MTL - HP Dear Miss Freak-Chapter 124 117. Pick up and put down

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"It is also a kind of courage to face those messy and clueless minds."

"Tomorrow's Daily Prophet's headline will be, Hogwarts Warriors use fire to conquer Hornets." Charlie smiled and came to Sylvia and sat down. The two of them were sitting in a clearing in the Forbidden Forest, with the dragon sleeping under the influence of the spell in front of them, and the well-behaved Jamie beside them.

"In a sense—" Sylvia touched Jamie's forehead and looked at Charlie, "That's right? What I didn't expect was that Jamie was actually a girl."

"Aren't you going back to the lounge? Miss Warrior? I dare say Gryffindor is going to be awake all night." Charlie raised his chin and indicated the direction of the castle.

"Don't say that. Remember what I said before? Your flame is so powerful." Charlie praised without hesitation, "But Fred and George probably lost, they The two opened a gamble, giving you the lowest odds."

"Then I'm so sorry for them." Sylvia said, leaning her head against Jamie.

"I heard you and Fred..." Charlie scratched the back of his head with a very embarrassed look, "Um...haven't you been reconciled yet?"

"What can I do? Go over and pat him on the shoulder and say: Hey! Fred! I was wrong and we'll make up?" Sylvia shook her head again, "Why all of you Do you think this is an easy thing to do?"

"Searle, I know you must be uncomfortable." Charlie frowned, "But I still hope you can forgive him first, no matter how many stupid things he says. He cares very much. You, just can't find a way to express it. You know that boys are always stupid, let alone boys who are deeply attracted to a girl?"

"I thought I was here to find a quiet place, but I didn't expect to talk about it again." She sneered and brushed her long hair, "I can't learn in Romania. Nothing new, Charlie. When did your eloquence become so good?"

"You scar." Charlie pointed to Sylvia's broken eyebrow, "Half of your face was covered in blood, and we were so far apart. Fred thought You hurt your eye, do you know what he said to me?"

"What did you say?" Sylvia patted Jamie who was whimpering beside her, and asked casually.

" He pulled me by the collar and shouted: You better pray that my Bunny can come back to me intact, or I will make you suffer more than you can imagine in your life ." Charlie took Fred's tone, even if it didn't resemble it at all.

"He's always like this..." Sylvia sighed softly and laughed again, "But be careful, Fred dares to say that he definitely dares to do it."

"So I'm here to please you, if you reconcile with him, he should be able to forgive my dragon for causing harm to his Bunny." Charlie showed a simple and honest smile , "I've seen that after you quarreled, he wanted to fill the mouth of every guy who came up to talk to him. I don't dare to mess with him."

"I don't want to think about this now, let me escape for a while, Charlie." Sylvia made a gesture of please, "The next game is coming in February, I Really tired."

"Listen to me, Searle. I know a lot of people have told you that you are very important to Fred." Charlie sat closer and lowered his voice, "But I think there is something you must know."

"..." Sylvia didn't speak, just listened quietly. She was always open to anyone who wanted to share about Fred.

"Fred and George are very naughty children, although you have always been a genius." Charlie seems to have found a very good beginning for himself, "I am their brother, I am Watching them get into trouble and beatings from childhood, time and time again, these bad habits and tricks will never change. They are definitely the most troublesome children in our family, but they would love to hear your opinion, which is really true for us It's a miracle."

"Don't give me these titles, Charlie."

"No no, I meant to say...Sill, you are definitely a very special person." Charlie took the right to speak back, "They like to tease people and take pride in .So they have always had their own tempers and personalities. They are twins and have been together since birth in everything. It also means that no one can take their place for each other, and we brothers can never play with them. It's hot. Hey... are you all right?"

Charlie noticed that Sylvia's eyes were red, although he didn't know that the girl thought of some bad possibilities in the future because of hearing a certain sentence.

"I mean, I always thought they wouldn't accept anyone next to them. But you showed up and you fit in with them. George told me he was glad you understood them, Support them. Yeah, George is always more empathetic, but you know Fred isn't one of those characters." Charlie said it clearly, like a reminder, "Fred never He won't take the initiative to care about others, but he spends more on you than his tricks."

Seeing that she didn't speak, Charlie continued: "You should really see the smiling face he usually talks about you at home. And every time you come to our house, that stinky boy will force George Clean up the room. And when he went to Egypt, he was going to great lengths to pick out presents for you."

"Anyway...Thank you for telling me this." Sylvia touched the necklace on her chest, patted her buttocks and stood up, "I think I'll go back first."

"I'll take you?"

"I know Hogwarts better than you."

Sylvia pursed her lips, and her mood became complicated again. She kissed her dragon again and stroked its big face.

"Eh." Charlie suddenly thought of something and laughed, "He has a gift, you remember to ask for it back. Two years ago he wrote me to help him get some dragons to replace. teeth."

"What?" Sylvia was stunned.

"He made you a pair of earrings, and he said you said it was cool." Charlie pointed to the two airship lees on her ears, "I think if he gave you It will be worn, and it is estimated that it was not sent for some reason."

"Is he an idiot?" Sylvia snorted, covered her mouth, raised her head and turned around, "He's playing with me again? Be sure to give it to me The best? Don't give the gift if it's not new enough?"

"It's irritating, isn't it? Hurry up and get it back." Charlie smiled and walked towards its cage with Jamie.


Sylvia rubbed her head depressedly, and walked towards the castle.

Stupid! Why not learn but learn this! Why does such a direct guy hide all his thoughts? If you don't say, how will I know? Isn't that outright stupid?

"I rely on..." When Sylvia passed by the Black Lake, Yu Guang glanced at a white figure, and was shocked to realize that someone was sitting there.

"Is it almost curfew at this point? Isn't it cold... Leah?" Sylvia rubbed her eyes to confirm that she was not wrong, so she walked over, "Ah Storia Greengrass!"

"Ciel?" Astoria heard the sound and looked over, the moonlight left layers of shimmer on her beautiful eyes.

"Are you crazy? Miss Greengrass? It's November! Isn't your lounge better than this?" Sylvia said and sat down beside her, "You What is one doing here?"

"Fengya's robes are very warm." Astoria pointed to the white robes on her body, "And aren't you very good at fire? Draco couldn't help it. Say something about Merlin's beard!"

Sylvia narrowed her eyes and lit a flame in front of them, confirming that it was winter. "So, why are you here alone?" she continued.

"I'm not happy." Astoria pursed her lips slightly, resting her chin on her lap.

"Would you like to talk to me?" Sylvia wanted to appear more reliable, so she slowed down her tone.

"You know, there's a dance at Christmas." Astoria shrugged and turned to see Sylvia's wide eyes, "Oh, I forgot, you Probably not. Uncle Lucius always knows a lot in advance, and Draco will tell us."

"Ah..." Sylvia sucked in a breath, she seemed to have completely forgotten about it.

"You can laugh at me." Astoria returned her gaze to the calm lake, "I hope Draco can invite me to the dance."

"You think he'll invite Pansy Parkinson?" Sylvia nodded solemnly.

"Even you can tell." Astoria looked even more unhappy, "You can tell that Draco likes Pansy more, right?"

"No!" Sylvia didn't know why she was so sure, but from her years of experience dealing with girls, she should immediately object, "I mean...I don't know Della at all. Who Ke likes, I haven't gotten to know him to this level yet. But I think if I were him, I would definitely invite you! Wouldn't that be a big idiot if you don't want such a good girl?"

Yes! Big fool Draco Malfoy!

Boys are idiots!

"Sometimes I envy you." Astoria smiled, "Draco and I have known each other since childhood, but not as close as you and your friends. Then I It starts to wonder why my parents feel like we should only be friends with purebloods. Sometimes, I don't even feel like we're friends."

"Of course you are friends, Leah." Sylvia didn't know what to say.

"You know what? That strange feeling. We often have tea parties and dinners. I have a normal relationship with Pansy, but she never misses my birthday ball." Astori Ya pointed to Sylvia, "And I like you very much as a friend, but I can't say that I want to invite Miss Tonks. You will definitely be embarrassed when you come, which is also what I don't want to see."

"You have to sacrifice what you get. We are all living in the prejudice left by the times. Some people desperately want to escape, and some people try their best to enter." Sylvia said softly, "Leah, you're pretty smart, and you're good at this."

"Yeah...there's always something to lose...Draco mentions you in the first place, and I'm shocked." Astoria murmured, "I'm always thinking about someone being beaten by Malfoy. How nasty is the spitting relative to be brought up repeatedly by Draco? It wasn't until I met you that I understood, and even understood why Draco's temper improved so much. Especially when I heard that you were rescued by Moody's When I met him, he thanked you in his heart, and I admired you in my heart." She said and shrugged: "Don't think that Draco seems to be very popular, many people secretly say that he is arrogant. Of course they Don't tell me because I'm bound to get angry. But sometimes I hear Daphne mention it."

"Pancy likes Malfoy and you like Draco." Sylvia patted her on the shoulder.

"No." Astoria smiled and looked at her, "I like Draco Malfoy."

"Yes, I should have thought so." Sylvia often lamented that these pure bloods were very shrewd at a young age. They can understand many truths very early, and they have to dabble in many situations very early.

"I heard Daphne say that Pansy and Draco are arguing more and more." Astoria stopped her smile and returned to a calm demeanor, "I know I It's not kind, and I'm thinking that maybe my chance is here. But I don't want to be the replacement for their bad relationship."

"You are definitely not a substitute." Sylvia said hurriedly, "Draco is definitely a very single-minded person, if he chooses you, he will cherish you very much."

"How do you know?" Astoria chuckled.

"Because he's dead brains." Sylvia also laughed, "I think he has his own set of human feelings. I dare to say that for him, you It must be very important."

"We've known each other for so many years, he doesn't even know what I like." Astoria shook his head, "Every birthday I get a dress, brooch, high heels... But he doesn't even know what I like. I don't even know the colors I like, I said so."

"That's why I said he's an idiot." Sylvia sighed, wanting to have a fight with Draco now.

"You know... it's a happy thing for someone you like to take what you said to heart." Astoria said, Sylvia's eyes snapped. Shen. And Miss Greengrass also sighed softly and stood up slowly: "I just ran out because I was a little sad, and I didn't want to be nagged by Daphne. Thank you for listening to me nagging a lot."

"Leah, can you make a bet with me?" Sylvia paused and stood up, "You bet me that Draco will invite you, and I bet He will not."

"What?" Astoria was stunned.

"Because I always lose bets." Sylvia laughed, "You won my summer vacation to take you to some good places to play, I won your summer vacation to accompany me to some good places How about playing?"

"Does that make a difference?" she laughed.

"Yes." Sylvia pulled her wrist and walked towards the castle together, and as they left, the flames gradually disappeared, "If you win, I have to invite you, then You can take Draco with you, and if you lose, you can't take him, who made him lose your bet?"

And Astoria didn't say anything, just smiled sweetly.

It was only when Sylvia returned to the common room that she realized the extent of the sleepless night. All kinds of desserts are piled on the table and chairs, and there are also pots of pumpkin juice and butter beer.

"Hey!" Seeing Sylvia entering the door, Lee immediately lit a Felix fireworks, "Make some noise for our warrior lady! Friends!" , everyone stopped the original action and cheered.

"To Sylvia Tonks!" Lee interrupted the cheers and shouted, "To the bravest Gryffindor girl! To the most powerful flame! To my dear buddies, help me catch the goddess!"

"You can come down!" Sylvia couldn't help laughing.

"Bring us something! Miss Warrior!" Li said excitedly, "But don't want the golden eggs, we have already suffered."

Sylvia said nothing, drew her wand and pointed at the fire in the fireplace, making it burn violently. But she did not expect Kenneth to pluck the strings of the guitar at this time. She looked at her friend in surprise, waved her wand and made the flames dance to the melody, and the crowd danced to the music.

"It's crazy..." Sylvia looked at the scene in front of her, put away her wand, and couldn't help laughing.

"Who said it wasn't?" Angelina hugged Sylvia, "You have scars on your face!" Fred heard this and looked up immediately.

"Let Madam Pomfrey help you find a solution." Arya also came over and pushed Sylvia's bangs away.

"It's called a broken eyebrow, it's so handsome, I can't ask for it." Sylvia pointed to her forehead and smiled proudly, "I have one more mark representing my glory, isn't it? ?"

"I think—" Patricia suddenly put on Sylvia's shoulder, "Your two brothers have been watching us for a long time, do you want to express it."

"You also missed one of their shows. They both made Neville feathered!" Emily laughed, "Just promoting their canary biscuits. "

Sylvia looked at Fred and George, thought for a moment for two seconds, then stepped forward and pulled George's wrist aside: "Come here for me."

"Really or not? Are you looking for me?" George looked back at Fred, exchanged glances and then looked at Sylvia.

"Can't I find you? Is it a surprise?" Sylvia raised her eyebrows and leaned her arms against the wall to look at George.

"Of course it's a surprise." George pouted, looking extremely aggrieved, "After you ignored Fred, even I didn't care."

"You...I..." Sylvia felt a little embarrassed for a while, "I, I, I have something to ask you!"

"Oh?" George's eyes were glowing, "What question? What do you want to ask me? Hurry up and ask!"

"Did Fred make me a pair of earrings out of dragon teeth? Why didn't you give them away?" Sylvia gave Fred a sideways glance, and the guy looked pretentiously here for a long time .

"Pfft!" George suddenly covered his mouth and tried to hold back his laughter, which was a reaction that Sylvia did not expect at all.

"What are you laughing at..." Sylvia frowned and lowered her voice, "I asked you something!"

", no, no..." George was shaking, clutching his stomach and bending over, "How did you know this? Charlie?"

"Charlie." After Sylvia said the answer, George laughed even more, "Are you finished laughing? Would you like me to punch you sober? Answer my question."

"I'm sorry." George stopped his smile calmly, "Ask me again."

"Why didn't Fred prepare a present for me?" Sylvia asked again with great cooperation.

"Because that earring is so ugly." After George finished speaking, he couldn't help laughing again.

"What?" Sylvia was amused and speechless, "Because..."

Too ugly?

"It's definitely a slap in the face of Fred Weasley's humiliating history." George explained while holding back his laughter, "It's ugly! It's really ugly!"

"..." Sylvia sighed softly, but couldn't help but let out a smile, "Eh, eh, stop for a minute, baby. If you die laughing, I'll take it What to pay to Aunt Molly?"

"Don't call me baby, Fred will kill me." George regained his expression and stood up straight in front of Sylvia, "Anything else? Miss Warrior? "

"Since Fred doesn't want to say it, don't let him know that I know, okay?" Sylvia asked softly.

"I'm very happy, Searle." George showed a relieved smile, "You always take Fred's face very seriously, you know that guy needs this."

"Okay." Sylvia smiled helplessly, "Nothing happened, okay?" She patted George on the shoulder and walked through the crowd to the dormitory go.

I'm not mistaken, he is indeed an idiot.

The author has something to say:

A large part of the knives the twins gave me was because they were not ordinary twins. I know a lot of twins and have twin relatives, and Fred and George are closer than all the twins I know. In fact, it can be seen that they are not very close to their other brothers, including their good buddy Li. In fact, there are not many plots describing playing together. Fred and George seem to be doing everything together. No one can understand their world except each other.

Remember that Searle said the dragon tooth earrings are handsome? Fred remembers! Hahahahaha I guess everyone doesn't remember this very much, in short, it's sugar!

Here, there is no Depin, my friends. Everyone may have different opinions, but in my opinion Pansy is a very flat character, and I have no feelings or even disgust for this girl anyway.

Isn't the Marauder's map a solid proof to capture Barty?

I feel like I answered this question before when I was Peter

First of all, I don't know what everyone thinks, but I didn't think about it because it didn't make sense. There are so many people in the school, and a map is densely populated with names. Unless you deliberately find someone, it is difficult to pay attention to a name, right? And Barty has the same name as his dad. Old Barty is a referee, and it is normal even in school. How could a normal person think there? And these young kids don't even know about Barty Jr. That's why Searle didn't testify directly at first, and she didn't dare to act rashly after being targeted. You see, where Barty faced off, she also expressed her concerns in the conversation with Fred. With Barty Jr.'s character exposed, shouldn't he drag someone to death? In short, the price is too high, I don't think it's that easy.

And I don't want the Marauder map to be confiscated. This is the product of predators. The Ministry of Magic will definitely confiscate it. As for what Lao Deng will do, it is uncertain. After all, Marauder's map is still very useful to Harry in the later stage.

Although I said a lot, but I really thought about the lack of Internet from the beginning, I think it makes sense

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Say 24 bottles; 20 bottles of chaotic biscuits; 6 bottles of Yayoi; A violet, 1 bottle of vinyl chloride;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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