MTL - Human Greed-Chapter 15 care

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Su Yi's calls became more and more fluent. When I was eating, my wife would help me get some vinegar. When I was buying cosmetics, I asked Xu Ruoxing, "Wife, which one looks better?" Go to the supermarket and call Xu Ruoxing, wife, what do you want to eat tonight?

Xu Ruoxing listened to it all day yesterday, and just tried to correct it, but Su Yi didn't give her a chance, so it's not a big deal, it's just a title, besides, they introduced me as my wife and wife, it's not too abrupt, it's just a private call , really gave Xu Ruoxing the illusion.

It seems that they really married for love, very sweet.

After coming out of the supermarket, Xu Ruoxing and Su Yi both had two bags in their hands. They bought vegetables for tonight and fruits. She was afraid that Su Yi would be tired, so she wanted to take the heavier fruits in her hands. Yi didn't agree: "I'll carry it, it's not heavy."

She nodded when she saw that Su Yi really didn't have a struggling expression.

From the supermarket to the two streets of their community, it may be hot, there are no people on the road, only a few children running around, their faces are flushed by the scorching sun, and a gust of hot wind blows up when they pass by, Xu Ruoxing and Su Yi go Under the tree, in the shade, Su Yi said, "Is it hot?"

After she finished speaking, her eyes drifted towards the milk tea shop next to her, Xu Ruoxing smiled: "Want a cold drink?"

Su Yi nodded.

Xu Ruoxing said, "I'll go buy it."

Su Yi stood where she was, watching Xu Ruoxing put the supermarket convenience bag under the tree, covered her face with her hands and walked to the milk tea shop, she shouted: "I want to add ice!"

Xu Ruoxing turned his head: "Understood."

After she finished speaking, she looked at Su Yi. There were four bags at Su Yi's feet. She fanned the wind with her right hand and blew her bangs. Most comfortable together."

She was puzzled: "how to say?"

Li Chen clapped his hands: "The air conditioner doesn't even need to work! The doll makes a refrigerator!"

She was amused, and thought about it, Su Yi is really, always together is cold and indifferent, covered with frost, she never gets close to others, and does not allow others to approach, although communicating with her is not as exaggerated as Li Chen, But it's not far from ten.

At that time, Su Yi was indeed indifferent.

"Miss, there are twenty-three in total." The clerk pointed to the payment code: "You pay here."

Xu Ruoxing came back to his senses, and after scanning the QR code to pay, he walked quickly to Su Yi's side. Su Yi took a sip of the cold drink, and then said contentedly, "That's great."

It's pretty good, what Su Yi has to say now is much better than before.

At least, she looks much happier.

Su Yi drank half of it, handed the drink to Xu Ruoxing, and said, "Hold it for me, I'll carry it."

After she finished speaking, she wanted to carry two bags in one hand, but Xu Ruoxing didn't agree, she carried two bags, and she carried the drink in her left hand. Su Yi's hands were heavy vegetables and my fruit bag, Su Yi said: "It's okay."

After she finished speaking, she called out, "wife."

Xu Ruoxing turned her head, Su Yi walked from Xu Ruoxing's right hand side to her left hand side, lowered her head, Xu Ruoxing saw that she raised the drink cup in a timely manner, Su Yi drank the cold drink from Xu Ruoxing's hand, her cheek skin touched Xu Ruoxing's On the fingers, it was indescribably dry and hot.

I don't know if it's because the weather is too hot or my cheeks are too hot, or maybe my fingers are hot.

Xu Ruoxing didn't look at her, but from the corner of her eye, she took a look at Su Yi's little actions. She puffed out her mouth after drinking too much, like a small animal, and was quite cute. The smile in her eyes deepened.

At the house, Su Yi had finished drinking a glass of water, the cold drink soaked into her lungs, Su Yi's face was not so flushed, she put the things in the refrigerator and the cabinet above the kitchen, and put them one by one, as well as the ones they bought before. After picking up the unused set of bowls and chopsticks, Su Yi asked, "Did you choose this color?"

Xu Ruoxing said, "You chose."

Everything in the kitchen was chosen by Su Yi. She went on a business trip after they bought the wedding house. When she came back, Su Yi had almost added everything in the room. She also said to Xu Ruoxing: "If you need anything, you can add it yourself, or If you don't like it, replace it with the one you like."

She doesn't come to live here, it doesn't matter whether she likes it or not, so she hasn't changed anything in the house.

Su Yi smiled: "I like it."

Seeing her smiling, Xu Ruoxing squinted her eyes, with an expression she had never had before, and couldn't tell what she felt in her heart. She thought, the Su Yi in the past was really too restrained, even when she smiled, she refused to be seen.

It's completely different from now.

It's just a memory loss, and it's still a partial memory loss. Will there be such a big change? Or, is it Su Yi's subconscious that she also wants to be close to others?

Xu Ruoxing didn't know, no one could answer her this question.

Su Yi packed up the things in the kitchen, put the fruit in the refrigerator, and said, "We'll eat it later when we move back home."

Xu Ruoxing nodded, and went out with Su Yi.

Su Yi's residence is near Huaihai. She has been living here since she was poached from abroad for quite a long time. Xu Ruoxing had never been here before, so she thought that there were more things here than their wedding house. Unexpectedly, it was very simple, but there were two A big wardrobe, Su Yi said: "This is the clothes I designed before."

She is used to putting her work in a cabinet alone. There are not only the clothes she designed, but also the clothes she made herself. Xu Ruoxing nodded. Su Yi stood at the door of the cabinet and opened it. The clothes inside were quite impressive. The first one was in It was designed abroad and won an award at that time. The second piece was bought by Desina and is still on sale. The third - the fourth - she touched the clothes with her fingers and landed on the sixth one. A long white dress, a very simple style, with a fluffy skirt, sleeveless, with two golden belts on the chest, and on the sign with the introduction, there are only two words - Midsummer.

Su Yi doesn't remember this dress.

Seeing that she didn't move, Xu Ruoxing walked behind her and saw the dress. It was very elegant and the neckline design was a bit special. According to her way of looking at clothes, this dress would definitely become a bestseller. She asked Su Yi: "What do you want?" Designed?"

Su Yi shook her head slowly: "I don't remember."

She didn't remember this dress at all, and she didn't even remember what the meaning of the midsummer on it was, but the words were written by her, which was exactly the same as other clothes introducing clothes.

Xu Ruoxing said: "If you can't remember it, don't think about it."

Su Yi stood in front of the skirt, nodded, and suddenly said, "Wife, will you blame me?"

Xu Ruoxing was puzzled: "What?"

"If." Su Yi bit her lip: "If I still can't remember our affairs in the future, will you blame me?"

Just like this dress, she has no impression.

Xu Ruoxing was silent for a few seconds after hearing her words, and said, "I hope you can remember."

Su Yi didn't say a word.

Xu Ruoxing said again: "I won't blame you, but I think you will blame yourself."

What would it be like if Su Yi regained her memory and knew that she had become such a character, sticking to her everywhere? Must be very upset.

Perhaps, she will blame herself and resent herself.

"I'm blaming myself now." Su Yi said: "Why did I lose my memory, but I just forgot you. If I were you, I would be very angry."

She looked at Xu Ruoxing: "Don't blame me, okay?"

A pair of big eyes blinked at Xu Ruoxing, Xu Ruoxing felt sorry for her, and sighed softly when he heard her words: "I didn't blame you."

"Thank you, wife." Su Yi acted like a baby to her, smiling with narrowed eyes and a happy face, the former indifferent image was suddenly crushed by Su Yi in front of her.

Xu Ruoxing thought, even gods can't resist it.

She swallowed back what she wanted to say.

Su Yi talked to her a few words and began to pack things. Xu Ruoxing stood on the side to help. Su Yi had the most clothes, and the rest were two potted flowers on the balcony, some design items, and books on a bookshelf. Xu Ruoxing saw that she was so busy. Bending down, I couldn't help but say, "Bring some commonly used ones, and move slowly."

According to Su Yi's attitude, I'm afraid he wants to empty it all today.

Su Yi nodded after listening to her words, and finally chose some commonly used things, clothes, books, two potted flowers, design drafts, and her skin care products, packed two suitcases, and Su Yi almost couldn't move them when she got off the elevator , Xu Ruoxing helped her drag her into the car, and the two didn't go home but went directly to Xu Ruoxing's house.

Xu Ruoxing's house is much richer in comparison, and has everything, but Xu Ruoxing didn't bring anything, only a few changes of clothes and cosmetics, Su Yi was curious: "Don't you bring these?"

"No need." Xu Ruoxing said, "Let my assistant pick it up if necessary."

Su Yi let out an oh.

She looked at Xu Ruoxing: "Is your company very big?"

Xu Ruoxing turned to look at her and said, "Not as big as Huaihai."

Huaihai is an old domestic brand with a stable foundation and a wide audience. It has also cooperated with some well-known shopping malls for a long time. Every time it is opened in a conspicuous position, the price varies. There are high-end luxury models, light luxury models and low-priced models, so it is difficult to think about low sales. .

Their company didn't start for a long time, but taking advantage of the prosperity of the clothing industry, they developed very quickly. This time, they also successfully won the southeast market area. The prospect is very good. Xu Ruoxing has represented the upstarts in the industry twice to attend foreign clothing exhibitions up.

Su Yi said: "It doesn't matter, you will definitely be bigger than Huaihai in the future."

Childish dialogue.

Xu Ruoxing was amused, she nodded: "I accept your good words."

Su Yi also seemed to find it funny, she lowered her head, Xu Ruoxing's cell phone rang, she was startled when she saw the note flashing on the screen, then looked at Su Yi, Su Yi was helping her pack her things in the trunk, and didn't notice her phone.

Xu Ruoxing took two steps to the side, answered the phone: "Hello, Mom."

A woman's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Ruoxing, I heard that Su Changhe took over Huaihai's consulting job."

Xu Ruoxing pursed her lips and replied, "Yes."

The woman's voice was crisp and clear, mixed with force: "Do you want to hire me as a consultant?"

Although it was a question, she spoke with certainty, and Xu Ruoxing said in a calm tone, "Why?"

The woman said: "Su Changhe and the director of Beinan's law firm have been friends for many years. You don't think that he will betray Su Changhe and join forces with you if you give him some kindness over a meal?"

"Ruoxing, I know how to deal with Su Changhe, and only I can deal with Su Changhe."

Xu Ruoxing didn't say a word for a long time when he heard this sentence.

The woman couldn't help shouting: "Ruoxing?"

Xu Ruoxing said: "Mom, before I answered the phone, I was thinking..."

The woman asked, "What are you thinking?"

Xu Ruoxing said: "I was wondering if you are concerned about Su Yi's health when you call, and if you want to ask how she is doing now, is she feeling better?"

The woman was silent for two seconds.

Xu Ruoxing said, "You didn't."

"I..." Just as the woman opened her mouth, Xu Ruoxing hung up the phone.