MTL - HP Dear Miss Freak-Chapter 100 Ninety-three, love and seduction

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"What love potion? Bah!"

Maybe Muggles and wizards have something in common when it comes to preparing for exams. If the professors started talking about the importance of the O.W.Ls exam last semester, it was only at the beginning of this semester that the students realized that the exam is approaching.

It's the norm for girls to break down and yell under Sylvia's history of magic. But there are also few-hearted players like Fred and George, who are as comfortable as if they weren't 5th graders.

"Wake up, Patricia." Sylvia slapped Patricia on the shoulder with the notebook in her hand, "Reading, reading! My dear sister!"

"Searle, please let me go." Patricia sighed, rubbing her eyes in the armchair in the common room, "I'm so sleepy."

"You can pull it down." Sylvia snorted, "You can fall asleep as soon as you open the book. It's scary, sister."

"You're not sleepy at all to be terrifying." Angelina rolled her eyes on the other side, covering her face with the transfiguration textbook in her hand.

"Who pulled me to set an example before? Percy, you can say that again." Sylvia turned to look at Percy, who was pulling Oliver to review the N.E.W.Ts exam. West.

"Why would anyone want to sleep while reading?" Percy echoed the phrase he often talked about. The funniest thing is that he really doesn't understand this.

"You scared the boys too much to leave the dormitory!" Arya pointed in the direction of the men's dormitory.

"Then I have something to say." Emily said, "In order to prevent Seale and Rob from uniting the front, they even promised our male prefect to be quiet in the dormitory. not to disturb his studies."

"This is a very bad habit, friends. What's the difference between you and Skinner's guinea pigs? You want to sleep when you turn a book, and you want to sleep when you turn a book. Conditioned!" Sylvia picked up the textbook and stuffed it into Angelina's hand.

"Emily can keep up with your rhythm." Patricia looked at Emily who was holding the familiar black and yellow quill and shook her head, "I really Too sleepy."

"You sleep again, and Fred and George are going to tell you that you are fainting." Sylvia laughed, "they both tried to prove to the professors how tortured the exam was. People are really struggling.”

"Then let them talk." Patricia sighed, "I dare say that Ravenclaw's learning atmosphere is not as good as ours!"

"What? Why did we lose to Ravenclaw?" Sylvia snorted, "They are both prefects, why can we Percy be the president of the student council and that Wolf Isn't it Lin? Huh? Are we not as good as them?" Percy showed a smile like this, and nodded to Sylvia.

"You were laughed at by Wulflin again?" Patricia was instantly refreshed.

"I don't dare to go to the library with him now." Sylvia waved her hand, "You don't know how terrifying it is for two anxious people to get together. Especially if there is a If we disagree, then we can argue for three days and three nights."

"He does look very nervous recently." Angelina nodded, "I heard from Ravenclaw friends that their prefect often reads in the common room in the middle of the night. "

Sylvia would like to say, in fact, that guy likes to sleep during the day and read at night.

"Hi! Friends!"

"Have you been having a good day?" Fred and George celebrated their debut by lighting a laborious firework on the stairs of the men's dormitory.

"Let's greet our hardworking friends." Fred happily circled around Percy and patted him on the head, freeing Percy's angry punch, and turned to West Sylvia pulled her and sat down on the sofa together.

"I'm so tired." George sat down beside Sylvia, "We've slept until now! It's been ten hours!"

"Too much sleep makes me very tired, George." Sylvia looked at George and gave a very understanding smile.

"You are too partial!" Angelina said sadly, "Why don't you hold them both to study?"

"I let them both learn?" Sylvia laughed, "Is it easier than making Snape a woman?"

"We're different, girl." Fred laughed triumphantly, "You guys know that George and I are in another area. And in Bunny's words, what are we? Genius! "

"We don't need these transcripts." George also raised his head, "Sometimes I think about it, it's a pity not to be able to fight side by side with you for the exam."

"Shut up." Arya rolled her eyes.

"It's you! Sylvia!" Percy looked at Sylvia dissatisfied, "You can condone Fred and George, and call them geniuses? Are you afraid of them? Won't it get worse?"

"They're geniuses." Sylvia's words were more natural than all the previous great truths. Fred and George gave her a happy high-five behind her.

"Never mind." Arya put down her quill. "Today is Valentine's Day!"

"What's wrong with Valentine's Day?" Sylvia disagreed, "Is Valentine's Day a legal holiday? You have to do your homework even on Easter. What's so special about Valentine's Day?"

"No romance at all, Bunny." Fred smiled and shook his head.

"You understand? Then why are you still sitting? Is it time to go on a date? Fred?" Sylvia said unceremoniously. After she found out what she wanted, she was still able to do business as usual. I don't know if it should be attributed to the little progress in Occlumency.

Maybe it's just because the two of them have no boundaries. As Hermione said, they were so close that they were no longer ambiguous about what to say or do.

"Fred! George!"

There was a sudden roar and a burst of laughter from the male dormitory, and then I saw Li running down while laughing wildly. Fred and George looked innocent at the same time when Sylvia looked at them, and the girl immediately understood that this was their handwriting.

"Kenneth is mad!" Lee explained while taking a deep breath to control himself from laughing, "He has boils all over his body."

"My God! Kenneth got boils from an exam?" Fred's eyes widened in disbelief.

"This is so heartbreaking." George pretended to wipe his tears.

"It's just that you two put a lot of foaming powder in his pajamas?" Robert directly exposed the truth when he came down.

"You don't punish them." Sylvia blinked, "Fred and George are also trying to bring everyone a little joy during this tense review period."

"Yeah!" Fred and George gave a good smile.

"I know! Fred and George do everything for a reason!" Angelina said sullenly, "We are guilty of being sleepy."

"That's right! I'm not as biased as you!" Even Oliver on the side couldn't stand it anymore, "Then why don't you let me train them more?"

"How can you even get involved with Quidditch?" Percy suddenly looked up at his roommate with a look of disbelief.

"You... Arya, what's wrong with you?" Emily said suddenly, drawing everyone's attention. In her hand, she held the chocolate frog that Arya had just taken a bite, and was a little helpless.

"I'm going to find him." Alia's eyes were obviously not right, as if she was obsessed with something, "God, my heart is beating so fast." Angelina He hurriedly stopped and hugged her.

"Oh." Fred narrowed his eyes. "From my experience—"

"Our Chaser is on the fascination drug." George laughed wickedly.

"Deeply fascinated."

"Only him."

"We also researched some love potions recently." When Fred turned to look at Sylvia, he was frightened by her seriousness.

"Even the taste is tempting, isn't it?" George obviously didn't notice the change in the girl's expression, but Fred gave him a quiet push.

"Alia, who are you looking for?" Sylvia looked at Alia calmly.

"Of course it's Derian!" Arya's eyes were glowing.

"Drian Posey?" Sylvia grinned, and slapped the notebook in her hand on the table, then turned around and pulled out her wand and walked out, "Angie, take care of Arya , and now there is more than one person in the house who can make the antidote."

"Hey! You—" Angelina looked at Sylvia's way of leaving in a hurry, and hurriedly looked at the twins, "Why don't you two go quickly? The curse she knows now It's not in the textbook! What's more, she can scrap that Slytherin with her bare hands!"

"She has suffered a loss and dare to do this? Besides, she is still a prefect now." As soon as Percy said this, Fred immediately got up and chased out, George liked this He was happy to hear it, and he followed suit. He knew in his heart that other people's life and death had nothing to do with his brother, but Sylvia's little things were Fred's business.


Fred can easily catch up with Sylvia.

"Don't stop me, Fred." Sylvia felt a surge of blood now, and almost couldn't control her volume.

"You listen to me, you listen to me! Bunny!" Fredra passed Sylvia's wrist to stop her, "You calm down first, you are better than me at critical times more impulsive."

"I can't calm down! How dare you play Arya's idea? I will unscrew his head and give you a Bludger!" Sylvia pointed to the Slytherin lounge The direction shouted. Fred hurriedly grabbed her with both hands, for fear of letting her slip away.

"We don't want this." George leaned back and shook his head with a smile, "His stupid head is still suitable for his neck."

"What are you going to do? Beat him up?" Fred whispered patiently.

"Of course I went to warn him!" Sylvia stared at her round eyes and said, "I have to let him know the idea of ​​hitting my girl? Courting death!"

"Then what?" George knew that there would be something.

"Then I'll do it if it doesn't make sense." Sylvia clapped her knuckles.

"You are indeed the hottest girl I have ever met." George looked at Fred and shook his head with a smile.

"Listen to me." Fred gave George a warning look and then looked back at Sylvia, "You beat that guy for this little thing? What else can you think of when the professor calls to the office?"

"Small thing?" Sylvia looked at Fred in disbelief.

"You should understand that the three of us have been together for so long." George nodded, "No matter what, you can't be stupid and do something that will hurt you."

"Alia is my friend and yours!" Sylvia shouted.

"Think about it, Bunny." Fred frowned, "It's just a trick and you're going to make trouble? Although I don't mind seeing Purse get beaten, I don't. I see you being embarrassed by this kind of thing again! I saw it last year!"

"I finally know what's the problem." Sylvia calmed down almost instantly, "Yeah, you think this is a little trick. I never understood that ecstasy is so dangerous Shouldn't things be banned? Why are they still circulating on the market!" Sylvia was even more angry when she thought that this thing caused the bald head without a nose to be born. And it is true that when something happens to him, he will suddenly detonate his bottom line.

"Wait blah blah." George frowned, "Searle, what's the matter with you? You're as passionate about all kinds of magical inventions as me and Fred, the love potion. How can you be so disgusted by such an exciting invention?"

"Yeah! It's exciting! Isn't it exciting?" Sylvia sneered, "Then if I received the love potion today, would you still think so?"

"I wouldn't let this happen to you." Fred hardly hesitated.

"Look at you, what did you say?" George laughed dryly, "Even if someone dares to do this, with Fred and I by your side, can they have a chance? What's more, the two of us can also make an antidote."

"Really? If one day I'm with someone suddenly, can you tell if it's caused by the love agent or if I'm really in love?" Sylvia stared at Fred , "If I'm obsessed with him, I tell everyone I really like him. Wouldn't it be weird to freak Sylvia to fall in love with someone so deadly? Can you guys guarantee that everything will be what you want? If that person's What if the potion was very good? What if he could silently let me continue to take the love potion? If I was controlled, would you still be able to get close to me?"


Fred was silent, staring into Sylvia's clear eyes, his hands clenched into fists. He actually knew very well that if this happened to his girl, he couldn't tell what he would do. George didn't speak anymore, just leaned against the wall and folded his arms and looked elsewhere.

"I will fall in love with someone I don't love! I will even fall in love with someone I don't know! Or someone I hate!" Sylvie was so excited that the whole person was shaking , "It's not even a minute or a second! I can't accept this happening to me or my friends!"

Sylvia understands the silence. After all, if the matter of ecstasy is so common and reasonable in the magic world, it is indeed not easy to overturn the conclusion they had no doubt about.

"Really? Do you still think that way? Do you still think it's not a big deal? As long as you take advantage of something, it's a great thing! Does it matter?" Sylvia lowered her voice, but it made her words piercing sharply, "Fred, George. Do you know what I admire most about you? There is a degree. You know better than anyone what a joke is! And what... hurts people."

"You're right." Fred sighed, "It's not a trivial matter." He took Sylvia's hand and relaxed the girl's tightly clenched fist Kai held it in his hands: "But, can you leave this to me? You said, we have a tolerance for whatever we do. You know we can find a way to torture that guy and get out of it smoothly."

"Fred, did you think for yourself when you agreed with me? Or do you just stand by me, so you support me unconditionally?" Sylvia knew the answer to this question important to her. Although she now prefers Fred to be the former, she likes Fred as the latter.

Love can really drive people's heads, right? Sylvia didn't even know why she had such a confused idea.

"You're right about this." Fred nodded, "but I still have something to say." Sylvia faced him, waiting for him to continue speaking.

"I didn't expect you to say say we know what can hurt people." Fred whispered, "Like you told me before, it's great to bring happiness to people Do you understand? Bunny? There are some things we know ourselves, but what we hear from other people's mouths is always different." He sorted out his emotions and smiled again: "So from a long time ago, I understood how important you are to me. sex."

Sylvia did not speak, and turned her eyes to other places.

"I don't know why you ask me to separate these two points, as if the two cannot exist at the same time." Fred scratched the back of his head, "Isn't these two points that I have been What do you do? Of course I will think carefully about what you say, but that is after standing by your side unconditionally. The most important thing is, I want to do it with you." He said and suddenly smiled. Get up: "Bunny, aren't you the same? When you supported me unconditionally, did you ever think about whether these things I did were right or wrong? I think our mood is the same."

Sylvia still didn't speak, she broke free from Fred's hand, took two steps forward and squatted down, giving herself a space to think.

Fred certainly did not blindly agree with her. Otherwise, he wouldn't have run out to stop her. Like last year's Draco incident, the Quirrell incident the year before. Of course he has his own thinking, and he also regards girls as an important factor in his thinking. Even if he thought Sylvia was too tough, he would still be on her side. Accompany her to be extreme, accompany her to vent, and be ready to be the villain for her at any time.

And she certainly wasn't blindly agreeing with Fred. But she was just willing to accompany him to make trouble, to accompany him to take risks. She is also always ready to help Fred prevent bad results.

They are all promoting each other's best side, and sharing each other's slightly bad side.

She seemed to understand better why she liked Fred. He is the one who cares more about the process than the outcome. If the result is right, Fred celebrates with her, and if the result is not satisfactory, Fred bears with her.

That's why they are so solid that no one can hurt them.

Fred is not even a gentle person, but he is protecting his girl in his most sincere and direct way.

And this guy apparently managed to find a way to tame the little freak. For example, now, he has completely quieted this little lunatic.

"Ciel!" Arya's appearance broke the silence at this time.

"You should have a chat." Fred made a gesture of invitation.

"Girls' time, let's go first." George took Fred's shoulder and walked with him towards the common room.

"Are you all right?" Sylvia stood up, still maintaining a frown.

"Fred and George stopped you? Thank God." Arya took Sylvia's hand and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Actually this is your business. So I should actually ask you, am I being too extreme?" Sylvia pursed her lips.

"Merlin's beard! Ciel! Of course I'm glad you're willing to stand up for me!" Arya hurriedly said, "It's true! It makes me very grateful! I'm also very happy to be able to I have friends like you."

"He actually gave you a fascination potion." Sylvia clicked, "I will give my ideas to Professor Dumbledore, I think Potions class should not teach students to learn fascination agent."

"I'll deal with Derian, okay?" Arya put her arms around Sylvia's shoulders, "You know, I won't let anyone bully me."

"Alia." Sylvia suddenly turned her head and stared into Arya's eyes as if she had noticed something, "You've been calling Purse's Christian name?"

"Honestly, Cyr. I'm not trying to hide it from you, but we may...don't know...maybe..." Arya stammered suddenly.

"You two are flirting?" Sylvia figured it out, "I saw Monty and Pose in the cold drink shop next to the video game city. Think carefully, it should be you Tell them the ice cream there is delicious."

"You'll think I..." Arya didn't dare to look at Sylvia, pulling her skirt in embarrassment, "He's a Slytherin!"

"I think?" A smile finally appeared on Sylvia's serious face, "What are you worried about? What's wrong with Slytherin? Slytherin has no shortage of good wizards. You are Think you like a Slytherin and we think you betrayed Gryffindor? As a prefect, I still know that Hogwarts didn't rule out a relationship between Gryffindor and Slytherin."

"But he... I know he's a particularly annoying guy! And he said insults to you before." Arya shook her head, the pimple in her heart didn't go away so easily.

"I know he said ugly things, but it doesn't mean he won't change. The important thing is that you like him." Sylvia shrugged, holding Ellie in both hands Ya's face, and said seriously, "I can't point fingers at your love, and neither can others. You are my friend, Arya, I respect your choice. As long as you can be happy, I will give you my best wishes. "

"Do you really think so?" Arya blinked.

"Of course." Sylvia laughed, "But you let him pay attention, if he dares to make you sad, Fred will not collect his body!"

The author has something to say:

Have you been fooled by the title? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

I think it's really amazing that this thing is not banned, although I remember that the original book should say that schools are not allowed to bring it? Not to mention that sneaking in is also very easy. Since this thing can be circulated in the market, it is very outrageous. I can't accept it anyway.

To tell the truth, I think the lion snake is very fragrant, and adhering to the principle that everyone has a relationship, I came to send a target to Alia. This pair has a foreshadowing ahead of me. Although the love of roommates will not have a lot of space, but I will try my best to make everyone's love very sweet and good!

Knows better than anyone what a joke is and what can hurt someone. That's one of the things I love about twins. They can always test on the edge without making too much action, and always bring joy to everyone by thrilling and exciting.

They are all promoting each other's best side, and sharing each other's slightly bad side.

If the result is right, Fred celebrates with her, and if the result is not satisfactory, Fred bears with her.

As I said before, I will try to write why Seale likes Fred and why he chose Fred. I thought, I did it.

They are sharp, but they are surprisingly harmonious.

Leave it all in time! There will be an answer!

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FantasyRomanceSci-fiSlice Of Life