MTL - HP Dear Miss Freak-Chapter 108 101. The World Cup and the Darkness

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"I'm domineering."

"Damn it, why are you up so early?" Fred yawned and looked at Sylvia who was standing in the kitchen and couldn't help feeling emotional.

"Searle got up early in the morning to help me prepare breakfast for you." Mrs Molly looked at her son with her arms crossed, "You got up early too, Fred. ?"

"It's hard for you to have a questioning tone, Mom." Fred pressed his mom's shoulders and pushed her toward the stairs, "That's right, I'm a good boy who works hard and gets up early. Fred, go and wake the others up!"

"It's rare for you to wake up early, Fred." Sylvia turned and threw a croissant for him, which he caught firmly.

"Did you sleep well?" Fred picked up a few croissants in one hand, hooked Sylvia's shoulder with the other and led her outside, "You slept with me bed or George's bed?"

"Oh? Did you stuff a Flobber caterpillar under the quilt?" Sylvia narrowed her eyes and took the lead in sitting down on the steps in front of the door.

"What? I didn't! What did that guy George do?" Fred stared, and even forgot to chew his croissant, "You slept in George's bed?"

"No, I lied to you." Sylvia smiled and took a croissant and stuffed it into her mouth, "I slept in your bed." She didn't say that she slept really well It was so good, I almost didn't get out of that warm bed in the morning.

"Okay, you won." Fred swallowed it and hammered his chest with his fist, "But if George really dared to do that, he would have been asleep until now."

"If you dare to do that, so will you, Fred. Don't think I didn't see that fake wand you put by the bed! Ginny told me you said it would become Caterpillar!" Sylvia said fiercely, and then laughed again, "I advise you and George to spare their lives."

"What about me?" George suddenly pushed the door open and hit Sylvia and Fred's back, and the two of them staggered and almost fell out.

"Beat him! Bunny!" Fred was happy that George's sudden appearance would draw fire.

"Are you courting death? Huh?" Sylvia reached out and hooked George's neck and pulled him hard.

"Help me!" George yawned while laughing and calling for help. It seemed that he was really wronged for getting him up early.

"Listen Bunny." Fred patted Sylvia on the shoulder and pulled her back, "We need a little help from you."

"See?" George showed Sylvia with the colorful gadgets in his pocket, "Our successful fat tongue toffee, this is just a small part. We need You take them to safety."

"Come on then." Sylvia opened her Infinite Stretch satchel, and the twins immediately took out gadgets from various pockets and threw them in.

"What are you doing?" Mrs. Molly suddenly appeared at the door, staring at her two sons with crossed arms. Ginny and the Iron Triangle poked their heads from behind her, including Mr. Arthur, and they both looked regretful at the same time.

"Nothing! Mom!" Fred and George shouted in unison with a good smile. Sylvia hurriedly closed the satchel and gave a well-behaved smile.

"I knew it was going to happen!" Mrs. Molly shouted aggressively, "You want Seale to help you hide those tricks!"

"No no no no...Aunt Molly! These are mine! It's none of their business!" Sylvia knew she was making a lame excuse, but she was indeed shocked It was incoherent.

"Come here you two brats!" Mrs. Molly pointed to the two boys hiding behind Sylvia.

"Really! These are all I want!" Sylvia hurriedly added, "I love to play! They made it for me to play!

"Searle, you are a good boy." Mrs. Molly's eyes showed a little regret, "You shouldn't be fooling around with them! You are different from them!"

"Shut up!"

Fred suddenly screamed and startled everyone.

"Fred?" Sylvia looked at Fred with his hands clenched in surprise.

"You don't understand your son! Bunny has always understood us!" Fred glared at his mother, "How dare you..."

"Stop it, Fred." Sylvia pulled his arm and lowered her voice to reassure him.

"Alright, alright, it's time for us to go too, dear." Mr. Arthur hurried out to smooth things out. Mrs Molly was still stern as she kissed her husband on the cheek. The twins threw their rucksacks on their backs, turned and left without saying a word to their mother.

"Goodbye, and have a good time." Mrs. Molly said to the twins, "be better." But they neither looked back nor answered. Sylvia wanted to turn around and say hello, but Fred walked fast with her shoulders around her, not giving her this chance.

"You're not supposed to talk to your mother like that." Sylvia looked at the tints of dawn on the distant horizon.

"She shouldn't have said something like that." Fred tutted without mistake.

"She's always so stubborn." George rolled his eyes, "You can't explain it to her! Searle! Percy is always excellent in her eyes, Fred and George is always a fool!"

"So- do it for her to see." Sylvia looked at Fred, "When your magic tricks are successful, let her take a good look, you are better than How much better Percy!"

"So I said we're the same, Bunny." Fred slowed down a bit. "You said exactly what we were thinking."

They climbed the ferret mountain along the dark and damp path. It was only at this moment that Sylvia remembered that there was such a link, she was panting and walking unsteadily at the back of the line.

"They finally made it to the top of the mountain and started looking for the door key.

"As weak as that Ravenclaw." George sneered disdainfully.

"Yeah yeah." Sylvia rolled her eyes, "But that weak Ravenclaw will Apparate! He and Sirius can sleep until noon before leaving! "

"He's going too?" Fred frowned, but his expression was more like that, "Does he understand Quidditch? What the hell?"

At this moment, a shout broke the silence. "Here! Arthur! Come here, we found our son!" On the other side of the top of the mountain, two tall figures loomed.

"Amos!" Mr. Arthur smiled and strode towards the man who called him.

"Sed!" Sylvia quickly looked at Cedric, who was approaching, and waved excitedly.

"Hi Searle." Cedric walked up to her, "You're coming with the Weasleys? I thought you'd be with Hoddle, I heard he's coming too ."

"It's no wonder why your brain is so stupid, Diggory." Fred pulled Sylvia back and shouted in a low voice.

"He's a little angry today." Sylvia smiled embarrassedly at Cedric, and pulled Fred to stand farther away, away from the chattering crowd .

She saw the worn boot, suddenly remembered something, took out her wand, pointed to it and chanted an extremely tongue-in-cheek incantation.

"What are you doing?" Fred noticed her movement, dodged to block her, and asked in a low voice.

"I read a book during the summer vacation. There is a spell in it, which can sense the traces of magic around it, which is helpful for finding traps and so on." Sylvia said in a low voice, while she was watching When the strange light flashed on his boots, he laughed, "I was thinking that the door key is set so open, there should be a strong trace of magic. It really is."

"Really? I want to see too." Fred also looked at the old boots, but he couldn't see any traces.

"Why don't you ask me if I am not afraid of being caught by the Ministry of Magic when I use magic outside school?" Sylvia put away her wand and looked at him with a smile.

"Is this a new joke?" Fred sneered and read, "Yes, yes, my dad can take you to Azkaban right now, Be careful, good student Sylvia."

Sylvia is pleased that they have tacitly agreed on many points. They have done more things that are unacceptable, and they are more worthy of being arrested than this.

"Not to mention I'm just for this trivial matter. It's not worth it, isn't it? It's not necessary?" Sylvia remembered what Hoddle said at the time, she still remembered his eyes Feeling helpless and puzzled.

"So what?" Fred didn't seem to understand. "When did you start to be reasonable? Why are you talking nonsense and I can't understand?"

Sylvia just laughed happily.

"The time is almost up." Mr. Arthur took out his pocket watch and looked at it again, "We should all take our place." He turned to look at Harry and Hermione: "You just need to touch the door key. , just like that, just stick out a finger."

They formed a circle, clutching their worn boots. "Three..." Mr. Arthur stared at the pocket watch and whispered, ""

Suddenly, Sylvia felt her being pulled by a force, pulling her towards her boots. At this moment, Fred's other free hand grabbed Sylvia's arm. She felt like she was caught up in the storm, and her shoulder hit Fred's chest. The next second she felt one of her feet hit the ground, but her center of gravity shifted, and she fell to the ground with Fred.

"Five:07, from Ferret Mountain." Only one voice said.

"Sylvia, maybe you can set up a tent?" When they came to their camp, Mr. Arthur smiled and looked at Sylvia.

"Yes." Sylvia nodded.

"We will too!" Fred and George shouted at the same time, taking all the tools from their dad. The three of them went out camping together. Although it took a long time to toss the tent, it went a lot better today.

"Good boys, I learned a lot from Searle." Arthur looked at his two sons with great satisfaction, "Believe me, one day I will study those sockets. and plugs or something."

"Then you can hurry up, Dad." Fredera said in a long tone, "I'm still thinking about when we can use the phone at home."

"Writing is always slow isn't it?" George added, "And Errol is so old that I think he can retire."

"Is that the phone you can talk to?" Arthur looked at Sylvia, "Do you have one at home too? Syl?"

"There are, but they are not often used." Sylvia smiled.

"She doesn't use it very often." Fred sneered, "She only likes to watch her favorite Muggle stars in front of the TV."

"What's wrong with this?" Sylvia pouted, "I just like handsome guys and beauties!"

Sylvia always finds the weather a little scary calm today.

"Searle, maybe you can make a fire?" Mr. Arthur squatted and played with a box of matches.

"Of course." Sylvia also squatted down, "but relying on these to start the fire, it is estimated that it will take some effort."

"I know Bunny's well now, right?"

"Today's experience would have been a lot worse without our buddies." Fred and George held their heads up, as if it was thanks to them this time.

"But speaking-" Sylvia looked at the three red heads surrounding her, "I've recently acquired a new skill." She made no sound. She snapped her fingers, and the fire on one side of the pyre suddenly burst into flames. Her gesture changed slightly, and the flame disappeared again.

"Merlin's beard!" Fred and George shouted at the same time.

"You learned wandless magic?" Arthur shouted in disbelief, "This is not something anyone can do!"

"Only fire magic can do it." Sylvia said with a smile, "I wanted to light a fireplace to go out that day. I didn't expect that the charcoal basin in the fireplace would burn just after the idea!"

"This is so cool!" Fred smiled and rubbed her head, "You are really getting cooler! Little Bunny!"

Another bonus of bringing Sylvia: a delicious lunch with nothing to do. When they were almost ready to eat, Bill, Charlie, and Percy strode toward them from the woods.

"We just Apparated, Dad," exclaimed Percy, "Ah! That's great! There's good food! It's yours! Sylvia!"

"It's not easy to make you compliment." Sylvia smiled and raised her eyebrows.

"You will be a good wife, Sylvia." Bill winked at Sylvia, then sat down beside Fred again, "Who is so lucky OK?"

At this moment, Mr. Arthur suddenly jumped up, smiled and waved to a man who strode over. "The most important person at the moment! Ludo!" he shouted, Sylvia's attention was instantly attracted, Percy hurriedly stepped forward and stretched out his hand. Although he disapproves of the way Ludo Bagman is managed, that doesn't stop him from wanting to make a good impression.

"Look, that's why Percy is the backbone of the Ministry of Magic's elite." Sylvia patted the twins on the shoulder and laughed softly.

"It's very good, isn't it?" Fred laughed, "You have to learn it, Miss Auror, you may have cooperation in the future."

"Eh-no! Searle, you should work harder!" George suddenly slapped his forehead, "Don't you feel good about being Percy's boss?"

Mr. Arthur is introducing Bagman: "Ah - yes. This is my son Percy, who just arrived at the Ministry of Magic - this is Fred - no, it's George, sorry - That's Fred. Their friend Sylvia Tonks. Bill, Charlie, Ron - my daughter Ginny - this is Ron's friend, Hermione Granger and Harry Poe Special." It was obvious that Bagman was slightly surprised when he heard Harry's name, and his eyes immediately swept to the scar on Harry's forehead. "Let me introduce you," continued Mr. Arthur. "This is Ludo Bagman..."

But Sylvia no longer looked at Bagman with a smile on her face, she didn't like him, nor was she interested.

"Want to bet on the game, Arthur?" Bagman rattled the pockets of his yellow and black robes, which seemed to contain a lot of Galleons, "I've already Convinced Roddy Pontene to make a bet with me that Bulgaria would score the first goal - I put high odds on him because I consider Ireland's number three is the best I've seen in years Yes - little Agatha Timms stakes half her Eel Farm stock on a bet that the game is going on for a week."

"Oh... well," Arthur squinted as if to consider, "Let me think...I'll give you a Galleon and bet Ireland to win, okay?"

"A Galleon?" Bagman looked a little disappointed, but soon recovered his interest, "Very good, very good...anyone else want to bet?"

"They're too young to gamble," said the children's dad hastily. "Molly wouldn't want to—"

Win—but Viktor Klum will catch the Snitch. Oh yeah, and we'll add a fake wand."

Sylvia wanted to sigh, Fred couldn't bet more accurate.

"Are you going to show Mr. Bagman those crap?" said Percy in a low voice. But Mr. Bagman didn't seem to think the fake wand was a **** at all. He took it from Fred, and it croaked and turned into a rubber chick.

"Fantastic! I haven't seen anything so realistic in years! I bought it for five Galleons!" He laughed like a child. Surprised and dissatisfied, Percy stayed there for a while.

"Their brains are more than worth the price." Sylvia patted Percy on the shoulder.

"That's what you said." Percy muttered.

"Of course, those are my genius boys." Sylvia whispered, looking at the backs of Fred and George, and Bagman's smiling face, somewhat uncomfortable .

"Children," Mr. Arthur said in a low voice, "I don't want you to gamble...this is all your savings...your mother..."

"It's our own decision! Dad!" Fred interrupted Arthur's words here, Sylvia didn't expect, "I've never lost a bet, I don't believe you Ask Bunny." He looked at Sylvia, only to see Sylvia frowning, which he didn't expect. "You want me to stop too?" Fred blinked in disbelief.

"After all, it's all our savings, right?" George said with a smile, "I didn't expect that we would dare to spend so much?"

"Don't be a spoiler!" Bagman said gruffly, jingling the money in his pocket excitedly, "They're old enough to know what they want! You think Ireland will win but Krum can catch the Snitch? Impossible, boys, Impossible...I'm giving you high five Galleons for that funny wand , then, are we..."

"High odds?" Sylvia stared straight at Bagman, "Are you sure you can afford it? Mr. Bagman? What guarantee do you use?"

"Hey! Sylvia!" Percy hurriedly shouted, what this little freak did was absolutely rude.

"How can it be empty-handed?" Bagman quickly took out his notebook and quill, and scribbled the names of his twin brothers. Mr. Arthur watched helplessly, "Okay. , girl. You're Ted's daughter? I didn't expect him to have such a flamboyant daughter as you."

"I'm domineering, Mr. Bagman." Sylvia gave a threatening smile, "I'm more like my uncle Sirius Black."

"Okay, it's done." George took a small piece of parchment that Bagman handed him and tucked it into the front of his robe. "Dude, don't be so nervous." He patted Sylvia on the shoulder.

"If we bet, it's not a small sum." Freda sat down with Sylvia, "You understand we need this money, we need to bet bet."

"I know." Sylvia nodded, "It's not that I don't trust you, I don't trust him. I don't think it's rational to bet with him..." But she quickly put the next The tirade held back. She didn't want to stand up against Fred's decision, especially when he was in a bad mood today.

But she won't let Bagman take advantage.

"No news from Jorkins yet, Ludo?" asked Mr. Arthur.

"Not even a shadow." Bagman said carelessly, "but don't worry, she will appear. Poor old Bertha... Her memory is like a leaking cauldron, and she has a great sense of direction. Bad. Must be lost, believe it or not…”

When I saw it with my own eyes, Sylvia realized that this guy is really not reliable at all.

"Don't you want to send someone to find her?" Arthur suggested tentatively, as Percy handed Bagman a cup of tea.

"Barty Crouch always said that," Bagman's round eyes widened, "but there's really no time for people right now. Oh--speaking of him, Here he is! Barty!"

Sylvia followed his gaze, and a wizard suddenly appeared by their bonfire. Barty Crouch is wearing a spotless suit and formal tie. But thinking of the next episode, Sylvia couldn't help but shudder.

"Sit down for a while, Barty." Ludo patted the grass beside him happily.

"No, thank you, Ludo," Crouch said with a hint of impatience, "I've been looking for you. The Bulgarians insist we add twelve more to the top box. a seat."

"Hey! Look at Percy!" Fred nudged Sylvia with his arm, covering his mouth with the other to hide his smile.

"Mr. Crouch!" Percy was so excited that he was out of breath, and he even leaned over and made a bow, "Would you like a cup of tea?"

"Oh." Mr. Crouch looked at Percy with slight surprise. "Okay—thank you, Weatherby."

"Pfft!" Although she knew that this would happen, Sylvia couldn't help laughing. Fred and George laughed so hard they almost sprayed the tea back into their cups. Percy's ears turned pink and he pretended to bury his head in the teapot.

"Don't laugh, don't laugh." Sylvia struggled to hold back her smile and patted the twins, "Give us Percy some face."

"Understood," Fred said, still shaking with laughter.

"I suppose you all wish this was over?" asked Mr. Arthur.

"Wait! I've never been so happy... But it's not hopeless, is it, Barty? Huh? There's a lot to organize, isn't it?" Bagman said . Sylvia couldn't be more wanting to complain about his unreliability.

"We promise not to announce until all the details..." Mr. Crouch raised his eyebrows at Bagman.

"Oh, the details!" Bagman waved disapprovingly "they signed, didn't they? They agreed, didn't they? I'll bet you, these kids will soon find out Yeah. I mean, it happened at Hogwarts—" Fred and George and Sylvia gave each other a look, always good at finding new news.

"Ludo, you know, we need to meet those Bulgarians," said Mr. Crouch sternly, interrupting Bagman, "Thanks for the tea, Wayne. Thuby." He shoved the empty cup back into Percy's hands and waited for Ludo to get up. The Galleons jingled happily in his pocket as Ludo got up. This made Sylvia quite uncomfortable. After leaving a few goodbyes, they both Apparate and disappear.

"What's going on at Hogwarts, Dad?" Fred asked immediately. "What did they just say?"

"You'll find out soon." Mr. Arthur said with a smile.

"This is a secret, and we won't know until the Ministry decides to make it public." Percy said solemnly, "Mr. Crouch is right not to reveal secrets easily."

"Oh, shut up, Weatherby!" Fred yelled in a coaxing voice.

As night falls, the venue is truly lively. Sylvia followed Fred and George around, and every few steps, Apparition peddlers descended from the sky with all kinds of bizarre stuff. Sylvia likes to shuttle among the crowd, and prefers to watch instead of buy.

"What did you say it would be?" Fred was still thinking about the conversation between Bagman and Crouch.

"It's so mysterious, it's better to have something exciting." George said while looking left and right.

"You want me to say—" Sylvia raised her eyebrows, "It's better if Aidan Lynch is going to Hogwarts for the meeting! Otherwise, nothing will excite me. of."

"You'd better go dreaming. But Lindsey's encounter with Krum is a tough battle." Fred said thoughtfully, "You have to admit it, right? ?"

"Do you know what the biggest difference between them is?" Sylvia narrowed her eyes, "It's not an order of magnitude at all!"

What a joke! Krum can be seen at Hogwarts, but Lynch can't be seen!

"What nonsense?" Fred smiled and rubbed her head.

"Yo—" A long-tailed greeting sounded behind them, if it wasn't for a low voice, Sylvia almost thought it was Draco, "What a coincidence?" Hoddle stood at them Not far behind, is Sirius beside him.

"I think that turntable is very interesting-" Sirius turned around and found his little niece, "Eh!

"It's quite unfortunate." Fred let out a smile.

"It's all coming." Sylvia blinked, Fred and George looked at her at the same time, "Sirius, sponsor a panoramic telescope for each of us."

"Okay. Isn't that easy?" Sirius waved his hand dashingly, not feeling the heavy smell of gunpowder around him.

The author has something to say:

Oh, I didn't expect this to have a medium, right? Didn't expect to separate top, middle and bottom, right? I didn't expect it either. It's not that I can't think of a topic, it's that this World Cup is much longer than I thought!

About the use of magic by minors, I always feel that as long as there is no impact on the Ministry of Magic, the Ministry of Magic will not care, or is it not idle? Of course, this is what I think. There are so many underage wizards, it's enough for them to take care of those children's magical riots. Be more relaxed.

Unlock new characters, Crouch and Bagman.

I was very nervous after starting the main story. Searle's pressure was really accumulating continuously.

To be honest, when I wrote this, I thought about not gambling! That man is an idiot! Ouch **** me off! But it's okay, these idiots will be punished by Searle.

Fred, Sylvia and Hoddle. Don't forget that we are more from Searle's point of view, look at what Cedric said, and think about what Fred's point of view is like

Don't forget Hermione's words, because they have a very good relationship, so there will be no ambiguous feelings. This statement applies not only to Searle's inability to discover Fred's feelings, but also to Fred.

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 5 bottles of cheesecake with milkshake; 1 bottle of vinyl chloride;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!