MTL - How To Wear a Goddess Statue-Chapter 178 The enemy?

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Although Sokha made it clear that there was no reincarnation at that time, and "Eleuil" couldn't be thrown into reincarnation to become the current Eleu, but Luodus always had an inexplicable cognition - they is the same person.

This is a knowing from the heart. The connection with the little princess when she woke up from the temple, and Perluse's malice towards the princess can all prove this, but it can't be the most powerful main proof.

So, do you want to tell Eleuil about this?

Lotus has no reason to hide, but there is no need to talk about it.

It was a time in a lost memory, which Luodus knew very little about, and could only piece together a general past from other people.

Whether it was Sokka's friend or something deeper... it didn't matter.

Since I don't remember it, why mention it at this time.

And if you really want to say it, how to say it is also a problem.

——"Ai Liu, I want to tell you one thing, I knew you when I was a human, you are still my own founding father, after I died in battle, I avenged you, and also died La. It doesn't matter if I don't remember, because I don't remember either, I just listened to the goddess of the earth!"

Imagine that scene, Luodus: "…"

The river goddess silently pressed the corner of her eye, and by the way pressed the idea back.

Stop talking.


A few days later, the army led by Eleuil arrived at the city of the sun god.

But it is a sunny day now, and Surinia, which is full of sunshine all year round, is illuminated like a city of gold, Eleuil knows that her aunt cannot see the sun, and she has no intention of embarrassing her, so she does it herself Go to the lowest floor of the Climbing Tower, which is the residence of the concubine.

Over the years, the style of Naimar has not changed at all. It is still illuminated by luminous pearls and luminous insects, without any open fire, and it is quiet.

Luodus walked with the princess in the image of a female official.

Walking down the corridor leading to the living room, there is an illusion of passing through a dark tunnel.

In front of the main hall, is the usual seat of the concubine. She likes to recline on the soft rattan couch, which is covered by the gauze curtain.

However, in the face of today's rulers, Naimar obviously does not intend to continue to assume this posture.

The concubine stepped down from the high platform, and together with the maid behind her with the lantern, saluted the princess.

She straightened up and greeted her hoarse voice, "Welcome, Eleuil. It's time to call your majesty."

Eleuil nodded slightly.

She received news from Surinya on the way, she can say she knows the situation here, such as the strength of the troops, the defense of the city, and the retreat of the Bananna army here Taz and Romul.

Faced with the only close relative in blood, Eleuil did not show additional respect and closeness, after all, they had only met a few times.

Therefore, Eleuil said bluntly: "Bring Taz and Romul."

The Concubine Shen tilted her head and chuckled: "Don't you want to catch up with your aunt first?" The dark amber eyes turned and looked at Luodus, "It's still this one, ah, you seem to be Not much has changed."

Luodus smiled politely, but did not say anything.

Eleuil hasn't forgotten the reputation of this aunt's love of raising dance girls and beauties. Hearing this, he narrowed his eyes slightly: "It's important to do business."

The concubine shrugged: "The two are on the third floor."

Taz and Romul also live in the Sky Tower, but they can go out, but there will be someone watching. As Horst's brother and only son, they had an awkward position on the Queen's turf.

I knew for a long time that everything in the past would be liquidated. When the princess' personal guard came to the door and "invite" Taz and his nephew to see the princess, Taz thought, at this moment came.

Eleuil lowered her eyes and looked at the two of them expressionlessly.

Taz saluted and said calmly, "Prince."

Romul said with a complicated expression: "Ai-Your Majesty."

Eleuil looked at the two in front of her, and said indifferently after a while: "I found something. You also participated in Horst's original plan, right, former Banana City Lord. "

Romul looked at his uncle in amazement, but Taz was very calm and shrugged: "Yes, I supported Horst's plan. It turns out that this choice is not so correct."

"Unbeknownst to Romul, Horst wanted to raise a son with integrity and perfection, so he never showed it in front of him."

Eleuil said coldly, "I know that."

The two guys in front of them, one is the accomplice and blood relative of the traitor, and the other is the only son of the traitor, no matter who is standing at the scene, they will not feel that the princess has let them go possible.

The hatred of killing relatives and seizing the throne, expelling the hatred of exile.

No matter what the crime is, it is enough to sit down the entire family, no matter how **** and cruel, no one will think it is too much.

Although Taz had an army from Bananna in his hands, even if the two were executed in public, the Bananna defenders would not be chaotic and instigated to rebel. Because everyone knows that the princess has good reasons - for hatred, for the law, to prevent future troubles, which one is unreasonable?

At best, it will be less controllable.

After all, Taz had a high reputation in Banana, and his soldiers believed him.

If Taz is executed, even if these soldiers don't show it, they will exchange confusion and dissatisfaction in private.

Who made Bananna declare independence before, these soldiers are also rebels in the eyes of others.

After a while, the princess finally spoke.

"Solancia needs a strong general." Her tone was flat.

This means that we do not intend to liquidate for the time being.

Even though she was ready to be sentenced to death, Taz was subconsciously relieved.


"You will not be forgiven."

Eleuil was condescending, looking down at the two half-kneelings, her tone was flat, but her eyes were stern: "There is no merit for guilt, and there is no merit for deeds, the war is over, we will Well done."

Taz was stunned for a while, he was still thinking, and Romul responded: "Okay."

Taz turned his head and frowned: "I can't redeem my sins..."

Romul bowed his head: "Isn't this what it should be, uncle."

Taz was silent for nearly half a minute, and he could see his struggle. Unlike Romul, who was cultivated to be gentle and kind, he did not have a high sense of universal morality. He only cared about his relatives and friends, otherwise he would not have supported Horst in the murder of the previous king.

But in the end, Taz seemed to want to understand something, let out a breath, and said, "Yes."

The corner of Eleuil's mouth curled into a smile, and he said casually: "Then let's talk about Horst."

After some discussion, Taz and Romul left the main hall.

The scope of their free movement has expanded, and they can return to the army, but they still have to be watched.

Eleuil looked away.

In fact, she really wanted to do it now and personally execute Horst's accomplices, whether they were loyal and useful generals of the Banana garrison.

But not yet.

Eliuil took a deep and slow breath, and secretly touched the palm of Luodus's drooping hand, in order to calm down the killing intent. The large sleeves of the robe concealed the touching movement, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong with it.

After talking about business, Eleuil was ready to leave the Sky Tower.

Before leaving, the concubine said quietly: "I don't know much about war, but... I heard that the situation this time is very difficult."

Eleuil: "Perhaps. But it wasn't a time when things got tougher."

And now, those problems are long gone.

"Do you still remember the conditions of the alliance?"

Abolish the concubine system and let Naimar leave the city of the sun god.

In fact, even if Naimar didn't mention it, Eleuil would also include the abolition of the **** concubine system as a reform project - the current Surinia city does not need **** concubines.

Eleuil nodded: "It won't be long after the war. If you can't wait, you can leave now."

The concubine waved her hand: "Forget it, I haven't been so ignorant of the overall situation. Then please, Your Majesty."

She turned her eyes to Luodus' side, then looked at Eleuil, her eyes narrowed, and she felt: "You..."

Lotus looked away.

She knew.

Whether there is close contact in front of others or not, there will always be a guy with rich experience who sees it right at a glance: Are you together?

Don't ask how you found out, you just see it from your eyes.

Eleuil raised her eyebrows and didn't answer: "I'll go first."

After finishing speaking, the group turned and left the living room.

I want to know, the next thing is to be too busy to touch the ground.

Cassne's fleet went along the Ilu River in a mighty way, and it won't be long before this fleet will come to the city of Surinia.

This day is getting closer.

On the warship carrying the commander, Kaymon, the Prince of Chisne, took the folded secret letter from his subordinate, opened it, and his brows gradually relaxed.

After reading it all, I laughed out loud without hesitation.

Cammon held the paper and shook it in front of the bruised man.

"It seems that you are still useful." Kaimon's eyes were contemptuous, but his expression was a little smug, "I should really thank you for having a good son, for you, he willing to defect to us."

Horst struggled: "Romul—?"

Cammon: "Yes, your son's name."

Horst's life was not easy after being captured by Chisne.

Because he is still useful, these aliens will not kill him, but they will inevitably use methods such as torture to extract confessions.

Unfortunately, most of the information that the former king knew was the secret handle of the royal family of the royal city a few years ago, and it would not be useful unless they hit Acht City. Of course, hitting the past is not necessarily useful.

Even so, Horst was awake.

He knew Romul, this son was soft-hearted and decent, he could not be willing to surrender to the enemy just because his father was captured, Romul would rather come alone to take the risk to rescue than betray Solancia.

—This is how Horst raised him.

At this time, Kaimon looked at the secret letter, and seemed to be thinking about how to make better use of this surrenderer, and he had no idea what the captive was thinking.

And Horst slowly closed his mouth and said nothing.

The author has something to say:

I looked at the time and fell into deep thought.

I…is it really not suitable for flags…