MTL - HP Dear Miss Freak-Chapter 3 3. The Branch and Gryffindor

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"Sylvia didn't expect the Sorting Hat to throw her to Gryffindor without hesitation."

As Sylvia expected, it was Professor McGonagall who brought the freshman into the auditorium. She jumped and followed the army forward, completely unable to restrain her excitement.

Students from other grades of the college were already sitting around four long tables. Above the auditorium are thousands of candles floating in the air, four long tables with shining gold plates and goblets, and another long table on the table directly in front, which is the seat of the teachers .

Professor McGonagall brought the first-year students to the front and stopped, and asked them to line up facing all the seniors. Sylvia looked up subconsciously, only to see the velvet-black ceiling glittering with stars.

"It's so beautiful." Sylvia couldn't help but admire.

"I thought it was open air," said the girl behind her, a girl with long brown hair. She looks so good. Sylvia's eyes lit up. The other freshmen also chattered about it. Sylvia felt very happy when she thought of getting to know so many children.

Professor McGonagall gently placed a four-legged stool in front of the freshman, and placed a top wizard hat on the stool. The hat was patched, worn, and very dirty. Sylvia immediately understood that it was the Sorting Hat.

"Look, there's a broken hat there." "We're not going to duel with that broken hat." Fred and George laughed at Sylvia's left, "Maybe Want us to transform the hat? That stupid mouse that turned into Percy?" "Maybe we'll cast a spell on the hat to grow spider feet?" the two of them were still singing together.

Ron had a hard time. Sylvia thought, it looks like she'll have to be nicer to Ron in the future.

"Will you?" Li asked.

"No way." They both said in unison.

"Sylvia, will you?" Li looked at Sylvia.

"No way." Sylvia said confidently.

"Why aren't you nervous? What if it really is a duel with the hat?" Li asked nervously.

"That would be interesting," Fred said excitedly.

The Sorting Hat suddenly sang.

"Singing in the shower with Percy," said George with a smile.

"Better than Percy." Fred laughed too.

The Sorting Hat finished singing, Professor McGonagall took out a long roll of parchment: "Whoever name I call now will put on the hat, sit on the stool, and wait for the sorting. ."

"Wear a hat?" Li was still nervous.

"Don't be nervous, Li." Sylvia patted him on the shoulder, "At most, it ate your head."

"Are you the devil?" Li looked at Sylvia in horror.

“Look at everyone here, even if you eat it, it will be returned to you.” Sylvia said with a smile.

The tension eases after a boy is put on a sorting hat and is sorted into Ravenclaw. Li, in particular, was visibly relieved.

"Why are you not surprised at all? It's so simple?" Li looked at them.

"Because I know." The three of them said in unison.

"You know?" Li's eyes widened, "Then you guys just played me together!"

"We didn't collude." Fred showed an innocent expression.

"Sylvia, you are very good." George smiled and patted Sylvia on the shoulder.

I didn't expect the three of us to have such a tacit understanding. Sylvia thought, and secretly high-fives with the two of them.

"Rebecca Abbott," said Professor McGonagall. Hey, so there is still a big Aibo? Sylvia watched the pretty girl behind her sit on the four-cornered stool.

"How about we make a bet?" Fred leaned forward.

“How to play?” Sylvia asked immediately.

"Guess the last one. How about betting on a silver xike? It's our tradition." George asked.

"Okay." Sylvia looked at the boys.

"I will not participate." Li said, "I don't have that much pocket money."

"Looks like it's our game, Sylvia." Fred said and moved closer to her, their arms pressed together through the robes.

"George isn't involved?" Sylvia asked.

"George and I are on one side no matter what. Understand?" Fred said.

"I guess Hufflepuff," Sylvia said immediately.

"I guess Gryffindor," Fred said.

"Hufflepuff!" shouted the Sorting Hat. Fred clicked his tongue, and Sylvia looked at him smugly.

"1:0." George said beside Fred.

"Roger Davis." Ha! An acquaintance again.

"Gryffindor," Fred said.

"You had to hang on a tree, didn't you?" Sylvia laughed, "Ravenclaw."


"Ravenclaw!" Before Fred could say anything, the Sorting Hat announced the results.

"Merlin's beard, how did you know?" Li said, and Fred also stared at her with wide eyes.

"A woman's intuition." Sylvia said with a smile.

But the next Slytherin girl and Hufflepuff boy she didn't know and guessed wrong, and Fred guessed right, he gave Sylvia a smug look , Sylvia raised her eyebrows indifferently.

"2:2." George seemed more interested than the two contestants.

"Cedric Diggory." Sylvia was quickly attracted by the name, and the tall handsome boy walked to the four-cornered stool.

It's Cedric! Oh my God! He is so good looking! I forgot that Cedric and I were in the same grade. Sylvia felt herself jumping with excitement.

"Eh! What's the daze?" Fred slammed into Sylvia, and she almost lost her footing, "I said I guessed it was Hufflepuff. Did you hear that? "

"I guess Hufflepuff too." Sylvia didn't take her eyes off Cedric.

"You also think that guy looks like an honest and stupid big man?" Fred laughed.

"Where does he look stupid?" She looked at Fred in dissatisfaction.

"Hufflepuff!" said the Sorting Hat, and the two exchanged glances.

"Angelina Johnson." Sylvia watched the black-skinned girl with a familiar name walking towards the four-corner stool dashingly. "She's so pretty," she murmured.

"Indeed." Fred nodded.

Of course you look good, this is your future girlfriend. No one noticed that Sylvia snorted softly.

"Gryffindor." Sylvia raised her eyebrows.

"I feel Gryffindor too," Fred said. It turns out Angelina is a Gryffindor.

"Lee Jordan."

"I'm going, brothers." Lee said and walked towards the Sorting Hat.

"Gryffindor," Fred said, "I wish we were all in Gryffindor."

"I guess Gryffindor too," Sylvia said. It turned out to be Gryffindor.

"We must be in Gryffindor, you are the only one missing." George looked at Sylvia.

"Well, if it's what you said about the family genetic division, I can only be in Slytherin or Hufflepuff." Cedric at the table.

After several rounds of sorting, the final score was 6:6. Robert Foley, Kenneth Toller, Patricia Stinson and Emily Smith were assigned to Gryffindor.

There are still unfamiliar faces.

Alia Spinnett went to Gryffindor as expected. Sylvia looked at the girls who were getting together and talking with a yearning.

"Sylvia Tonks." Professor McGonagall read Sylvia's name.

"You get one point for guessing this time." She said softly and walked forward.

"Gryffindor!" Fred whispered.

Sylvia sat on the four-cornered stool, the sorting hat covering her head. "Oh! What an interesting soul. A restless child. Brave, upright, and unique." That's what it feels like to wear the Sorting Hat, "Gryffindor!"

Huh? how so fast? Sylvia was a little surprised by the excited eyes of Fred and George.

In the cheers of the Gryffindor long table, she walked to the long table in a daze. This is too fast! I haven't had time to talk to it yet! Am I the Gryffindor version of Draco Malfoy? Sylvia was stunned, am I so reckless?

Li excitedly gave Sylvia a high five across the table. She sat down beside Arya, first shook hands with the girls, and then greeted everyone one by one. The atmosphere in Gryffindor is really good.

"Angelina Johnson." Angelina also held out her hand. She is really good-looking, she is only eleven years old, and she already shows her outstanding figure. This leg length ratio is not a joke, right? Sylvia quickly looked back.

"Angelina, you are so charming." She said bluntly, but she accidentally blurted it out.

Angelina seemed stunned, but immediately laughed: "You are too direct."

"Scared you?" Sylvia asked.

"Of course not. Thank you." She laughed, looking even more charming.

Soon, Fred and George were assigned to Gryffindor. The two of them jumped to the Gryffindor table, came to Sylvia's side and patted her on the shoulder sharply.

"Let's make it," Fred said. After Sylvia moved to the other side, he quickly sat between her and Arya, and George sat on the other side of Sylvia.

"Look at Fred, sitting in the girl group so aggressively." Sylvia whispered to George. Fred patted her on the shoulder again: "A silver xike, don't be fooled."

"Got it." Sylvia looked at him, "It's you."

"Fred. George." A burly red-haired boy waved here.

"Hi! Charlie!" Fred and George waved at the same time.

"That's your brother Charlie?" Sylvia asked, is this the second brother, the most mysterious dragon-raiser!

"Yeah." "He's super cool." They both looked at her.

"See that stinky guy?" Fred pointed to the tall, thin boy not far away, and he also waved to Fred and George Waving but not as enthusiastic, or not at all.

"That's our mother's favorite Percy." George said sullenly.

"Everybody's favorite Percy." Frey rolled his eyes.

"Welcome!" An elder stood up and shouted, "Welcome to Hogwarts to start the new school year! Before the banquet begins, I would like to say a few words, That's it: Idiot! Cry! Scum! Screw! Thank you!" He sat down again. Everyone applauded and cheered.

Professor Dumbledore. Sylvia suddenly showed a smile, that was Professor Dumbledore. The moment his eyes met Sylvia, he smiled kindly. Probably because Sylvia giggled like a little fan who admired him?

At this time, the long table was covered with all kinds of food, and Fred and George had already started eating.

"See that idiot who's been trying to give me a pinky thumb?" Sylvia looked at the Hufflepuff table, "Officially introduce, that's my stupid sister, Nicky. Fadora Tonks."

"Her blue hair is so cool." Fred praised.

"It doesn't suit her at all, okay?" Sylvia rolled her eyes.

"Why don't you have blue hair?" George looked at her.

"I don't want her blue, it's stupid." Sylvia shook her head.

"If you meet, don't call her Nymphadora, she doesn't like it very much." Sylvia reminded while eating mashed potatoes.

"Why?" they both asked.

"Her name is a bit similar to some bad words," Sylvia said.

The two of them suddenly realized. "What do you call her then?" Fred asked.

"I call her old witch, old auntie, stupid, pig-headed, stupid, good sister, heartless baby...I call her whatever I think of." Sylvia said, and they both laughed, "Her friend We just call her Tonks, I usually call her Dora."

"Looks like you're on good terms." "Like us and our little Ronnie." They both held their heads up.

"Little Ronnie? Your brother?" Sylvia secretly felt sorry for Ron.

"Yeah." They both nodded and said, "He's our favorite baby brother."

Sylvia looked at the teachers at the long table while eating mashed potatoes. The man in the black robe must be Professor Snape.

My favorite Professor Snape!

Sylvia looked at him, and she closed her eyes again before he looked unhappy here.

"What are you looking at?" Lee asked, and Sylvia realized that he was looking at her.

"Let's see which hapless professors are going to teach me." She said cheerfully.

"What hapless professors will teach us." Fred and George began a duet.

"Hey! First-year students!" A ghost emerged from the table, which really startled Sylvia, and the chicken wings in her hand fell to the plate with a clatter. Fred and George both laughed when they looked at her. "I know it's funny." Sylvia rolled her eyes.

"I'm Earl Nicholas." He introduced himself to everyone, "Of course many people call me Nick with almost headless."

"Almost headless?" Fred asked.

"Where?" George asked.

In front of everyone, Count Nicholas abruptly pulled his head from his neck to his shoulders, leaving only a thin layer of skin attached, and the freshmen were frightened. "I don't want to scare you," said Earl Nicholas. "I hope we can win the House Cup, after all, Slytherin has won it for four years."

"I believe it will be ours soon." Sylvia said, continuing to eat the chicken wings in her hand. It will be ours in at least two years. She is very determined.

"How do you know? It's also a woman's intuition?" Li asked.

"Of course I have to say something auspicious at the beginning of school." Sylvia raised her eyebrows.

When every plate was clean, Dumbledore stood up again, and silence returned to the dining room.

"Oh, now that the meal is over, I want to say a few more words to everyone. At the beginning of the new semester, I want to give you a few notes. First-year students pay attention, the woods on campus are the same Students are prohibited from entering."

"I will definitely go in." Sylvia whispered.

"I want to go together." Fred and George said at the same time.

"Mr. Filch, the administrator, also wants me to remind everyone not to use magic in the corridor between classes." Filch and his Norris stood at the side of the auditorium with fierce eyes lady.

"As long as he sees it, it'll be fine, right?" Sylvia whispered again.

"That's the truth." The two of them smiled and agreed.

“The vetting of Quidditch players will be held in the second week of this term. Anyone who is interested in participating in the academy team, please contact Mrs. Hooch.”

"Why can't I enroll in the first grade?" Fred said dissatisfied. "We fly no worse than the seniors." George said dissatisfiedly.

"Next year will be very fast." Sylvia comforted.

"Can you play Quidditch?" Fred asked.

"Yes." She nodded.

"I didn't expect us to get along so well, friend." George patted her on the shoulder.

"Before everyone goes to bed, let's sing the school song together!" Dumbledore exclaimed, "Everyone can choose their own tune."

Fred and George are having a blast. "I think it's time to show our musical creativity, George." "Let's think about how to be an eye-opener, Fred," they exclaimed, rubbing their hands together.

“How about the tune of the Funeral March?” Sylvia said, and they both looked at her at the same time.

"It can't be better!" they exclaimed suddenly, taking the lead in singing loudly in the tune of "Funeral March." Sylvia also sang along without shame.

"Aren't you three really triplets?" Li frowned and looked at them. But they ignored him and sang the school song calmly. Dumbledore even gave them a short command before letting everyone go back to rest.

"Freshman, come with me." Charlie stood up. Fred and George took Sylvia by one hand and walked towards Charlie.

"Charlie is the prefect." "He can cover us," they both said excitedly.

"Really? Can he cover you up if something happens?" Sylvia asked.

"Of course." "Since childhood." They both said with a smile.

"It's good, if I do something, Dora must be the first to sue Mom." Sylvia said speechlessly, "Two or five boys."

"So does our good brother Percy." "He always has a lot of reasons for Mom to discipline us, and we think it's him that's the most wrong," they both said angrily.

"I can hear it." Percy's voice sounded beside them.

"Hi! Percy! Are you in a hurry to date the thesis today?" "Still busy producing a small thesis? I wish you happiness." They both said with a mean laugh. Percy muttered something and hurried away impatiently.

"Hey don't go so fast. You can't forget me?" Li quickly followed.

"Sure. Dude." Fred took his shoulder. "We are the best buddies." George said with a smile.

"We? Am I not your big brother?" Sylvia laughed.

"It's not your turn, girl." Fred looked at Sylvia.

"You guys are not as old as me, right?" Sylvia smiled smugly, "My birthday is on September 22, which means I will be twelve years old soon. ."

The three of them sank. "A leader doesn't come by age." George raised his eyebrows.

"Don't worry, I believe it here." Sylvia pointed to her head, "I'm also the strongest." After she said that, she rushed forward quickly, letting the twins get away with it. Fred and George were just about to get her up.

When she came to the door of the common room, the fat lady seemed to be radiant as if she had specially groomed for the welcome. "We change our passwords on the bulletin board every two weeks. This time: the lion," Charlie said, leading the freshmen into the common room.

Sylvia quickly found her dorm and met the four freshman girls.

"It's great, I think a lot of people make it fun, don't you?" Angelina said with a smile.

"It's so comfortable, I think I'm in love with our dorm." Arya was already on her bed.

Four-poster bed with a crimson flannel drapery. Sylvia quickly threw herself on the bed: "This will be my happy home from now on!" The other girls all laughed.

Of course, it's not that easy to fall asleep in a girl's dormitory, and this is the first day here, they talk from family to hobbies and then to the type of boy they like.

It seems that girls in every world are like this, they are all so cute. Sylvia thought so and entered a dream.

The author has something to say:

Finally, finally, finally, I finally wrote about the start of school!

I didn’t expect to write three chapters before the start of school hahahaha

It will be a long, long, long, long time before the appearance of the second male

Well, I like to lay a little foreshadowing, I hope it can bring a good response.

I don't know if my writing is interesting, so give me a lot of comments wow!