MTL - HP Dear Miss Freak-Chapter 119 112. The horoscope's inspiration and

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"God gave me an unparalleled adventure. - "The Chosen Daughter""

"Who do you think the warriors of Hogwarts will be?" Arya's voice came from her drapery, and it was the night chat that must be had before going to bed.

"I hear a lot of Hufflepuff students egging on Diggory." Emily sounded like she was falling asleep, "He's really good, isn't he? Grades It's been good."

Isn't it difficult for the cup to choose one of them?"

"You can choose to follow their Li." Sylvia also smiled, holding the lion doll and finding a comfortable position to indent into the quilt.

"Sisters, I found a problem." Patricia suddenly stuck her head out, although she could only see the curtains drawn tightly by everyone, "Why do we expect boys? Let's There seem to be two girls of age in the dormitory, right?"

"We?" Angelina's voice was all energized, "Hey...Sill, what do you think?"

"Angie, you want to go." Sylvia said firmly.

"Hey! I mean, Patricia is right." Angelina stuck her head out too, and reached out and shook Sylvia's drapery, "Why don't we try try?"

"You know I'm just a little clever and no real skill-" Sylvia buried her head in the quilt, her voice became muffled, "And I don't like to be in the limelight and I don't want to be noticed , you know."

"I'm going anyway." Angelina said as if inciting her, "Try it, it's not a loss."

"Angelina is right." Arya also encouraged, "The more people sign up, the more likely the warriors will come from Gryffindor!"

"Sisters, sleep! We will know the result tomorrow!" Sylvia said and shrank back under the quilt.

She heard the sleepy chatter of the girls getting blurry, but she couldn't sleep at all. I don't know why today, I can't fall asleep after tossing and turning.

Is it too high in the morning?

But Sylvia knew that it was Arya's words that caught her attention. Makes sense. Sylvia opened her eyes and held the doll in her arms tighter. A fluke flashed through her mind.

What if I could be selected?

But according to this situation, anyone who voted for their name will be remembered and discussed. Sylvia didn’t want to appear in the center of public opinion at all.

Thinking of this, Sylvia instantly bounced off the bed and sat up. Lighting his wand, he went to the table, picked up a small piece of parchment, wrote his name and school, and walked outside the dormitory.

Hogwarts in October, not surprisingly, is still so cold. Although Sylvia had not taken a night tour for a long time, she went to the foyer with ease. Under the moonlight and the wind blowing through the hall, the castle was frighteningly quiet, but Sylvia still felt that this was her home ground.

When the girl was about to turn into the hallway, she suddenly saw a figure, she hurriedly turned and hid behind the pillar, her hands tightly covering her mouth.

No? Unlucky enough to meet a fake Moody to vote for Harry's name?


Sylvia breathed a sigh of relief when the voice on the other side rang. She turned around again and called out the other party's name: "Sed."

"Searle?" Cedric seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and through the light of the Goblet of Fire, he could also see the face of the girl walking towards him, "In the auditorium today You keep looking at me, and I wonder if you think the same way as I do. I think I'm right."

"I really don't want people to know that I'm here to sign up." Sylvia said, throwing the parchment in her hand into the Goblet of Fire, "I do see that you want to participate. "

The blazing blue flame in the Goblet of Fire instantly turned red, and sparks burst out.

"If students from our college see me signing up, they will cheer in front of everyone. But if I am not selected, I will definitely be laughed at by students from other colleges?" K smiled and threw the parchment in his hand.

"On the spot." Sylvia shrugged, "I don't like being talked about."

"I know, Qiu told me that you would be disgusted when someone said gossip about you and Hoddle." Cedric nodded understandingly.

"Isn't that for sure? I don't know each other, let alone nonsense?" Sylvia rolled her eyes, but immediately showed a sly smile and patted Cedric on the shoulder , "Not bad, Seid. Sneaking out of the dorm after curfew as a prefect?"

"Aren't you too?" Cedric was completely unthreatened by her, "We're grasshoppers on a rope now."

If one of them is selected, how about the other party to offer help unconditionally?"

"Okay, very happy." Cedric readily accepted.

"Very good." Sylvia reached out and gave Cedric a high-five, "Late Night Dream Team debuted in place!"

"This name is too..." Cedric was a little dumbfounded, "It's too stupid."

go back.

The journey was smooth, until Sylvia returned to the dorm and opened the door when she was so frightened that she almost went into cardiac arrest.

"Why didn't you sleep?" Sylvia looked at the four girls sitting on her bed, covered her heart, and squatted for a while while pulling the door handle.

"Go to sign up?"

"I said you'd be excited."

"Are you trying to sneak off after we fall asleep?"

"We got it?"

The girls said each one with a smile, causing Sylvia to laugh too. She closed the door softly, and a run-up pounced directly on the girls.


It seems like something big happens every year on Halloween. Sylvia and the other girls in the dormitory accompanied Angelina to the foyer. When the aura girl threw the parchment into the Goblet of Fire, the surrounding students cheered and applauded generously.

"I knew it would be like this." Sylvia looked at Angelina who was a little embarrassed and said with a smile.

"I think you're right, a little embarrassed." Angelina nodded in agreement.

"But I think... hiss!" Before Sylvia finished speaking, she felt someone suddenly approach. She turned sharply, but the sneak attack had already snatched the dagger from her leg pocket and turned it twice in her hand. And Sylvia clutched her empty leg bag, her eyes became fierce.

"Eh? Carry a dagger with you, girl." A charming Durmstrang girl stood in front of her, her dark skin even more attractive in her red school uniform . Looking closely, she is not a pure dark-skinned beauty like Angelina, but a good-looking wheat complexion.

"Give it back to me." Sylvia stared, and when she reached out to reach it, there was an embarrassing scene of jumping hard but not reaching it because of her height defect.

"Hey! Are you looking for trouble?" Angelina roared, and everyone around looked over. Patricia noticed the twins walking from a distance for the first time, and coughed a few times to attract their attention.

And the twins are coming back to the foyer after taking the ageing agent out of the medical wing.

"What's your name?" The girl ignored Angelina and looked at Sylvia with a smile.

"Sylvia Tonks." Sylvia faced her calmly, pursing her lips tightly, "Please give it back to me, this lady."

"Will you make this?" She looked very interested, "Leonie Andres, make a gesture with me?"

At this time, the other girls all looked at Fred and George, winking and hinting.

"Aren't you going to pull the frame?" George looked at Fred.

"Girl's business." Fred shook his head, "She would be upset if I interfered." But when he saw Sylvia's arms being pulled by the other side , or subconsciously took a small step forward.

But she didn't expect that Sylvia, who was restrained by her own hands, would pull down with all her strength, causing her center of gravity to become unstable. Sylvia swept the bottom plate and hurriedly let go Want to jump up. But when she looked up, she saw Sylvia's fist in front of her.

"Is it all right?" Sylvia grinned, "Let me." She said that her fist turned into an open hand, and Leonie shook it with a smile. Stopped her hand and stood up.

"Good girl. Sylvia? I remember." Leonie handed her the dagger, "Come again?"

"Find an open space, Leonie." Sylvia smiled, took her hand and bumped her shoulders, turned and greeted the other girls into the auditorium.

"So handsome! Ciel!" Arya jumped up and down with excitement.

"That girl is much better than me." When Sylvia looked back, she could still see Leonie's smile, so she raised her eyebrows, "She just wanted to try Me. I'm a bit of a three-legged cat kung fu, but I know from her inch of strength that she's really capable."

"Did you see it?" Fred looked at Sylvia's back and smiled. He only felt inexplicably happy, the girl he liked was still so powerful.

"I see—Sill doesn't need you at all," George said bluntly.

"I know. I can't beat Bunny." Fred patted George on the shoulder indifferently and walked towards the auditorium. George also put his arms on his brother's shoulder and whispered some joke.

"Hey, I said—" Only the neglected Li was still standing, "That girl is charming, isn't she?"

Halloween Dinner.

Sylvia ate the red bean **** in the bowl and emptied her head to receive chats and gossip from friends. Patricia could tell the story of almost every owner whose name was thrown into the Goblet of Fire. It was scary, after all Durmstrang and Beauxbatons signed up for every school-age student.

"Especially that girl! Short black hair, remember?" Patricia said excitedly, "Her name is Bert Gerrard! A name as pretty as herself."

"Patricia is crazy." Emily covered her mouth and smiled, "She's asking around for girls' names."

Sylvia doesn't care. She looked at Cedric first, and the two tacitly gave each other a smile. Then she looked at the long Slytherin table, just because she cared about Leonie, to see how the dignified Miss Greengrass ate.

Almost all the students were too distracted to enjoy the food, maybe they were more concerned about whether Dumbledore was full. Everyone is trying to finish their plate as quickly as possible, looking forward to finding out soon who has been chosen as the Warrior.

"Okay, the goblet is about to make a decision." Finally, Dumbledore stood up, and the auditorium, which had been chaotic because of the perfect meal, suddenly became silent again.

"I reckon it will take a minute. After the warriors' names are announced, I want them to go to the top of the auditorium, walk over the staff desk, and enter the room next door-" Dumbledore pointed. The door behind the instructor's desk, "they'll get initial instructions there."

Sylvia felt that the auditorium suddenly fell into a state of semi-darkness, and she looked up only to find that Dumbledore had turned off all the lights except the jack-o-lantern. She looked at the dazzling Goblet of Fire and wondered if it was her illusion. The blue-and-white flame blazing with sparks seemed to stretch out a hand towards her, pulling her. She felt nervous, but also very nervous. calm.

Why? Is it because of my talent for fire?

"It's almost time." Li whispered, and only then did Sylvia get out of that wonderful feeling.

At this time, the flame in the goblet suddenly turned red, dyeing the entire auditorium red, crackling sparks splashed out, a tongue of flame jumped into the air, a piece of charred parchment flew out.

"Durmstrong's Warrior." Dumbledore took the parchment, read the words on it through the flame, and said in a clear and powerful tone, "It's Victor. El Klum."

"No surprise at all!" Ron yelled. At the same time, applause and cheers swept the entire auditorium.

Sylvia looked at the long Slytherin table, just in time to meet Leoni's smile, she spread her hands as if to say that she didn't care about the fact that the warrior was not her.

"Fantastic, Viktor!" Karkaroff roared like a bell. It was outrageous that despite the loud applause in the auditorium, everyone still heard his voice clearly, "I know you are destined to be a warrior!"

As the applause and conversation subsided, a few seconds later, the red flames illuminated the auditorium again. The arrival of the second parchment also took everyone's breath away.

"The Champion of Beauxbatons," Dumbledore looked at the parchment in his hand, "it's Fleur Delacour!"

"It's her, Ron!" Harry shouted.

Sylvia watched the beautiful girl stand up gracefully, tossing her silver hair lightly from the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff tables walk over.

"Miss Warrior..." Sylvia admitted that she had respect and yearning for Fleur. The existence of Hibiscus means that girls can also fight against boys under the same conditions, they are equal, and girls' strength is not inferior to boys.

"Oh, look, they're all disappointed," said Hermione in the noise, nodding in Beauxbaton's direction.

"Merlin's beard. Why are there still girls crying?" Arya looked at the Ravenclaw table in disbelief.

"Look at Bert." Patricia also looked straight there, "She smiles and applauds too well."

"Next—" Angelina held her breath, and Sylvia took her hand.

The auditorium was quiet again, Sylvia also took a deep breath, she knew that it was the turn of the Hogwarts warriors.

The flames undoubtedly turned red again, sparks splattered, and tongues of flame rose high into the air. Sylvia looked back at Cedric, who was also looking at her. The two of them didn't open their mouths, but the same tension in their eyes.

"The Warriors of Hogwarts—" Dumbledore smiled reassuringly when he saw the name on the paper.

"Sylvia Tonks!"

Sylvia had just received this message, but before she could accept the result, and before she could give Cedric a look, she was pulled into her arms by Angelina. She was stunned, hugged Angelina in the screams and cheers, and then was pulled into the arms of the other girls, and then held Jack and Andrew and other juniors who ran from the other end of the long table. handshake. Harry, Ron, and Hermione were still cheering, as if nothing could be happier. Professor McGonagall stood up happily in the professor's chair, stomping around in small steps.

At the same time as Sylvia got up, she looked at Fred, the one she cared about most. But she didn't understand Fred's expression, only felt that his eyes suddenly brightened when they looked at each other. But she didn't have time to stop, she walked towards Dumbledore and shook hands with him, then walked into the room that belonged to the warriors like a dream.

"Are you serious? Dude?" George frowned at Fred's expression, "Sill must be sad, aren't you happy for her?"

"I...I just..." Fred muttered as he watched Sylvia disappear, "I'm just sad...I didn't even know she signed up."

"What are you talking about?"

"George." Fred turned his head and gave George a wry smile, "What do you think I quarreled with Bunny? Is it not because I wish she could share with me something that seems fundamental now? A trivial matter? But now... I seem to be out of her life."

George looked at his brother without saying a word.

"What the **** am I doing?" Fred whispered in annoyance, resting his lowered head with his hands, irritably messing up his long hair that he had patiently kept for a long time.

The author has something to say:

The subtitle "Daughter of Heaven" I like very much, and I also give it to everyone!

Although I don't understand why Durmstrang and Beauxbatons are divided into boys' and girls' schools in the movie. So, here comes the beauty of Durmstrang! I love dark skinned beauties! Unlock the new character Leonie Andres!

It's time to assign a partner. With everyone's original intention of being in love, let's send a partner to Brother Li! In the original book, Lee Jordan wanted to date Angelina but couldn't, so I'm going to send him a handsome young lady! Lee is a small character, but I also really love his later Potter Lookout. All are good kids! Let's all fall in love!

I didn't include the part of the Gemini Ageing Agent, oh anyway, everyone here must recite that scene like me! So I don't think it matters hahaha! Anyway, that part won't be difficult! Nor will it become a knife!

Congratulations to Sylvia for becoming a Hogwarts warrior!


Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Say 33 bottles; Cheesecake with milkshake 5 bottles; Vinyl chloride 2 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!