MTL - How to Feed an Abyss!-Chapter 4 hijack

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Two slender tentacles supported the survivors' backs and lifted them into the air. If you look closely, the tentacles penetrate the skin and are connected to the spine, and every nerve is manipulated—this is why they can wave.

When he was lifted up by the tentacles, one of the man's shoes fell off, exposing his swollen and blue foot.

The two were dead long ago and became puppets of the tentacles.

The two corpses were hung in the air, and their movements were still alive. The man looked around eagerly, and the woman raised her hands and waved them like real people calling for help. There are tumor-like protrusions on the tentacles, which are covered with feathers. At this time, the protrusions split to reveal the mouthparts.

The mouthparts opened and closed, and shouted in a male voice: "Where are you going, why don't you leave us?"

Then it screamed in a female voice: "Don't leave us! Please, save us! I have a baby at home!"

Lu Bafang was terrified.

Without the tentacles, he wouldn't be able to tell if it was a real person. If he dies here, he will also become a puppet, controlled by the tentacles to attract the next group of people.

Fortunately, maybe their movement was too small, the tentacles didn't notice them, but a few of them chased the convoy. The convoy drove away completely, and there was almost no gunfire, only the screams of the tentacles imitating humans, and the sound of breaking the wind when they twisted.

This sudden silence did not relieve the tension. Lu Bafang's palms were sweating, and when he turned his head, he saw that Shi Yuan was also staring at the tentacles intently.

His demeanor was calm.

Just like the calmness when reaching out to the queen bee, even the curiosity in the eyes is neither sad nor happy.

At this moment, Lu Bafang felt strange in his heart.

It seems that Shi Yuan and the monster are on the same side.

This feeling is fleeting. He clenched his pistol/gun in one hand, took out his mobile phone and typed in the other hand, and handed it to Shi Yuan to see: [They will contact the city, the city is not far away, and support will arrive soon]

After thinking for a while, he added another sentence: [Don't be afraid, I have already sent our coordinates, they will come back]

In fact, Lu Bafang didn't know if someone would come to rescue them.

From a humanitarian point of view, no one should be given up; but the reality is often cruel. There are only two of them, spending a lot of manpower and financial resources for two people, and returning to the territory of high-risk infectious agents is definitely a loss-making business. Command Center will not approve.

If the reinforcements really came, there could only be one reason: this place is too close to the city, and the command center believes that the infected creatures should be eradicated immediately to avoid threatening the city.

But it is impossible for Lu Bafang to tell Shi Yuan like this.

Shi Yuan read what he typed, nodded silently, and retracted his head.

The remaining tentacles slowly returned to the ground, and even the two corpses in the air were gone.

When you are not sure about the monster's habits, staying still can at least keep you alive. The two of them just lay on the **** like this, silent, listening to each other's breathing, killing the dead silence.

Shi Yuan lay on his stomach and began to feel bored.

If in the past, he didn't know the danger of the monster, he would definitely stand up and leave, and he didn't even need to act. Besides, he speculated from the queen bee that he might be able to deal with tentacles.

But he didn't want to expose himself, otherwise, Lu Bafang would hate him as much as Xie Qianming.

He quite likes Lu Bafang, and has heard many stories from Lu Bafang.

Shi Yuan flicked his tail lightly, looked sideways, Lu Bafang looked very nervous, his hand holding the gun was too hard, his fingertips were slightly blue.

He thought, let's stay here with Lu Bafang.

Humans, like him, are creatures afraid of being alone.

The sun was shining on them, but fortunately the temperature was not high. Every minute and every second was very difficult. Two or three hours passed, and when the two drank the last drop of water in the kettle, it finally came to the time of morning and evening.

Lu Bafang repeatedly confirmed the terminal.

The command center received the coordinates he sent, and only told him to stand by and wait for further news. As a result, there has been no sign of reinforcements until now.

He hesitated for a long time, and continued typing to Shi Yuan: [Wait another half an hour, if there is no news, we will try to save ourselves]

Shi Yuan nodded.

After half an hour, there is no message on the terminal. Lu Bafang took off the dagger he carried with him, handed it to Shi Yuan, and typed: [Crawl forward, if you are found, run forward, don't worry about me and don't look back]

Shi Yuan took the dagger, and Lu Bafang took the lead to crawl towards the north - there was a rock not far away, which could be used as a temporary shelter, and there were several dead trees with crooked necks seven or eight hundred meters away. The crawling posture was awkward, slow and strenuous, and he didn't know how far the tentacles could move. This was a difficult and dangerous attempt, but they had no choice.

Shi Yuan followed behind him.

Before climbing a hundred meters, he heard a buzzing sound from the ground.

Tentacles spotted them, approaching at high speed!

Human ears cannot hear this sound, Lu Bafang is ignorant.

Shi Yuan stopped his movements and turned his head.

He was a little sad, he didn't want to kill the queen bee, and he didn't want to kill these tentacles, but since it was inevitable, he had to let them die.

His tail scales were originally submissive, delicate and smooth, and he could have a good dream all night while sleeping with him, but now he looks like some kind of animal that blows its hair when it is frightened or ready to attack, the scales slowly open and close, making metal-like friction The sound is as sharp as iron spines. The few black scales under the corners of his eyes became more and more strange at this moment, reflecting his skin white and transparent.

He is still beautiful.

It's just that this beauty has thorns, treacherous and evil like a **** knife.

"Buzz buzz—"

When the tentacles reached under them, they suddenly stopped and went straight in the opposite direction—several explosions resounded in the sky! It is extremely ear-piercing, like countless sharp knives blatantly piercing the sky!

Lu Bafang suddenly turned his head and shouted: "Get down and don't move!"

Before Shi Yuan could react, Lu Bafang had already pounced on him. From the corner of his eye, he saw several aircraft appearing in the sky, attacking in unison with the sound of breaking wind. They dropped the bombs, and two seconds later the ground shook, and the sky was filled with mud and rocks that splashed several meters.

Air raids are coming.

Enraged, the tentacles stretched towards the sky with all their strength, trying to pull the aircraft down, but to no avail.

After two rounds of bombardment, the aircraft went straight away. Immediately afterwards, a group of people appeared from the north of the wilderness. They were fully armed and came walking on the smoke and dust of the explosion.

Tentacles were bombarded to death, but a few were still flailing furiously. It was another fierce fight, with bullets, knife light, and roaring, Shi Yuan poked his head out to watch, but was pushed back by Lu Bafang: "Don't look, don't look, be careful of stray bullets!"

Shi Yuan had no choice but to shrink back and asked, "Have they come to save us?"

"...That's it." Lu Bafang showed a complicated smile, "In short, we can't die for the time being."

They are still lying in place.

After some time, the sound of footsteps came, and a man with one eye and a gun appeared in front of them.

Shi Yuan noticed that there were snake-like green scales from his chin to his neck.

Cyclops looked at the two of them, and his eyes stopped on Shi Yuan for three seconds, then he turned his head to the communication terminal and said, "I found two targets, start moving."

He made a gesture, and Lu Bafang understood, and pulled Shi Yuan to get up.

Before they could stand up, a tentacle silently appeared behind the one-eyed dragon. Just as Shi Yuan was about to speak out to remind him, he saw the man with backhand shots piercing the tentacles as if he had eyes behind his back. Green blood drenched him all over, the tentacles were too close, and the gun that knocked him flying while writhing in pain The muzzle reappeared, shouting in a human voice: "Don't kill me! I'm still alive, I'm not a monster !"

After finishing speaking, it shook suddenly, pushing the female corpse puppet in front of the one-eyed dragon.

The body of the female body was tightly wrapped, coupled with the vivid movements, it was hard to tell whether it was dead or alive at first glance.

The one-eyed dragon clicked his tongue, clamped its head and neck with both hands without any hesitation, and exerted force suddenly. The muscles on his arm bulged, and there was a terrible explosion, and the skull of the female corpse was crushed by him. The broken bone pierced into the palm of his hand, and he seemed to be indifferent to the pain. He drew out the knife and stabbed the joint between the tentacles and the spine of the female corpse with his backhand. With a stroke, the corpse fell to the ground.

Taking advantage of this gap, several tentacles drilled out of the ground and ran towards the three of them, but they were knocked down by the bullet again.

The support came, and three or four people raised their guns and completely killed the tentacles in this area.

——If Shi Yuan has a little common sense, then he will realize that the strength and reaction speed of these fighters are by no means what humans can possess.

But he has no common sense, he just thinks these people are amazing.

The battle came to an end, and only a few tentacles were left lingering.

"Let's go." Cyclops retracted his knife and raised his chin at them.

Shi Yuan and Lu Bafang followed him, boarded the off-road vehicle that had just arrived, and finally left this land of right and wrong. Lu Bafang let out a long breath, and with the joy of remaining alive after the catastrophe, he leaned back on the chair wearily and closed his eyes.

They are safe.

The car drove north for half an hour and arrived at a temporary camp. Several vehicles were parked on the periphery, soldiers with guns patrolled back and forth, and reinforcements had already set up tents and bandaged the wounded.

The reinforcements from the city were divided into two groups, one group went to meet the convoy, and the other group went to Shi Yuan's side. And the single people who were rescued on the road were all gathered here.

Shi Yuan and Lu Bafang saw Wang Yu as soon as they got out of the car.

Wang Yu was limping with a bandage on her head, she was stunned when she saw them, and murmured: "Great, you are still alive..."

She gave Lu Bafang a hug, and touched Shi Yuan's head.

Shi Yuan and Lu Bafang had their blood drawn and stayed in a guarded tent to wait for the results.

It turned out that neither of them was infected.

Coming out of the tent, Lu Bafang went to look for his good brother among the wounded. Shi Yuan didn't know anyone else, so he was just idle, wandering around.

There are quite a lot of wounded. There is not enough manpower, the seriously injured are treated first, and those who are slightly injured gather together, either gnashing their teeth to bandage themselves, or lying on the ground moaning/groaning.

Shi Yuan saw that some people's wounds began to grow feathers—the feathers were exactly the same as those on the tentacles, trembling in the wind, like very gorgeous flowers. These people were taken away by medical staff, and Shi Yuan didn't know where they went.

Shi Yuan just watched for a while, secretly observing the human beings, watching their expressions, movements and conversations.

He didn't leave until a few eyes fell on him, making his anthropophobia start to attack.

When he was strolling to the off-road vehicle, he heard someone shouting in a low voice: "Shi Yuan! Shi Yuan, come here!"

The sound is coming from behind a certain car.

Shi Yuan went around and searched for a long time, and saw a middle-aged man leaning on the rear tire, his clothes were covered with blood and mud.

Shi Yuan recognized him. He is the taciturn driver in the car, and Lu Bafang seems to call him "Old He".

Lao He's face turned pale, his forehead was full of sweat, he clutched his abdomen and shouted: "Shi Yuan, come here."

Shi Yuan walked over and squatted beside him: "You are injured, shall I call someone for you?"

He felt that Lao He was seriously injured, his face that had been through vicissitudes was tightly wrinkled, and the fine lines on his forehead and the corners of his eyes were squeezed out.

"No, no, don't call someone." Old He panted, "Listen to me, kid, I need you to do me a favor. Look to the left, in that row of cars, there should be a car whose key is still there In the car, can you find which one it is?" He added, "Don't call anyone."

Shi Yuan: "You really don't want a doctor?"

"No need." Lao He insisted, "Son, go quickly, I can only rely on you."

Shi Yuan curled his tail in confusion. He could see that something was wrong with Old He, but he thought he couldn't understand human beings, so he stood up and looked for them one by one as Old He said.

The car body was dirty, with muddy water on the windows and tires, and what looked like minced meat tissue. Before Shi Yuan could find him, he heard someone shouting, "Hey, what are you doing there! Stay away from the car!"

When Shi Yuan looked over, a young soldier was staring at him, and walked over quickly with a gun: "Yes, it's you, where are you from, leave as soon as possible!"

Shi Yuan: "Okay."

Lao He didn't want to see other people, he couldn't bring the soldiers over.

When Shi Yuan walked towards the periphery of the vehicle, the soldier relaxed his expression and was about to turn around when he suddenly stopped.

Shi Yuan followed his gaze and saw an inconspicuous bloodstain.

Lao He should have struggled over from that direction, leaving traces, spots of bright red falling to the ground. The soldier frowned, realized something was wrong, and took a few steps forward: "Why—"

Before it was too late, a figure rushed out from behind the car like lightning! Shi Yuan was restrained from behind with his arms, and the cold gun barrel was pressed against his temple. Old He's hoarse voice came: "Don't come here! Don't come here—or I'll kill him!"

The warrior stopped abruptly, shock and anger flashed by.

Then he stared at Lao He, and said word by word: "What do you want to do, are you crazy?"

Lao He was very weak, and it took all his strength to make such a quick movement, and now he could hardly stand still. His hands are cold, but they are very strong, like a wild beast that has been cornered, holding on to Shi Yuan is like grabbing a life-saving straw.

He coughed a few times, gritted his teeth and said, "Give me a car with gas, turn off all positioning systems, and give me two guns and inhibitors."

"...Are you injured and infected?" The soldier said cautiously, "Let the doctor show you, our inhibitors are sufficient, and you will be fine."

Old He coughed violently again: "Don't **** talk nonsense, do as I say!" Holding Shi Yuan's gun a little harder, "I have a concept of myself, and I will definitely be euthanized immediately. I want to live, I To survive! Even for a day or two!"

Warrior: "Calm down..."

"I don't need to be calm!" Old He roared, "Give me the car!"

It turned out to be like this, Shi Yuan thought, Lao He's infection was very serious, so serious that he would be killed by other people.

The two sides were deadlocked.

"Raise your hands." Old He said viciously next to Shi Yuan's ear, "Put your hands where I can see them."

Shi Yuan raised his hands.

Old He said: "There is still a tail."

Shi Yuan raised his tail and said, "I really can't lift my feet."

Old He: "..."

Shi Yuan: "Do you want me to lift it? I can try."

Old He: "Don't."

Their movement attracted other people, and people came out of the tent one after another and gathered here.

The camp was not big, and soon a circle of people surrounded him. The one-eyed dragon who had rescued Shi Yuan before also came, standing at the front, his cold eyes gouging out Lao He's face. Old He became more and more emotional, took a few steps back, leaned his back against the car body to block his figure, pressed Shi Yuan and shouted: "Don't come over, don't even come over."

Among the crowd, Shi Yuan saw Wang Yu. Wang Yu squeezed through the crowd and said anxiously, "He Yu, don't do this!"

Cyclops also said in a deep voice: "You are not a professional. You think that the infection that cannot be cured can be cured. It is just a matter of probability, but we have to try, right? Put down your weapons and give yourself a chance. There is no need to do this This kind of thing, he is just an ordinary person. If you let him go, I guarantee that you will be able to inject the inhibitor immediately."

"...Is there any chance?" Lao He's voice trembled for a moment, "No, no, no, I don't believe it, I know which are fatal injuries. Wang Yu—Wang Yu, look at my wounds and tell me, do I still have any wounds? save?"

His expression was odd, a mixture of fear, hysteria, and sudden hope.

His shirt was turned up.

But it wasn't lifted by his hands, a few newborn tentacles propped up the clothes, exposing the wound.

Everyone was horrified, and saw that Lao He's upper and lower body were disconnected, and the tentacles, like needles and threads, forcibly sewed him together. The infection hangs him, keeping him alive so the tentacles can get more nourishment.

Lao He said, "Wang Yu, is there any help for someone like me?"

Wang Yu's pupils dilated, staring at the wound.

Cyclops winked at her from the side - everyone could see that Lao He was almost convinced, as long as Wang Yu admitted that the inhibitor was useful, he would put down his weapon.

After just ten seconds, Wang Yu's forehead was covered with sweat. It's hard to describe how her heart is at war with heaven and man, her fingernails are digging into her palms and bleeding, but she doesn't know it.

She took half a step back, trembling all over, shaking her head in pain and said: "I, I... Shiyuan, I'm sorry, I... I'm a doctor, I can't lie about this kind of thing."

She has her own principles.

Just like a few days ago, she said that my test results were the decisive evidence, and insisted on doing a blood test for Shi Yuan who seemed to be seriously infected. Now she can't promise a man who is destined to die that he can still be saved.

Seeing her reaction, Lao He understood everything, forced a desperate growl from deep in his throat, and kept shaking his finger on the trigger.

Cyclops cursed, Wang Yu took a few steps forward, and said sadly, "He Yu, He Yu, look at me. Do you still remember the declaration when I joined the army, 'I swear, I will never take the initiative to inflict harm on the lives and bodies of civilians. Violence, and do not take civilians as hostages'. We all swore to the flag of the alliance, Shi Yuan is the person you should protect, he is innocent. You let Shi Yuan go, and I will be your hostage."

"No," Old He said hoarsely, "No, I refuse." He stared at Cyclops, "Give me the car, the gun, the food and the suppressant."

After a brief stalemate, Cyclops said: "Give me a little time, I want to ask my superiors for instructions."

He turned his head away, picked up the communication terminal and whispered something.

The scene froze temporarily.

Shi Yuan looked at the crowd surrounding them.

He knew that Lao He had used him. He is the best candidate, and he is the only one in the entire station who will believe Lao He's clumsy lies.

But he had no anger at being deceived, nor was he much frightened.

Lao He was nervous and desperate, while Shi Yuan looked at the crowd and saw Cyclops' suppressed anger, Wang Yu's worry, and the alert or indifferent faces of all kinds of people. He scrutinized these emotions like watching flowers through the fog, like watching a movie, without any empathy, and only understood one thing: human beings can lie.

They will save their own kind, and they will take advantage of each other.

Shi Yuan didn't know if he would die if he was shot in the head. His body is very fragile, and the wound from slipping and falling in the stream has not healed yet, and he is aching. His tail was also forced to be raised, otherwise Bangbang would knock Lao He on the head.

As an abyss, his only means of self-protection is infection.

— Infecting Lao He, just like he killed those monsters.

Lao He didn't want to die, and Shi Yuan also wanted to live.

He hasn't found his human yet.

He will infect faster than bullets.

Cyclops waited for a long time for the superior's reply, and it was only when Lao He was about to collapse that he raised his chin to his subordinates: "Go prepare a car and give him the car keys."

Old He was taken aback, suppressed his excitement, and said, "I want to choose by myself. I want the third car from the left."

"Okay," Cyclops said, "we'll pack water and food for you."

After loading several boxes of water and food, two rifles/guns, and five inhibitors on the car, the technicians turned off the positioning system in front of Lao He.

Then all the personnel backed away, and Lao He took Shi Yuan into the car, holding the gun in one hand and holding the steering wheel in the other, and stepped on the accelerator.

The off-road vehicle staggered and disappeared into the hills in the distance.

Leave only a quiet garrison.

Wang Yu couldn't believe it: "Just let them go like this? When will we satisfy the robbers? Don't we all firmly reject their conditions?"

"This is an order from the superior," Cyclops said.

For some reason, he lost the anger he had just had.

"What about Yuan at that time?" Wang Yu frowned, "Has your 'superior' considered this? If I had asked me to delay, I would have saved him when the sniper was in place. But now, We left him alone with a sanity infected infected?!"

"He Yu's mentality is too unstable, and my judgment is that there is no time to delay it." Cyclops said, showing a rather strange expression, "And he can't escape."

Wang Yu: "How are you sure?"

"It was the general's order just now." Cyclops said, "He asked me to meet He Yu's request."

Wang Yu was stunned: "... Lu Tinghan is here?"

"Yes. This rescue operation is under his command." Cyclops replied, "Now the admiral should be on his way—he said he would take care of it, so He Yu couldn't escape."