MTL - How To Die As Heavy As Mount Tai-Chapter 53 The end of the world

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Qin Yi continued to stay in the Song family, and Lu Heng saw that he was staying here and nothing happened. He just greeted Qin Yi. I have seen the strong attacking power of Lu Heng when he started, and no one in the Song family dared to stop him.

Back to his room, Lu Heng took out the crystal nucleus that was taken out of the magical Pan Rongxi. This is the nucleus of the double zombie in the cave, but the edges and corners are somewhat rounded and become like the outline of a Nedan.

Does this seem to be different from spontaneous awakening through the nucleus awakening abilities? Lu Heng didn't know much about this awakening ability. It happened that he heard the movement next door. It should be that Qin Yi came back. Lu Heng grabbed the nucleus and the storage bag and sounded the door of Qin Yi.

The door was not locked, Qin Yi let Lu Heng go directly.

As soon as he entered the door, Lu Heng saw Mu Fei and Jiang Sile also. It seems that Mu Fei has heard about Pan Rongxi.

Qin Yi saw Lu Heng coming in and gestured to sit next to him.

"The situation at that time was like this. As for the reason why Pan Rongxi was suddenly infected, it is still under investigation." Qin Yi said.

Mu Fei looked sad. After all, he was a person he had taken care of for several years. It was difficult for people to accept such accidents.

Jiang Sile appeased Mu Fei's shoulder, but was taken by Mu Fei, as if seeking some kind of comfort.

"I and Amu went down first." Jiang Sile said, and nodded to Lu Heng, and he took Mu Fei away.

"This is too strange. Even if it was accidentally infected by the magic of Song Kunyu's wound during treatment, it is impossible to mutate so fast." After hearing the sound of Jiang Sile's two downstairs, Qin Yi said.

"I found this in Pan Rongxi Dantian." Lu Heng took out the nucleus. "What kind of method is it used to awaken abilities through the nucleus?"

Qin Yi took over the crystal nucleus and looked at it: "I don't know how to be specific. I heard that people swallowed the crystal nucleus directly. If you are lucky, you will be able to wake up."

Hearing this, Lu Heng probably understood. This self-awareness and awakening by the nucleus are two very different ways of practice. Self-awareness is the activation of the inner roots of the body, by the absorption of the aura in the crystal nucleus, slowly condensed out of the inner Dan. And this through the nucleus awakening, it is directly polished to the inner nucleus, and then based on this inner Dan to absorb the reiki cultivation.

Lu Heng spoke to Qin Yi about the joints. He immediately understood: "Pan Rongxi's business is probably related to this nucleus."

Lu Heng nodded. "How do you know how to cultivate yourself now? Is there any way to find out the inside of this nucleus?"

Qin Yi shook his head: "I can't guarantee that if the first clue is lost, it will not be worth the loss."

"That can only rely on this." Lu Heng poured a large pile of crystal nucleus in the storage bag on the table.

The two men bitterly played a jigsaw puzzle in the room. This complete nucleus is only the size of the peach nucleus, small and even only the size of the jujube nucleus, but also a transparent texture. According to the vague lines above, it is simply impossible to put these pieces into a complete crystal nucleus.

Fortunately, Lu Heng both understand the basic method of God's manipulation, use this knowledge to trace the lines, and then put together, although the difficulties, but slowly progress.

Hard work pays off. Overnight, the two finally spelled out a few complete crystal nucleus.

Lu Heng carefully placed the crystal nucleus glued together. When this is relaxed, I feel that deep exhaustion is sweeping. Lu Heng couldn't take care of other things. On the big bed, the consciousness fell into the darkness.

When Lu Heng woke up, he felt that the temple was a little bloated, which was a sequela of excessive use of God. He moved and wanted to sit up, but he felt a tight waist. The faint Lu Heng discovered that he had a warm body behind him, and he also breathed in his back neck, bringing a feeling of numbness.

The familiar atmosphere came, even if you don't have to look back, Lu Heng knows who it is. Qin Yi’s breathing is still stable and seems to be still in deep sleep. Qin Yi’s control of the gods is far better than himself. Most of the work of patching up the pieces is done by him. It is normal to return to the present.

Lu Heng was lying on the side of the floor-to-ceiling window, and the curtains only pulled the white gauze inside. Through the moonlight, Lu Heng saw that it was the color of the evening, and he actually slept until the afternoon. The sunset dyed the white gauze into a golden red color, dyeing the entire room into a warm color.

After coming to this end of the world, after another incident, Lu Heng had not had a good rest for a long time. Now the atmosphere is too warm, coupled with the kind of belonging and warmth brought by the people behind him, listening to the regular breathing of the ear, Lu Heng unknowingly slept.

Open your eyes again, there is no light outside. Lu Heng turned over and found that Qin Yi was awake, half sitting on the bed, and the dimly lit bedside lamp lights, looking at himself.

Lu Heng sat up and said: "When is it now?"

Qin Yi blinked and seemed to have come back to God. He reached out and said that Lu Heng had a messy curly hair: "It’s going to be bright. Going to sleep again?"

Lu Heng shook his head, and he was ready to straighten out his breath, but he listened to Qin Yi and sighed helplessly.

Lu Heng glanced at him with a puzzled look.

"The first time I slept with my sweetheart, I just went to sleep purely. I said that I was going to be laughed at by the brothers in the team." Qin Yi said.

"What do you have to do to be ridiculed?"

Qin Yi was just a joke, but he didn't expect his straight brother to throw such a question. I have said that this is the case, and I will not climb with the pole. I am afraid that I am a fool.

"Of course, what to do."

Qin Yi gently pinched Lu Heng's back neck and took him over.

The distance between the lips is closer, and further, it is the distance of the heart.

After a kiss, Qin Yi looked at the blushing lips of the person in front of him, and couldn't help but touch it with his fingers: "Brother, what do you think of the test results?"

Lu Heng immediately understood what he meant: "What I am looking for is not just kendo."

Someone was gently pressed on the bed, the bed was not neat, the more messy. I don't know who it is, and the breathing is getting heavy.

A slight metal collision sound that unleashes the belt.

"Teacher." Someone's hand was held down. "Before you formally become a Taoist, you can't go any further."

Qin Yi’s head was buried between Lu Heng’s neck and he was very heavy. Lu Heng put his left hand on his back and found that his back muscles were tight, as if he was desperately suppressing himself.

After a while, Qin Yi sat up and said: "Sorry, I am too impulsive."

Lu Heng shook his head and saw that Qin Yi had some embarrassment on his face, and he calmed down: "Yang Yuan is very important to the practitioners. Without worshipping the heavens, he lost the Yang Yuan and wasted."

Qin Yi’s expression was distorted for a moment. Finally, Lu Heng, who couldn’t help but sit up, plunged into the bed and buried it in his neck and laughed out loudly: “Brother, why are you so cute?”

The sky was getting brighter outside, and the intention of being indoors was expelled. After Lu Heng and two people got up and washed, they picked up the results of the whole night.

The lines on the inner wall of each nucleus are exactly the same. This is not a randomly formed pattern. Lu Heng pinches a patchwork nucleus and looks at the light source. I always feel that this pattern has a feeling of deja vu.

"I am coming." Qin Yi took the nucleus. "When I use my knowledge to copy it again, after painting it on paper, you will come back. It is not that hard."

Sure enough, after the pattern was drawn on white paper, it seemed to be much clearer.

The martial art has a large array of stalactites and stalactites.

Lu Heng finally remembered where he had seen this similar pattern. Even if there are some differences, Lu Heng can be sure that this is the same thing as the lines that are formed on the stone wall to draw the array.

"The texture of the inner wall of this nucleus is a matrix method." Lu Heng said.

"What." Qin Yi said, "How can the things formed in this zombie brain be engraved with a formation? What is the formation?"

"This method should be the key to the appearance of aura nucleus in the devil's body. It's just that this method, I don't have any research." Lu Heng thought about it and rummaged through the storage bag.

"Give you."

Qin Yi took over what Lu Heng had thrown. He took a closer look and found that it was a jade slip with the words "Summary of the Array Method".

Qin Yi smiled bitterly: "I am not very good at this brainstorming."

"This method together with IQ does not matter, relying on the knowledge and understanding." Lu Heng added another sentence, "People with simple minds, sometimes more savvy."

With a subtle feeling of being despised by the sweetheart, Qin Yi put the jade on the forehead. At first glance, his mind was immersed in it.

Lu Heng sees Qin Yi's look and knows that this method of law is really suitable for him. The powerful strategists of Tianshimen are all born with powerful people, so Lu Heng can determine that Qin Yi will certainly have a harvest.

It took a few hours for Qin Yi to pull out his heart from the vast and innocent world of law. When he blinked, he saw a biscuit bag in front of Lu Heng.

"Do you eat or not?" Lu Heng handed a packet of cookies in the past.

Qin Yi touched his head: "I am going to get you some food."

"No, I am full, first say something right."

Qin Yi has already walked to the front door and listened to Lu Heng saying this, and turned back: "There has not been two days, and I am not afraid that the brothers thought I was dying."

However, Qin Yi, who went downstairs, didn't expect to be greeted by himself. It was a strange look that "the grass boss is really a beast for two days and 48 hours." Qin Yi remembered that he had never concealed his relationship with Lu Heng. It is a normal idea for these people to think this way.

Qin Yi, who only smelled the meat and smelled anything, did not eat anything. Qin Yi, under the eyes of a beast and beast, had a bowl of noodles, and some of them fell on the floor. At the end, he also heard someone wondering: "Isn't it a bowl of porridge?"

After eating and drinking, the two have the strength to work. In fact, Qin Yi is mainly studying the array method. Lu Heng practiced on the side. Once Qin Yi was discovered and the signs of excessive loss of consciousness, he was awakened in time.

In this way, the two have lived for several days. Finally Qin Yi is in the way of the law, it is the first step.

At this time, look at the grain on the crystal nucleus. Qin Yi is already in the heart: "This is a matrix of energy conversion."

"The magic gas is transformed into aura?" Lu Heng’s conjecture was confirmed.

"I haven't found the source yet, but it should be similar." Qin Yi said.

This discovery, like a line, concatenates everything that happened during this time. It’s just that Lu Heng has not waited for this mess, and the door is ringing.

"Yi Ge! Open the door! Big things are not good!"

It is Jiang Sile. As soon as he came in, he was anxious and could not attend other things. He said directly: "Yi Ge, I just had a dream. Two days later, the zombie was besieged!"

Qin Yi and Lu Heng were shocked. Although Jiang Sile was somewhat different, he would not lie on this matter. There is no benefit in lying on this matter. This must be true.

Qin Yi hurried down the stairs and called out the people in the room: "Yushan, old money, go to the high-speed speed abilities who are going to be at the base, and go out to explore the situation."

A few hours later, the speed versatile inquiries back to the situation is exactly the same as Jiang Sile said, a large number of zombie tides in all directions are coming to the w base, and it is expected that the world of the w base will be two days.

The way out in all directions has been cut off by the zombie tide. In addition, there are a large number of logisticians and ordinary people who have no resilience in this base. This battle cannot be retired and cannot be retired.

"Old money, Xiao He, Xiao Lin, you are divided to inform the leaders of the three forces, Yushan, you to inform the teams, find ways to call back the abilities around the base."

After seven days.

Qin Yi stood on the high tower of the base outside the base and looked at the endless zombie tide. Lu Heng holds a sword and stands by.

These seven days, the sharp knife team suffered heavy losses. Even the practice of practice avoids the infection of the abilities, but many people are still dying. The strength is too great. The entire base was guarded by a knives team with some idle abilities.

The three giants who controlled the w base left the base ten days ago. It is said that they went to the A base to participate in an important meeting. Qin Yi is a fool who will think that this is a coincidence.

Lu Heng and Qin Yi actually suspected that they were alone. It was only during this time that they were busy studying the arrays engraved on the inner wall of the nucleus, but they did not relax the surveillance of Jiang Sile. Jiang Sile didn't have any difference during this time. He didn't leave the base, and he didn't even have time to leave the small building.

It’s just that. It is not the time to go into this matter. The most important thing in front of us is how to solve the zombie siege crisis.

"Jiang Sile told me that he foresees the reason for the zombie siege." Qin Yi said, "Zombie King."

The zombie king, surpassing the existence of the nine-level zombies. Although the abilities have always seen the highest level of zombies, there are only nine levels. But in theory, such a long time passed, with the evolution rate of zombies, there should be zombies that surpassed the ninth level.

Now, the theoretical zombie king finally appears, with a zombie army, the first prey under the fangs is the w base.

"Do you believe him?" Lu Heng said.

"If you don't believe what to do, this is the last way to kill the zombie king. This zombie army will naturally disperse." Qin Yi said, "Even if he said it was fake, I have no problem with the whole body. ""

"I am going with you."

Without further ado, the matter of taking the town base was handed over to Yushan, and the two of them left for the hiding place of the Zombie King that Jiang Sile said.

Qin Yi’s mentality explores the road, and the two try to avoid the place where the zombies gather. When they can’t avoid it, they will kill a **** road.

"It is indeed in front, there is an extremely powerful energy response." Qin Yi said.

In fact, Qin Yi said, even Lu Heng felt the magic of the sky: "It does not converge at all, this is leading us."

The two looked at each other and understood the war in each other's eyes. At this point, there is only one battle.

I thought that it would take some effort to get to the side of the zombie king. I don’t want to be smooth, and the zombies all the way seem to be taking the initiative to open the way for them. Until the side of the zombie king, it turned out to be empty, as if knowing that the lower-level zombies were just cannon fodder and deliberately emptied.

This zombie king is afraid that he already has wisdom.

Among the open spaces, the zombie standing is completely out of shape. It is huge in size and looks like it is three or four meters high. The body is tangled, but it is full of limbs. There is no place for decay. When Lu Heng saw it, he knew that this was already recorded in the sects of the classics.

This face has already begun to be assimilated by the monster.

When the Zombie King saw two people, he whispered and rushed over. Although the body of this zombie is huge, the speed is not slow, and it is in front of me. Lu Heng pulled the sword to meet, and the dust was against the huge claws that were swung.

Lu Heng was pushed by the giant force to slide backwards for a distance. What is even more terrifying is that the polyester dust did not leave a mark on the skin of the zombie king. This is something that has never happened before.

A golden red flame arrow seized the opportunity and shot at the eyes of the zombie king. Qin Yi has practiced Xiaocheng and mastered the art of primary flame change. This flame arrow is a very practical trick that can directly attack the weakness of the zombies.

The Zombie King was very protective about his weaknesses. When he saw the flame arrow, he raised his right hand and blocked the situation. The flame arrow was crushed by the zombie king, but it did not dissipate, but it burned all the way with its palm.

The zombie king saw a spurt of black gas in his mouth. After a few entanglements, the flame was not able to withstand the black gas, and it was extinguished.

"This monster has mastered the use of magical gas. Unlike ordinary zombies, we are afraid that these attacks are difficult to work!" Lu Heng took the road in the palm of his hand and used the blood to feed the dusty sword.

Lu Heng perceives that there are several strong breaths coming here. This Zombie King is estimated to have called the senior zombies responsible for the siege. The situation suddenly became critical. He and Qin Yi were reluctant to deal with the Zombie King. If there were a few more senior zombies, they would have to go hand in hand.

Must be quick and quick.

There, Qin Yi also perceives the high-level zombies who came. He is a natural warrior. He used to use the knife-tips and **** bullets. The more critical the situation, the faster the brain turns, and the method of killing the zombie king is rapidly formed in Qin Yi’s mind.

"Give me some time, first block this zombie king." For Lu Heng's combat power, Qin Yi has full confidence.

Lu Heng knew that he should have a method, a bite of his tongue, sprayed on the dusty sword. After the dust is wrapped around the wind and thunder, the sword is held in both hands.

I saw a pair of long legs of the baby face youth, like a spring full of strength, squatting on the ground, the whole person is like a cannonball, and even the man with a sword tied to the eyes of the zombie king.

After all, the zombie king is huge, and Lu Heng is as fast as lightning. It can't dodge, just have to take the giant palm to block.

But how can this man's sword be combined? The flame arrow can be compared. Just look at the giant palm of the zombie king was stabbed by the dust, but the dust is not declining, and he plunged into the huge red eye.

Under the severe pain, the Zombie King broke out with a huge force, and Lu Heng was opened with a sword. That force is too big, Lu Heng did not even have time to change in the air, and he slammed into the big tree. The tree that was held by one person was shaken by the branches, and a leaf fell rain.

The rust smell of Lu Heng's mouth, I do not know whether it was before the bite of the tongue or was injured by this viscera. Lu Heng only felt that his eyes were black. He used his dust to support his body, and he barely stood up, but his throat was sweet and he spurted a blood. Lu Heng was finally unable to support, one leg squatted on the ground, panting vigorously.

The zombie king has already recovered from the pain at this moment, and the IQ is not high, it subconsciously goes to find the one who hurts his most. See Lu Hengyu on the ground, shaking and thinking about coming over and killing the person who hurt himself.

A glazed flame ignited on the ground. The flame did not directly burn the unbreakable skin of the zombie king. Instead, it traced the mysterious traces on the ground at a very fast speed.

Not far away, Qin Yi followed his own bleeding wound and walked toward Lu Heng. Without the material of aura, he had to use his own blood to draw the volts and then ignite it with three real fires. Fortunately, Lu Heng attracted all the attention of the Zombie King, so that he had time to draw this method.

The volts are formed. The zombie king was trapped in the battle and could no longer be close to Lu Heng. This is far from the power of this array. The glass flame runs along the blood and the last step, the line of sight straightens, and the flames rise from the sky. I was magnified and I did not know how many times the three fires were really covered, and the zombie king was covered tightly.

Qin Yi raised Lu Heng with one hand, and the two men mentioned the last strength, and watched the zombie king who had already burned the fireball in the battle.

The flame gradually dissipated, and the zombie king had burnt into a dark, unidentified object, and he could not die any more. Lu Heng and the two were relaxed, sitting on the ground, and the strength of moving together was gone.

"You are fine." Qin Yi asked.

Lu Heng shook his head and barely lifted a bit of strength to bandage Qin Yi. The wound in his hand was too deep, and he had been bleeding from the outside, leaving no matter whether this person was estimated to have lost blood.

Lu Heng wrapped up the wound and looked up to what Qin Yi said. But seeing his face changed a lot, then pushed himself away.

Lu Heng, who rolled to the side, turned back and saw Qin Yi being scratched to the face by a mouse-sized beast and claws. The wound was long from the eyebrows and passed straight to the lower jaw. Under the pain of Qin Yi, it was still the backhand that pinched the beast and burned it to ashes.

The strange beast that appeared in this strange body appeared from the belly of the zombie king. This escaped the perception of the two men and escaped the three real fires. He survived to the present and stunned two people at the last moment.