MTL - Hunter: I’m Really Not a Mind Remover-Chapter 105 Is that him? How old is this? !

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   Chapter 105 Is that him? How old is this? !

   Normally, a meeting should not end so quickly.

   After thinking about it, Moyou pressed the ON button.

   Just as he put the phone to his ear, Pyorn's machine-gun-like sound came out of the handset first.

"Thank you for being able to answer the phone, otherwise I thought you met an 'enemy', so where did you go? Didn't I let you wait for me in the chair? Where are you now? I'll go look for you right now, No, it's you, come back to the association now, immediately, immediately!"

  Pyeon's voice was so loud that even Sambika, who was sitting across the table, could hear it clearly.

  Moyu smiled apologetically at Sambika, then put the phone to his ear and asked, "What, is there something important?"

   "Yes, it's related to 'Chu Nian'. It's inconvenient to talk too much on the phone. In short, hurry back to the association, I'll wait for you here at the door."

   "Understood, I'll go back right away."

"Hurry up!!"


  Moyu hung up the phone directly.

   After getting along in the past few days, it was the first time he saw Pyorn, who likes to spend time slowly, so eager.

   Thinking about it, there is indeed an urgent matter.

Does    have something to do with eliminating thoughts...

What is   ?

   Removing the thoughts from the swamp people?

  Moyu lowered his eyes, thinking.

  Sambica looked at Moyu who was thinking, and wanted to ask something, but in the end he was unable to speak.

   After counting the interest.

  Moyu looked up at Sambika and asked, "Are you full?"


  Sambika nodded slowly.

   "Put the card away first so that you don't forget it later."

  Moyo pointed to the bank card in front of Sambika.


   Sambika heard the words and put the bank card in his pocket.

   "Go back to the association now?"


   "Let's go then."


   No matter what Moyu said, Sambica only seemed to have a reaction of "agree".

   If the big wavy mature woman in the lab is here, she will be made speechless by Sambika again.

  Moyo and Sambika got up one after another.

   Before leaving the pasta shop, Moyou looked back at the many diners in the hall.

   There are more than a dozen marsh people in there...

   retracted his gaze, and Moyou left with a calm expression.

   If the Hunter Association can borrow his ability to identify swamp people, it should be able to control the surrounding swamp people in a short period of time.

   Can simultaneously—

   himself may also be exposed to the danger of "being caught and sliced ​​by the ferry bureau".

   With inexplicable thoughts, Moyu and Sambika returned to the Hunter Association Building all the way.

  Pjorn has been waiting in front of the gate for a long time, and it is rare that he did not pick up his mobile phone to play, and kept staring at the street in the distance.

   From this, I can understand her reaction on the phone.


  Pyeon, who had been staring at the street, finally saw Moyu who was walking from a distance.

   "Oh Huo?"

   It was just a surprise to her that Moyou was not alone?


   Looking at Sambica who was walking side by side with Moyu, Pyeon was a little surprised and surprised.

   Through that special dress style, she recognized Sambika at a glance.

  Suddenly, a pair of eyes moved back and forth between Moyu and Sambika like a scanner.

   That look and reaction is like an aunt who smells gossip.

   Until Moyu and Sambika came to the association building, Pyorn's scanning behavior still did not mean to restrain.

  Moyu was stared at and felt uncomfortable, and said helplessly: "Pyeon, you look like this, really like the kind of aunt who is keen to gossip on the streets."


   was called an aunt by Moyou, but Pyeon was not angry, and deliberately lengthened the ending.

The attributes of   yin and yang are undoubtedly revealed.

  Moyu didn't want to talk to her anymore, turned to look at Sambika, and said, "I'll leave it to you for the entrustment."

   "Okay, then I'll go first."

  Sambica was also stared at by Pyeon and felt uncomfortable. After talking to Moyu, he hurried into the building.

  Pyeon watched Sambika run away, then pushed Moyu with his elbow, and asked curiously, "When did you hook up?"

   "You mentioned removing thoughts on the phone, are you going to remove the thoughts from the 'Swamp People'?"

  Moyu just pretended he didn't hear Pyeon's question, and instead asked something related to Chunian.


  Pyeon snorted, but did not continue to gossip. He quickly switched characters, and said sternly:

"You guessed it, that's right... Just after the meeting, the first thing is to determine whether the Marsh people have the possibility of being 'cured'. As for the verification method, of course, it is to remove the mind, which is why I am anxious to call you back. s reason."


   Moyou was slightly startled.


   In the eyes of the bunny girl in front of her, she is a mind-eliminating teacher.

   Then, of course, he was included in the ranks of the call.

  Thinking of this, Mo You said slowly: "Pyeon, didn't I tell you... my half-hearted level of mind removal can only purify weak afterlife thoughts at most?"


   A question mark popped up in Pyeon's head, and then he said word by word: "I'm sure and sure, you didn't say such a thing!"

   "Then it's not too late for you to know now."


  Pjorn felt himself choked.

   can only purify weak thoughts after death...

   That means that Moyu's mind-dispelling ability doesn't help at all.

  Moyu looked at Pyeon with a disappointed face, pointed to the lobby inside the door, and asked, "I'm not the only one here, right?"

   "How could it be possible, there are already three mind-eliminating masters on standby."

   "Then what's with your disappointed reaction?"

   "Because I'm looking forward to your performance!"

  Pyeon rolled his eyes at him and sighed: "As a result, you will tell me that you can only deal with weak after-death thoughts, which disappoints me too much."


  Moyu was silent for a while and asked, "What I don't understand is, why do you expect my performance?"

   "Aren't you good at guessing?"

  Pyeon pouted: "Guess why I'm expecting your performance."


   Moyou pondered after hearing this.

  The reason I can think of is that Pjorn recommended him.

   So as long as he performs well, then as a recommender, Pyorn can follow suit and get corresponding credit?

  Thinking of this, Moyu didn't say anything, just stared at Pyeon with weird eyes.

   "Huh, come with me if you guess."

  Pyeon knew that Moyu had guessed it, so he didn't need to explain any more, he left a sentence and led the way.

  Moyou followed behind her and asked, "Didn't you just tell me? I can only deal with weak thoughts after death, so I can't help you much now, right?"


  Pyeon looked back at Mo You, and said angrily: "You are also a member of the team now, okay?"


  Moyu almost forgot about this.

  The two walked into the lobby and took the elevator to the thirteenth floor.

   Then, Pyeon led Moyu to a particularly spacious floor.

   at this moment.

The twelve Earthly Branch members of the    Hunter Association, and even the president Nitro, are all in this flat room.

   In addition, there are more than ten people with the ability to read.

   There should be three of them who are what Pyorn said.

   As Pyeon and Moyu walked into the room, all eyes gathered in an instant, focusing on Moyu without exception.

   "Is that him?"

   "How old are you?!"


   For a moment, most of the people present looked at Moyu in amazement.

   Facing the many looks mixed with surprise and disbelief cast on him at that moment, Moyu immediately realized that something was wrong.

  Moyu looked sharply at Pyorn.

   Then he saw—

  Pyeon took a step forward and introduced solemnly: "He is Kester."


   Moyou had only one sentence in his heart at the moment.

  Pyeon, you old sixth...!

   Special thanks to the leader of "Sail and set sail, long winds and waves" for the reward, thank you!

   Also thank you for your rewards:

1500 coins for Qingshan Xingyuan, 1500 coins for Canberra’s blacklist, 1500 coins for Qiwei, 600 coins for Datou Xiaowan ZI, 500 coins for Manship Qingmeng and Xinghe hzl, and 287 coins for Nai Bailai. 100 coins for book friend 20220128212529155, 100 coins for hobby cat ears, and 100 coins for book friend 20170720012115044.



   (end of this chapter)