MTL - How to Feed an Abyss!-Chapter 35 convoy out of town

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10 minutes ago, the defense line at the south gate of Gleaming City.

Bing Siyun stood on the city wall, and a soldier saluted him: "Lieutenant Bing, ammunition support has arrived."

Bing Siyun: "Okay, I understand."

The soldiers were ready for battle, all the defensive turrets were raised, and the aircraft whizzed past overhead.

Bing Siyun hasn't rested for a long time, his eyes are red, and the stubble from the beard that he didn't have time to shave is green. Since the i-level warning, the monitors reported that the infection rate of the abyss has risen as a whole. It is obviously not the breeding season, but the monsters are extremely restless.

At the beginning of the peak period, the battle situation will not change significantly.

But like a blunt knife cutting through flesh, everything went downhill irreversibly.

what can we do about it? How long can the city last?

Can they wait until the trough returns as before?

As soon as this almost weak idea came up, he suppressed it.

Bing Siyun turned around, intending to instruct the adjutant to add two patrol teams, but just as he was about to speak, he found that he couldn't see anything.

What is in front of me is real, and there is nothing.

Only rich to the extreme black.

…what is this? he thought blankly.

Am I... dead?

The buzzer brought him back to reality: the infection detector on his waist was screaming, and Bing Siyun had never heard such a high-frequency warning sound. If he could see the pollution value, he would find that it had reached its peak. Because it cannot be displayed, it becomes a string of garbled characters.

He trembled involuntarily.

Bing Siyun has been in the battlefield for a long time. He has been to the most dangerous outposts and has done wilderness rescue for five or six years. He has been in the army for more than 20 years. He thinks he has seen too many monsters, but he has never been so frightened for a moment.

The darkness was silent, but he heard a strange noise.

How to describe it?

It was like the echo of the deep sea, the noise of alien stars, the silent sigh of the skeleton crawling out of the grave under the fresh soil; Make people fall insane forever.

This is probably the sound when everything is annihilated.

However, at the end of annihilation...

He seemed to see a lighthouse-like light.

After a few seconds, the darkness receded.

Drenched in sweat, Bing Siyun turned around abruptly.

A burst of black mist disappeared at the end of the wasteland, so fast it was almost an illusion. His hands were still shaking, and he reported to the command center. Five minutes later, the communication terminal received a notification: [It has been confirmed as the infection wavelength of Abyss No. 0, please reply immediately]

The sky over the moor is pink today.

The mutated flower group has bright colors and is as tall as three or four people, spewing out spores and poisonous gas. However, when a black mist approached them, they quickly curled up, the petals were dehydrated, the roots shrank, and they retracted into the ground, almost like fleeing.

Not only them, where the black mist passed, several mutated wolves backed away whimpering with their tails between their legs, giant birds flew in fright, and the crooked-neck tree with its mouth full closed its mouth tightly, pretending to be an ordinary tree .

The black mist moved forward and stopped in front of a messy grove.

Then, it condensed together and slowly outlined a human figure—

The young boy had devil horns on his first head, black scales at the end of his eyes, and the treachery along the way, like a messenger from hell, hiding the most dangerous things in the world under his harmless and beautiful appearance.

At this moment, the messenger of **** encountered a small problem:

Shi Yuan stood in front of the woods with a dazed face.

He felt he was lost.

The battle is fierce, and the sounds of monsters are everywhere. He thought he could find the main battlefield smoothly and kill a monster secretly, but he didn't expect that he came to a deserted place.

He looks away.

A small iceberg hangs upside down on the far horizon. It is obviously a thousand tons in weight, but it is as light as a cloud, and it can float tens of kilometers away when the wind blows.

Special infection creature "Fukawa".

A large group of albatrosses spread their wings, each of which was covered with ice, and surrounded the "Fuchuan" densely like a storm. Although not as powerful as the "horn", when the "fuchuan" made a strange clear sound, snowflakes fell one after another, melting the metal and rotting the flesh. It is the culprit for this Level II warning.

Afterwards, the armed helicopters and aircraft took off like a swarm of bees, facing the blizzard, and headed straight into the sky.

- Shi Yuan knew intuitively that it was Lu Tinghan who was directing.

Lu Tinghan must be surrounded by military officers and leaders, unexpectedly his little devil has sneaked out of the city and walked with the monster.

Humans belong to humans, monsters belong to monsters, the two sides have returned to the beginning, and each has its own place.

Shi Yuan withdrew his gaze, and looked at the forest in front of him again.

There are a lot of monsters in this forest, but Shi Yuan doesn't want to kill them. Out of selfishness, he only wants to find those who attack humans.

He was hesitating where to go when he suddenly saw a few deep car marks on the wet soil in the forest, bypassing the rocks and rolling to the depths.

Under the influence of Lu Tinghan for several months, although Shi Yuan did not have much military knowledge, he also judged with his poor common sense that the car marks were very fresh, and the human convoy should have just passed by.

It's a pity that knowledge cannot be spread by touching the head.

Even if he and Lu Tinghan slept head to head together, knowledge has no osmotic pressure, and it will not flow from places with high concentration to places with low concentration. Otherwise, Shi Yuan would realize that this is the alliance's third vanguard team, responsible for work outside the city.

The movement of the convoy is loud, driving slowly in this terrain, it is likely to be attacked by restless monsters.

——Actually, Shi Yuan had already heard the whispers of the monsters.

In the sky, the first wave of "Fuchuan"'s offensive retreated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The world in the distance is temporarily quiet.

Shi Yuan hesitated for a few seconds and followed the car mark.

His judgment was right, the convoy was just two hundred meters away and in trouble.

The convoy is heading to support the South Outpost, fully armed and carrying a large amount of military supplies. Theoretically, they should drive in the wilderness with a wide view, but this piece of undergrowth is very narrow and long. If they want to detour, the convoy will take a lot of wrong roads. Can pass in 8 minutes.

However, it was during these 8 minutes that something went wrong.

A military vehicle had a flat tire.

Military tires are different from ordinary tires. They use composite materials, add skeletons and internal supports, and are extremely strong, durable and durable. The rubber in the inner liner provides self-sealing ability, and it can be normal even after being hit by several bullets. Driving, enough to deal with more than 95 monster attacks.

There is an exception to everything, and a spike protruding from the ground pierced it.

It runs through the body from bottom to top, with pierced ones, and the co-pilot warrior.

There was no time for panic or mourning, and the people in the same car quickly moved to other vehicles. And the spike retracted silently, as if waiting for the next attack.

When Shi Yuan found them, a military vehicle was parked next to the wrecked vehicle, facing its door, so that the soldiers in that vehicle could get on the vehicle.

"Da da da da da—!"

There was a burst of shooting, and Shi Yuan curled up his tail in fright.

It was a machine gun on a military vehicle. The woods seemed empty, but the bullets hit the surroundings but hit...all kinds of weird things. Several bushes were shot, and green sap sprayed out, as if humans had been hit by a major artery. They twisted in pain, and the branches stretched forward but were ignited by flamethrowers; into several pieces, and those small stones rolled slowly and gathered together to reconstruct a larger stone.

The strafing never stopped for a second, and absolute firepower suppression was the only way to ensure that monsters could not approach.

Shi Yuan hid far away, crouching down to ensure that stray bullets would not hit him. In front of him are tree roots covered with moss and two mutated mushrooms.

The mushroom has eyes and fish scales, and his eyes are big and small.

Amidst the gunshots, Shi Yuan whispered, "How are you guys?"


Shi Yuan said, "Don't be afraid, they can't hit you here."


Like other monsters, they refuse to communicate with Shi Yuan, but they can't run away without long legs, so they can only close their eyes, pretending not to see Shi Yuan.

Shi Yuan still kept a low voice: "You guys are really rude."

He named them "Stinky Fish" and "Rotten Shrimp", and thought they were far less cute than scrap metal.

A minute later, the last soldier crawled to the door, his right hand tightly grasped a pistol/gun, and was about to straddle the opposite vehicle. The moment he stretched out his foot, something moved in his peripheral vision—

It was too late and then too soon, he instinctively raised the gun to the ground and pulled the trigger!

The power of the heavy pistol/gun is huge, and the bullets splashed mud and hit the monster!

The monster hidden in the soil suffered from pain, twisted its body wildly, and the earth was turned upside down. Taking advantage of this gap, the soldier closed the car door, and countless bullets poured in here. In the chaos, the monster showed its real body. It was a silver fish with no eyes, and its whole body was shining like diamonds, but its dorsal fin was deadly. of spines. Just now, it was its dorsal fin that suddenly elongated and pierced the vehicle.

The whitebait slammed into the soil again. It is said that it is like a fish in water, but it is incredibly flexible in the soil, as if it melts in it. However, the machine guns of the convoy are extremely powerful. Once the prey is killed, it will not stop. The bullets are like a rainstorm, cutting the ground five meters below. On the first floor, I saw the whitebait lying motionless, the scales of the fish were beaten to pieces, and transparent blood flowed out.

it died.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The convoy didn't dare to stop, drove to the end of the woods, and disappeared after a while.

Shi Yuan walked out of the darkness cautiously.

The pierced military vehicle was parked in place, fully loaded with supplies, and the engine was still hot. But in a few days, or a few hours later, it will be covered with infected vines and moss, and then used as a nest by several small infected creatures, and the corpse of the co-pilot will mutate or become some kind of monster delicious meal.

When Shi Yuan approached, he wanted to take a look at the silver fish—

"Cough cough! Cough cough cough!" There was a violent coughing sound in the car.

...that person is not dead!

Shi Yuan ran over and opened the half-rotten car door with all his strength, and saw blood spit out from the corner of the soldier's mouth, his hands and feet were convulsed, but he stretched out his hand forward, as if trying to grab something.

"Can you hear me?" Shi Yuan asked eagerly.

The soldier didn't answer, he couldn't help shaking his head, twisting his body slightly, struggling, as if he was extremely unwilling to stay in the car. Shi Yuan took one of his arms and brought him out with difficulty, letting him sit against the car.

There is a layer of fluff on the warrior's right neck, like that of a spider or a moth. If you look carefully, in his half-opened eyes, the pupil is a compound eye structure composed of countless small eyes.

This is a mutant warrior who has been infected by insects.

The mutation brought him a vitality that surpassed that of human beings, otherwise everyone would die on the spot.

But his blood was gurgling.

Shi Yuan got into the car again, rummaged through boxes and cabinets in the car, threw away a few guns, removed a few pieces of solid military rations, and finally found the inhibitor and medical kit under the seat.

Inside the box was a bunch of things he had never seen before, Shi Yuan didn't know how to use them, so he could only carry them back to the soldier, picked out a bandage, and tried to wrap the wound.

—He didn't know that it was absolutely impossible to recover from this injury. Even if this person is discovered by his comrades, he will be executed under the euthanasia law.

Shi Yuan buried his head in pressing on the wound, but the blood was still flowing and couldn't stop.

He struggled for a while until something cold pressed against his head.

Shi Yuan looked up and saw the black muzzle of the gun.

The soldier's eyes were dull, he could no longer see anything, but he regained a little consciousness when the light came back, and he pointed the gun at Shi Yuan.

The gun is deadly, one bullet is enough to penetrate the entire head.

Shi Yuan didn't know if he would die if he was shot in the head, but he didn't care too much about it: "Ah, you're awake!" He was pleasantly surprised, and then said, "Don't worry, I'm not an enemy , can you tell me how to use the medical kit?"

The soldier raised his gun, and his strength increased a bit: Shi Yuan understood what he meant, and he didn't want to make any more moves.

Shi Yuan said again, "I'm here to help you."

After an unknown amount of time, the soldier spoke slowly, his voice seemed to have been ground by sandpaper: " are not human."

Shi Yuan was taken aback.

All human research has proved that monsters cannot have advanced minds, let alone become humans. He came from outside the city, some people doubted his origin, some people doubted his past, but no one ever doubted that he was a monster.

Perhaps before dying, the man's mind became confused.

The blood was still flowing, and Shi Yuan was spattered with scarlet red. He didn't dare to hesitate, and decided to lie again: "How is it possible? Look, I'm still talking to you. Tell me how to use these, and I can save you." of."

"No, no, you are definitely not human." The soldier tilted his head slightly, staring at him with lifeless eyes, trying to burn a hole in his face, and what he said in the next second made Shi Yuan feel like falling into ice Cave, he said softly, "...does the land general know about this?"