MTL - How Real Wine Became the Light of the Metropolitan Police-Chapter 30 real crisis

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In an open environment, any sound will become particularly noticeable. Even the slightest sound of water is amplified infinitely.

Xin Haikong slowly opened his eyes. When he first opened his eyes, there was darkness in front of him, no different from before he opened his eyes.

He sensed his surroundings and found that he seemed to be sitting on a chair with a backrest, and the cold back of the chair made him stiffen unconsciously.

The two hands seemed to be tightly tied to the back of the chair by a very rough hemp rope. After being tied for a long time, the blood had not been able to circulate normally, and it caused his wrists, forearms and shoulders to be sore.

He looked around, but his eyes clearly hadn't quite adjusted to the darkness.

What is this turnaround? dreaming? He tried to remember what happened the last second.

He agreed to Amuro Toru's invitation, glanced at his watch, and a black car he had never seen before stopped in front of him, as if Murakami had arrived.

He stepped forward and knocked on the front driver's window, but it was the rear door that opened. He walked around and tried to pass the documents in, but it was dark in front of him.

Xin Haikong suddenly came to his senses, his eyes widened and he couldn't help taking a deep breath. He was kidnapped?

He argues that the red side is the dignified Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, and that the black side is a senior member of the black organization with a code name, both red and black can be eaten, but he was kidnapped? ? ?

Calm down, the kidnappers must have a purpose in kidnapping, and until their purpose is achieved, his life should not be in danger.

However, whoever kidnapped the policeman would be outrageous.

Has he offended anyone recently? For some unknown reason, in Xin Haikong's mind, the hatred and self-satisfied eyes that Ryuzawa Hideyoshi had before his death suddenly appeared.

Could it be the revenge of the Hakuma group? If it's really revenge, then he's in a dire situation. Will his life be in danger?

【system! 】

【Here I am. Is there something wrong with the host? 】

【Will I die? 】

[Of course, everyone will die. 】

What a philosophical reply.

[I mean, you said before that my current identity is chosen by the future me, so if I die now, how will the future me choose? 】

This was a logical loophole he had been thinking about all along. If he can still choose his identity in the future, it means that he will never die now. This crisis can be passed smoothly.

If he is dead now, how can he choose for himself in the future, then how does he become a policeman now?

[There are indeed a lot of plot nodes to be triggered, but not every node can be triggered. Just like the levels of the game are designed in advance, but not all levels can be unlocked. You can understand it as a gray life. You may not know whether your current identity is the one you choose in the future, or whether it is part of your grayed-out life. 】

A gray life?

So, **** it will still die.

[Then if I want to get out of this game directly, can I? 】

If it's really a last resort, it's better to leave as soon as possible than to suffer.

[You can choose to leave directly in the middle of the game, there is no pain in the process, and a logical death ending will be presented directly in the game. However, the system reminds the host that once you leave the game, you will not be able to participate in and control the development of the subsequent plot. Although according to statistics, the majority of people on the forum believe that the host is the red party, but this may not always be the case in the future. 】

If someone really tortured him or something at that time, it would be fine to leave directly;

Amuro Toru is in the coffee shop, and he should be found missing soon. With his tracking level, the police will be able to find him soon.

Just wait and see.

Fortunately, I met Toru Amuro before, otherwise, wouldn't he have three full days of vacation without being found missing?

"Xin Haikong? Are you here?" A familiar voice sounded in the darkness, completely shattering Xin Haikong's hope.

he asked with a wry smile.

"Mr. Amuro? Were you kidnapped too?" How could that be? What organization would target both of them at the same time?

"How are you?"

Xin Haikong moved his hand, which was not well-circulated, and moved his feet that were tied together. His hands and feet were still there, and there was no other problem on his body except the soreness caused by staying in the same position for too long.

"Mr. Amuro, why are you kidnapped?"

Amuro Toru's voice seemed to come from across from him. Could it be that they were sitting facing each other?

"You know—" Tanaka Masaki's information, as a waiter in a coffee shop, he had no reason to get it, Amuro paused for a while.

"Know what?" There was confusion in the young man's voice.

"I mean, I was going to ask what kind of sauce you like to eat, but when I turned around, I saw you being stuffed into a black car. My car just stopped across the road, so I drove after it. The man had been driving towards Cuphu, and in a tunnel, I hit a car that came out of nowhere."

"Then you're not injured, are you?" There was urgent worry in the youth's voice, and Amuro Toru's mood improved slightly.

At that time, the car appeared out of nowhere, completely unreasonable, and suddenly rushed in front of his car. Toru Amuro didn't have time to brake, and when he collided with it, he instantly lost consciousness. But luckily, the whole body doesn't seem to be injured, but the head is a little dizzy.

But how could Xin Haikong suddenly be kidnapped, is the winery eyeing him?

"I'm fine."

The dark environment made people feel insecure, but Toru Amuro's voice stabilized Xin Haikong's emotions.

Probably because the eyes have adapted to the dark environment, Xin Haikong has been able to vaguely see the general outline of the object.

Amuro was indeed sitting directly opposite him, and they seemed to be in a confined space with nothing around them except the chairs they were sitting on. The wall seems to be very close, and there is a sense of cramping in the space. From the smell alone, there is a faint smell of dampness, and I just heard the sound of water.

This kind of environment is a bit like, bathroom?

"Officer Xinhai, have you seen who kidnapped you?"

"Not at all. I remember that the door of the back seat suddenly opened, but I stood there and didn't see the person inside for the first time, but was dazed."

Shinkai recalled the situation at that time. The one who called him out was the little policeman named Murakami, which was actually very unreasonable. Mr. Matsumoto had already given him a vacation. At the time, he was not the only police officer at the scene. Others could also write reports. Why did they have to ask him to write them.

As a result, Toru Amuro was kidnapped together.

"By the way, Mr. Amuro, have you called the police?" Xin Haikong suddenly remembered this question. Except for Amuro Toru, no one saw him kidnapped.

An awkward silence.

In the dark room there was only the constant sound of dripping water.

"You, did you not call the police?" The young man's voice was cautious, with a hint of disbelief.

Amuro was very embarrassed. At that time, he was confident that his driving skills would definitely catch the kidnappers, and he concentrated on chasing the car. In addition, the subsequent accident happened too suddenly, which caused him, but he really didn't… call the police.

Another awkward silence.

Xin Haikong leaned back in his chair in despair.

The dignified public security police, of course, the first thing they do when they encounter a kidnapper is to chase the kidnapper, not to call the police as a six-year-old child knows.

Really drowned and can swim.

"The police station gave me three days of vacation, and they promised that they would never disturb my vacation..." Xin Haikong's voice became lower and lower, and his head became more and more dejected, "So it is very likely that we will not be discovered for three days. disappeared."

"That's not necessarily true!" Amuro suddenly cheered up again, "The flour I bought for Miss Enomoto hasn't been delivered yet, she should be able to find out that I'm gone!"

"But... In the eyes of Miss Enomoto, Mr. Amuro should often disappear for some strange reason. I've seen her complaining many times." Xinkaikong complained weakly.

Amuro Toru was choked.

After all, he has so many jobs. Today there is something wrong with the public security, tomorrow there is something wrong with the organization, and the day after tomorrow, he will go to follow Kudo. It is true that he often disappears.

If you think about it from Enomoto-san's perspective, you won't care about it at all.


They won't be kidnapped all the time, no one will call the police!

"Actually, don't be too pessimistic. If the kidnappers kidnapped me, there must be some reason. Maybe they will take the initiative to provoke the Metropolitan Police Department."

"Then, has Officer Xinhai offended anyone recently?"

"Offended, if I have to say, I may have really offended a gang. Did Mr. Amuro read the news in the morning? Yesterday, the police shot and killed the current leader of the Hasuma group, dismantling this underground organization."

"Murakami asked me to wait for him on the side of the road, but it came to kidnap my car. Did someone use the name of Murakami, or did Murakami have a problem himself? Could it really be this organization's stray fish looking for opportunity to get revenge... "The next words, rather than communicating with Amuro Toru, are more like Xin Haikong talking to himself.

Amuro's situation at this time is no different from that of Xin Haikong. His hands and feet are also tied. What is even more terrifying is that he found that all the gun parts he was carrying were taken away, even the portable folding knife hidden in the soles of his shoes. was searched. No resistance.

Hearing Xin Kaikong's inferences that were almost self-talking, Amuro Toru claimed to have more information than Xin Kaikong.

If it was really Masaki Murakami who led Xin Kaikong out, this is by no means a simple gang revenge, but an organized conspiracy!

Murakami Masaki is the undercover agent who sneaked into the special search headquarters. He leaked the police information to Jinjiu before, but now he wants to attack Xin Haikong!

The Xinhai police officer has been in too much limelight recently and has attracted the attention of the organization. I don't know who the organization is responsible for handling this matter. He should be able to think of a way to rescue the Xinhai police officer. But will it reveal my identity...


Suddenly there was a loud screeching sound on the floor.

Toru Amuro raised his head alertly, only to find that it was Xin Haikong who was moving the chair.

"Mr. Amuro, the chair is not fixed, we can try to get closer and see if we can help each other to untie the rope first." His chair was not fixed in place, Xin Haikong tried to move the chair on the ground with his feet. .

"Hey! Hey, can you hear me?"

The sudden sound of the horn interrupted Xin Haikong and Amuro Toru's self-rescue operation.


In a dark environment, the sensitivity of the human ear can be greatly improved, and many subtle sounds that have been ignored in the past can be captured. Not to mention such a screeching horn.

"Mosimoxi, can you hear me? Officer Xinhai?" A familiar male voice came from the loudspeaker, his tone was brisk, the last words rose, and he couldn't contain his joy.

A very familiar voice, as if I had just heard it not long ago. Xin Haikong frowned and turned his ears to distinguish the sound carefully.

"It's been a long time, police officer Xinhai, look at how embarrassed you are now, like a drowning dog. Hahaha!"

After the loudspeaker amplifies the sneer, it makes the eardrums hurt.

The male voice kept repeating Officer Xinhai, with a terrifying tone of yin and yang.

Xin Haikong dug up the exact same name from his mixed memories, it was him!

The prisoner of Tokyo Tower!

Wasn't that guy caught by Gin long ago!

Impossible, how could Gin go wrong, this guy should be in the organization's laboratory now.

Did someone investigate the grievance between this person and himself and pretend to be him?

Or, that person escaped from the organization and wants to continue to take revenge on him!

In the darkness, Xin Haikong's pupils enlarged unconsciously, and he fell into an unprecedented panic.

"Oh? It looks like, has Officer Xinhai remembered?"

"Officer Xinhai? Do you know him?" Amuro asked Xinhaikong in a low voice. After Xin Haikong's efforts just now, there is actually only an arm's length left between them.

"He is, the former prisoner of Tokyo Tower."

The young man's voice trembled slightly, with incredible emotions.

The fluttering words were like throwing a giant thunder in Amuro Toru's heart, causing countless waves of water.

The blond man narrowed his eyes in the darkness, carefully recalling the cause and effect.

He originally thought that the person who kidnapped Shinkai was the undercover Murakami Masaki organized by the Metropolitan Police Department, but now, Shinkai told him that the person opposite the speaker was the prisoner of Tokyo Tower.

The culprit who planted the bomb on Tokyo Tower, if he remembered correctly, was the M in Rum's mouth.

The middle-aged man who was sent to the laboratory by Gin for failing his mission.

Murakami, Murakami Masaki.

Murakami, Murakami, M.

I see. Masaki Murakami is the senior member M with the code name in the organization.

No wonder, when Rum mentioned M, Amuro always thought it was very strange. When people in the organization called each other, they usually called the wine directly, but an M that popped up inexplicably was very suspicious.

He originally thought that M was the first letter of the member's wine name, but because it was too mysterious, only the first letter appeared without the following letters.

But if it is because of this, then the explanation is clear. Masaki Murakami's code name is M, and there is nothing he thought was hidden. These are two different naming procedures.

M is Masaki Murakami. He is an undercover agent organized by the Metropolitan Police Department. He blew up the Tokyo Tower before, and now he kidnapped him and Xin Haikong.

However, the data sheet clearly shows that Masaki Murakami is only 26 years old, and Shinkai has always called him a "little policeman".

M is obviously in his 30s or 40s and shouldn't be called a little policeman. Could it be that he has been disguising himself during the undercover period? That's right, if it wasn't for the disguise, the prisoner wouldn't dare to directly reveal his true appearance on the Tokyo Tower. It's not even known whether it's true appearance.

To make matters worse, Xin Haikong obviously did not realize that Murakami and the prisoner were the same person, and he had no position to remind him without revealing his identity. What should I do?

Toru Amuro narrowed his purple-gray eyes, suppressed his anxiety, and raised his head to look at Xin Haikong who was trying to negotiate with the prisoner.


What to do! How could that prisoner escape from the laboratory? Is gin so unreliable? What if he told the truth about the Tokyo Tower bomb in front of Amuro Toru, and what if he wanted to take revenge on himself!

Xin Haikong is now in a mess, and things are completely out of his control. What kind of hatred did the prisoner have with him? He finally escaped from the laboratory and continued to fight against him.

The young man could no longer restrain his nervousness, and an unhealthy blush appeared on his pale face. Cold sweat rolled down from his back, and the entire back was clinging to the sweat-soaked clothes, making it sticky and uncomfortable.

"Officer Xinhai, as I said long ago, I want to take revenge on you." There was a trace of triumphant cruelty in the male voice.

Xin Haikong didn't dare to interrupt. The prisoner's current thinking was still on revenge. If he left directly like this, no, no, now the matter of leaving the bomb will definitely be revealed, and he has to hold on.

"There is an idiom in Huaguo, I don't know if the Xinhai police officer has heard of it. It's called nine deaths. I think it's very interesting."

Xinhaikong: ? Is this idiom wrong? No, what do you want?

"Now there are ten numbers from zero to nine. Each number represents a method of death, and only one of them is death by old age. Officer Xinhai, which number do you prefer?"

! !

What a joke! This means, what is the method of death behind each number, doesn't it all depend on the prisoner's mouth? Even if he really chooses the only way to survive, as long as the prisoner wants him to die, the prisoner can still change his words at will.

This kind of revenge seems to leave a way to survive, but in fact there is no way to survive.

This is nine dead.

Strictly speaking, he is actually a dead person, but he has no memory of the previous sudden death, and it is all up to the system to tell him. This is the first time he has really come close to death.

The game has just started, and if he dies here, will his identity be revealed by the later plot? With the maliciousness of the game world towards him, it is very likely.

If he chooses to close his eyes here, he may not have the chance to open them again.

However, it was originally a second life that was given to him by accident, and he should have died a long time ago.

But if it really ended like this, it would still be a little bit regretful.

Before he had time to say goodbye to Matsuda, he had to endure another goodbye from his best friend.

There is also Conan, the little detective, although sometimes his acting skills are too hot, and his golden finger is unreasonable to the full level, but he is really a righteous and positive partner.

By the end, his brain was miraculously calm.

"If you want revenge, just target me. Mr. Amuro is just a waiter. He is innocent."

He can still leave, if Amuro Toru has an accident, it is really over.

"Waiter? Mr. waiter's driving skills are really good enough. I think he wants to catch up with the Xinhai police officer, but fortunately, he brought people over for the company of the Xinhai police officer. How wonderful."

The sound is exactly the same, but the intonation? Or tone? It always feels like something isn't quite right. Did this guy pervert since he came out of the lab?

"Officer Xinhai hasn't decided what to choose? From number zero to number nine." The **** voice reminded again.

Just like the big cat after catching the mouse, it did not eat it directly, but kept playing with the animal with its claws, blocking the surroundings, leaving only a small gap. The besieged prey naively thought that they could escape from this small gap, but in the end they fell into the real abyss.

In the darkness, Shinkai sky met Amuro Toru's eyes. In fact, they couldn't see each other's expressions clearly, but Xin Haikong still formally said to Amuro Toru, "I'm sorry."

At the last moment, Tou Zi was buried with him. It was not easy for him to hide in the organization for so many years. He was about to succeed, and he ended up here with him.

It was he who was too careless, and in such a world, one should be vigilant at all times.

An Shitou looked at the young man in front of him with a serious face and apologized to himself, and a sense of unwillingness welled up in his heart.

No, it shouldn't be Xin Haikong's apology to him at all, it should be him who knew that there was an undercover and saw M with his own eyes but was not ready to apologize.

So powerless. What is the purpose of M, and why did he kidnap Xin Haikong? He still didn't believe that M was simply playing with his prey, it must be some plan of the organization.

However, what if it really can't save Xin Haikong? No, at the last minute, he could reveal his identity, too late.

There will be a way.

"I'll give the Xinhai police officer one more minute. If you don't choose, I will help the Xinhai police officer choose."

Xin Haikong did not make a sound. Which number to choose is not all death? What's the difference.

"If you don't know what to choose, choose zero and give it a try." Amuro said suddenly.

"Zero?!" The young man's surprised voice seemed to be calling his name. It's been a long time, no one has called him that.

This was probably the last time I heard the young junior call him that.

"Huh? Did the Xinhai police officer's last choice turn out to be zero? It's a pity. I seem to remember that there is poison gas behind the zero choice. Of course, it may be that I remember it wrong. Xinhai police officer has heard of sulfur mustard gas?"

Amuro gasped for breath.

Mustard gas! The chemical weapons used in the two world wars can cause skin erosion, mucous membrane rupture, blindness, herpes all over the body, and blisters even in the respiratory tract. Those who are attacked by such weapons will die extremely miserably.

This is definitely a conspiracy of the organization! How can ordinary people come into contact with chemical weapons of this level!

Damn M, who has been lurking in the Metropolitan Police Department for so long, has created two major cases of Shinkansen and Tokyo Tower in a row, and now he has to kidnap and kill the most potential police officer of the younger generation.

Toru Amuro looked at Xin Haikong.

The dark barrier made it impossible for him to see the youth's facial features, but he could vaguely see that the youth was closing his eyes at this time. If those amber eyes full of hope and light could never be opened again, he could no longer be in love with him. Serving the country and people you love... No, no!

He still has a way, he still has a way to save Xin Haikong, but he has to reveal his identity...


The prisoner may be out of a threatening tone, trying to remind Xin Haikong of the tragic death caused by this poisonous gas.

But unfortunately, Xin Haikong, who has not had time to take a police course, has no idea what sulfur mustard is. This wave is really talking about chickens and ducks, playing the piano to the cows.

Furthermore, for him, it doesn't matter which way he dies at all, and he will get away in the end anyway.

The young policeman was still sitting in the chair indifferently. His expression could not be seen in the darkness.

But the person sitting opposite the monitor could clearly see that after hearing the words sulfur mustard, Xin Haikong didn't even change his face, and even closed his eyes without caring.

On the pale face, the blush that had risen earlier had subsided, the corners of his mouth pursed, and his eyes were tightly closed. Only the rolling eyes under the lids can prove that this guy is still awake.

I don't care at all.

"Is there sulfur mustard gas behind Zero? I forgot the correct answer. It seems to be poisonous gas, or maybe I remembered it wrong? Can I give Officer Xinhai another chance? Do I have to choose again?"

The dark room was silent.

Xin Haikong has absolutely no desire to go back to the prisoner.

Amuro Toru was immersed in a fierce exchange of ideas.

"Is it really not going to change? I'm going to press it-"

"Wait!" Amuro made up his mind and suddenly interrupted the prisoner with a loud voice.

Shinkaikura opened his eyes somewhat unexpectedly, and his amber eyes looked in the direction of Toru Amuro suspiciously.

"I know you can see the scene now, M!" Toru Amuro's voice suddenly became unfamiliar, with a hint of coldness.

Xinhaikong: ? ? ?

What's the matter, does Amuro know the prisoner? Who is M?

"Huh? Does the waiter know me?" The horn sounded a little surprised.

"I know you, I saw you in the lab, are you also a member of the organization?"

The blond man said in a determined tone.

organize? ? ?

Xin Haikong, who was on the side, widened his eyes, what does this have to do with the organization? Could it be that the organization tied him up? The bomber and the organization should be hostile, right?

Besides, why did the organization tie up two of its own senior members?

Wait, Amuro Toru is exploding the vest!

Speaking of this, Xin Haikong's spirit returned, he sat up straight and looked in the direction of Amuro Toru in the dark.

"Mr. Waiter too?" The male voice was puzzled.

Amuro Toru glanced at Xin Haikong vaguely and gritted his teeth.

"I'm Bourbon, you should have heard of it. If you want to take revenge on this policeman, just toss him alone, and let me out quickly. Without the permission of the boss, killing members with code names in private will have What kind of ending, I don't need to remind you."

His voice changed from the enthusiasm of Toru Amuro back to the coldness of Bourbon. There is no way, if you want to save Xin Haikong, you can only do this first, and there will be hope only after the door is opened. For the rest, wait until Xin Haikong is rescued, and then explain it to him.

In the darkness, his eyes stayed on Xin Haikong.

? ? ?

Xin Haikong raised his eyebrows slightly, his mind filled with question marks. He didn't understand what was going on at all.

Wait, after the Tokyo Tower incident, he seems to have misled Amuro Toru, making him mistakenly believe that the prisoner who loaded the bomb was a member of the organization.

M? Moscato!

Wait, the M in Amuro Toru's mouth doesn't refer to Shinkaikura himself!

It turned out that Toru Amuro knew his code name, but he didn't know why he only knew the first letter.

Did he misunderstand M as the culprit in the Tokyo Tower case?

Mistaken the prisoner as a member of the winery, and then directly negotiated with the prisoner as a real wine, and blew up the winery vest on his body in front of a police officer who appeared to be a justice policeman, but was actually the face of Xin Haikong, who was M in his mouth. .

But why didn't the prisoner refute it?

it's wired…

Logically speaking, Xin Haikong actually needs to add an unbelievable question here, similar to, 'Mr. Amuro? Are you with the man who kidnapped me? ’

But anyway, it was dead, and Xin Haikong was too lazy to perform.

He continued to lie flat on his chair, admiring the back-and-forth between the two.

"Bourbon? Hahaha! If you died here with this police officer, who would know?" The male voice didn't care about Amuro's identity, "I pressed it—"

"Hey! Wait-"


The lights came on suddenly. Both of them closed their eyes in irritation.

Amuro was the first to open his eyes. He had undergone similar training many times, and he was able to react within half a second.

Two or three seconds later, with tears in the corners of his eyes, Xin Haikong, whose eyes were red, slowly opened his eyes.

This is indeed a bathroom.

A bathroom without a bathtub. The floors and walls are tiled, and the room is small, without windows, and enclosed on all sides.

Amuro, who was directly opposite him, frowned, the corners of his mouth pressed down, and he looked up at the ceiling. Xin Haikong followed his line of sight and looked up, only to find out—

On the ceiling directly above them, there are four nozzles, which are continuously spraying milky white gas.