying doesn't care.

  Being a demon swordswoman, it was difficult for her to fight with a sword before she signed a contract with the sword master. She could only barely use the ray of sword light of the demon sword in her body to fight.

   Not much strength, but barely enough, after all, they are just a group of defeated generals.

  She will prove to the sword master that she is a good sword worthy of her kendo talent.

   "Shinto Yixinliu, Nijo Nao, refer to it."

  Although the samurai lady was very angry because of the contempt of the outsider, but when the demon sword girl came to her, the boundless **** aura had enveloped her, which made the samurai lady immediately ready to fight.

   According to the standard procedure of the competition, she first reported her name, and then, under the urging of her demon sword, she directly opened the big game.

   "Roar, Huche."

She softly sang the real name of her demon sword, and the next moment there was a low howl of a tiger, and the phantom of a fierce tiger appeared behind her, and it was about to overlap with Miss Samurai, and the two realized the true fusion of human sword .


  The bewitching and stern blood-colored knife light disappeared in a flash, and Miss Chi Ying, who had two more blood on her head forming beautiful red slender ghost horns, walked past the warrior lady calmly and gracefully, and then said in a flat tone.


  Behind her, the fierce tiger lords its head, the warrior kneels down, and the guests are silent.

  Miss Yaodao is killing randomly.

   Sibao, you have done all kinds of bad things...



  (end of this chapter)