MTL - How To Die As Heavy As Mount Tai-Chapter 60 Pope His Majesty the Holy Light

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As soon as Surrey heard the dragon attack, it changed dramatically.

The dragon family is not too friendly to humans.

The dragon's nature likes gorgeous things. Almost every dragon has a huge treasure house, which is full of valuable treasures. At the beginning, the dragon didn't just stay on Long Island. Long Island is actually not enough for these huge guys. Each dragon has a strong sense of territory and the strength is stronger. The dragon is full of breath.

When the dragons still lived on the mainland, there would be no beasts in the entire mountain range where the dragons lived. If they are too close together, they are tortured each other. But the dragons finally disappeared on this continent.

The reason is very simple, the dragon has a big problem. They like to sleep, and it is normal to sleep for a hundred years. And the dragon that is in a deep sleep is hard to wake up. What happens to the sleepy dragon and the treasure house of the rich enemy, naturally it goes without saying.

As a result, many dragons woke up and found that their treasure house was half empty. The violent dragon, even if it is revenge, can not find those shameful thieves. In addition, there are also blood-stricken teenagers who are addicted to the legends of Dragon Slayer, often failing to challenge the dragon.

Although the dragon can kill these little ants with one foot, it is not a pleasant thing to be disturbed by sleep. After a long period of unbearable disturbance, the remaining dragons on the mainland moved back to Long Island and almost no longer appeared.

With the gods of the dragons, the stories of the dragons and the dragon knights gradually faded away in the poetry of the bard. Some of the dragons that had been stolen from the treasures ruined several towns as revenge when they left. If the dragon is hardly ever seen, it is estimated that it will be taken to the evil camp.

On the day of the coronation of the new Emperor of the Bega Empire, what happened to this sudden dragon.

"The Pope, this dragon does not know that it is an enemy or a friend. There are many ordinary people who do not practice vindictiveness or magic. I am worried that I can't protect them by the Imperial Guards alone," Surrey told Lu Heng.

"I am going with you." Lu Heng nodded.

"You go back to the room." Surrey went to the side of Princess Windsor, and then hurried out of the banquet hall with Lu Heng.

In the garden, the Royal Guards guarded the aristocrats who attended the banquet in the inner circle, and their hands were in the air.

In the midair, a huge black shadow was suspended. The black shadow slowly fell, and the gryphonic knights on the side immediately flew into the air with the gryphon, far from being prepared.

This is a golden dragon.

When Lu Hengyi came out, he recognized the dragon in the air. The dragons have different branches, and the different dragons are good at different branches. Blue Dragon is good at ice magic, red dragon is good at fire magic, bronze dragon is extremely strong, and Jade Dragon controls the power of space and so on.

And the golden dragon, proficient in the whole system of dragon language magic, magic immunity, physical attacks are powerful.

"I am the Guardian of Time, the Weaver, the Lord of the Earth, the Space Manager, the Lord of the Storm, the Lord of the Dragons, Ionas." The dragon sounds in the air, and no one can understand it. But the meaning of this language has directly entered every brain.

Sure enough, he was the only gold dragon on the mainland, the half **** Ionas. If he comes with hostility, he only needs a bit of a sigh of relief, and no one can survive in the presence.

Lu Heng secretly clenched his scepter, but fortunately today's evening class added a lot of faith. To protect some people under the golden dragon's claws, you can still try it out. At least, the seven cardinals behind him can't make any scorpions. They are the mainstay of the Pope.


Lu Heng heard a very slight whisper on his side. It turned out to be Princess Windsor, she did not go back to her room, but followed.

This very slight sound caused the attention of the dragon in the air, and his golden erect was immediately seen.

Princess Windsor is only a teenage girl after all, and she has never left the capital. After being swept away by the golden dragon, he was suddenly taken a step back by the momentum. The place where she stood, just behind the pool, this retreat, just squatted on the edge of the pool.

"His Royal Highness Princess!" The maid around her exclaimed, and she reached out to pull her.

It turned out that Princess Windsor was stunned by the edge of the pool, and the body lost its balance and leaned back. When she saw it, she fell into the pool. Although the maid pulled her sleeves in time, she was brought along like a pool.

Lu Heng couldn't watch the two girls fall into the pool. He stepped forward and grabbed the left hand of Princess Windsor waving in the air to the back.

"Thank you." After Princess Wensha stood firm, she quickly thanked Lu Hengdao.

"This is the princess of your humanity?" Lu Heng did not say anything, he heard the sound of the air.

"Protect the Princess of the Princess!" Then there was some flustered sound from Surrey.

Lu Heng turned back and saw the air dragon flying over the Princess Windsor behind him. Lu Heng’s scepter moves, and the bright stone at the top of the scepter is a great glory, forming a shield to protect the Princess of Windsor behind him.

Ionas, the reason why it will appear here, has to start from a few days ago. As the most powerful gold dragon of the dragon family, Ionas has the largest territory, the most treasures, and the longest sleep.

This is the first time that Ionas has woken up for thousands of years, just in time for a meeting of the dragons. This exchange meeting is usually held when most of the dragons are awake. The content of the exchange is very simple, is to show off the new treasures of this time.

The lives of the dragons are actually very boring, and there is nothing else to do except to sleep. After all, the strength of the dragon comes from the racial talent and the memory of inheritance. It generally grows stronger with the growth of the age, and it does not need to be as hard as human beings to exchange for strength. Many dragons woke up and found that their strength has grown a lot.

One is called Lichkas Green Dragon, and recently got a new treasure. Lichkas was only two thousand years old. He was still a young boy with a slap in the face. He has been in the middle of the mainland for a long time. After getting the new treasure, I will bring it back to participate in this exchange meeting that I don’t know how many years.

The treasure of Lichkas is a man, a bard. This bard, if viewed from the human eye, is indeed very outstanding. In the eyes of the dragon, it is also worthwhile. After all, he has a blond hair that is brighter than gold, and a pair of eyes that are more dazzling than sapphires.

However, if there are piles of gold coins and treasures piled together, it will still be much better than this person.

Lichkas was not convinced to see the glory of the giants. His treasures have the most beautiful voice, and they sing better than that night.

"Lance, you just sing a poem to them," Lichkas said sullenly.

"Follow, my dear little green dragon." The bard named Lance squinted and took out the lute.

The poet's voice is indeed like a scorpio, and it is even more beautiful than the white elves singing. Hearing the dragons in the room are drowsy. Well, this is the highest praise of the dragons for good things.

For example, the pile of treasures I got today, I have a good sleep. This is the dragon's highest praise for the treasure.

However, Ionas is not happy. Because he heard his name in this long poem.

In the long poem, Ionas, who is a demigod, did not go to the gods, but chose to stay in the mainland for the most beautiful rose princess in humanity.

The dragon looks at the bright smile of the Princess Rose than any treasure, and forcibly retrieves the princess back to the cave and holds all the treasures to the princess. But no matter how many treasures can't change a smile of the princess, the dragon is not willing to give up the princess. In the end, the princess was depressed and lost in her hometown and relatives. In order to punish themselves, the cherished dragon gave up to the gods, but stayed forever in the land of this fostered Princess Rose.

Ionas is very angry.

He is a very high-quality dragon, and the treasures in his caves are all selected in the thousands. This human princess is simply not qualified as a treasure to enter his cave. These stupid humans dared to fabricate the noble dragon master.

The dragon's temper is not very good, and there is nothing wrong with saying that it is a grumpy temper. Not to mention the filth of the Lord of the Dragon. Ionas, who is thunderous, decided to go to see the most beautiful princess in mankind. If she could be more beautiful than her own collection, she would grab it back as one of the collections.

In this case, this long poem is not the master of the honorable dragon, and he can barely forgive those human beings. If the princess can't match his ugliest collection, the main dragon of the dragon, Ionas, will have to pay for humanity.

Princess Windsor is the most beautiful human princess now sung in the barking population.

Just after Ionas heard the voice of someone calling the princess, I immediately looked at it. At first glance, the Lord of the Lord Dragon is stunned. The light golden hair that is warmer than the morning sun, the green eyes that are more transparent than the leaves of the oldest tree of life, and the seductive soft lips of the eternal flower of the gods.

Ionas felt that he had discovered the most precious treasure.

Seeing that the golden dragon swooped down, the Griffin Knights had to step forward, but they squatted on the mount but did not listen to the command, and they all fell on the ground and trembled. Even the mighty griffin can't be beaten in front of Longwei.

Surrey pulled out the long sword and blocked it on the road of the golden dragon. He wanted to protect his sister, but he was sprayed aside by the dragon. Seeing the dragon is getting closer and closer to Princess Windsor.

The timid aristocrat even squinted and did not dare to see the scene where the beautiful Princess Windsor was taken away by the dragon.

The strong winds of the dragon's wide wings blew through, and the people on the ground could not even open their eyes. The scene returned to calm until the dragon left.

Surrey jumped from the ground and hurriedly said: "Gryphon Knights! The whole team set off to rescue the princess... Windsor, why are you still here?"

The holy and beautiful Princess Windsor, who took the wide sword of Surrey’s hand, rushed in one direction with the skirt: “Dragon! Put down the Pope!”