MTL - How Are You Guys Getting Boyfriends While Gaming-Chapter 37 what would happen if you kissed hard

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For a moment, Yu Qinghuan's body stiffened, and something exploded in his head.

It was the unease of unintentionally eavesdropping, the panic of knowing the secret, and some emotions that Yu Qinghuan had yet to sort out.

However, Yu Qinghuan didn't have time to think about his mood. The next second, he heard Ren Jian continue: "This hero is very strong this season. I plan to practice for a while, so that my hero pool will be deeper."

Yu Qinghuan: "…"

Day, he was talking about games, he thought he heard something incredible! !

Yu Qinghuan took a long sigh of relief, calmed down, and knocked on the door of the study.

Ren Jian was startled, took off his earphones and turned his head to look, seeing that it was Yu Qinghuan, and asked suspiciously, "Why haven't you slept yet?"

Yu Qinghuan walked in, put a cup of hot milk in front of Ren Jian, and said frankly, "I can't sleep."

Ren said to wait, and then put on the earphones again: "I have something to do, let's go first."

The TKOW team placed the order: "Damn it! I seem to have heard another boy's voice from Wilful Merry just now. That's all."

TKOW team mid-single captain: "Huh? Is there any?"

TKOW team ADC: "Well, yes."

Auxiliary Gu Zhizhi: "Hahahaha the labor and capital know what's going on, hahaha, if you want to know, come and ask for the labor and capital, hahahaha."

He ignored the shouting of his teammates, turned off the microphone, and turned to ask Yu Qinghuan, "What's wrong? Why can't I fall asleep."

Yu Qinghuan grabbed a chair and sat down opposite Renjian, sighing, "Tomorrow is going to be a match."

Ren Jian picked up Yu Qinghuan's warm milk in front of him, took a sip, and asked with a smile, "Can't you fall asleep like today when you played a game before?"

Yu Qinghuan nodded and shook his head: "I couldn't fall asleep when I first played e-sports, but then I got used to it. Today, I probably haven't played for too long, and I'm not sure, and I'm starting to feel nervous again."

Ren Jian asked again: "Then what did you do when you had insomnia before?"

Yu Qinghuan thought for a while: "Watch the video of the game and go to sleep when you are tired."

Ren Jian nodded, turned on the computer, and turned on the player: "Then let me watch it with you, I just have a few screen recordings of training games."

Yu Qinghuan was stunned for a moment. He originally just wanted to chat with Ren Jian and relax before going to bed, so he answered casually, but Ren Jian was serious: "You, will you accompany me to watch?"

Ren Jian was typing on the keyboard to find the video, and said, "Yeah, what's wrong?"

Yu Qinghuan said incoherently: "Yes, but won't this disturb your training, I just, I'm fine, just..."

Yu Qinghuan's voice came to an abrupt end, because Ren Jian reached out and rubbed his head.

Ren Jian rubbed the corners of his mouth while laughing and said, "It's okay, I won't bother, I also need to watch the video to review it."

Yu Qinghuan looked up at Ren Jian in a daze, watching him carefully select the video of the game, the smile just now still did not completely dissipate at the corner of his mouth.

Suddenly, Yu Qinghuan felt warm all over his body, Yu Qinghuan looked down at the hot milk in his hands, the white mist was in the air, and the warmth spread out in his palms.

Yu Qinghuan thought.

Is it because of this glass of milk?

It seems, and it seems not.

Since he met Renjian, he can often feel warmth rising from the depths of his body, wandering around his limbs, and finally buried deep in his heart.

Yu Qinghuan suddenly said, "Thank you for your appointment."

Ren Jian thought he was thanking him for watching the video with him, and waved his hand: "Small thing."

In fact, Yu Qinghuan was not only thanking him for what happened tonight, but also a lot of warmth that he has always kept in his heart.

Click on the video at any time, and discuss with Yu Qinghuan while watching the game.

About half an hour later, the two were discussing and discussing, Yu Qinghuan gradually lost his voice, turned his head to look around, and found that Yu Qinghuan felt sleepy, and was taking a nap with his eyes closed and his head lowered.

Ren Jian quietly turned off the game video.

The sound disappeared, and the world suddenly became quiet.

The night was silent and moody.

Ren Jian turned his head to look at Yu Qinghuan. For some reason, he suddenly didn't want to wake him up so quickly. Then Ren Jian used his eyes as a pen and began to carefully describe Yu Qinghuan's face.

Yu Qinghuan was in a state of half-dream and half-awake. He was breathing very lightly, he folded his arms and lowered his head slightly, and his black hair blocked his forehead and eyes.

Ren Jian's eyes first fell on Yu Qinghuan's hair.

He suddenly remembered that he rubbed Yu Qinghuan's head just now, his black hair was very soft, just like Yu Qinghuan's temperament.

Renjian's eyes moved down, and the pair of eyes that always had a gentle smile, but now closed, stayed for a moment, and continued to go down.

Finally, his eyes stopped on Yu Qinghuan's lips.

Yu Qinghuan's mouth was pursed tightly, as if the whole person was being pulled between sleep and waking.

Ren Jian remembered that Yu Qinghuan's lips had always been white for some reason.

In an instant, an idea popped up in Ren's mind.

Will Yu Qinghuan's lips turn white after being kissed fiercely?

As soon as the idea came out, the whole person froze in place.

Then suddenly, his fingertips trembled slightly.

Because I understand something.

what is it then?

Is alone in the world.

Looking up is the galaxy,

The view is the mountains,

Looking down is the river and the sea.

He was full of piety and longed to kiss Tianxuan and Dihuang lightly.

Later, he saw that the stars, mountains, and rivers were all hidden in one person's eyes.

He wanted to say sorry.

Because of him, he still yearns to kiss Jujing and Linlang.