MTL - How Real Wine Became the Light of the Metropolitan Police-Chapter 42 Eight hundred eight bridge murder case 3

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In front of the counter, Onozawaen fiddled with the telephone line in his hands boredly, twisting it round and round.

While coping with the arrogant and unreasonable complaints on the other end of the phone, she turned her head to peek at the electronic clock hanging on the wall beside her, and it was still half an hour before she got off work!

After half a ring, she hung up the boring phone, raised her head, and in front of her stood a bookish young man with black-rimmed glasses.

The young man looks in his twenties, and the big black-rimmed glasses cover the upper half of his face, but he can still see his bright eyes and high nose bridge.

Ono Zeyuan's eyes dodged for a while, and stared at Xin Haikong's collar a little shyly.

"Uh, hello sir, what kind of package would you like to order?"

"I want to know, how much is your company's consumption above, can you enjoy VIP service?"

Xin Haikong put on the table the advertising paper that he had just picked up from the basket next to him while waiting, "I have a lot of personal requests, and I feel it would be more convenient to have a VIP room for the meeting."

"Do you need a VIP room?" The girl's voice was soft, she lowered her head, bit her lip, and glanced at the advertisement paper.

"Our VIP room, if it is a new customer, is not limited by the consumption limit, you can enjoy it once."

She bent down and made a phone call, explaining to Xin Haikong.

"There is a guest here in the lobby who needs to be received."

The phone hadn't been hung up yet, and after a while, an older man trotted out.

He is not tall, with silver threads all over his head. Because he is too thin, the wrinkles on his face are particularly obvious, like a wrinkled tree that has been old for many years.

"Hello!" The voice also carried the panting that ran all the way, "I'm Hirota Ryuuya."

As soon as the man stood still, he gave Xin Haikong a ninety-degree bow. After straightening his body, he grinned, revealing a mouth of teeth that were not quite neat.

He stretched out his hand, turned sideways, and bowed slightly.

"Please come this way."


VIP room.

A plain vase was scribbled by the window, with a bunch of white chrysanthemums in it.

The chrysanthemum is very fresh, and there are new drops of water on it when the water is changed.

On the left hand side of the main entrance is a bulky desk with documents large and small stacked on it.

It is estimated that in addition to serving as a VIP room, it also serves as the office of this Hirota Ryuuya.

"Sorry, the office is being relocated recently, and I usually receive guests in the VIP room, so I work here by the way."

Xin Haikong sat down on the sofa, smiled very gently, and did not speak.

He took out the magazine he had prepared in advance from his bag and placed it on the transparent coffee table between the two sofas.

"This is you?"

"Mr. Hirota, right?"

"Yes, yes, just call me Hirota."

The man's posture is very low, but the Japanese have always been so polite.

"Okay, that's it, I'm Shinkai, a reporter from the Asahi Shimbun."

It's not too much to borrow the name of an old enemy. Xin Haikong took out the paper and pen, as well as the reporter's credentials that he had prepared for a long time, and looked at the other party with clear eyes.

The man on the opposite side also sat up straight, staring at Xin Haikong.

"Is there any—"

"I learned from this magazine before that the joint activity between your company and the magazine lasted for three months. Just buy the magazine and you can get a lottery ticket. There are a total of 100 places for the first prize, and the prize is A free seven-day tour of Osaka sponsored by your company.”

"That's right, so you mean..."

"Our department's statisticians reported that the sales of this magazine did increase significantly that month. This was a very successful commercial marketing. We want to write relevant reports for your company, and hope you can cooperate."

As soon as the words fell, the smile on the man's face slowly stiffened, and his face became a little ugly.

Saying "can cooperate" is actually "must cooperate".

The Asahi Shimbun has a good reputation. It said that it will report, and if it cooperates with it, there may be a chance to see the manuscript in advance.

Not cooperating with it is equivalent to giving all the right to speak to the other party.

Once the news media wantonly smear it, a business company like travel agency that pays great attention to customer feedback and brand effect will surely suffer a fatal blow.

Gas, really gas.

But there is absolutely no way to take the opponent.

It is better to offend the villain than the reporter.

The man named Hirota showed the same smile at the beginning again, which was stereotyped, without the slightest emotion.

"Is there anything you need to know?"

Xin Haikong symbolically took out a voice recorder and placed it on the side of the coffee table, pushed the glasses that were slipping a bit, and asked a few non-painful questions one after another.

"After this magazine's promotion, it seems that your company has increased a lot of customers?"

"Do you think that compared with traditional advertisements, does this higher participation lottery model benefit your company's performance growth?"

It was not until the questions and answers between each other became better that Xin Haikong threw out his original purpose.

"The postcards sent by readers will be drawn by the magazine as a third party, and your company will only receive the final list of winners?"

"Yes, in order to ensure fairness, we will only get the address and phone number of the winner. The person in charge will send the postcard together with the winning ticket to the winner."

Xin Haikong nodded in agreement and asked with a smile:

"Then can I take a look at the list of winners? I want to know what the geographical distribution of the winners is. Do you have any winners who originally lived in Osaka?"

"Don't mention it, there are people from Osaka who really signed up, probably because they are coveting the free hotels and free attraction tickets provided by the travel agency."

Hirota stood up and pulled out a red-shelled folder from the pile of documents on the desk and handed it to Xin Haikong.

Xin Haikong took the folder. There were only three and a half pages in it, and there were nearly thirty winners on one page. All are arranged in the order of phone numbers on the left and home addresses on the right.

He pretended to scribble and found only one person with a local address in Osaka who had won the lottery.

It should be that there are not many people who are greedy for petty and cheap, and there are correspondingly fewer people who win the lottery.

"Are you responsible for all the winning tickets?"

"Yes." Hirota answered decisively. "Actually, I am responsible for sending the winning tickets for this month, and they have been sent out at the beginning of the month."

"This is indeed a good commercial promotion. The magazine and your travel agency have achieved a win-win outcome." Xin Haikong stood up and put away the voice recorder that had never been turned on.

"Is the interview over?"

"Yes, the specific interview may not be released until next month."

Hirota was relieved to send Xin Haikong out of the VIP room. When he stood at the door and waved goodbye, it was probably his happiest moment in the past hour.


"Officer Xinhai, what did you just go in for?"

Officer Tachibana approached Xin Haikong curiously and asked in a low voice.

"I asked some small questions, and I already have the answers." Xin Haikong walked to the street and reached out to park a taxi, opened the back seat door, pushed Officer Tachibana's back with his right hand, and protected her with his left. the top of his head and sent the person in.

"Officer Xinhai? Aren't we going back in a police car?" Officer Tachibana followed Xin Haikong's hand dazedly and sat in the back seat, turning back and asking in confusion.

"Look at what time it is, Officer Tachibana, it's not a good thing to work overtime."

The young police officer who came from Tokyo turned his back to the setting sun, raised his hand, and tapped the watch on his left wrist with the index finger of his right hand.

Bright smile, gentle voice, gentlemanly demeanor.

"I'm here today. Murakami and I haven't seen each other for a long time. We're going to have a meal together. Officer Tachibana should go back early."

He took a few banknotes from his wallet and handed them to the driver in the front seat through the window opened by the co-pilot.


The back seat door slammed shut.

Officer Tachibana propped up the glass window of the back seat with his hands, and his dark brown eyes stared at the new sea and sky outside the window.

What a good boss, young and promising, and considerate of his subordinates.

The sky in the west was a purple-red, and the sun would hang halfway before it had set.


Xin Haikong sat directly behind the driver's seat of the police car.

It is said to be a police car, but it is actually a police car, the most inconspicuous kind.

"Officer Xinhai, where are we going?"

Murakami in the front seat carefully turned his head and looked at Xin Haikong.

Since Xin Haikong threatened Murakami with the "handle" that he hadn't had time to find out, this guy has become a lot more cautious in his words and deeds.

"Go to the upper reaches of the Dachuan River to take a look first."

Through the gap in the middle of the seat back, Xin Haikong watched Murakami sit up straight again and start the car.

He also followed by clicking on the forum. He has some guesses that must be verified right away.

The update time of comics has always been very fast. It was only a few hours, and the content of what happened today was also posted on the forum.

Landlord: Sisters, have you watched "The Eight Hundred and Eight Bridges Serial Murder Case, Part 1"? Why do I feel that the relationship between Kong Ge and Tou Zi is strange!

Mochizuki: Plus one. So unfamiliar, when Brother Kong speaks, the yin and yang are strange.

New concept love: Did Tou Zi not explain what he said at the time? When he was kidnapped, he didn’t say anything about stinky policemen, Bourbon, etc. in front of Brother Kong, did he not explain →→ Brother Kong I really treat him as a member of some scruffy organization...

Kako: Thinking about it is terrifying. So Kong bro treats Touzi as black? Knife warning!

Monkey Mountain King: I said it all! Don't kill each other, don't kill each other! There are not many black parties in Conan, and the progress of the plot depends on the red parties killing each other! Really numb.

Cactus Boy: Brother Kong will always hate Touzi so much after that, I'm crying, I was still expecting Brother Kong to join the main story...

These people on the forum are really sharp.

The manga did not draw the confession of Shinkai and Toru Amuro, and jumped directly to the serial murder case in Osaka.

He installed himself a script that rejected Amuroto, and it was discovered by the forum so quickly.

The next second, Xin Haikong saw a sharper talent.

HCCG: No, IMHO, are all the forums now being airborne by Shinkai? No one was injured in the previous kidnapping case! Have you ever seen a person who was kidnapped and came back easily without losing a single hair? This is obviously a kidnapping case planned by Xin Haikong in order to clear his suspicion of being undercover!

Why did this HCCG appear again, wasn't he banned last time? I thought I would never see this man again.

But this time. HCCG really misunderstood him, the kidnapping was not planned by Xin Haikong, he was also a victim, the kind who thought he was about to die.

New concept love: Big brother, your conspiracy theory is not so high. You don’t know how scared Kong brother was kidnapped at the time. I don’t believe that the white face is acting. Also, I was banned before, but now I am barking under the post of "The Eight Hundred and Eighth Bridge Serial Murder Case".

Fishing on the River: That is to say, if Dazai hadn't rescued people at that time, what would have happened after that is uncertain. Wasn't it all done by the younger brother of the prisoner Jintian Yuanichi who was beaten to death back then? Why is it blaming Brother Kong again?

HCCG: Okay, if you talk about the memories from three years ago, is it true that no one can see clearly? There are two bullets at the scene, two! In addition to the police, there was one other person who shot! Who do you think would have fired the gun? Does Xinhaikong have its own bodyguards?

New concept love: ah, this... ah, why are there two bullets?

Two bullets!

Xin Haikong's pupils dilated slightly.

Oops! At that time, he thought he had only three days to live, and he no longer cared so much about many things.

How to explain things like two bullets, shouldn't he really help others to blame?

HCCG: There is only one truth. Xin Haikong belongs to the Black side. The reason why he dared to take himself as a hostage three years ago was because he already knew that the people from the winery would protect him!

HCCG: It's just a matter of colleagues helping each other to improve their performance. I really think people are so kind. It's funny.

Waking up at ten o'clock: Hong Kong, this is really strange. One more bullet...

It seems that the matter of the two bullets is really going to become an inescapable hurdle, leaving a thorn in the reader's heart that does not know when it will completely strike. Who in the end is doing such a bad thing with such good intentions!

It's been so long since the case was now, and he couldn't change it if he wanted to. It would be too strange to explain what happened at that time in a new case.

Are you going to eat this dumb **** like this?

Xin Haikong stretched out his fingers and swiped the forum page as if venting his anger, and suddenly slid to the bottom, revealing a rectangle-sized typing box.


He reached out and clicked in, and it was actually possible to type in it.

An incredible guess came to his mind.

He didn't rush to ask the system, but typed a line in it and clicked send.

The small ball on the screen spun around, and a new message popped up on the forum.

Metropolitan Lights: I have an idea.

Waking up at ten o'clock: Say.

Amber acting: put.

I'm sorry: leave it alone.

After a new comment was sent, subsequent readers continued to build buildings.

Not only was his comment posted, it was seen!

Isn't this rounding up, he can wash the ground for himself?

Xin Haikong sat up a little excitedly, and the words he just typed were deleted by the wrong key.

He flipped his fingers and typed quickly.

Metropolitan Police Department: Have you all forgotten Osamu Dazai! Isn't Dazai's task responsible for catching the fish that slipped through the net of that supernatural organization? How could he let Jintian Yuanichi go?

New concept love: hey, sister, I understand what you mean. Another shot was fired by Dazai?

Green sea: Makes sense! Dazai was originally going to arrest people, how could he just leave without being caught? I mean, I was waiting here.

Cactus boy: The logic is completely explained. Dazai went to Tokyo to solve the bomb case. How could he not finish the matter? The gun was fired by Dazai, so the confusion was lifted.

HCCG: Do you have any evidence that Dazai fired the gun?

The Light of the Metropolitan Police: If you have to be rude, don't you have no evidence at all? Anyway, my reasoning is logically explained.

Monkey Mountain King: Yes, if Dazai fired the gun, all my confusion would be solved. The administrator, hurry up and seal that guy up. It's so annoying. Every day, the red-eyed empty brother is crazy.

The comments below are basically to help Xinhaikong say good things.

Xin Haikong showed a satisfied smile, looked out the window sideways, the car was still blocked in the urban area, and there were not many people during the evening rush hour.

He can end the game in person, but is he worried that he can't guide the comments?

The future looks bright.

I was interrupted by HCCG's question, and almost forgot the purpose of reading the forum in the first place.

42736: I have to say, the scene where the four of them discuss the reasoning case in the search class is really, too, handsome, too!

Sunflower Taipan: Haven't your sister heard of it? Men who work are the most handsome, and men who have brains are the most attractive. Light a cigarette.jpg

Today is also a happy day: the old thief also drew a phantom of Kudo Shinichi behind Conan so thoughtfully. The four of them insisted on their own words, sat at one end each, and exchanged yyds with their brains.

Xin Haikong quickly swiped the post, skipped those rainbow farts at a glance, and found the latest comics.

The manga is still drawn from Conan's perspective. From the time they took the car to Osaka, they met Heiji Hattori who came to pick him up at the station, and then went to the place where the fourth case was discovered, and met Xin Haikong.

The reasoning part in the middle is the same as what Xin Haikong experienced. After the reasoning is over, it is divided into two lines. He and Murakami and Tachibana police officers go to Shanjun travel agency, and the protagonist group goes to the central part of Kaifang Academy. First draw the line on the protagonist's side.

Just right, so that he can grasp the information in advance.

Xinhaikong opened the big picture and began to look down a little bit.

Change the school gate.

Hattori relied on a face that had not changed from his junior high school days, and successfully entered the campus by brushing his face.

After entering the school, they went straight to the student council.

Through the personal connections left in the student union in the past, he successfully entered the reference room of the student union.

"Here! Here are the election records of the student union cadres over the years!" Conan pulled out a notebook from the corner and sneezed while being choked by the flying ashes.

"Noriko Aihara is twenty-six years old this year, Kuniichi, it should have been twelve or thirteen years ago."

Hattori took the opportunity to take over the book, "The latest one is the thirty-ninth session, and it should be between the twenty-fifth and twenty-seventh sessions."

He compared the serial number of the document, turned to the twenty-fifth session, pointed down, and quickly recognized the name of the person.

On the white frame, every word is not large, most of the content is omitted, and the comic only gives a name shot.

[Masaki Murakami - Vice Minister of Learning Department]

It's a pity that Hattori never knew about the **** dim sum policeman who was transferred from Tokyo not long ago.

And this document has been in the hands of Hattori Heiji alone.

You see, the truth will come to you without any effort to investigate.

"No, there is no one with the same name as the deceased." Hattori Heiji has turned to the twenty-ninth session, far exceeding the scheduled time. "It doesn't even have a surname, it's amazing."

He closed the book irritably and stuffed it back into the dusty bookcase.

"I think, if they were really studying at Kaifang Academy back then, they should have been the first in the country, and they must be excellent enough to become student leaders..."

"It makes sense, it's been thirteen years..."

"There shouldn't be anything on the student council's side."

"Look at this!"

Everyone's eyes were drawn to the door where the voice came from.

Amuro Toru has been acting alone since the beginning, and at this time ran in from the outside, holding a yellow-covered book in his hand.

"The society's record shows that the founder of the art club is Hitomi Sakutsu."

The last shot of the manga is placed on a book held high by Amuro Toru, which clearly reads, "The Association of Societies."

It stops abruptly here.

The follow-up content should be in the next chapter. This comic is really suspenseful.

Hitomi Sakutsu, the deceased in the second case, was the founder of Kaifang Academy Art Club.

Thirteen years ago, she really also studied at Kaifang Academy.

The place of her death was—

"Officer Shinkai, we have already reached the upper reaches of the Okawa River, and we may leave Osaka if we go further up."

Murakami parked the car on the side of the road, took out the police car's indicator light from the trunk and placed it on the roof. This can prevent colleagues from the Ministry of Communications from accidentally hurting friendly troops.

The Osaka water system is crisscrossed, and the Okawa River is the source. It branches down to the Dobori Ton River and the Tosabori River, plus a cross-section of the Kizu River, which surrounds the entire center of Osaka.

The deceased in the first case died in the Dobori Tongawa River, the deceased in the second case died in the Okawa River, the third case in the Tosabori River, and the fourth in the Kizu River.

It's distributed just right.

After Xin Haikong got off the bus, he took Murakami to the Dachuan Bridge. The river under the bridge was rushing continuously due to the terrain, and the water speed was extremely fast. There were no stones left on the banks of the river on both sides, and all were washed down by the current.

The body was found in the lower reaches of the Dachuan River, and the place where the body was thrown would have to be pushed upstream.

"Xinhai police officer, have you found anything?"

Murakami tilted his head to look at him, and the appearance of Xin Haikong was reflected in his jet-black pupils.

Looking at Murakami's face of a good student, Xin Kaikong couldn't help but think of the black-on-white document in the comic.

It's far from the city center, and no one usually comes here.

Not to mention that it is already past six o'clock, the water under the bridge is turbulent, and no one passes by on the bridge.

The sky darkened a little.

The biting cold wind blows straight at the person.

Xin Haikong stretched out his left hand to support the edge of the stone bridge, turned his body slightly, facing Murakami.

"I did make a big discovery."

He smiled.

The sun not far away has officially finished get off work, and the street lights on the street seem to have made an appointment in advance, lighting up together.

"Is this case directed at you? Murakami, Deputy Minister?"

Murakami's pupils subconsciously enlarged, his whole body trembled unnaturally, his lips moved up and down, and he struggled to utter the words.

"Officer Xinhai, what do you mean?"

"If you talk too much, it's not interesting."

After Xin Haikong said the key information of "Deputy Minister", he returned to the original state of ambiguity and unpredictability.

The smile on the corner of his mouth was gentle and cold.

The well-behaved mask that the little policeman in front of him had forced out was shattered by an inch by inch, revealing a flustered look inside, and took a few steps back one after another.

"I, he forced me, police officer Xinhai. Don't tell me if it's okay to go out or not, you can do whatever you want with me. It took me a long time to get to where I am today, and I don't want to—"

"Did that gentleman from Yokohama threaten you like that too?"

Xin Haikong tilted his head like a joke, interrupting Murakami's confession.

He narrowed the distance with Murakami little by little, and his amber eyes watched Murakami quietly, which was unexpectedly reassuring, as if he would definitely help you and things would be resolved.

Masaki Murakami looked at him blankly.

"Do you really think that the gentleman in Yokohama will help you keep your little secret?"

Provocation is something that practice makes perfect.

"Officer Murakami, have you ever thought about why you were suddenly transferred to Osaka?"

Murakami Masaki seemed to have thought of something, and his face turned a little pale.

"He abandoned you. He left you here."

Xin Haikong seemed to be talking about love, and said slowly and poignantly,

In fact, it was just a coincidence that such a big case suddenly broke out in Osaka, and there was not enough manpower for a while, so the police station transferred people from the special investigation headquarters that had just successfully completed the task and was disbanded.

Not Murakami, but other police officers.

Murakami Masaki's lips trembled wildly in fear.

"She came back for revenge, she came back! All are dead, only me is left, and it's coming to me soon!"

The man fell to his knees, stretched out his hand to hug Xin Haikong's knee, and his whole body kept shaking.

"Help me, police officer Xinhai, I don't want to die!"

"I won't help him anymore. I'll help you identify him. He planned the kidnapping!"

"You calm down first." Xin Haikong bent down, pulled Murakami's arm away a little bit, and then helped him up again.

"Trust me, I can solve this matter, just need you to cooperate with me and do a little bit."